protected override List<TableInfo> GetTables(DataConnection dataConnection) { CurrenSchema = dataConnection.Execute<string>("select current_schema from sysibm.sysdummy1"); var tables = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).GetSchema("Tables"); return ( from t in tables.AsEnumerable() where new[] { "TABLE", "VIEW" }.Contains(t.Field<string>("TABLE_TYPE")) let catalog = dataConnection.Connection.Database let schema = t.Field<string>("TABLE_SCHEMA") let name = t.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME") where IncludedSchemas.Length != 0 || ExcludedSchemas.Length != 0 || schema == CurrenSchema select new TableInfo { TableID = catalog + '.' + schema + '.' + name, CatalogName = catalog, SchemaName = schema, TableName = name, IsDefaultSchema = schema.IsNullOrEmpty(), IsView = t.Field<string>("TABLE_TYPE") == "VIEW", Description = t.Field<string>("REMARKS"), } ).ToList(); }
protected override List<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection dataConnection) { return ( from pk in dataConnection.Query( rd => new { id = dataConnection.Connection.Database + "." + rd.ToString(0) + "." + rd.ToString(1), name = rd.ToString(2), cols = rd.ToString(3).Split('+').Skip(1).ToArray(), },@" SELECT TABSCHEMA, TABNAME, INDNAME, COLNAMES FROM SYSCAT.INDEXES WHERE UNIQUERULE = 'P' AND " + GetSchemaFilter("TABSCHEMA")) from col in pk.cols.Select((c,i) => new { c, i }) select new PrimaryKeyInfo { TableID =, PrimaryKeyName =, ColumnName = col.c, Ordinal = col.i } ).ToList(); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string description = Page.Header.Description; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description) && SiteMap.CurrentNode != null) { description = SiteMap.CurrentNode.Description; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection()) { description = connection.SitemapNavigator.CurrentPageNode.Description; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) return; if (_element != null) { _element.Add(description); string commonNs = string.Format(" xmlns=\"{0}\"", Namespaces.Xhtml ); string raw = _element.ToString().Replace(commonNs, ""); writer.Write(raw); } else { writer.WriteEncodedText(description); } }
protected override List<DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) { var dts = base.GetDataTypes(dataConnection); if (dts.All(dt => dt.ProviderDbType != 128)) { dts.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "image", DataType = typeof(byte[]).FullName, CreateFormat = "image({0})", CreateParameters = "length", ProviderDbType = 128 }); } if (dts.All(dt => dt.ProviderDbType != 130)) { dts.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "text", DataType = typeof(string).FullName, CreateFormat = "text({0})", CreateParameters = "length", ProviderDbType = 130 }); } return dts; }
public void loadvisits(int studentID, DateTime minDate, DateTime maxDate) { min = minDate; max = maxDate; ID = studentID; //clears the list box to enter new information listBoxEditVisit.Items.Clear(); //TAB THIS listBoxEditVisit.Items.Add("DATE".PadRight(15) + "\t" + "FIRST NAME".PadRight(30) + "\t" + "LAST NAME".PadRight(30) + "\t" + "ID".PadRight(12)+ "\t" + "TIME IN".PadRight(10)+"\t" + "TIME OUT".PadRight(10) + "\t" + "METHOD".PadRight(20) + "\t" + "TUTOR'S FIRST NAME".PadRight(30) + "TUTOR'S LAST NAME".PadRight(30)+ "\t" + "SUBJECT" + "\t" + "CATALOG" + "\t" + "SECTION"); //creates new dataconnection DataConnection conn = new DataConnection(); SqlDataReader rd; conn.Open(); //gets visits request //just added STUDENT.FIRSTNAME, STUDENT.LASTNAME, STUDENT TABLE rd = conn.joinQuery("SELECT VISIT.CLARION_ID, VISIT.DATE, VISIT.TIME_IN, VISIT.TIME_OUT, STUDENT.FIRSTNAME, STUDENT.LASTNAME, VISIT.METHOD, TUTOR.TUTOR_ID, SUBJECT, CATALOG, S_TUTOR.FIRSTNAME AS TUTORFIRSTNAME, S_TUTOR.LASTNAME AS TUTORLASTNAME, SECTION FROM VISIT INNER JOIN student on visit.clarion_id = student.clarion_id LEFT JOIN TUTOR ON VISIT.TUTOR_ID = TUTOR.TUTOR_ID LEFT JOIN STUDENT S_TUTOR ON TUTOR.CLARION_ID = S_TUTOR.CLARION_ID WHERE visit.DATE<='" + maxDate + "' AND visit.DATE>='" + minDate + (studentID == 0 ? "'":"' AND VISIT.CLARION_ID = '" + studentID + "'") + " ORDER BY DATE, TIME_IN"); if (rd.HasRows) { while (rd.Read()) { DateTime thedate = DateTime.Parse(rd["DATE"].ToString()); string TIMEOUT = rd["TIME_OUT"].ToString().PadRight(10); if (TIMEOUT.Replace(" ","").Length !=8) TIMEOUT = " ".PadRight(18); listBoxEditVisit.Items.Add(thedate.ToString("d").PadRight(15) + "\t" + rd["FIRSTNAME"].ToString().PadRight(30) + "\t" + rd["LASTNAME"].ToString().PadRight(30) + "\t" + (int.Parse(rd["CLARION_ID"].ToString())).ToString("D8").PadRight(12) + "\t" + rd["TIME_IN"].ToString().PadRight(10) + "\t" + TIMEOUT.PadRight(10) + "\t" + rd["METHOD"].ToString().PadRight(20) + "\t" + rd["TUTORFIRSTNAME"].ToString().PadRight(30) + " " + rd["TUTORLASTNAME"].ToString().PadRight(30) + "\t" + rd["SUBJECT"].ToString().PadRight(5) + "\t" + ((rd["CATALOG"]).ToString()).PadRight(5) + "\t" + ((rd["SECTION"]).ToString()).PadRight(4)); } } rd.Close(); //closes connection conn.Close(); if (studentID == 0) { conn.Open(); //gets visits request //just added STUDENT.FIRSTNAME, STUDENT.LASTNAME, STUDENT TABLE // rd = conn.joinQuery("SELECT VISIT.CLARION_ID, VISIT.DATE, VISIT.TIME_IN, VISIT.TIME_OUT, STUDENT.FIRSTNAME, STUDENT.LASTNAME, VISIT.METHOD, TUTOR.TUTOR_ID, SUBJECT, CATALOG, S_TUTOR.FIRSTNAME AS TUTORFIRSTNAME, S_TUTOR.LASTNAME AS TUTORLASTNAME, SECTION FROM VISIT INNER JOIN student on visit.clarion_id = student.clarion_id LEFT JOIN TUTOR ON VISIT.TUTOR_ID = TUTOR.TUTOR_ID LEFT JOIN STUDENT S_TUTOR ON TUTOR.CLARION_ID = S_TUTOR.CLARION_ID WHERE visit.DATE<='" + maxDate + "' AND visit.DATE>='" + minDate + (studentID == 0 ? "'" : "' AND VISIT.CLARION_ID = '" + studentID + "'") + " ORDER BY DATE, TIME_IN"); rd = conn.joinQuery("select tutor_hour.tutor_id,, tutor_hour.time_out ,tutor_hour.time_difference, tutor_hour.time_in, student.lastname, student.firstname from tutor_hour inner join tutor on tutor_hour.tutor_id = tutor.tutor_id inner join student on tutor.clarion_id = student.clarion_id where tutor_hour.DATE<='" + maxDate + "' AND tutor_hour.DATE>='" + minDate+"' "); if (rd.HasRows) { while (rd.Read()) { DateTime thedate = DateTime.Parse(rd["DATE"].ToString()); string TIMEOUT = rd["TIME_OUT"].ToString().PadRight(10); if (TIMEOUT.Replace(" ", "").Length != 8) TIMEOUT = " ".PadRight(18); listBoxEditVisit.Items.Add(thedate.ToString("d").PadRight(15) + "\t" + rd["FIRSTNAME"].ToString().PadRight(30) + "\t" + rd["LASTNAME"].ToString().PadRight(30) + "\t" + ("TUT" + int.Parse(rd["tutor_ID"].ToString()).ToString("D4").PadRight(10)) + "\t" + rd["TIME_IN"].ToString().PadRight(10) + "\t" + rd["TIME_OUT"].ToString().PadRight(10) + "\t" + "TUTOR"); } } rd.Close(); //closes connection conn.Close(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a relative path a to a custom funtion call editor for the specified function. /// </summary> /// <param name="functionName">The function name</param> /// <returns>A relative path to a custom call editor, or <value>null</value> if no custom editor was defined.</returns> public static FunctionCallEditorSettings GetCustomEditorSettings(string functionName) { var settings = _customEditorSettings[functionName]; if (settings != null) { return settings; } using (var c = new DataConnection()) { var mapping = c.Get<ICustomFunctionCallEditorMapping>().FirstOrDefault(e => e.FunctionName == functionName); if (mapping != null) { return new FunctionCallEditorSettings { Url = UrlUtils.ResolvePublicUrl(mapping.CustomEditorPath), Width = mapping.Width, Height = mapping.Height }; } } return null; }
protected override List<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection dataConnection) { return _primaryKeys = dataConnection.Query( rd => new PrimaryKeyInfo { TableID = dataConnection.Connection.Database + "." + rd.ToString(0) + "." + rd.ToString(1), PrimaryKeyName = rd.ToString(2), ColumnName = rd.ToString(3), Ordinal = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(rd[4]) },@" SELECT col.TBCREATOR, col.TBNAME, idx.NAME, col.NAME, col.KEYSEQ FROM SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS col JOIN SYSIBM.SYSINDEXES idx ON col.TBCREATOR = idx.TBCREATOR AND col.TBNAME = idx.TBNAME WHERE col.KEYSEQ > 0 AND idx.UNIQUERULE = 'P' AND " + GetSchemaFilter("col.TBCREATOR") + @" ORDER BY col.TBCREATOR, col.TBNAME, col.KEYSEQ") .ToList(); }
protected override List<DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) { return new List<DataTypeInfo> { new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "XML", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "DECFLOAT", CreateParameters = "PRECISION", DataType = "System.Decimal" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "DBCLOB", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "CLOB", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "BLOB", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "LONG VARGRAPHIC", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "VARGRAPHIC", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "GRAPHIC", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "BIGINT", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.Int64" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "LONG VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "VARCHAR () FOR BIT DATA", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "VARBIN", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "BINARY", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "CHAR () FOR BIT DATA", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "LONG VARCHAR", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "CHARACTER", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "CHAR", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "DECIMAL", CreateParameters = "PRECISION,SCALE", DataType = "System.Decimal" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "INTEGER", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.Int32" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "SMALLINT", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.Int16" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "REAL", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.Single" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "DOUBLE", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.Double" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "VARCHAR", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.String" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "DATE", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.DateTime" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "TIME", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.TimeSpan" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "TIMESTAMP", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.DateTime" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "TIMESTMP", CreateParameters = null, DataType = "System.DateTime" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "ROWID", CreateParameters = "LENGTH", DataType = "System.Byte[]" }, }; }
protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { var sql = @" SELECT TBCREATOR, TBNAME, NAME, LENGTH, SCALE, NULLS, CASE WHEN DEFAULT IN ('I', 'J') THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END, COLNO, COLTYPE, REMARKS FROM SYSIBM.SYSCOLUMNS WHERE " + GetSchemaFilter("TBCREATOR"); return dataConnection.Query( rd => new ColumnInfo { TableID = dataConnection.Connection.Database + "." + rd.GetString(0) + "." + rd.GetString(1), Name = rd.ToString(2), Length = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(rd[3]), Scale = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(rd[4]), IsNullable = rd.ToString(5) == "Y", IsIdentity = rd.ToString(6) == "Y", Ordinal = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(rd[7]), DataType = rd.ToString(8), Description = rd.ToString(9), }, sql).ToList(); }
protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { var sql = @" SELECT table_catalog || '.' || table_schema || '.' || table_name as TableID, column_name as Name, is_nullable = 'YES' as IsNullable, ordinal_position as Ordinal, data_type as DataType, character_maximum_length as Length, COALESCE(numeric_precision, datetime_precision, interval_precision) as Precision, numeric_scale as Scale, is_identity = 'YES' OR COALESCE(column_default ~* 'nextval', false) as IsIdentity, is_generated <> 'NEVER' as SkipOnInsert, is_updatable = 'NO' as SkipOnUpdate FROM information_schema.columns"; if (ExcludedSchemas.Length == 0 || IncludedSchemas.Length == 0) sql += @" WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog','information_schema')"; return dataConnection.Query<ColumnInfo>(sql).ToList(); }
protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { var tcs = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).GetSchema("Columns"); return ( from c in tcs.AsEnumerable() join dt in DataTypes on c.Field<string>("COLUMN_DATA_TYPE") equals dt.TypeName select new ColumnInfo { TableID = c.Field<string>("TABLE_CATALOG") + "." + c.Field<string>("TABLE_SCHEMA") + "." + c.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME"), Name = c.Field<string>("COLUMN_NAME"), DataType = dt.TypeName, IsNullable = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<bool>(c["IS_NULLABLE"]), Ordinal = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int> (c["ORDINAL_POSITION"]), Length = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int> (c["COLUMN_SIZE"]), Precision = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int> (c["NUMERIC_PRECISION"]), Scale = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int> (c["NUMERIC_SCALE"]), IsIdentity = false, Description = c.Field<string>("DESCRIPTION"), SkipOnInsert = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<bool>(c["IS_READONLY"]), SkipOnUpdate = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<bool>(c["IS_READONLY"]), } ).ToList(); }
public string GetEulaText(Guid eulaId, string userCulture) { using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection()) { return connection.Get<EULA>().Where(d => d.Id == eulaId).Select(d => d.Text).FirstOrDefault(); }; }
public string Rate(string score, string ratyId) { Guid ratyGuid = Guid.Parse(ratyId); using (DataConnection conn = new DataConnection()) { var ratyItem = conn.Get<Results>().Where(r => r.RatyId == ratyGuid).SingleOrDefault(); if (ratyItem != null) { ratyItem.Count += 1; ratyItem.TotalValue = ratyItem.TotalValue + decimal.Parse(score, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); conn.Update<Results>(ratyItem); } else { ratyItem = conn.CreateNew<Results>(); ratyItem.RatyId = ratyGuid; ratyItem.Count = 1; ratyItem.TotalValue = decimal.Parse(score, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); conn.Add<Results>(ratyItem); } JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer(); var data = new { TotalValue = ratyItem.TotalValue, Count = ratyItem.Count }; SetCookie(ratyId); return serializer.Serialize(data); } }
protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { var cs = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).GetSchema("Columns"); return ( from c in cs.AsEnumerable() let tschema = c.Field<string>("TABLE_SCHEMA") let schema = tschema == "sqlite_default_schema" ? "" : tschema let dataType = c.Field<string>("DATA_TYPE") select new ColumnInfo { TableID = c.Field<string>("TABLE_CATALOG") + "." + schema + "." + c.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME"), Name = c.Field<string>("COLUMN_NAME"), IsNullable = c.Field<bool> ("IS_NULLABLE"), Ordinal = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(c["ORDINAL_POSITION"]), DataType = dataType, Length = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(c["CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH"]), Precision = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(c["NUMERIC_PRECISION"]), Scale = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(c["NUMERIC_SCALE"]), IsIdentity = c.Field<bool> ("AUTOINCREMENT"), SkipOnInsert = dataType == "timestamp", SkipOnUpdate = dataType == "timestamp", } ).ToList(); }
protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { var sql = @" SELECT TABSCHEMA, TABNAME, COLNAME, LENGTH, SCALE, NULLS, IDENTITY, COLNO, TYPENAME, REMARKS FROM SYSCAT.COLUMNS WHERE " + GetSchemaFilter("TABSCHEMA"); return _columns = dataConnection.Query( rd => new ColumnInfo { TableID = dataConnection.Connection.Database + "." + rd.GetString(0) + "." + rd.GetString(1), Name = rd.ToString(2), Length = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<long>(rd[3]), Scale = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int> (rd[4]), IsNullable = rd.ToString(5) == "Y", IsIdentity = rd.ToString(6) == "Y", Ordinal = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(rd[7]), DataType = rd.ToString(8), Description = rd.ToString(9), }, sql).ToList(); }
protected override List<TableInfo> GetTables(DataConnection dataConnection) { var tables = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).GetSchema("Tables"); var views = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).GetSchema("Views"); return ( from t in tables.AsEnumerable() let catalog = t.Field<string>("TABLE_SCHEMA") let name = t.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME") select new TableInfo { TableID = catalog + ".." + name, CatalogName = catalog, SchemaName = "", TableName = name, IsDefaultSchema = true, IsView = false, } ).Concat( from t in views.AsEnumerable() let catalog = t.Field<string>("TABLE_SCHEMA") let name = t.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME") select new TableInfo { TableID = catalog + ".." + name, CatalogName = catalog, SchemaName = "", TableName = name, IsDefaultSchema = true, IsView = true, } ).ToList(); }
protected override List<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection dataConnection) { var dbConnection = (DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection; var pks = dbConnection.GetSchema("IndexColumns"); var idxs = dbConnection.GetSchema("Indexes"); return ( from pk in pks. AsEnumerable() join idx in idxs.AsEnumerable() on pk. Field<string>("INDEX_CATALOG") + "." + pk. Field<string>("INDEX_SCHEMA") + "." + pk. Field<string>("INDEX_NAME") + "." + pk. Field<string>("TABLE_NAME") equals idx.Field<string>("INDEX_CATALOG") + "." + idx.Field<string>("INDEX_SCHEMA") + "." + idx.Field<string>("INDEX_NAME") + "." + idx.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME") where idx.Field<bool>("PRIMARY") select new PrimaryKeyInfo { TableID = pk.Field<string>("INDEX_SCHEMA") + ".." + pk.Field<string>("TABLE_NAME"), PrimaryKeyName = pk.Field<string>("INDEX_NAME"), ColumnName = pk.Field<string>("COLUMN_NAME"), Ordinal = pk.Field<int> ("ORDINAL_POSITION"), } ).ToList(); }
protected override List<ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { return dataConnection.Query<ColumnInfo>(@" SELECT TABLE_CATALOG + '.' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME as TableID, COLUMN_NAME as Name, CASE WHEN IS_NULLABLE = 'YES' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as IsNullable, ORDINAL_POSITION as Ordinal, c.DATA_TYPE as DataType, CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH as Length, ISNULL(NUMERIC_PRECISION, DATETIME_PRECISION) as [Precision], NUMERIC_SCALE as Scale, ISNULL(CONVERT(varchar(8000), x.Value), '') as [Description], COLUMNPROPERTY(object_id('[' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '].[' + TABLE_NAME + ']'), COLUMN_NAME, 'IsIdentity') as IsIdentity, CASE WHEN c.DATA_TYPE = 'timestamp' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as SkipOnInsert, CASE WHEN c.DATA_TYPE = 'timestamp' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END as SkipOnUpdate FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS c LEFT JOIN sys.extended_properties x ON OBJECT_ID(TABLE_CATALOG + '.' + TABLE_SCHEMA + '.' + TABLE_NAME) = x.major_id AND ORDINAL_POSITION = x.minor_id AND = 'MS_Description'") .ToList(); }
