コード例 #1
ファイル: AdjustModel.cs プロジェクト: liangwanzhuang/bmcc
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 查询所有调剂信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="status">0未完成,1已完成,2全部</param>
        ///// <param name="begindate">开始日期</param>
        ///// <param name="enddate">结束日期</param>
        ///// <param name="eName">员工姓名</param>
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public DataTable findRecipeInfo(int status, string begindate, string enddate, string eName)
            string sql = "select  max(id) as id,SwapPer,convert(varchar, wordDate, 111) as wordDate,'调剂' AS wordcontent, count(wordDate)  as workload from adjust as a  where 1=1";

            if (status != 2)
                sql += " and a.status=" + status;
            if (begindate != null && begindate.Length > 0)
                DateTime d    = Convert.ToDateTime(begindate);
                string   strB = d.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd  00:00:00");
                sql += " and a.wordDate>='" + strB + "'";
            if (enddate != null && enddate.Length > 0)
                DateTime d4   = Convert.ToDateTime(enddate);
                string   strE = d4.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59");
                sql += " and a.wordDate<='" + strE + "'";

            if (eName != null && eName.Length > 0)
                sql += " and a.SwapPer='" + eName + "'";
            sql += "GROUP BY  SwapPer,CONVERT(varchar, wordDate, 111)";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #2
        public DataTable GetScreenWarn(string date, int id)
            string    strSql = @"select s.* ,h.Hname  as hospitalName  from Hospital h  left join   ScreenWarn s  on  s.hospitalID = h.ID where warnDate='" + date + "'  and s.hospitalID = " + id;
            DataTable dt     = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #3
        public DataTable findDrugAdinByDrugCode(string drugCode)
            string    sql = "select * from DrugAdmin where DrugCode='" + drugCode + "'";
            DataTable dt  = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #4
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 查询复核信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public DataTable findRecheckedInfo(int userid, string date, string hospital_name)
            string sql  = "";
            string flag = "";

            flag = db.get_role_by_userid(userid);
            string sql_1 = "";

            if (hospital_name != "0")
                sql_1 = "'" + hospital_name.Replace("_", "','") + "'";
                sql_1 = "select id from hospital";
            if (flag != "0")
                sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,p.name,p.sex,p.age,p.phone,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select hnum from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                      + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,(select count(*) from drug as d where d.pid = p.id) as drugnum,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,p.doctor,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                      + ",r.id as rid,r.AuditStatus rstatus,r.AuditTime rwordDate,r.imgname rimgname  from prescription as p inner join Audit r on p.id=r.pid left join hospital hs on hs.id = p.hospitalid where r.employeeId=" + userid + " and CONVERT(varchar, r.AuditTime, 120) like '%" + date + "%' " + " and hs.id in(" + sql_1 + ")" + " order by r.AuditTime desc";
                sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,p.name,p.sex,p.age,p.phone,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select hnum from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                      + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,(select count(*) from drug as d where d.pid = p.id) as drugnum,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,p.doctor,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                      + ",r.id as rid,r.AuditStatus rstatus,r.AuditTime rwordDate,r.imgname rimgname  from prescription as p inner join Audit r on p.id=r.pid left join hospital hs on hs.id = p.hospitalid   where " + "  CONVERT(varchar, r.AuditTime, 120) like '%" + date + "%' " + " and hs.id in(" + sql_1 + ")" + " order by r.AuditTime desc";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #5
        public int updateBubble(int id, int status, string endDate, string starttime)
            DateTime d1 = Convert.ToDateTime(endDate);                                                                                                          //当前时间
            DateTime d2 = Convert.ToDateTime(starttime);                                                                                                        //开始时间

