public DesisionTreeMainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); dbHandler = new DataBaseHandler(); desTreeInfo = new DataContainer <List <string[]> >(); learningInfo = new DataContainer <DataContainer <List <string> > >(); LoadInformationForUsingDesTrees(); }
public void Updatedata(string Url, string status) { try { string InsertQuery = "Update Url_tb Set Status='" + status + "'where SiteUrl='" + Url + "'"; DataBaseHandler.PerformQuery(InsertQuery, "Url_tb"); } catch { } }
public void TestAddEmployeeToPayrollUsingThreadsofDataBaseHandlerClassPassListOfEmployeesAndReceiveTheNumberOfRowsAffected() { DateTime startDateTimeThread = DateTime.Now; int rowsThread = DataBaseHandler.AddEmployeeToPayrollUsingThreads(employeeDetails); DateTime endDateTimeThread = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine("The time taken for execution is: " + (endDateTimeThread - startDateTimeThread)); Assert.AreEqual(3, rowsThread); }
private static void createCardDataBase() { string create; string insert; create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cards (" + "id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, " + "teamId TEXT, " + "player1Id TEXT, " + "player2Id TEXT, " + "value INTEGER, " + "inAction TEXT, " + "outAction TEXT " + ")"; Debug.Log(create); DataBaseHandler.executeNonQuery(create); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("Assets/Data/GameData/CardData.tsv"); string fileContents = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); string[] lines = fileContents.Split(new Char[] { '\n' }); int length = lines.Length; for (int i = 1; i < length; ++i) { string line = lines[i]; string[] values = line.Split(new Char[] { '\t' }); if (values[0].Trim() != String.Empty) { insert = "INSERT INTO cards (id, teamId, player1Id, player2Id, value, inAction, outAction) VALUES ( " + "'" + values[0].Trim() + "', " + "'" + values[1].Trim() + "', " + "'" + values[2].Trim() + "', " + "'" + values[3].Trim() + "', " + "'" + values[4].Trim() + "', " + "'" + values[5].Trim() + "', " + "'" + values[6].Trim() + "')"; Debug.Log(insert); try { DataBaseHandler.executeNonQuery(insert); } catch (System.Exception error) { Debug.Log(error.ToString()); DataBaseHandler.close(); break; } } } }
private void ClearProxy() { try { if (dgvAccount.Rows.Count <= 1) { MessageBox.Show("There are no Accounts in DataBase"); return; } else { try { DataSet ds = new DataSet(); using (SQLiteConnection con = new SQLiteConnection(DataBaseHandler.CONstr)) { //using (SQLiteDataAdapter ad = new SQLiteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tb_FBAccount WHERE ProxyAddress = '" + proxyAddress + "'", con)) using (SQLiteDataAdapter ad = new SQLiteDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM tb_LinkedInAccount", con)) { ad.Fill(ds); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count >= 1) { AddLoggerAccountLoad("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ Please Wait Process Is Running ...! ]"); if (MessageBox.Show("Do you really want to clear all proxies from Accounts", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string UpdateQuery = "Update tb_LinkedInAccount Set IPAddress='" + "" + "', IPPort='" + "" + "', IPUserName='******', IPPassword='******' WHERE UserName='******'"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(UpdateQuery, "tb_LinkedInAccount"); } AddLoggerAccountLoad("[ " + DateTime.Now + " ] => [ All Proxy details has been cleared. ]"); LoadDataGrid();//Refresh Datagrid } } else { MessageBox.Show("No Proxies To Clear"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //GlobusFileHelper.AppendStringToTextfileNewLine("Error in Clearing Proxies :- " + ex.Message + "StackTrace --> >>>" + ex.StackTrace, Globals.Path_TwtErrorLogs); } } } catch { } }
public static void Remove(Patient patient) { MySqlCommand command; DataBaseHandler.Open(); command = new("DELETE FROM patients WHERE id = @id;", DataBaseHandler.Connection); command.Parameters.Add("@id", MySqlDbType.Int32).Value = patient.ID; command.ExecuteNonQuery(); DataBaseHandler.Close(); }
