/// <summary> /// 免费的员工数 (业务员数) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private static int GetFreeSalses() { YSWL.Common.DataCacheCore coreBll = new DataCacheCore(new CacheOption { CacheType = CacheType.Redis, CancelProductKey = true, CancelEnterpriseKey = true, DefaultDb = 0, ReadWriteHosts = SAASInfo.GetSystemValue("RedisCacheReadWriteHosts"), ReadOnlyHosts = SAASInfo.GetSystemValue("RedisCacheReadOnlyHosts"), }); string CacheKey = "SAAS_FreeEnterpriseSales"; object objModel = coreBll.GetCache(CacheKey); if (objModel == null) { try { objModel = GetSysValue(CacheKey); if (objModel != null) { coreBll.SetCache(CacheKey, objModel, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.Zero); } } catch { } } return(Common.Globals.SafeInt(objModel, 5)); }
/// <summary> /// 设置企业数据流向 /// </summary> /// <param name="enterpriseId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetDataConn(int enterpriseId) { YSWL.Common.DataCacheCore coreBll = new DataCacheCore(new CacheOption { CacheType = CacheType.Redis, CancelProductKey = true, CancelEnterpriseKey = true, DefaultDb = 0, }); string BaseKey = "OMS_ConnectionData"; string CacheKey = BaseKey + "_" + enterpriseId; object objModel = coreBll.GetCache(CacheKey); if (objModel == null) { try { Common.CallContextHelper.SetAutoTag(enterpriseId); objModel = GetSysValue(BaseKey); if (objModel != null) { coreBll.SetCache(CacheKey, objModel, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.Zero); } } catch { } } return(Common.Globals.SafeString(objModel, "ERP")); }
/// <summary> /// 获取企业客户数 (Redis 缓存) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static int GetCacheCusts(long enterpriseId) { YSWL.Common.DataCacheCore coreBll = new DataCacheCore(new CacheOption { CacheType = CacheType.Redis, CancelProductKey = true, CancelEnterpriseKey = true, DefaultDb = 0, ReadWriteHosts = SAASInfo.GetSystemValue("RedisCacheReadWriteHosts"), ReadOnlyHosts = SAASInfo.GetSystemValue("RedisCacheReadOnlyHosts"), }); string CacheKey = "SAAS_EnterpriseCusts_" + enterpriseId; object objModel = coreBll.GetCache(CacheKey); if (objModel == null) { try { objModel = GetUserCounts(1, enterpriseId); if (objModel != null) { coreBll.SetCache(CacheKey, objModel, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.Zero); } } catch { } } return(Common.Globals.SafeInt(objModel, 0)); }
/// <summary> /// Get an object entity,From cache /// </summary> /// <param name="Keyname"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetValueByCache(string Keyname) { #pragma warning disable CS0612 // “DataCacheCore.GetCache(string)”已过时 object cache = dataCache.GetCache(Keyname); #pragma warning restore CS0612 // “DataCacheCore.GetCache(string)”已过时 if (cache != null) { return(cache.ToString()); } cache = GetValue(Keyname); dataCache.SetCache(Keyname, cache, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Globals.SafeInt(GetCacheTimeByCache("CacheTime"), 30)), TimeSpan.Zero); return(cache.ToString()); }
private static DateTime GetEndTime(int applicationId, long enterpriseId) { YSWL.Common.DataCacheCore coreBll = new DataCacheCore(new CacheOption { CacheType = CacheType.Redis, CancelProductKey = true, DefaultDb = 0, CancelEnterpriseKey = true, ReadWriteHosts = SAASInfo.GetSystemValue("RedisCacheReadWriteHosts"), ReadOnlyHosts = SAASInfo.GetSystemValue("RedisCacheReadOnlyHosts"), }); string CacheKey = "SAAS_AppEndTime_" + applicationId + "_" + enterpriseId; object objModel = coreBll.GetCache(CacheKey); if (objModel == null) { try { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("select EndTime from SA_EnterpriseBuyJurisdiction"); strSql.Append(" where EnterpriseId=@EnterpriseId and ApplicationId=@ApplicationId and IsTrial=0"); SqlParameter[] parameters = { new SqlParameter("@EnterpriseId", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter("@ApplicationId", SqlDbType.Int, 4) }; parameters[0].Value = enterpriseId; parameters[1].Value = applicationId; objModel = YSWL.DBUtility.ConnectionStrManage.GetSingle(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (objModel != null) { coreBll.SetCache(CacheKey, objModel, DateTime.MaxValue, TimeSpan.Zero); } } catch { } } return(Common.Globals.SafeDateTime(objModel, DateTime.Now)); }