            TimeSpan d3 = d1.Subtract(d2);                                                                                                                      //泡药时间

            int doingtime = Convert.ToInt32(d3.Days.ToString()) * 24 * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(d3.Hours.ToString()) * 60 + Convert.ToInt32(d3.Minutes.ToString()); //转化为分钟数

            string sql   = "update bubble set bubblestatus='" + status + "',endDate='" + endDate + "',doingtime='" + doingtime + "' where id=" + id;
            int    count = db.cmd_Execute(sql);

            if (count > 0)
                string    sql4 = "select pid from bubble where id=" + id;
                DataTable dt4  = db.get_DataTable(sql4);
                if (dt4.Rows.Count > 0)
                    string machineid = distributionmachine();
                    string str3      = "insert into tisaneunit(pid,machineid) values('" + dt4.Rows[0]["pid"].ToString() + "','" + machineid + "')";

                    if (db.cmd_Execute(str3) == 1)
                        string sql7 = "update prescription set curstate = '泡药完成'  where id = '" + dt4.Rows[0]["pid"].ToString() + "'";


コード例 #6
        public DataTable finRecipientInfo(string ClearPName)
            string sql = "select * from Recipient where 1=1";

            if (ClearPName != "0" && ClearPName != "")
                sql += "and ClearPName ='" + ClearPName + "'";
コード例 #7
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 根据处方号查询药品信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="pspnum">处方号</param>
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public DataTable findDrugByPid(string pid)
            string sql = "select ID,delnum,(select hnum from hospital as h where h.id = d.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where h.id = d.hospitalid) as hname,"
                         + "Pspnum,Drugnum,Drugname,DrugDescription,DrugPosition,DrugAllNum,DrugWeight,TieNum,Description,WholeSalePrice,RetailPrice,WholeSaleCost,retailpricecost,"
                         + "money,Fee from drug as d where pid='" + pid + "'";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #8
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 查询复核信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns>DataTable对象</returns>
        public DataTable findRecheckedInfo(int userid, string date)
            string sql = "select p.ID,p.Pspnum,p.customid,p.delnum,p.Hospitalid,p.name,p.sex,p.age,p.phone,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,(select hnum from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hname,"
                         + "p.diagresult,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,(select count(*) from drug as d where d.pid = p.id) as drugnum,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,p.doctor,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate"
                         + ",r.id as rid,r.AuditStatus rstatus,r.AuditTime rwordDate,r.imgname rimgname  from prescription as p inner join Audit r on p.id=r.pid where r.employeeId=" + userid + " and CONVERT(varchar, r.AuditTime, 120) like '%" + date + "%' order by p.ID desc";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #9

        /* public DataTable get_devices_all_by_param(string jy_room, string bz_room, string pages,string p_rows)
         * {
         *   string sql = "select top "+p_rows+" r.* from "+"(select top 100 percent row_number() over(order by m.m_id asc ) as rid,"+
         *       "m.machinename as 设备名称, m.status as 设备工作状态, m.usingstatus as 启用状态 from machine m "+
         * "where m.mark in('0','1') "+
         * "order by m.m_id asc) r "+
         * "where r.rid>("+pages.Trim()+"-1)*"+p_rows.Trim();
         *   return db.get_DataTable(sql);
         * }*/
        public DataTable get_devices_all_by_param(string jy_room, string pages, string p_rows)
            string sql = "select top " + p_rows + " r.* from " + "(select top 100 percent row_number() over(order by m.m_id asc ) as 序号," +
                         "m.machinename as 设备名称, m.status as 设备工作状态, m.usingstatus as 启用状态  pr.Pspnum as 处方号,SUBSTRING(isnull(pr.name,''),1,1)+'**' as 患者姓名," +
                         "pr.curstate as 处方状态,ti.starttime as 开始时间,isnull(ti.tisaneman,'') as 操作人 from machine m left join prescription pr " +
                         "on m.pid=pr.id left join tisaneinfo ti on ti.pid =m.pid " +
                         "where m.mark in('0','1') " + " and m.roomnum='" + jy_room.Trim() + "'" +
                         "order by m.m_id asc) r " +
                         "where r.序号>(" + pages.Trim() + "-1)*" + p_rows.Trim();

