コード例 #1
        private string AccuserReception()
            string sResult 		 = "";
            string montant           = "";
            string reference         = "";
            string MAC               = "";
            string TexteLibre        = "";
            string CodeRetour        = "";
            string dateConfirmation  = "";
            string Cvx		 = "";
            string Vld		 = "";
            string Brand		 = "";
            string Status3DS	 = "";
            string NumAuto 		 = "";
            string MotifRefus	 = "";
            string OrigineCB	 = "";
            string BinCB		 = "";
            string HPanCB		 = "";
            string IPClient		 = "";
            string OrigineTr	 = "";
            string VeRes		 = "";
            string PaRes		 = "";
            string MontantEch	 = "";

                if (Request.ServerVariables["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET")
                    montant += Request.QueryString["montant"];
                    reference += Request.QueryString["reference"];
                    MAC += Request.QueryString["MAC"];
                    TexteLibre += Request.QueryString["texte-libre"];
                    CodeRetour += Request.QueryString["code-retour"];
                    dateConfirmation += Request.QueryString["date"];
                    Cvx += Request.QueryString["cvx"];
                    Vld += Request.QueryString["vld"];
                    Brand += Request.QueryString["brand"];
                    Status3DS += Request.QueryString["status3ds"];
                    NumAuto += Request.QueryString["numauto"];
                    MotifRefus += Request.QueryString["motifrefus"];
                    OrigineCB += Request.QueryString["originecb"];
                    BinCB += Request.QueryString["bincb"];
                    HPanCB += Request.QueryString["hpancb"];
                    IPClient += Request.QueryString["ipclient"];
                    OrigineTr += Request.QueryString["originetr"];
                    VeRes += Request.QueryString["veres"];
                    PaRes += Request.QueryString["pares"];
                    MontantEch += Request.QueryString["montantech"];
                    if (Request.ServerVariables["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST")
                        montant += Request.Form["montant"];
                        reference += Request.Form["reference"];
                        MAC += Request.Form["MAC"];
                        TexteLibre += Request.Form["texte-libre"];
                        CodeRetour += Request.Form["code-retour"];
                        dateConfirmation += Request.Form["date"];
                        Cvx += Request.Form["cvx"];
                        Vld += Request.Form["vld"];
                        Brand += Request.Form["brand"];
                        Status3DS += Request.Form["status3ds"];
                        NumAuto += Request.Form["numauto"];
                        MotifRefus += Request.Form["motifrefus"];
                        OrigineCB += Request.Form["originecb"];
                        BinCB += Request.Form["bincb"];
                        HPanCB += Request.Form["hpancb"];
                        IPClient += Request.Form["ipclient"];
                        OrigineTr += Request.Form["originetr"];
                        VeRes += Request.Form["veres"];
                        PaRes += Request.Form["pares"];
                        MontantEch += Request.Form["montantech"];

                bool bProdServer = (ConfigurationManager.ServerType == ConfigurationManager.EnumServerType.PROD.ToString()) ? true : false;

                Upsilab.Data.Model.Payment.CMCIC_Page CMICIC_Page = new Data.Model.Payment.CMCIC_Page("FR", bProdServer);

                CMICIC_Page.sDataToValidate = CMICIC_Page.sNumero + "*" + dateConfirmation + "*" + montant + "*" + reference + "*" + TexteLibre + "*" + CMICIC_Page.sVersion + "*";
                CMICIC_Page.sDataToValidate += CodeRetour + "*" + Cvx + "*" + Vld + "*" + Brand + "*" + Status3DS + "*" + NumAuto + "*" + MotifRefus + "*";
                CMICIC_Page.sDataToValidate += OrigineCB + "*" + BinCB + "*" + HPanCB + "*" + IPClient + "*" + OrigineTr + "*" + VeRes + "*" + PaRes + "*";

                //Just for test********************
                //TODO : Comment this code
                //CodeRetour = "payetest"; //Annulation
                //reference = "65"; //idsouscription
                //MotifRefus = "";

                //if (true) //Is valid hmac
                //Fin test*************************

                if (CMICIC_Page.oHmac.isValidHmac(CMICIC_Page.HmacString, MAC))
                    switch (CodeRetour)
                        case "Annulation":
                            * Payment has been refused
                            * put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                            * Attention : an authorization may still be delivered later

                        case "payetest":
                            * Payment has been accepted on the test server
                            * put your code here (email sending / Database update)

                        case "paiement":
                            * Payment has been accepted on the productive server
                            * put your code here (email sending / Database update)


                        /*** ONLY FOR MULTIPART PAYMENT ***/
                        case "paiement_pf2":
                        case "paiement_pf3":
                        case "paiement_pf4":
                            * Payment has been accepted on the productive server for the part #N
                            * return code is like paiement_pf[#N]
                            * put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                            * You have the amount of the payment part in MontantEch

                        case "Annulation_pf2":
                        case "Annulation_pf3":
                        case "Annulation_pf4":
                            * Payment has been refused on the productive server for the part #N
                            * return code is like Annulation_pf[#N]
                            * put your code here (email sending / Database update)
                            * You have the amount of the payment part in MontantEch