///<Summary>Gets sum of all income-expenses for all previous years. asOfDate could be any date</Summary> public static float RetainedEarningsAuto(object asOfDateObj) { DateTime asOfDate; if(asOfDateObj.GetType()==typeof(string)) { asOfDate=PIn.Date(asOfDateObj.ToString()); } else if(asOfDateObj.GetType()==typeof(DateTime)) { asOfDate=(DateTime)asOfDateObj; } else { return 0; } DateTime firstOfYear=new DateTime(asOfDate.Year,1,1); string command="SELECT SUM(CreditAmt), SUM(DebitAmt), AcctType " +"FROM journalentry,account " +"WHERE journalentry.AccountNum=account.AccountNum " +"AND DateDisplayed < "+POut.Date(firstOfYear) +" GROUP BY AcctType"; DataConnection dcon=new DataConnection(); DataTable table=dcon.GetTable(command); float retVal=0; for(int i=0;i<table.Rows.Count;i++) { if(table.Rows[i][2].ToString()=="3"//income || table.Rows[i][2].ToString()=="4")//expense { retVal+=PIn.Float(table.Rows[i][0].ToString());//add credit retVal-=PIn.Float(table.Rows[i][1].ToString());//subtract debit //if it's an expense, we are subtracting (income-expense), but the signs cancel. } } return retVal; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var reportId = Guid.Parse(this.Request["id"].ToString()); var reportType = this.Request["type"].ToString(); var pageUrl = string.Empty; using (DataConnection con = new DataConnection()) { var report = con.Get<Composite.Forms.JotFormReport>().Where(r => r.Id == reportId).SingleOrDefault(); if (report != null) { switch (reportType) { case "grid": pageUrl = report.GridReportURL; break; case "table": pageUrl = report.TableReportURL; break; case "visual": pageUrl = report.VisualReportURL; break; case "excel": pageUrl = report.ExcelReportURL; break; case "csv": pageUrl = report.CsvReportURL; break; default: break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pageUrl)) { lPrintFrame.Text = string.Format(@"<iframe src=""{0}"" frameborder=""0"" style=""width:100%; height:100%; min-height:450px; border:none;"" ></iframe>", pageUrl); } else { lPrintFrame.Text = "<div style='padding: 20px'><h2>Report is not available</h2><p>The URL for this report has not been specified. To remedy this, edit this report and specify the JotForm Report URL.</p></div>"; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor stores given connection into private variable /// </summary> /// <param name="connection"></param> public DataConnectionWrapper(DataConnection connection) { if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection"); connectionRef = connection; }
public static string Pref(string prefName) { string command="SELECT ValueString FROM preference WHERE PrefName='"+POut.String(prefName)+"'"; DataConnection dcon=new DataConnection(); DataTable table=dcon.GetTable(command); return table.Rows[0][0].ToString(); }
public override DatabaseSchema GetSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options = null) { DefaultSchema = dataConnection.Execute<string>("SELECT CURRENT_SCHEMA FROM DUMMY"); _databaseName = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).Database; _dataSourceName = ((DbConnection) dataConnection.Connection).DataSource; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_dataSourceName) || String.IsNullOrEmpty(_databaseName)) { using (var reader = dataConnection.ExecuteReader(@" SELECT HOST, KEY, VALUE FROM M_HOST_INFORMATION WHERE KEY = 'sid'")) { if (reader.Reader.Read()) { _dataSourceName = reader.Reader.GetString(0); _databaseName = reader.Reader.GetString(2); } } } return base.GetSchema(dataConnection, options); }
protected override List<PrimaryKeyInfo> GetPrimaryKeys(DataConnection dataConnection) { return dataConnection.Query(rd => { var constraint = rd.IsDBNull(3) ? null : rd.GetString(3); if (constraint != "PRIMARY KEY") return null; var schema = rd.GetString(0); var tableName = rd.GetString(1); var indexName = rd.GetString(2); var columnName = rd.GetString(4); var position = rd.GetInt32(5); return new PrimaryKeyInfo { TableID = String.Concat(schema, '.', tableName), ColumnName = columnName, Ordinal = position, PrimaryKeyName = indexName }; }, @" SELECT SCHEMA_NAME, TABLE_NAME, INDEX_NAME, CONSTRAINT, COLUMN_NAME, POSITION FROM INDEX_COLUMNS") .Where(x => x != null).ToList(); }
// Getting a product by id public Product Get(Guid id) { using (var c = new DataConnection()) { return c.Get<Product>().FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == id); } }
public List<PackageDescriptor> GetPackageList(Guid InstallationId, string Culture) { using (DataConnection connection = new DataConnection()) { return ( from package in connection.Get<Package>().AsEnumerable() join media in connection.Get<IMediaFile>() on package.PackageFile equals media.KeyPath select new PackageDescriptor() { Id = package.PackageId, Name = package.Name, GroupName = package.GroupName, PackageVersion = package.PackageVersion, MinCompositeVersionSupported = package.MinCompositeVersionSupported, MaxCompositeVersionSupported = package.MaxCompositeVersionSupported, Author = package.Author, Description = package.Description, TechicalDetails = package.TechnicalDetails, EulaId = package.EULA, ReadMoreUrl = package.ReadMoreUrl, IsFree = true, PackageFileDownloadUrl = new Uri(Context.Request.Url, UrlUtils.ResolvePublicUrl("Renderers/ShowMedia.ashx?id=" + media.Id)).OriginalString } ).ToList(); } }
protected override List<DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) { var dts = ((DbConnection)dataConnection.Connection).GetSchema("DataTypes"); var dt = dts.AsEnumerable() .Where(x=> x["ProviderDbType"] != DBNull.Value) .Select(t => new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = t.Field<string>("TypeName"), DataType = t.Field<string>("DataType"), CreateFormat = t.Field<string>("CreateFormat"), CreateParameters = t.Field<string>("CreateParameters"), ProviderDbType = Converter.ChangeTypeTo<int>(t["ProviderDbType"]), }).ToList(); return dt.GroupBy(x => new {x.TypeName, x.ProviderDbType}).Select(y => { var x = y.First(); if (x.CreateFormat == null) { x.CreateFormat = x.TypeName; if (x.CreateParameters != null) { x.CreateFormat += String.Concat('(', String.Join(", ", Enumerable.Range(0, x.CreateParameters.Split(',').Length) .Select(i => String.Concat('{', i, '}'))), ')'); } } return x; }).ToList(); }
// Getting the list of products public IEnumerable<Product> Get() { using (var c = new DataConnection()) { return c.Get<Product>().OrderBy(p => p.Title).ToList(); } }
protected override List<ForeingKeyInfo> GetForeignKeys(DataConnection dataConnection) { const string baseSql = @" SELECT as Name, c.tableid as ThisTableID, r.reftabid as OtherTableID, COL_NAME(c.tableid, r.fokey{0}) as ThisColumn, COL_NAME(r.reftabid, r.refkey{0}) as OtherColumn, {0} as Ordinal FROM sysreferences r JOIN sysconstraints c ON r.constrid = c.constrid JOIN sysobjects o ON c.constrid = JOIN sysobjects o3 ON c.tableid = LEFT JOIN sysobjects o2 ON r.reftabid = JOIN sysreferences r2 ON r.constrid = r2.constrid LEFT JOIN sysindexes i ON r2.indexid = i.indid AND r2.reftabid = WHERE c.status = 64"; string sql = null; for (var i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { if (sql != null) sql += "\nUNION ALL"; sql += string.Format(baseSql, i); } sql = "SELECT * FROM (" + sql + ") as t WHERE ThisColumn IS NOT NULL"; return dataConnection.Query<ForeingKeyInfo>(sql).ToList(); }
static SQLiteTests() { LinqToDBForEFTools.Initialize(); DataConnection.TurnTraceSwitchOn(); }
protected override string PassValueSql(DataConnection dc) => "SELECT ID FROM {1} WHERE {0} = ?";
protected override string?PassNullSql(DataConnection dc, out int paramCount) { paramCount = 1; return(null); }
static InformixTools() { DataConnection.AddDataProvider(_informixDataProvider); }
protected override List <ForeingKeyInfo> GetForeignKeys(DataConnection dataConnection) { var data = dataConnection.Query( rd => new { name = rd[0], thisTable = rd[1], otherTable = rd[2], thisColumns = new[] { rd[3], rd[4], rd[5], rd[6], rd[7], rd[8], rd[9], rd[10], rd[11], rd[12], rd[13], rd[14], rd[15], rd[16], rd[17], rd[18] }, otherColumns = new[] { rd[19], rd[20], rd[21], rd[22], rd[23], rd[24], rd[25], rd[26], rd[27], rd[28], rd[29], rd[30], rd[31], rd[32], rd[33], rd[34] } }, @" SELECT pg_constraint.conname, current_database() || '.' || this_schema.nspname || '.' || this_table.relname, current_database() || '.' || other_schema.nspname || '.' || other_table.relname, (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[01]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[02]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[03]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[04]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[05]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[06]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[07]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[08]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[09]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[10]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[11]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[12]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[13]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[14]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[15]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.conrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.conkey[16]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[01]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[02]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[03]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[04]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[05]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[06]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[07]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[08]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[09]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[10]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[11]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[12]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[13]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[14]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[15]), (select attname from pg_attribute where attrelid = pg_constraint.confrelid and attnum = pg_constraint.confkey[16]) FROM pg_constraint JOIN pg_class as this_table ON this_table.oid = pg_constraint.conrelid JOIN pg_namespace as this_schema ON this_table.relnamespace = this_schema.oid JOIN pg_class as other_table ON other_table.oid = pg_constraint.confrelid JOIN pg_namespace as other_schema ON other_table.relnamespace = other_schema.oid WHERE pg_constraint.contype = 'f'") .ToList(); return (( from item in data let name = Convert.ToString( let thisTableID = Convert.ToString(item.thisTable) let otherTableID = Convert.ToString(item.otherTable) from col in item.thisColumns .Zip(item.otherColumns, (thisColumn, otherColumn) => new { thisColumn, otherColumn }) .Select((cs, i) => new { cs.thisColumn, cs.otherColumn, ordinal = i }) where col.thisColumn != null && !(col.thisColumn is DBNull) select new ForeingKeyInfo { Name = name, ThisTableID = thisTableID, OtherTableID = otherTableID, ThisColumn = Convert.ToString(col.thisColumn), OtherColumn = Convert.ToString(col.otherColumn), Ordinal = col.ordinal } ).ToList()); }