コード例 #10
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 查询未审核和未匹配处方药品信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="hospitalId">医院id</param>
        ///// <param name="Pspnum">处方号</param>
        ///// <returns>SqlDataReader对象</returns>
        public DataTable findNotCheckAndMatchRecipeDrugInfo(string drugnum)
            string sql = "SELECT DISTINCT p.ID AS pspId, p.Pspnum AS pspNum,(SELECT   Hname FROM Hospital AS h WHERE   (ID = p.Hospitalid)) AS hospitalName, p.Hospitalid AS hospitalId, d.ID AS drugId, d.drugnum AS hdrugNum, "
                         + " d.drugname AS hdrugName, d.drugallnum AS hdrugTotal FROM      prescription AS p LEFT OUTER JOIN PrescriptionCheckState AS pcs ON p.ID = pcs.prescriptionId RIGHT OUTER JOIN "
                         + " (SELECT   ID,pid, customid, delnum, Hospitalid, Pspnum, drugnum, drugname, drugdescription, drugposition, drugallnum, drugweight, tienum, description, wholesaleprice, retailprice, wholesalecost, retailpricecost, money, "
                         + " fee FROM drug WHERE   (drugnum = '" + drugnum + "')) AS d ON d.pid = p.id LEFT OUTER JOIN DrugMatching AS dm ON d.ID = dm.drugId AND dm.pspId = p.ID "
                         + " WHERE   (pcs.prescriptionId IS NULL) AND (dm.drugId IS NULL) AND (d.ID IS NOT NULL) AND (p.ID IS NOT NULL) AND (p.Hospitalid IS NOT NULL)";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #11
        public int AddReconciliation1(string Clearing, string ReconciliaT, string ReconciliaPer, string Remarks, string nPId, string now, string Retime)
            String strSql = "";
            int    end    = 0;

            string sum   = ""; //处方下药品的零售价之和
            string cheng = ""; //处方(次数*贴数)之积
            //   string sq3 = "  SELECT   SUM(cast(retailprice as float(2))) AS a   FROM      drug AS d   WHERE   (pid ='" + nPId + "')";

            string sq3 = "SELECT SUM(CAST(ad.Univalent AS float(2))) AS a FROM drug AS d INNER JOIN "
                         + " ypcDrug AS ypc ON ypc.drugName = d.drugname AND ypc.drugNum = d.drugnum INNER JOIN "
                         + " DrugAdmin AS ad ON ad.DrugName = ypc.drugDetailedName AND ad.DrugCode = ypc.drugAlias "
                         + " WHERE (d.pid = '" + nPId + "')";
            SqlDataReader srd = db.get_Reader(sq3);

            if (srd.Read())
                sum = srd["a"].ToString();
                string        sq4  = " SELECT   dose * takenum AS m   FROM      prescription AS p WHERE   (ID = '" + nPId + "')";
                SqlDataReader srd1 = db.get_Reader(sq4);
                if (srd1.Read())
                    cheng = srd1["m"].ToString();
            strSql = "select pid from Reconciliation where pid=" + nPId;
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

            if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                // Clearing:结算方 CheckNum:对账单号 ReconciliaPer:对账人  ReconciliaT:对账时间  now:生成对账单时间 State:对账单状态 0 未结算 1结算 drugMonSum:处方下药品的零售价之和 shengRe:处方(次数*贴数)之积
                strSql  = "insert into Reconciliation(Clearing,CheckNum,ReconciliaPer,ReconciliaT,now,State,Remarks,pid,drugMonSum,shengRe) ";
                strSql += "values ('" + Clearing + "','" + Retime + "','" + ReconciliaPer + "','" + ReconciliaT + "','" + now + "','0','" + Remarks + "','" + nPId + "','" + sum + "','" + cheng + "')";
                if (strSql == "")
                    end = 0;
                    end = db.cmd_Execute(strSql);

                    //  string sq3 = "SELECT   CheckNum,   (SELECT   SUM(retailprice) AS Expr1   FROM      drug AS d   WHERE   (pid ='" + nPId + "')) AS b,  (SELECT   dose * takenum AS m"
                    // + "  FROM      prescription AS p WHERE   (ID = '" + nPId + "')) AS a  FROM      Reconciliation AS r";