protected async void Page_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!(this.IsPostBack)) { await DataBaseHandler.getAllShips(); Console.WriteLine("page_load"); setDataTables(); } }
public AlgoTraderCreatorPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); MySqlDataReader reader = DataBaseHandler.GetData("SELECT FullName FROM Stock"); while (reader.Read()) { StockNameBox.Items.Add((string)reader["FullName"]); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (text != null) { DataBaseHandler db = new DataBaseHandler(); User user = db.getUser(1); text.text = user.getName() + "のカフェ庭"; } coupon_dialog.SetActive(false); }
public void SetCouponInfo(int coupon_id) { DataBaseHandler db = new DataBaseHandler(); Coupon coupon = db.getCoupon(coupon_id); coupon_name.text = coupon.getName(); ok_button.onClick.AddListener(() => onOkClick(coupon.getId())); cancel_button.onClick.AddListener(() => onCancelClick()); }
public void View() { try { string select_query = "select * from tb_BlackListAccount"; DataSet select_ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(select_query, "tb_BlackListAccount"); DGridViewBlackListUserDetails.DataSource = select_ds.Tables[0]; } catch { } }
private void DeleteBlackListUser(string ID) { try { string delete_query = "delete from tb_BlackListAccount where ProfileID = '" + ID.ToString() + "'"; DataSet select_ds = DataBaseHandler.SelectQuery(delete_query, "tb_BlackListAccount"); DGridViewBlackListUserDetails.DataSource = select_ds.Tables[0]; } catch { } }
public RedirectToRouteResult Add_Drug() { string Name = Request.QueryString["Drug_Name"]; string Price = Request.QueryString["Drug_Price"]; int Quantity = Request.QueryString["Drug_quantity"]; string [] data = { Name, Price, Quantity }; DataBaseHandler.Insert("Pharmacy", data); return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Pharmacy")); }
void OkClick() { #if UNITY_ANDROID && !UNITY_EDITOR DataBaseHandler db = new DataBaseHandler(); db.AuthenticateCafe(current_cafe.getId(), "color", int.Parse(selected_cafe_image)); add_cafe_diralog.SetActive(false); #else add_cafe_diralog.SetActive(false); #endif }
private void DeleteStockButtonClick(string StockName) { DataBaseHandler.SetData("DELETE FROM Stock Where StockName = '" + StockName + "'"); DataBaseHandler.SetData("DELETE FROM Inventories Where StockName = '" + StockName + "'"); DataBaseHandler.SetData("DELETE FROM Trades Where StockName = '" + StockName + "'"); DataBaseHandler.SetData("DELETE FROM WatchList Where StockName = '" + StockName + "'"); DataBaseHandler.SetData("DELETE FROM Pool Where StockName = '" + StockName + "'"); DataBaseHandler.SetData("DELETE FROM PricingHistory Where StockName = '" + StockName + "'"); LoadValues(); }
public void UpdateUserMute(ulong userId, bool isMusted) { var idString = Converter.ConvertToString(userId); int Mute = Converter.ConvertFromBool(isMusted); using (IDbConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(DataBaseHandler.CnnVal(nameS))) { connection.Execute($"update UserAcc set IsMuted = {Converter.ConvertFromBool(isMusted)} WHERE Id = {userId};"); } }
public void test() { using (IDbConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection(DataBaseHandler.CnnVal(nameS))) { connection.Open(); Console.WriteLine(connection.State); connection.Close(); Console.WriteLine(connection.State); } }
public void Mention_InsertIntotb_RandomiserMention(string LoginUserName, string ScreenName, string TweetUserId, string TweetUserName, string TweetMessage) { try { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO tb_RandomiserMention(LoginUserName ,ScreenName, TweetUserId , TweetUserName , TweetMessage , MentionStatus , TableStatus) VALUES ('" + LoginUserName + "' , '" + ScreenName + "' , '" + TweetUserId + "' , '" + TweetUserName + "' , '" + TweetMessage + "' , '0' , '0')"; DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, "tb_RandomiserMention"); } catch { } }