protected override void LoadProcedureTableSchema(DataConnection dataConnection, GetSchemaOptions options, ProcedureSchema procedure, string commandText, List <TableSchema> tables) { CommandType commandType; DataParameter[] parameters; if (procedure.IsTableFunction) { commandText = "SELECT * FROM " + commandText + "("; commandText += string.Join(",", procedure.Parameters.Select(p => ( p.SystemType == typeof(DateTime) ? "'" + DateTime.Now + "'" : DefaultValue.GetValue(p.SystemType)) ?? "''")); commandText += ")"; commandType = CommandType.Text; parameters = new DataParameter[0]; } else { commandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; parameters = HanaSchemaOptions != null ? (HanaSchemaOptions.GetStoredProcedureParameters(procedure) ?? GetStoredProcedureDataParameters(procedure)) : GetStoredProcedureDataParameters(procedure); } try { var st = GetProcedureSchema(dataConnection, commandText, commandType, parameters, options); procedure.IsLoaded = true; if (st != null) { procedure.ResultTable = new TableSchema() { IsProcedureResult = true, TypeName = ToValidName(procedure.ProcedureName + "Result"), ForeignKeys = new List <ForeignKeySchema>(), Columns = GetProcedureResultColumns(st, options) }; foreach (var column in procedure.ResultTable.Columns) { column.Table = procedure.ResultTable; } procedure.SimilarTables = ( from t in tables where t.Columns.Count == procedure.ResultTable.Columns.Count let zip = t.Columns.Zip(procedure.ResultTable.Columns, (c1, c2) => new { c1, c2 }) where zip.All(z => z.c1.ColumnName == z.c2.ColumnName && z.c1.SystemType == z.c2.SystemType) select t ).ToList(); } } catch (Exception ex) { procedure.ResultException = ex; } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes source columns, marked with <see cref="ColumnAttribute.IsIdentity"/> with values. /// If column had sequence name set using <see cref="SequenceNameAttribute"/> and <paramref name="useSequenceName"/> set to <c>true</c>, values from sequence used. /// Otherwise column initialized with values, incremented by 1 starting with max value from database for this column plus 1. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Entity type.</typeparam> /// <param name="source">Ordered list of entities to initialize.</param> /// <param name="context">Data connection to use to retrieve sequence values of max used value for column.</param> /// <param name="useSequenceName">Enables identity values retrieval from sequence for columns with sequence name specified in mapping using <see cref="SequenceNameAttribute"/>.</param> /// <returns>Returns new collection of identity fields initialized or <paramref name="source"/> if entity had no identity columns.</returns> public static IEnumerable <T> RetrieveIdentity <T>( this IEnumerable <T> source, DataConnection context, bool useSequenceName = true) { if (source == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(source)); } if (context == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context)); } IList <T>?sourceList = null; var entityDescriptor = context.MappingSchema.GetEntityDescriptor(typeof(T)); foreach (var column in entityDescriptor.Columns) { if (column.IsIdentity) { sourceList ??= source.ToList(); if (sourceList.Count == 0) { return(sourceList); } var sequenceName = useSequenceName && column.SequenceName != null ? column.SequenceName.SequenceName : null; if (sequenceName != null) { var sql = context.DataProvider.CreateSqlBuilder(context.MappingSchema).GetReserveSequenceValuesSql(sourceList.Count, sequenceName); var sequences = context.Query <object>(sql).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < sourceList.Count; i++) { var item = sourceList[i]; var value = Converter.ChangeType(sequences[i], column.MemberType); column.MemberAccessor.SetValue(item !, value); } } else { var sql = context.DataProvider.CreateSqlBuilder(context.MappingSchema).GetMaxValueSql(entityDescriptor, column); var maxValue = context.Execute <object?>(sql); if (maxValue == null || maxValue == DBNull.Value) { maxValue = 0; } var type = Type.GetTypeCode(maxValue.GetType()); foreach (var item in sourceList) { maxValue = type switch { TypeCode.Byte => (byte)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.SByte => (sbyte)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.Int16 => (short)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.Int32 => (int)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.Int64 => (long)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.UInt16 => (ushort)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.UInt32 => (uint)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.UInt64 => (ulong)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.Single => (float)maxValue + 1, TypeCode.Decimal => (decimal)maxValue + 1, _ => throw new NotImplementedException(), }; var value = Converter.ChangeType(maxValue, column.MemberType); column.MemberAccessor.SetValue(item !, value); } } } } return(sourceList ?? source); }
protected virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied ProviderSpecificCopy <T>(DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable <T> source) { return(MultipleRowsCopy(dataConnection, options, source)); }
public LoginRepository(DataConnection dataConnection) : base(dataConnection) { }
public EntryPlayerRepository(DataConnection dataConnection) : base(dataConnection) { }
public static int PERSON_DELETE(this DataConnection dataConnection, int?PERSONID) { return(dataConnection.ExecuteProc("PERSON_DELETE", new DataParameter("PERSONID", PERSONID, DataType.Int32))); }
public void TypesTest([IncludeDataSources(CurrentProvider)] string context) { //IBM.Data.DB2.DB2Parameter p = null; //p. //new IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2RowId(); dynamic int64Value = null; dynamic int32Value = null; dynamic int16Value = null; DB2Tools.AfterInitialized(() => { int64Value = DB2Types.DB2Int64.CreateInstance(1); int32Value = DB2Types.DB2Int32.CreateInstance(2); int16Value = DB2Types.DB2Int16.CreateInstance(3); }); using (var conn = new DataConnection(context)) { conn.Select(() => 1); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Clob.CreateInstance(conn).IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Blob.CreateInstance(conn).IsNull, Is.True); } Assert.That(int64Value.Value, Is.TypeOf <long> ().And.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(int32Value.Value, Is.TypeOf <int> ().And.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(int16Value.Value, Is.TypeOf <short> ().And.EqualTo(3)); var decimalValue = DB2Types.DB2Decimal.CreateInstance(4); var decimalValueAsDecimal = DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat.CreateInstance(5m); var decimalValueAsDouble = DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat.CreateInstance(6.0); var decimalValueAsLong = DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat.CreateInstance(7); var realValue = DB2Types.DB2Real.CreateInstance(8); var real370Value = DB2Types.DB2Real370.CreateInstance(9); var stringValue = DB2Types.DB2String.CreateInstance("1"); var clobValue = DB2Types.DB2Clob.CreateInstance("2"); var binaryValue = DB2Types.DB2Binary.CreateInstance(new byte[] { 1 }); var blobValue = DB2Types.DB2Blob.CreateInstance(new byte[] { 2 }); var dateValue = DB2Types.DB2Date.CreateInstance(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)); var timeValue = DB2Types.DB2Time.CreateInstance(new TimeSpan(1, 1, 1)); if (DB2Types.DB2DateTime.Type != null) { var dateTimeValue1 = DB2Types.DB2DateTime.CreateInstance(new DateTime(2000, 1, 2)); var dateTimeValue2 = DB2Types.DB2DateTime.CreateInstance(new DateTime(2000, 1, 3).Ticks); var timeStampValue = DB2Types.DB2DateTime.CreateInstance(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4)); Assert.That(dateTimeValue1.Value, Is.TypeOf <DateTime>().And.EqualTo(new DateTime(2000, 1, 2))); Assert.That(dateTimeValue2.Value, Is.TypeOf <DateTime>().And.EqualTo(new DateTime(2000, 1, 3))); Assert.That(timeStampValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <DateTime>().And.EqualTo(new DateTime(2000, 1, 4))); } Assert.That(decimalValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <decimal> ().And.EqualTo(4)); Assert.That(decimalValueAsDecimal.Value, Is.TypeOf <decimal> ().And.EqualTo(5)); Assert.That(decimalValueAsDouble.Value, Is.TypeOf <decimal> ().And.EqualTo(6)); Assert.That(decimalValueAsLong.Value, Is.TypeOf <decimal> ().And.EqualTo(7)); Assert.That(realValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <float> ().And.EqualTo(8)); Assert.That(real370Value.Value, Is.TypeOf <double> ().And.EqualTo(9)); Assert.That(stringValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <string> ().And.EqualTo("1")); Assert.That(clobValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <string> ().And.EqualTo("2")); Assert.That(binaryValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <byte[]> ().And.EqualTo(new byte[] { 1 })); Assert.That(blobValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <byte[]> ().And.EqualTo(new byte[] { 2 })); Assert.That(dateValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <DateTime>().And.EqualTo(new DateTime(2000, 1, 1))); Assert.That(timeValue.Value, Is.TypeOf <TimeSpan>().And.EqualTo(new TimeSpan(1, 1, 1))); DB2Tools.AfterInitialized(() => { int64Value = DB2Types.DB2Int64.CreateInstance(); int32Value = DB2Types.DB2Int32.CreateInstance(); int16Value = DB2Types.DB2Int16.CreateInstance(); }); Assert.That(int64Value.IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(int32Value.IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(int16Value.IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Decimal.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.False); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Real.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Real370.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2String.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Binary.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Date.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2Time.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2TimeStamp.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2RowId.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); if (DB2Types.DB2DateTime.Type != null) { Assert.That(DB2Types.DB2DateTime.CreateInstance().IsNull, Is.True); } }