コード例 #12
        public DataTable findRecipeInfo()
            string sql = "select  '调剂' AS wordcontent,convert(varchar, wordDate, 111) as wordDate,sum(cast(workload as int)) AS workload from adjust as a left join employee as e on a.employeeId=e.id where 1=1 GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar, a.wordDate, 111)";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #13
ファイル: LossiModel.cs プロジェクト: liangwanzhuang/DataSend
        public DataTable finLossiInfor(string Type)
            string strSQL = "select id,Warehouse,productbatch,(select drugname from drugadmin where productbatch = l.productbatch) as dname,(select drugcode from drugadmin where productbatch = l.productbatch) as dcode,Type,lossnum,Per,time,Reason,remark   from LossiInfor as l where 1=1 ";

            if (Type != "0" && Type != "")
                strSQL += "and Type  ='" + Type + "'";
            strSQL += "order by time desc";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSQL);

コード例 #14
        public DataTable findDeliveryInfoDao(string Sendstate, string SendTime, string Sendpersonnel)
            DataBaseLayer db = new DataBaseLayer();

            System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime();
            currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;//获取当前时间

            //string sql = "select d.DecoctingNum ,  d.ID,d.Sendpersonnel ,d.warningstatus,d.SendTime,d.Sendstate,d.Starttime,d.Remarks, p.customid,p.delnum,(select hnum from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hname,p.Hospitalid,p.name,p.sex,p.age,p.phone,p.address,p.department,p.inpatientarea,p.ward,p.sickbed,";
            // sql += "p.diagresult,p.Pspnum,(select machinename from machine where id = (select machineid from tisaneinfo where pid = p.id )) as machineid,p.dose,p.takenum,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum,p.takemethod,p.decscheme,p.oncetime,p.RemarksA,p.RemarksB,p.twicetime,p.packagenum,p.dotime,p.doperson,p.dtbcompany,p.dtbaddress,p.dtbphone,p.dtbtype,p.soakwater,p.soaktime,p.labelnum,p.remark,p.doctor,p.footnote,p.ordertime,p.curstate";
            // sql += " from prescription as p join Delivery as d on p.id =d.DecoctingNum   where d.DecoctingNum not in (select pid from InvalidPrescription) ";
            string sql = "select d.DecoctingNum ,  d.ID,d.Sendpersonnel ,d.SendTime,case d.Sendstate when '0' then '待发货' when '1' then '已发货' else d.Sendstate end,d.Remarks,(select hnum from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hnum,(select hname from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid) as hname,";

            sql += "p.Pspnum,p.name,(select machinename from machine where id = (select machineid from tisaneinfo where pid = p.id )) as machineid,p.dose,p.takenum,p.packagenum,p.dtbaddress,p.getdrugtime,p.getdrugnum";
            sql += " from prescription as p join Delivery as d on p.id =d.DecoctingNum   where d.DecoctingNum not in (select pid from InvalidPrescription) ";
            if (Sendstate != "")
                sql += " and Sendstate ='" + Sendstate + "'";

            if (SendTime != "0")
                sql += "and Convert(varchar,SendTime ,120)   like '" + SendTime + "%'";
            if (Sendpersonnel != "0")
                sql += "and  Sendpersonnel='" + Sendpersonnel + "'";
            sql += " order by d.DecoctingNum desc";
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #15
ファイル: TisaneModel.cs プロジェクト: liangwanzhuang/bmcc
        public DataTable searchTisaneClass()
            string    strSQL = "select id,pspnum,tisaneclassid,pspstate,remark from TisaneClassDst";
            DataTable dt     = db.get_DataTable(strSQL);