public void Mention_InsertIntotb_Randomiser(string LoginUserName, string ReplyUserName, string MessageType, string Message, string DateTime, string MessageStatus, string TableStatus) { try { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO tb_Randomiser(LoginUserName ,ReplyUserName, MessageType , Message , DateTime , MessageStatus , TableStatus) VALUES ('" + LoginUserName + "' , '" + ReplyUserName + "' , '" + MessageType + "' , '" + Message + "' , '" + DateTime + "' , '" + MessageStatus + "' , '" + TableStatus + "')"; DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, "tb_Randomiser"); } catch { } }
public void Updatetb_RandomiserMention(string userName, string tweetUserName) { try { string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_RandomiserMention SET MentionStatus = '1' WHERE (LoginUserName = '******') AND (TweetUserName='******')"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_RandomiserMention"); } catch { } }
public void Updatetb_MentionReplyCampaign(string userName, string replyUserName) { try { string strQuery = "UPDATE tb_MentionReplyCampaign SET RandomiserMentionStatus = '1' WHERE (UserName = '******') AND (ReplyUserName = '******' OR TweetUserName='******')"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_MentionReplyCampaign"); } catch { } }
public void DeleteAllfromtb_RandomiserMention() { try { string strQuery = "Delete from tb_RandomiserMention"; DataBaseHandler.DeleteQuery(strQuery, "tb_RandomiserMention"); } catch { } }
public void Updatetb_Randomiser() { try { string strQuery = "update tb_Randomiser set TableStatus='1'"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(strQuery, "tb_Randomiser"); } catch { } }
public void ReTweet_InserIntotb_Randomiser(string LoginUserName, string MessageType, string TweetId, string DateTime, string MessageStatus, string TableStatus) { try { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO tb_Randomiser(LoginUserName , MessageType , TweetId , DateTime , MessageStatus , TableStatus) VALUES ('" + LoginUserName + "' , '" + MessageType + "' , '" + TweetId + "' , '" + DateTime + "' , '" + MessageStatus + "' , '" + TableStatus + "')"; DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, "tb_Randomiser"); } catch { } }
public void DeleteCompletlyFromtb_MentionReplyCampaign() { try { string query = "delete from tb_MentionReplyCampaign"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(query, "tb_MentionReplyCampaign"); } catch { } }
private void UpdateRecord_GetNewTweet(string statusId, string UserName) { try { string query = "Update tb_ReplyCampaign set Status='0' where StatusId='" + statusId + "' and UserName='******'"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(query, "tb_ReplyCampaign"); } catch { } }
public void Follow_InserIntotb_Randomiser(string LoginUserName, string Follow, string FollowUserName, string DateTime, string MessageStatus, string TableStatus) { try { string strQuery = "INSERT INTO tb_Randomiser(LoginUserName , Follow , FollowUserName , DateTime , MessageStatus , TableStatus) VALUES ('" + LoginUserName + "' , '" + Follow + "' , '" + FollowUserName + "' , '" + DateTime + "' , '" + MessageStatus + "' , '" + TableStatus + "')"; DataBaseHandler.InsertQuery(strQuery, "tb_Randomiser"); } catch { } }
public void DeleteRecordsAfterReplyFromtb_ReplyCampaign(string statusId, string UserName) { try { string query = "Update tb_ReplyCampaign set Status='1' where Status='0' and StatusId='" + statusId + "' and UserName='******'"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(query, "tb_ReplyCampaign"); } catch { } }
public void DeleteFromtb_ReplyCampaign() { try { string query = "Update tb_ReplyCampaign set Status='1' where Status='0'"; DataBaseHandler.UpdateQuery(query, "tb_ReplyCampaign"); } catch { } }
protected void deactivateShip(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button b = ((Button)sender); string imo = ((Literal)b.Parent.FindControl("imo")).Text; DataBaseHandler.deactivateShip(imo); Console.WriteLine("deactivateShip before setdatatables"); setDataTables(); }
public BoxHandler(DataBaseHandler dbh) { this.dbh = dbh; }
public DataBaseHandler() { DataBase = this; }