public override Task <int> MergeAsync <T>(DataConnection dataConnection, Expression <Func <T, bool> > deletePredicate, bool delete, IEnumerable <T> source, string tableName, string databaseName, string schemaName, CancellationToken token) { return(new SqlServerMerge().MergeAsync(dataConnection, deletePredicate, delete, source, tableName, databaseName, schemaName, token)); }
protected override BasicMergeBuilder <TTarget, TSource> GetMergeBuilder <TTarget, TSource>( DataConnection connection, IMergeable <TTarget, TSource> merge) { return(new SqlServerMergeBuilder <TTarget, TSource>(connection, merge)); }
protected override void OnConnectionTypeCreated(Type connectionType) { DB2Types.ConnectionType = connectionType; DB2Types.DB2Int64.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Int64", true); DB2Types.DB2Int32.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Int32", true); DB2Types.DB2Int16.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Int16", true); DB2Types.DB2Decimal.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Decimal", true); DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat", true); DB2Types.DB2Real.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Real", true); DB2Types.DB2Real370.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Real370", true); DB2Types.DB2Double.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Double", true); DB2Types.DB2String.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2String", true); DB2Types.DB2Clob.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Clob", true); DB2Types.DB2Binary.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Binary", true); DB2Types.DB2Blob.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Blob", true); DB2Types.DB2Date.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Date", true); DB2Types.DB2Time.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Time", true); DB2Types.DB2TimeStamp.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2TimeStamp", true); DB2Types.DB2Xml = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2Xml", true); DB2Types.DB2RowId.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2RowId", true); DB2Types.DB2DateTime.Type = connectionType.Assembly.GetType("IBM.Data.DB2Types.DB2DateTime", false); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Int64, typeof(Int64), "GetDB2Int64"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Int32, typeof(Int32), "GetDB2Int32"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Int16, typeof(Int16), "GetDB2Int16"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Decimal, typeof(Decimal), "GetDB2Decimal"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat, typeof(Decimal), "GetDB2DecimalFloat"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Real, typeof(Single), "GetDB2Real"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Real370, typeof(Single), "GetDB2Real370"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Double, typeof(Double), "GetDB2Double"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2String, typeof(String), "GetDB2String"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Clob, typeof(String), "GetDB2Clob"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Binary, typeof(byte[]), "GetDB2Binary"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Blob, typeof(byte[]), "GetDB2Blob"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Date, typeof(DateTime), "GetDB2Date"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Time, typeof(TimeSpan), "GetDB2Time"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2TimeStamp, typeof(DateTime), "GetDB2TimeStamp"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2Xml, typeof(string), "GetDB2Xml"); SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2RowId, typeof(byte[]), "GetDB2RowId"); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Int64, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Int64), true, DataType.Int64); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Int32, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Int32), true, DataType.Int32); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Int16, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Int16), true, DataType.Int16); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Decimal, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Decimal), true, DataType.Decimal); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2DecimalFloat), true, DataType.Decimal); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Real, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Real), true, DataType.Single); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Real370, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Real370), true, DataType.Single); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Double, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Double), true, DataType.Double); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2String, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2String), true, DataType.NVarChar); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Clob, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Clob), true, DataType.NText); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Binary, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Binary), true, DataType.VarBinary); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Blob, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Blob), true, DataType.Blob); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Date, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Date), true, DataType.Date); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Time, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Time), true, DataType.Time); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2TimeStamp, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2TimeStamp), true, DataType.DateTime2); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2Xml, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2Xml), true, DataType.Xml); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2RowId, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2RowId), true, DataType.VarBinary); _setBlob = GetSetParameter(connectionType, "DB2Parameter", "DB2Type", "DB2Type", "Blob"); if (DB2Types.DB2DateTime.IsSupported) { SetProviderField(DB2Types.DB2DateTime, typeof(DateTime), "GetDB2DateTime"); MappingSchema.AddScalarType(DB2Types.DB2DateTime, GetNullValue(DB2Types.DB2DateTime), true, DataType.DateTime); } if (DataConnection.TraceSwitch.TraceInfo) { DataConnection.WriteTraceLine( DataReaderType.Assembly.FullName, DataConnection.TraceSwitch.DisplayName); DataConnection.WriteTraceLine( DB2Types.DB2DateTime.IsSupported ? "DB2DateTime is supported." : "DB2DateTime is not supported.", DataConnection.TraceSwitch.DisplayName); } DB2Tools.Initialized(); }
public override int Merge <T>(DataConnection dataConnection, Expression <Func <T, bool> > deletePredicate, bool delete, IEnumerable <T> source, string tableName, string databaseName, string schemaName) { return(new SqlServerMerge().Merge(dataConnection, deletePredicate, delete, source, tableName, databaseName, schemaName)); }
public override void InitCommand(DataConnection dataConnection) { dataConnection.DisposeCommand(); base.InitCommand(dataConnection); }
public override void InitCommand(DataConnection dataConnection, CommandType commandType, string commandText, DataParameter[] parameters) { dataConnection.DisposeCommand(); base.InitCommand(dataConnection, commandType, commandText, parameters); }