コード例 #16
        public DataTable GetPsTableById(int pid)
            string    strSql = @"select * from  prescriptionSubsidiary where pid=" + pid;
            DataTable dt     = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #17
        public DataTable SearchInfo(string aPid)
            DataBaseLayer db     = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        strSql = "select r.id , r.Clearing,r.CheckNum,r.ReconciliaPer,r.ReconciliaT,r.now,r.State,r.Remarks,p.dotime,(select distinct hname from hospital as h where h.id = p.hospitalid and h.id in (select hospitalid from prescription where p.id = r.pid )) as hname,p.Pspnum,p.decscheme,p.name,p.dose,p.takenum,p.packagenum, (select count(pid)  from drug as s where  s.pid =p.id and s.pid=r.pid ) as DrugAcount"
                                   + " from prescription as p join Reconciliation as r on p.id = r.pid where 1=1";

            string[] strRows1Id1 = aPid.Split(',');
            if (strRows1Id1.Length == 1)
                strSql += " and r.pid = " + strRows1Id1[0] + "";
                for (int i = 0; i < strRows1Id1.Length; i++)
                    if (i == 0)
                        strSql += " and r.pid in(" + strRows1Id1[i] + ",";
                    else if (i == strRows1Id1.Length - 1)
                        strSql += strRows1Id1[i] + ")";
                        strSql += strRows1Id1[i] + ",";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #18
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 更新复核信息
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="hid">医院id</param>
        ///// <returns>int对象</returns>

        public int getEntrustNumber(int hid)
            string    sql     = "select id,entrustNumber,updateDate from entrustNumber where Hospitalid=" + hid;
            string    nowDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMM");
            DataTable dt      = db.get_DataTable(sql);

            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string updateDate    = dt.Rows[0]["updateDate"].ToString();
                string id            = dt.Rows[0]["id"].ToString();
                int    entrustNumber = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["entrustNumber"].ToString());
                if (!updateDate.Equals(nowDate))
                    string updateSql = "update entrustNumber set entrustNumber=" + entrustNumber + ",updateDate='" + nowDate + "' where id=" + id;
                string sqlStr = "insert into entrustNumber(Hospitalid,entrustNumber,updateDate) values('" + hid + "','1','" + nowDate + "')";

コード例 #19
        public DataTable AdjustMonitors_1()
            System.DateTime currentTime = new System.DateTime();
            currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;//当前时间

            string strS = currentTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 00:00:00");

            string        strS2 = currentTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd 23:59:59");
            DataBaseLayer db    = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        sql   = @"   select p.id,h.Hname,p.name,a.SwapPer,p.dotime,a.wordDate,a.status
                           from prescription as p 
                           right join adjust as a on p.ID=a.prescriptionId
                           left join Hospital as h on  h.ID=p.Hospitalid and h.DrugSendDisplayState='0'

                         p.curstate in('开始调剂','调剂完成') and 
                         p.ID not in (select pid from Audit )
                             and p.dotime >='" + strS + "' and p.dotime<='" + strS2 + "'";

            db.write_log_txt("调剂大屏显示SQL:" + sql);
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #20
        public string  finDecotingBarbyId(int id)
        {  /*  //通过id查询煎药条码
            * string strSql = "select    (select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM(dose *takenum  ) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id in (select DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id + ") ) as packNum  ,"
            +"(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM(decscheme) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id in (select DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id + ") ) as DeScheme, "
            +"(select    RIGHT(CAST('000' + RTRIM( packagenum ) AS varchar(20)), 4)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id in (select DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id + ") ) as packAcount  ,"
            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM( oncetime) AS varchar(20) ), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id in (select DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id + ") ) as OTime  ,"
            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM( twicetime ) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id in (select DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id + ") ) as TTime  ,"
            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM( machineid ) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from tisaneinfo as t where  t.pid in (select DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id + ") ) as hao  ,"
            + " RIGHT(CAST('000000000' + RTRIM(DecoctingNum) AS varchar(20)), 10)  as bNum , DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   id = " + id;*/
            string strSql = "select    (select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM(dose *takenum  ) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id  = " + id + ")  as packNum  ,"
                            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM(decscheme) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id  = " + id + ")  as DeScheme, "
                            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('000' + RTRIM( packagenum ) AS varchar(20)), 4)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id  = " + id + ") as packAcount  ,"
                            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM( oncetime) AS varchar(20) ), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id  = " + id + ")  as OTime  ,"
                            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM( twicetime ) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from prescription as p where  p.id  = " + id + ")  as TTime  ,"
                            + "(select    RIGHT(CAST('0' + RTRIM( machineid ) AS varchar(20)), 2)  as b   from tisaneinfo as t where  t.pid   = " + id + ") as hao  ,"

