public List <FieldInfo> GetTableFields(string tbName) { List <FieldInfo> lstField = new List <FieldInfo>(); if (pro != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbName)) { //获取所有字段 string sqlFields = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME,DATA_TYPE,DATA_LENGTH,NULLABLE,DATA_PRECISION,DATA_SCALE FROM USER_TAB_COLumnS where TABLE_NAME='" + tbName + "'"; string sqlPrimary = "select column_name from all_cons_columns cc where table_name='" + tbName + "' and exists (select 'x' from all_constraints c where c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name and c.constraint_type ='P') order by position"; string sqlDesc = "select TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,COMMENTS from user_col_comments where TABLE_NAME='" + tbName + "'"; //获得主键 object o = OracleHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sqlPrimary, null); string pk = ""; if (o != DBNull.Value && o != null) { pk = o.ToString(); } //获得unique List <string> uniqueFields = GetUniqueFields(tbName); //获得该表所有字段的注释 List <OracleDescInfo> descs = new List <OracleDescInfo>(); using (DbDataReader odr = OracleHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sqlDesc, null)) { while (odr.Read()) { OracleDescInfo model = new OracleDescInfo(); model.TableName = odr.GetString(0); model.ColumnName = odr.GetString(1); model.Comments = ""; if (!odr.IsDBNull(2)) { model.Comments = odr.GetString(2); } descs.Add(model); } } using (DbDataReader odr = OracleHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sqlFields, null)) { while (odr.Read()) { FieldInfo fi = new FieldInfo(); //字段名 fi.FieldName = odr.GetString(0); //是否主键 if (fi.FieldName.IsEqualTo(pk)) { fi.IsPrimaryKey = true; } else { fi.IsPrimaryKey = false; } //是否唯一 if (uniqueFields.Exists(s => s == fi.FieldName)) { fi.IsUnique = true; } else { fi.IsUnique = false; } //c#变量名 fi.PropertyName = NameFormat(fi.FieldName); //字段类型 fi.FieldType = odr.GetString(1); //字段长度 fi.FieldLength = odr.GetInt32(2); //是否可空 if (!odr.IsDBNull(3)) { fi.IsNullable = odr.GetString(3) == "Y" ? true : false; } else { fi.IsNullable = false; } //是否自增 fi.IsAutoIncrease = false; //如果是Number类型,FieldLength为Number的整数部分 if (fi.FieldType.IsEqualTo("NUMBER")) { if (!odr.IsDBNull(4)) { fi.FieldLength = odr.GetInt32(4); } } if (!odr.IsDBNull(5)) { fi.FieldScale = odr.GetInt32(5); } //显示名和描述 OracleDescInfo myDesc = descs.Find(s => s.ColumnName.IsEqualTo(fi.FieldName)); fi.DisplayName = ""; fi.Desc = ""; if (myDesc != null) { fi.Desc = myDesc.Comments; } string desc = fi.Desc.Replace(",", ","); string[] arr = desc.Split(','); fi.DisplayName = arr[0]; //C#类型 fi.VarType = ToCSType(fi.FieldType, fi.FieldLength, fi.FieldScale); //ReaderGetType fi.ReaderGetType = ToReaderGetType(fi.FieldType, fi.FieldLength, fi.FieldScale); lstField.Add(fi); } } } return(lstField); }
public List <FieldInfo> GetTableFields(string tbName) { List <FieldInfo> lstField = new List <FieldInfo>(); if (pro != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbName)) { //获取所有字段 string sqlGetFields = @"select, as ctype, sys.columns.max_length, sys.columns.is_nullable, (select count(*) from sys.identity_columns where sys.identity_columns.object_id = sys.columns.object_id and sys.columns.column_id = sys.identity_columns.column_id) as is_identity , (select value from sys.extended_properties where sys.extended_properties.major_id = sys.columns.object_id and sys.extended_properties.minor_id = sys.columns.column_id) as description from sys.columns, sys.tables, sys.types where sys.columns.object_id = sys.tables.object_id and sys.columns.system_type_id=sys.types.system_type_id and'" + tbName + "' order by sys.columns.column_id "; string sqlGetPrimary = "Select name From SysColumns Where id=Object_Id('" + tbName + "') and ColID in (select keyno from sysindexkeys where id=Object_Id('" + tbName + "'))"; //获得主键 object o = SqlHelper.ExecuteScalar(CommandType.Text, sqlGetPrimary, null); string pk = ""; if (o != DBNull.Value && o != null) { pk = o.ToString(); } //获得unique List <string> uniqueFields = GetUniqueFields(tbName); using (DbDataReader sdr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, sqlGetFields, null)) { while (sdr.Read()) { FieldInfo fi = new FieldInfo(); //字段名 fi.FieldName = sdr.GetString(0); //是否主键 if (fi.FieldName.IsEqualTo(pk)) { fi.IsPrimaryKey = true; } else { fi.IsPrimaryKey = false; } //是否唯一 if (uniqueFields.Exists(s => s == fi.FieldName)) { fi.IsUnique = true; } else { fi.IsUnique = false; } //c#变量名 fi.PropertyName = NameFormat(fi.FieldName); //字段类型 fi.FieldType = sdr.GetString(1); //字段长度 fi.FieldLength = sdr.GetInt16(2); //是否可空 if (!sdr.IsDBNull(3)) { fi.IsNullable = sdr.GetBoolean(3); } else { fi.IsNullable = false; } //是否自增 if (!sdr.IsDBNull(4)) { fi.IsAutoIncrease = sdr.GetInt32(4) == 1 ? true : false; } else { fi.IsAutoIncrease = false; } //显示名和描述 if (!sdr.IsDBNull(5)) { fi.Desc = sdr.GetString(5); string desc = fi.Desc.Replace(",", ","); string[] arr = desc.Split(','); fi.DisplayName = arr[0]; } else { fi.DisplayName = ""; fi.Desc = ""; } //小数位数 fi.FieldScale = 0; //C#类型 fi.VarType = ToCSType(fi.FieldType, fi.FieldLength, fi.FieldScale); //ReaderGetType fi.ReaderGetType = ToReaderGetType(fi.FieldType, fi.FieldLength, fi.FieldScale); if (fi.FieldType != "sysname") { lstField.Add(fi); } } } } return(lstField); }