protected override List <ProcedureInfo> GetProcedures(DataConnection dataConnection) { // because information schema doesn't contain information about function kind like aggregate or table function // we need to query additional data from pg_proc // in postgresql 11 pg_proc some requred columns changed, so we need to execute different queries for pre-11 and 11+ versions var version = dataConnection.Query <int>("SHOW server_version_num").Single(); if (version < 110000) { return(dataConnection .Query(rd => { var catalog = rd.GetString(0); var schema = rd.GetString(1); var isTableResult = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <bool>(rd[7]); return new ProcedureInfo() { ProcedureID = catalog + "." + schema + "." + rd.GetString(5), CatalogName = catalog, SchemaName = schema, ProcedureName = rd.GetString(2), // versions prior 11 doesn't support procedures but support functions with void return type // still, we report them as function in metadata. Just without return parameter IsFunction = rd.GetString(3) == "FUNCTION", IsTableFunction = isTableResult, IsAggregateFunction = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <bool>(rd[6]), IsDefaultSchema = schema == "public", ProcedureDefinition = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <string>(rd[4]), // result of function has dynamic form and vary per call if function return type is 'record' // only exception is function with out/inout parameters, where we know that record contains those parameters IsResultDynamic = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <string>(rd[8]) == "record" && Converter.ChangeTypeTo <int>(rd[9]) == 0 }; }, @" SELECT r.ROUTINE_CATALOG, r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA, r.ROUTINE_NAME, r.ROUTINE_TYPE, r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION, r.SPECIFIC_NAME, p.proisagg, p.proretset, r.DATA_TYPE, outp.cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES r LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA = n.nspname LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p ON p.pronamespace = n.oid AND r.SPECIFIC_NAME = p.proname || '_' || p.oid LEFT JOIN (SELECT SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.parameters WHERE parameter_mode IN('OUT', 'INOUT') GROUP BY SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME) as outp ON r.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA = outp.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA AND r.SPECIFIC_NAME = outp.SPECIFIC_NAME" ) .ToList()); } else { return(dataConnection .Query(rd => { var catalog = rd.GetString(0); var schema = rd.GetString(1); var isTableResult = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <bool>(rd[6]); var kind = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <char>(rd[5]); return new ProcedureInfo() { ProcedureID = catalog + "." + schema + "." + rd.GetString(4), CatalogName = catalog, SchemaName = schema, ProcedureName = rd.GetString(2), // versions prior 11 doesn't support procedures but support functions with void return type // still, we report them as function in metadata. Just without return parameter IsFunction = kind != 'p', IsTableFunction = isTableResult, // this is only diffrence starting from v11 IsAggregateFunction = kind == 'a', IsWindowFunction = kind == 'w', IsDefaultSchema = schema == "public", ProcedureDefinition = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <string>(rd[3]), IsResultDynamic = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <string>(rd[7]) == "record" && Converter.ChangeTypeTo <int>(rd[8]) == 0 }; }, @" SELECT r.ROUTINE_CATALOG, r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA, r.ROUTINE_NAME, r.ROUTINE_DEFINITION, r.SPECIFIC_NAME, p.prokind, p.proretset, r.DATA_TYPE, outp.cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES r LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON r.ROUTINE_SCHEMA = n.nspname LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_proc p ON p.pronamespace = n.oid AND r.SPECIFIC_NAME = p.proname || '_' || p.oid LEFT JOIN (SELECT SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME, COUNT(*)as cnt FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.parameters WHERE parameter_mode IN('OUT', 'INOUT') GROUP BY SPECIFIC_SCHEMA, SPECIFIC_NAME) as outp ON r.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA = outp.SPECIFIC_SCHEMA AND r.SPECIFIC_NAME = outp.SPECIFIC_NAME" ) .ToList()); } }
public void Test([DataSources(false, ProviderName.SQLiteMS, ProviderName.MySqlConnector, TestProvName.AllOracle12)] string context) { using (var conn = new DataConnection(context)) { var sp = conn.DataProvider.GetSchemaProvider(); var schemaName = TestUtils.GetSchemaName(conn); var dbSchema = sp.GetSchema(conn, new GetSchemaOptions() { IncludedSchemas = schemaName != TestUtils.NO_SCHEMA_NAME ?new[] { schemaName } : null }); var tableNames = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var schemaTable in dbSchema.Tables) { var tableName = schemaTable.CatalogName + "." + (schemaTable.IsDefaultSchema ? schemaTable.TableName : schemaTable.SchemaName + "." + schemaTable.TableName); if (tableNames.Contains(tableName)) { Assert.Fail("Not unique table " + tableName); } tableNames.Add(tableName); var columnNames = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (var schemaColumn in schemaTable.Columns) { if (columnNames.Contains(schemaColumn.ColumnName)) { Assert.Fail("Not unique column {0} for table {1}.{2}", schemaColumn.ColumnName, schemaTable.SchemaName, schemaTable.TableName); } columnNames.Add(schemaColumn.ColumnName); } } //Get table from default schema and fall back to schema indifferent TableSchema getTable(string name) => dbSchema.Tables.SingleOrDefault(t => t.IsDefaultSchema && t.TableName !.ToLower() == name) ?? dbSchema.Tables.SingleOrDefault(t => t.TableName !.ToLower() == name); var table = getTable("parent"); Assert.That(table, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(table.Columns.Count(c => c.ColumnName != "_ID"), Is.EqualTo(2)); AssertType <Model.LinqDataTypes>(conn.MappingSchema, dbSchema); AssertType <Model.Parent> (conn.MappingSchema, dbSchema); if (context != ProviderName.AccessOdbc) { Assert.That(getTable("doctor").ForeignKeys.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); } else // no FK information for ACCESS ODBC { Assert.That(dbSchema.Tables.Single(t => t.TableName !.ToLower() == "doctor").ForeignKeys.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); } switch (context) { case ProviderName.SqlServer2000: case ProviderName.SqlServer2005: case ProviderName.SqlServer2008: case ProviderName.SqlServer2012: case ProviderName.SqlServer2014: case TestProvName.SqlServer2016: case ProviderName.SqlServer2017: case TestProvName.SqlServer2019: case TestProvName.SqlAzure: { var indexTable = dbSchema.Tables.Single(t => t.TableName == "IndexTable"); Assert.That(indexTable.ForeignKeys.Count, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(indexTable.ForeignKeys[0].ThisColumns.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); } break; case ProviderName.Informix: case ProviderName.InformixDB2: { var indexTable = dbSchema.Tables.First(t => t.TableName == "testunique"); Assert.That(indexTable.Columns.Count(c => c.IsPrimaryKey), Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(indexTable.ForeignKeys.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2)); } break; } switch (context) { case ProviderName.SqlServer2008: case ProviderName.SqlServer2012: case ProviderName.SqlServer2014: case TestProvName.SqlServer2016: case ProviderName.SqlServer2017: case TestProvName.SqlServer2019: case TestProvName.SqlAzure: { var tbl = dbSchema.Tables.Single(at => at.TableName == "AllTypes"); var col = tbl.Columns.First(c => c.ColumnName == "datetimeoffset3DataType"); Assert.That(col.DataType, Is.EqualTo(DataType.DateTimeOffset)); Assert.That(col.Length, Is.Null); Assert.That(col.Precision, Is.EqualTo(3)); Assert.That(col.Scale, Is.Null); } break; } } }
protected override List <TableInfo> GetTables(DataConnection dataConnection) { var sql = (@" SELECT t.table_catalog || '.' || t.table_schema || '.' || t.table_name as TableID, t.table_catalog as CatalogName, t.table_schema as SchemaName, t.table_name as TableName, t.table_schema = 'public' as IsDefaultSchema, t.table_type = 'VIEW' as IsView, ( SELECT pgd.description FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON pgd.objoid = st.relid WHERE t.table_schema = st.schemaname AND t.table_name=st.relname LIMIT 1 ) as Description, left(t.table_schema, 3) = 'pg_' OR t.table_schema = 'information_schema' as IsProviderSpecific FROM information_schema.tables t" ); if (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 && IncludedSchemas.Count == 0) { sql += @" WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog','information_schema')" ; } // materialized views supported starting from pgsql 9.3 var version = dataConnection.Query <int>("SHOW server_version_num").Single(); if (version >= 90300) { // materialized views are not exposed to information_schema sql += @" UNION ALL SELECT v.schemaname || '.' || v.matviewname as TableID, NULL as CatalogName, v.schemaname as SchemaName, v.matviewname as TableName, v.schemaname = 'public' as IsDefaultSchema, true as IsView, ( SELECT pgd.description FROM pg_catalog.pg_class INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON pgd.objoid = pg_class.oid WHERE pg_class.relkind = 'm' AND pgd.objsubid = 0 AND pg_namespace.nspname = v.schemaname AND pg_class.relname = v.matviewname LIMIT 1 ) as Description, false as IsProviderSpecific FROM pg_matviews v" ; if (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 && IncludedSchemas.Count == 0) { sql += @" WHERE v.schemaname NOT IN ('pg_catalog','information_schema')" ; } } return(dataConnection.Query <TableInfo>(sql).ToList()); }
protected override List <ColumnInfo> GetColumns(DataConnection dataConnection) { var sql = @" SELECT c.table_catalog || '.' || c.table_schema || '.' || c.table_name as TableID, c.column_name as Name, c.is_nullable = 'YES' as IsNullable, c.ordinal_position as Ordinal, c.data_type as DataType, c.character_maximum_length as Length, COALESCE( c.numeric_precision::integer, c.datetime_precision::integer, c.interval_precision::integer) as Precision, c.numeric_scale as Scale, c.is_identity = 'YES' OR COALESCE(c.column_default ~* 'nextval', false) as IsIdentity, c.is_generated <> 'NEVER' as SkipOnInsert, c.is_updatable = 'NO' as SkipOnUpdate, ( SELECT pgd.description FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON pgd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position AND pgd.objoid = st.relid WHERE c.table_schema = st.schemaname AND c.table_name=st.relname LIMIT 1 ) as Description FROM information_schema.columns as c" ; if (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 || IncludedSchemas.Count == 0) { sql += @" WHERE table_schema NOT IN ('pg_catalog','information_schema')" ; } // materialized views supported starting from pgsql 9.3 var version = dataConnection.Query <int>("SHOW server_version_num").Single(); if (version >= 90300) { // materialized views are not exposed to information_schema // NOTE: looks like IsNullable always true for mat.views (or I dunno where to look for it) sql += @" UNION ALL SELECT pg_namespace.nspname || '.' || pg_class.relname as TableID, pg_attribute.attname as Name, pg_attribute.attnotnull <> true as IsNullable, pg_attribute.attnum as Ordinal, pg_type.typname as DataType, CASE WHEN pg_attribute.atttypmod = -1 THEN NULL ELSE pg_attribute.atttypmod - 4 END as Length, COALESCE( information_schema._pg_numeric_precision(pg_type.oid, pg_attribute.atttypmod), information_schema._pg_datetime_precision(pg_type.oid, pg_attribute.atttypmod)) as Precision, information_schema._pg_numeric_scale(pg_type.oid, pg_attribute.atttypmod) as Scale, false as IsIdentity, true as SkipOnInsert, true as SkipOnUpdate, ( SELECT pgd.description FROM pg_catalog.pg_class INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON pgd.objoid = pg_class.oid WHERE pg_class.relkind = 'm' AND pgd.objsubid = pg_attribute.attnum AND pg_namespace.nspname = pg_namespace.nspname AND pg_class.relname = pg_class.relname LIMIT 1 ) as Description FROM pg_catalog.pg_class INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace ON pg_class.relnamespace = pg_namespace.oid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute ON pg_class.oid = pg_attribute.attrelid INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type ON pg_attribute.atttypid = pg_type.oid WHERE pg_class.relkind = 'm' AND pg_attribute.attnum >= 1" ; if (ExcludedSchemas.Count == 0 && IncludedSchemas.Count == 0) { sql += @" AND pg_namespace.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog','information_schema')"; } } return(dataConnection.Query <ColumnInfo>(sql).ToList()); }
