//public NewsObject_RecycleAdapter mAdapter;

        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

            //// Dummy Data
            //userAlertDisplayList = SetUpData.DummyDataForUserAlert();

            // Get our RecyclerView layout:
            mRecyclerView = FindViewById <RecyclerView>(Resource.Id.recyclerView_UserAlert);

            // Layout Manager Setup:

            // Use the built-in linear layout manager:
            mLayoutManager = new LinearLayoutManager(this);

            // Or use the built-in grid layout manager (two horizontal rows):
            //mLayoutManager = new GridLayoutManager
            //       (this, 2, GridLayoutManager.Horizontal, false);

            // Plug the layout manager into the RecyclerView:

            // Adapter Setup:

            // Create an adapter for the RecyclerView, and pass it the
            // data set (List<userAlert>) to manage:
            mAdapter = new UserAlerts_RecycleAdapter(userAlertDisplayList);

            //Register the item click handler(below) with the adapter:
            mAdapter.ItemClick += MAdapter_ItemClick;

            // Plug the adapter into the RecyclerView:


            // ToolBar - Top of Screen  (method 1)
            var toolbar = FindViewById <Toolbar>(Resource.Id.userAlertsActivity_top_toolbar);

            SupportActionBar.Title = GetString(Resource.String.userAlertsActivity_top_toolbar_title);

            // Toolbar - Bottom of Screen  (method 2)
            var toolbar_bottom = FindViewById <Toolbar>(Resource.Id.userAlertsActivity_bottom_toolbar);

            toolbar_bottom.Title = GetString(Resource.String.userAlertsActivity_bottom_toolbar_title);

            toolbar_bottom.MenuItemClick += (sender, e) =>
                switch (e.Item.ItemId)
                case Resource.Id.userAlertsActivity_bottom_toolbar_option_personalAlerts:
                    // call intent to start next activity
                    Intent intent = new Intent(this, typeof(PersonalAlertsActivity));

            // This code ONLY runs if - user selects to add an alert to a newsObject in Main Activity
            if (SelectedNewsObject_PassedFrom_MainActivity != null)
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\n\n" + SelectedNewsObject_PassedFrom_MainActivity.ToString() + "\n\n\n");

                // avoid null error if UserAlertTable doesn't exist - won't overwrite if it does

                UserAlert convertedUserAlert = DataAccessHelpers.ConvertNewsObjectToUserAlert(SelectedNewsObject_PassedFrom_MainActivity);
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", convertedUserAlert.ToString());

                // store UserAlert in database & get its ID number -
                // need ID of UserAlert from DB at this mmoment for creating alarm code
                int userID_fromDB = DataAccessHelpers.AddNewUserAlertToDatabase(convertedUserAlert);

                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "UserAlertActivity says - new UserID from DB: " + userID_fromDB + "\n\n");
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "FINISHED\n\n\n");

                // call SetAlarm() here .....
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\n\npause for breakpoint\n\n\n");

            // This code ONLY runs if - user selects to add a Personal Alert in PersonalAlerts Activity
            if (SelectedUserAlert_PassedFrom_PersonalAlertsActivity != null)
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\n\n" + SelectedUserAlert_PassedFrom_PersonalAlertsActivity.ToString() + "\n\n\n");

                // avoid null error if UserAlertTable doesn't exist - won't overwrite if it does

                // before calling AddNewUserAlertToDatabase() make a copy of UserAlert as its corresponding
                // property will be set to null - use copy for SetAlarm()
                UserAlert tempUserAlertToSetAlarmWith = SelectedUserAlert_PassedFrom_PersonalAlertsActivity;

                // store UserAlert in database & get its ID number -
                // need ID of UserAlert from DB at this mmoment for creating alarm code
                int userID_fromDB = DataAccessHelpers.AddNewUserAlertToDatabase(SelectedUserAlert_PassedFrom_PersonalAlertsActivity);
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\n\nUserAlertActivity says - new UserID from DB: " + userID_fromDB + "\n\n\n");

                // // call SetAlarm() here .....
                Log.Debug("DEBUG", "\n\n\npause for breakpoint\n\n\n");

        }// end OnCreate