コード例 #1
        public async Task Upload(Stream fromStream, string toPath, bool force, CancellationToken token)

            _logger.LogTrace($"{nameof(Upload)} from stream to {toPath}");

            DataLakeFileClient file = _fileSystem.GetFileClient(toPath);
            await file.UploadAsync(fromStream, force, token);
コード例 #2
        // </Snippet_UploadFile>


        #region Upload files to a directory in bulk

        // ---------------------------------------------------------
        // Upload files to the directory - bulk uploads

        // <Snippet_UploadFileBulk>
        public async Task UploadFileBulk(DataLakeFileSystemClient fileSystemClient)
            DataLakeDirectoryClient directoryClient =

            DataLakeFileClient fileClient = directoryClient.GetFileClient("uploaded-file.txt");

            FileStream fileStream =

            await fileClient.UploadAsync(fileStream);
コード例 #3
        public async Task Write(string path, byte[] data, bool force, CancellationToken token)
            .VerifyAssert(x => x.Length > 0, $"{nameof(data)} length must be greater then 0");

            _logger.LogTrace($"{nameof(Write)} to {path}");
            using var memoryBuffer = new MemoryStream(data.ToArray());

            DataLakeFileClient file = _fileSystem.GetFileClient(path);
            await file.UploadAsync(memoryBuffer, force, token);
コード例 #4
        public async Task ReadAsync()
            // Create a temporary Lorem Ipsum file on disk that we can upload
            string originalPath = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Get a temporary path on disk where we can download the file
            string downloadPath = CreateTempPath();

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-readasync" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-read"));
            await filesystem.CreateAsync();

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // First upload something the DataLake file so we have something to download
                await file.UploadAsync(File.OpenRead(originalPath));

                // Download the DataLake file's contents and save it to a file
                // The ReadAsync() API downloads a file in a single requests.
                // For large files, it may be faster to call ReadToAsync()
                Response <FileDownloadInfo> fileContents = await file.ReadAsync();

                using (FileStream stream = File.OpenWrite(downloadPath))

                // Verify the contents
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFileContent, File.ReadAllText(downloadPath));
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
                await filesystem.DeleteAsync();
コード例 #5
        public async Task ReadToAsync()
            // Create a temporary Lorem Ipsum file on disk that we can upload
            string originalPath = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent);

            // Get a temporary path on disk where we can download the file
            string downloadPath = CreateTempPath();

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;
            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Create DataLakeServiceClient using StorageSharedKeyCredentials
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-readasync" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-read"));
            await filesystem.CreateAsync();

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // First upload something the DataLake file so we have something to download
                await file.UploadAsync(File.OpenRead(originalPath));

                // Download the DataLake file's contents directly to a file.
                // For larger files, ReadToAsync() will download the file in multiple parallel requests.
                await file.ReadToAsync(downloadPath);

                // Verify the contents
                Assert.AreEqual(SampleFileContent, File.ReadAllText(downloadPath));
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
                await filesystem.DeleteAsync();
コード例 #6
        public async Task UploadAsync()
            // Create three temporary Lorem Ipsum files on disk that we can upload
            int    contentLength     = 10;
            string sampleFileContent = CreateTempFile(SampleFileContent.Substring(0, contentLength));

            // Make StorageSharedKeyCredential to pass to the serviceClient
            string storageAccountName = StorageAccountName;
            string storageAccountKey  = StorageAccountKey;
            Uri    serviceUri         = StorageAccountBlobUri;

            StorageSharedKeyCredential sharedKeyCredential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential(storageAccountName, storageAccountKey);

            // Get a reference to a FileSystemClient
            DataLakeServiceClient serviceClient = new DataLakeServiceClient(serviceUri, sharedKeyCredential);

            // Get a reference to a filesystem named "sample-filesystem-appendasync" and then create it
            DataLakeFileSystemClient filesystem = serviceClient.GetFileSystemClient(Randomize("sample-filesystem-append"));
            await filesystem.CreateAsync();

                // Get a reference to a file named "sample-file" in a filesystem
                DataLakeFileClient file = filesystem.GetFileClient(Randomize("sample-file"));

                // Upload content to the file.  When using the Upload API, you don't need to create the file first.
                // If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.
                // For larger files, Upload() will upload the file in multiple parallel requests.
                await file.UploadAsync(File.OpenRead(sampleFileContent));

                // Verify the contents of the file
                PathProperties properties = await file.GetPropertiesAsync();

                Assert.AreEqual(contentLength, properties.ContentLength);
                // Clean up after the test when we're finished
                await filesystem.DeleteAsync();
コード例 #7
        static async Task UploadSampleDataIfNotExistsAsync(string localDirectory, DataLakeDirectoryClient directoryClient)
            // Upload all sample data files in this directory
            foreach (string filePath in Directory.GetFiles(localDirectory))
                string             fileName   = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                DataLakeFileClient fileClient = directoryClient.GetFileClient(fileName);
                if (!await fileClient.ExistsAsync())
                    await fileClient.UploadAsync(filePath);