public AppDbContext(DbContextOptions <AppDbContext> options, ICurrentUserInfo currentUser) : base(options) { _currentUser = currentUser; Linq2Db = options.CreateLinqToDbConnection(); }
protected override List <DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) { var list = new[] { new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "name", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "oid", DataType = typeof(int).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "xid", DataType = typeof(int).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "smallint", DataType = typeof(short).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "int2", DataType = typeof(short).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "integer", DataType = typeof(int).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "int4", DataType = typeof(int).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bigint", DataType = typeof(long).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "int8", DataType = typeof(long).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "real", DataType = typeof(float).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "float4", DataType = typeof(float).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "double precision", DataType = typeof(double).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "float8", DataType = typeof(double).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "boolean", DataType = typeof(bool).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bool", DataType = typeof(bool).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "regproc", DataType = typeof(object).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "money", DataType = typeof(decimal).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "text", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "xml", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bytea", DataType = typeof(byte[]).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "uuid", DataType = typeof(Guid).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "hstore", DataType = typeof(Dictionary <string, string>).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "json", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "jsonb", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "character varying", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "character varying({0})", CreateParameters = "length" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "varchar", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "character varying({0})", CreateParameters = "length" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "character", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "character({0})", CreateParameters = "length" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bpchar", DataType = typeof(string).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "character({0})", CreateParameters = "length" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "numeric", DataType = typeof(decimal).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "numeric({0},{1})", CreateParameters = "precision,scale" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timestamptz", DataType = typeof(DateTimeOffset).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "timestamp ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timestamp with time zone", DataType = typeof(DateTimeOffset).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "timestamp ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timestamp", DataType = typeof(DateTime).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "timestamp ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timestamp without time zone", DataType = typeof(DateTime).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "timestamp ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }, }.ToList(); var provider = (PostgreSQLDataProvider)dataConnection.DataProvider; if (provider.NpgsqlInetType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "inet", DataType = provider.NpgsqlInetType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlInetType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "cidr", DataType = provider.NpgsqlInetType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlPointType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "point", DataType = provider.NpgsqlPointType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlLineType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "line", DataType = provider.NpgsqlLineType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlLSegType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "lseg", DataType = provider.NpgsqlLSegType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlBoxType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "box", DataType = provider.NpgsqlBoxType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlPathType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "path", DataType = provider.NpgsqlPathType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlPolygonType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "polygon", DataType = provider.NpgsqlPolygonType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlCircleType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "circle", DataType = provider.NpgsqlCircleType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlIntervalType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "interval", DataType = provider.NpgsqlIntervalType.AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "interval({0})", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } if (provider.NpgsqlDateType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "date", DataType = provider.NpgsqlDateType.AssemblyQualifiedName }); } else { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "date", DataType = typeof(DateTime).AssemblyQualifiedName }); } if (provider.NpgsqlTimeType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time with time zone", DataType = provider.NpgsqlTimeType.AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } else { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time with time zone", DataType = typeof(DateTimeOffset).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } if (provider.NpgsqlTimeType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timetz", DataType = provider.NpgsqlTimeType.AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } else { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timetz", DataType = typeof(DateTimeOffset).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } if (provider.NpgsqlTimeTZType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time without time zone", DataType = provider.NpgsqlTimeTZType.AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } else { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time without time zone", DataType = typeof(TimeSpan).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } if (provider.NpgsqlTimeTZType != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time", DataType = provider.NpgsqlTimeTZType.AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } else { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time", DataType = typeof(TimeSpan).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "time ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "macaddr", DataType = (provider.NpgsqlMacAddressType ?? typeof(PhysicalAddress)).AssemblyQualifiedName }); list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "macaddr8", DataType = (provider.NpgsqlMacAddressType ?? typeof(PhysicalAddress)).AssemblyQualifiedName }); list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bit", DataType = (provider.BitStringType ?? typeof(BitArray)).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "bit({0})", CreateParameters = "size" }); list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bit varying", DataType = (provider.BitStringType ?? typeof(BitArray)).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "bit varying({0})", CreateParameters = "size" }); list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "varbit", DataType = (provider.BitStringType ?? typeof(BitArray)).AssemblyQualifiedName, CreateFormat = "bit varying({0})", CreateParameters = "size" }); return(list); }
protected virtual BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy <T>(DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable <T> source) { return(RowByRowCopy(dataConnection, options, source)); }