                            + " RIGHT(CAST('000000000' + RTRIM(DecoctingNum) AS varchar(20)), 10)  as bNum , DecoctingNum from Delivery as d where   DecoctingNum = " + id;
            //包装袋数: packNum;  煎药方案: DeScheme;  煎药单号: bNum;   包装量:  packAcount ;一煎时间:OTime; 二煎时间:TTime;  煎药单分配的机组号: hao
            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

            //string a = dt.Rows[0]["packNum"].ToString();
            //string b = dt.Rows[0]["DeScheme"].ToString();
            // string c = dt.Rows[0]["bNum"].ToString();
            // string y = dt.Rows[0]["hao"].ToString();
            // string d = dt.Rows[0]["packAcount"].ToString();
            //  string r = dt.Rows[0]["OTime"].ToString();
            //  string m = dt.Rows[0]["TTime"].ToString();
            //  string k = dt.Rows[0]["Warehouse"].ToString();

            return(dt.Rows[0]["packNum"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["DeScheme"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["bNum"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["packAcount"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["OTime"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["TTime"].ToString() + dt.Rows[0]["hao"].ToString());
コード例 #21
        public DataTable findHospitalInfo(int id)
            string strSql = "select * from  hospital where id = " + id;

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #22
        public DataTable findWarehousepharmacyModelInfo(string Type)
            string sql = "select * from  Warehousepharmacy where  1=1";

            if (Type != "0" && Type != "")
                sql += "and  Type ='" + Type + "'";

            // sql += " and id ='" + EName + "'";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #23
        public DataTable findspecialdrug()
            string sql = "select * from specialdrugname";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #24
        public DataTable findHospitalInfo(int id)
            string strSql = "select a.*,b.relation_name from  hospital a left join tb_hospital_drug_type b on a.relation_drug_type_id=b.relation_id where a.id = " + id;

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #25
ファイル: PackingHandler.cs プロジェクト: liangwanzhuang/bmcc
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param ></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable SearchPacking()
            string        strSql = "select id ,DecoctingNum,Pacpersonnel,PacTime,Fpactate,Starttime,Timeset from Packing";
            DataBaseLayer db     = new DataBaseLayer();

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #26
        public DataTable findLimitsauthorityById(int id)
            DataBaseLayer db     = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        strSql = "select * from limitsauthority where id=" + id;

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #27
ファイル: PackingModel.cs プロジェクト: liangwanzhuang/bmcc
        public DataTable findPackingBybarcode(string barcode)
            DataBaseLayer db  = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        sql = "select * from packing where DecoctingNum='" + barcode + "'";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param ></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public DataTable SearchDelivery()
            string        strSql = "select id ,DecoctingNum,Sendpersonnel,SendTime,Sendstate,Starttime,Remarks,kd_type,kd_num,demo from Delivery";
            DataBaseLayer db     = new DataBaseLayer();

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(strSql);

コード例 #29
        public DataTable find_pda_image_by_pid(string p_id)
            DataBaseLayer db  = new DataBaseLayer();
            string        sql = "select distinct n_id,image_str,syscreated,p_str,p_status from dbo.tb_node_image where n_id='" + p_id.Trim() + "'";

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);

コード例 #30
ファイル: PackingHandler.cs プロジェクト: liangwanzhuang/bmcc
        public DataTable getpackingInfo(int id)
            string        sql = "select DecoctingNum,Pacpersonnel,PacTime,Fpactate,Starttime,Timeset from packing where id = '" + id + "'";
            DataBaseLayer db  = new DataBaseLayer();

            DataTable dt = db.get_DataTable(sql);