            // Recursively create subdirectories, and upload all sample data files in those subdirectories
            foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(localDirectory))
                string directoryName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(directory);
                DataLakeDirectoryClient subDirectoryClient = directoryClient.GetSubDirectoryClient(directoryName);
                await subDirectoryClient.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
                await UploadSampleDataIfNotExistsAsync(directory, subDirectoryClient);
コード例 #8
        public static async Task OnFileCreated(
            [EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent eventGridEvent,
            [Blob("{data.url}", FileAccess.ReadWrite, Connection = "AzureWebJobsStorageInput")] Stream input,
            ILogger log)
                if (input != null)
                    var createdEvent = ((JObject)eventGridEvent.Data).ToObject <StorageBlobCreatedEventData>();

                    var blobName = GetBlobPathFromUrl(createdEvent.Url);

                    DataLakeFileClient dataLakeFileClient = new DataLakeFileClient(BLOB_OUTPUT_CONNECTION_STRING, "backup", blobName);
                    await dataLakeFileClient.UploadAsync(input, overwrite : true);
            catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #9
        public async Task Run([ServiceBusTrigger("datalake-create", Connection = "servicebusconnection")] Message message, ILogger log)
            //telemetryClient.TrackTrace($"CreateDirectory: Message {message.MessageId} dequeued. Attempt {message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount}");
            // amended in Github.com
            // parse incoming CreateRequest message
            string        payload = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(message.Body);
            CreateRequest request = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CreateRequest>(payload);

            log.LogInformation($"CreateDirectory: path:{request.Path} depth:{request.CurrentDepth} numDir:{request.NumberOfDirectories} numFiles:{request.NumberOfFiles} createDir:{request.CreateDirectories} CreateFiles:{request.CreateFiles}");
            telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"CreateDirectory called {request.DirectoryPattern}",
                                       new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "path", request.Path }, { "deliveryCount", message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount.ToString() }

            // using path, set where we are in terms of the current directory
            var directoryClient = createFileSystemClient.GetDirectoryClient(request.Path);

            // we are in a directory, so create the file for this directory
            if (request.CreateFiles == true)
                for (int i = 0; i < request.NumberOfFiles; i++)
                    var newFile = string.Format("{0}{1}.txt", request.FilePattern, i);
                    DataLakeFileClient fileClient = directoryClient.GetFileClient(newFile);
                    // test if this is another run and file exists already
                    if (await fileClient.ExistsAsync() == false)
                        var        binDirectory  = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); // get path of test file
                        var        rootDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(binDirectory, ".."));
                        FileStream fileStream    = File.OpenRead(rootDirectory + "/file-to-upload.txt");
                        var        response      = await fileClient.UploadAsync(fileStream, true);

                        if (response.GetRawResponse().Status == 200)
                            telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"File created {request.FilePattern}",
                                                       new Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "path", request.Path },
                                { "deliveryCount", message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount.ToString() },
                                { "response", response.ToString() }
                        if (request.CreateAcls == true)
                            // set ACLs for the file
                            IList <PathAccessControlItem> accessControlList = PathAccessControlExtensions.ParseAccessControlList("user::rwx,group::r-x,other::rw-");
                            await fileClient.SetAccessControlListAsync(accessControlList);

                            telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"File ACL created {request.FilePattern}");
                        telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"File exists {request.FilePattern}",
                                                   new Dictionary <string, string> {
                            { "path", request.Path },
                            { "deliveryCount", message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount.ToString() }

            // increment the depth, or it will never stop
            // if we are at the max path or I see the terminate flag, do nothing - your work here is complete
            if (request.CurrentDepth >= request.MaxDepth || TerminateCreate == "1")
                log.LogInformation($"CreateLakeFolder: Message {message.MessageId} dequeued.  No more to do");
                telemetryClient.TrackEvent("Nothing to do");

            if (request.CreateDirectories == true)
                // create a number of directories
                for (int i = 0; i < request.NumberOfDirectories; i++)
                    // create directory
                    var newDir   = string.Format("{0}{1}", request.DirectoryPattern, i);
                    var response = await directoryClient.CreateSubDirectoryAsync(newDir);

                    telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Directory created {request.DirectoryPattern}",
                                               new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "path", request.Path },
                        { "deliveryCount", message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount.ToString() },
                        { "response", response.ToString() }

                    if (request.CreateAcls == true)
                        // set ACL for the directory
                        IList <PathAccessControlItem> accessControlList = PathAccessControlExtensions.ParseAccessControlList("user::rwx,group::r-x,other::rw-");
                        await directoryClient.SetAccessControlListAsync(accessControlList);

                        telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Dir ACL created {request.FilePattern}");

                // create service bus messages for sub directories
                var requestPath = request.Path;
                for (int i = 0; i < request.NumberOfDirectories; i++)
                    var newDir = string.Format("{0}{1}", request.DirectoryPattern, i);
                    // send a service bus message with this new path
                    var childRequest = request;
                    childRequest.Path = requestPath + "/" + newDir; // new path
                    string  data       = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(childRequest);
                    Message newMessage = new Message(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data));
                    await _queueClient.SendAsync(newMessage);

                    telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"Message sent {request.DirectoryPattern}",
                                               new Dictionary <string, string> {
                        { "path", request.Path }, { "deliveryCount", message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount.ToString() }
            telemetryClient.TrackEvent($"CreateDirectory ended {request.DirectoryPattern}",
                                       new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "path", request.Path }, { "deliveryCount", message.SystemProperties.DeliveryCount.ToString() }