private IEnumerable <ProcedureParameterInfo> GetParametersForViews(DataConnection dataConnection) { if (SchemasFilter == null) { return(new List <ProcedureParameterInfo>()); } var query = dataConnection.Query(rd => { var schema = rd.GetString(0); var view = rd.GetString(1); var parameterName = rd.GetString(2); var sqlDataType = rd.GetString(3); var sqlDataTypeParts = sqlDataType.Split('('); var dataType = sqlDataTypeParts[0]; var length = 0; var scale = 0; if (sqlDataTypeParts.Length == 2) { var infoStr = sqlDataTypeParts[1].Substring(0, sqlDataTypeParts[1].Length - 1); var splited = infoStr.Split(','); length = Convert.ToInt32(splited[0]); if (splited.Length == 2) { scale = Convert.ToInt32(splited[1]); } } var isMandatory = rd.GetBoolean(4); var position = rd.GetInt32(5); return(new ProcedureParameterInfo { ProcedureID = string.Concat(schema, '.', view), DataType = dataType, IsIn = isMandatory, IsOut = false, IsResult = false, Length = length, Ordinal = position, ParameterName = parameterName, Precision = length, Scale = scale, IsNullable = true }); }, @" SELECT v.SCHEMA_NAME, v.VIEW_NAME, p.VARIABLE_NAME, p.COLUMN_SQL_TYPE, p.MANDATORY, p.""ORDER"" FROM SYS.VIEWS AS v JOIN _SYS_BI.BIMC_ALL_CUBES AS c ON c.VIEW_NAME = v.VIEW_NAME JOIN _SYS_BI.BIMC_VARIABLE AS p ON c.CUBE_NAME = p.CUBE_NAME WHERE c.CATALOG_NAME = p.CATALOG_NAME AND v.VIEW_TYPE = 'CALC' AND v.SCHEMA_NAME " + SchemasFilter + @" ORDER BY v.VIEW_NAME, p.""ORDER""" ); return(query.ToList()); }
protected BulkCopyRowsCopied MultipleRowsCopy3 <T>(DataConnection dataConnection, BulkCopyOptions options, IEnumerable <T> source, string from) { var helper = new MultipleRowsHelper <T>(dataConnection, options, false); helper.StringBuilder .AppendFormat("INSERT INTO {0}", helper.TableName).AppendLine() .Append("("); foreach (var column in helper.Columns) { helper.StringBuilder .AppendLine() .Append("\t") .Append(helper.SqlBuilder.Convert(column.ColumnName, ConvertType.NameToQueryField)) .Append(","); } helper.StringBuilder.Length--; helper.StringBuilder .AppendLine() .AppendLine(")") .AppendLine("SELECT * FROM") .Append("("); helper.SetHeader(); foreach (var item in source) { helper.StringBuilder .AppendLine() .Append("\tSELECT "); helper.BuildColumns(item); helper.StringBuilder.Append(from); helper.StringBuilder.Append(" UNION ALL"); helper.RowsCopied.RowsCopied++; helper.CurrentCount++; if (helper.CurrentCount >= helper.BatchSize || helper.Parameters.Count > 10000 || helper.StringBuilder.Length > 100000) { helper.StringBuilder.Length -= " UNION ALL".Length; helper.StringBuilder .AppendLine() .Append(")"); if (!helper.Execute()) { return(helper.RowsCopied); } } } if (helper.CurrentCount > 0) { helper.StringBuilder.Length -= " UNION ALL".Length; helper.StringBuilder .AppendLine() .Append(")"); helper.Execute(); } return(helper.RowsCopied); }
protected override List <DataTypeInfo> GetDataTypes(DataConnection dataConnection) { var list = new[] { new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "name", DataType = typeof(string).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "oid", DataType = typeof(int).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "xid", DataType = typeof(int).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "smallint", DataType = typeof(short).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "integer", DataType = typeof(int).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bigint", DataType = typeof(long).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "real", DataType = typeof(float).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "double precision", DataType = typeof(double).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "boolean", DataType = typeof(bool).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "regproc", DataType = typeof(object).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "money", DataType = typeof(decimal).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "text", DataType = typeof(string).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "xml", DataType = typeof(string).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "date", DataType = typeof(DateTime).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bytea", DataType = typeof(byte[]).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "uuid", DataType = typeof(Guid).FullName }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "character varying", DataType = typeof(string).FullName, CreateFormat = "character varying({0})", CreateParameters = "length" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "character", DataType = typeof(string).FullName, CreateFormat = "character({0})", CreateParameters = "length" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "numeric", DataType = typeof(decimal).FullName, CreateFormat = "numeric({0},{1})", CreateParameters = "precision,scale" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timestamp with time zone", DataType = typeof(DateTimeOffset).FullName, CreateFormat = "timestamp ({0}) with time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" }, new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "timestamp without time zone", DataType = typeof(DateTime).FullName, CreateFormat = "timestamp ({0}) without time zone", CreateParameters = "precision" } }.ToList(); if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlInetType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "inet", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlInetType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlPointType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "point", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlPointType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlLSegType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "lseg", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlLSegType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlBoxType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "box", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlBoxType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlPathType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "path", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlPathType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlPolygonType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "polygon", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlPolygonType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlCircleType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "circle", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlCircleType().FullName }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlIntervalType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "interval", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlIntervalType().FullName, CreateFormat = "interval({0})", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlTimeType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time with time zone", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlTimeType().FullName, CreateFormat = "time with time zone({0})", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } if (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlTimeTZType() != null) { list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "time without time zone", DataType = PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlTimeTZType().FullName, CreateFormat = "time without time zone({0})", CreateParameters = "precision" }); } list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "macaddr", DataType = (PostgreSQLTools.GetNpgsqlMacAddressType() ?? typeof(PhysicalAddress)).FullName }); list.Add(new DataTypeInfo { TypeName = "bit", DataType = (PostgreSQLTools.GetBitStringType() ?? typeof(BitArray)).FullName, CreateFormat = "bit({0})", CreateParameters = "size" }); return(list); }
public static IEnumerable <PERSON_INSERT_OUTPUTPARAMETERResult> PERSON_INSERT_OUTPUTPARAMETER(this DataConnection dataConnection, string FIRSTNAME, string LASTNAME, string MIDDLENAME, char?GENDER, out int?PERSONID) { var ret = dataConnection.QueryProc <PERSON_INSERT_OUTPUTPARAMETERResult>("PERSON_INSERT_OUTPUTPARAMETER", new DataParameter("FIRSTNAME", FIRSTNAME, DataType.NVarChar), new DataParameter("LASTNAME", LASTNAME, DataType.NVarChar), new DataParameter("MIDDLENAME", MIDDLENAME, DataType.NVarChar), new DataParameter("GENDER", GENDER, DataType.NChar)); PERSONID = Converter.ChangeTypeTo <int?>(((IDbDataParameter)dataConnection.Command.Parameters["PERSONID"]).Value); return(ret); }
protected override List <ProcedureParameterInfo> GetProcedureParameters(DataConnection dataConnection, IEnumerable <ProcedureInfo> procedures, GetSchemaOptions options) { if (SchemasFilter == null) { return(new List <ProcedureParameterInfo>()); } return(dataConnection.Query(rd => { var schema = rd.GetString(0); var procedure = rd.GetString(1); var parameter = rd.GetString(2); var dataType = rd.IsDBNull(3) ? null : rd.GetString(3); var position = rd.GetInt32(4); var paramType = rd.GetString(5); var isResult = rd.GetBoolean(6); var length = rd.GetInt32(7); var scale = rd.GetInt32(8); var isNullable = rd.GetString(9) == "TRUE"; return new ProcedureParameterInfo { ProcedureID = string.Concat(schema, '.', procedure), DataType = dataType, IsIn = paramType.Contains("IN"), IsOut = paramType.Contains("OUT"), IsResult = isResult, Length = length, Ordinal = position, ParameterName = parameter, Precision = length, Scale = scale, IsNullable = isNullable }; }, @" SELECT SCHEMA_NAME, PROCEDURE_NAME, PARAMETER_NAME, DATA_TYPE_NAME, POSITION, PARAMETER_TYPE, 0 AS IS_RESULT, LENGTH, SCALE, IS_NULLABLE FROM PROCEDURE_PARAMETERS WHERE SCHEMA_NAME " + SchemasFilter + @" UNION ALL SELECT SCHEMA_NAME, FUNCTION_NAME AS PROCEDURE_NAME, PARAMETER_NAME, DATA_TYPE_NAME, POSITION, PARAMETER_TYPE, CASE WHEN PARAMETER_TYPE = 'RETURN' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS IS_RESULT, LENGTH, SCALE, IS_NULLABLE FROM FUNCTION_PARAMETERS WHERE NOT (PARAMETER_TYPE = 'RETURN' AND DATA_TYPE_NAME = 'TABLE_TYPE') AND SCHEMA_NAME " + SchemasFilter + @" ORDER BY SCHEMA_NAME, PROCEDURE_NAME, POSITION" ) .ToList()); }