                    //Result to return to the API
                    sResult = "0"; //Ok
                    * your code if the HMAC doesn't match
                    MotifRefus = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MotifRefus)) ? MotifRefus : string.Format("HMAC {0} does not match", CMICIC_Page.HmacString);
                    sResult = "1\n" + CMICIC_Page.HmacString;
            catch (Exception ex)
                CodeRetour += "UPSIRECUEIL_EXCEPTION";
                MotifRefus += ex.Message;
                sResult = "1";

            //Log payment
            PaymentLog paymentLog = new PaymentLog()
                idSubscription = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(reference)) ? int.Parse(reference) : 1, // default 1
                ReturnCode = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CodeRetour)) ? CodeRetour : "UPSIRECUEIL_EXCEPTION",
                ReasonRefusal = MotifRefus,
                DatePayment = DateTime.Now


            return sResult;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Send data to API CMCIC
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Aller(int id)
                Subscription subscription = db.Subscription.Include("FirmInstitution").Where(s => s.IdSubscription == id).FirstOrDefault();

                if (subscription != null)
                    //1- Set value to CMICIC_class
                    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    //  CheckOut Stub setting fictious Merchant and Order datas.
                    //  That's your job to set actual order fields. Here is a stub.
                    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    bool bProdServer = (ConfigurationManager.ServerType == ConfigurationManager.EnumServerType.PROD.ToString()) ? true : false;

                    Upsilab.Data.Model.Payment.CMCIC_Page CMCIC_Page = new Data.Model.Payment.CMCIC_Page("FR", bProdServer)
                        // Reference: unique, alphaNum (A-Z a-z 0-9), 12 characters max
                        sReference = subscription.IdSubscription.ToString(), //Id command (= Id souscription)                        

                        // Currency : ISO 4217 compliant
                        sDevise = "EUR",

                        // Amount : format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
                        sMontant = subscription.TotalAmount.ToString().Replace(",", "."),

                        // Language of the company code
                        sLangue = "FR",

                        // free texte : a bigger reference, session context for the return on the merchant website
                        sTexteLibre = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string.Format("{0} {1}", subscription.FirmInstitution.FirmInstitutionName, subscription.IdFirmInstitution)),

                        // customer email
                        sEmail = subscription.FirmInstitution.E_mail,
                        sOptions = "",

                        // transaction date : format d/m/y:h:m:s
                        sDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss"),

                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                        // between 2 and 4
                        //sNbrEch = "4",
                        sNbrEch = "",

                        // date echeance 1 - format dd/mm/yyyy
                        sDateEcheance1 = "",

                        // montant échéance 1 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
                        //sMontantEcheance1 = "0.26" + sDevise;
                        sMontantEcheance1 = "",

                        // date echeance 2 - format dd/mm/yyyy
                        sDateEcheance2 = "",

                        // montant échéance 2 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
                        //sMontantEcheance2 = "0.25" + sDevise;
                        sMontantEcheance2 = "",

                        // date echeance 3 - format dd/mm/yyyy
                        sDateEcheance3 = "",

                        // montant échéance 3 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
                        //sMontantEcheance3 = "0.25" + sDevise;
                        sMontantEcheance3 = "",

                        // date echeance 4 - format dd/mm/yyyy
                        sDateEcheance4 = "",

                        // montant échéance 4 - format  "xxxxx.yy" (no spaces)
                        //sMontantEcheance4 = "0.25" + sDevise;
                        sMontantEcheance4 = "",

                        // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

                    // Data to certify
                    CMCIC_Page.sDataToValidate = CMCIC_Page.sNumero + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sDate + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sMontantForm + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sReference + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sTexteLibre + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sVersion + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sLangueForm + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sCodeSociete + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sEmail + "*"
                                           + CMCIC_Page.sNbrEch + "*"
                                           + CMCIC_Page.sDateEcheance1 + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sMontantEcheance1 + "*"
                                           + CMCIC_Page.sDateEcheance2 + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sMontantEcheance2 + "*"
                                           + CMCIC_Page.sDateEcheance3 + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sMontantEcheance3 + "*"
                                           + CMCIC_Page.sDateEcheance4 + "*" + CMCIC_Page.sMontantEcheance4 + "*"
                                           + CMCIC_Page.sOptions;

                    //2- Create payment model
                    Upsilab.Data.Model.Payment.PaymentModel paymentModel = new Data.Model.Payment.PaymentModel()
                        url_paiement = CMCIC_Page.sUrlPaiement,
                        version = CMCIC_Page.sVersion,
                        TPE = CMCIC_Page.sNumero,
                        date = CMCIC_Page.sDate,
                        montant = CMCIC_Page.sMontantForm,
                        reference = CMCIC_Page.sReference,
                        MAC = CMCIC_Page.sMAC,
                        url_retour = CMCIC_Page.sUrlKo,
                        url_retour_ok = CMCIC_Page.sUrlOkForm, //
                        url_retour_err = CMCIC_Page.sUrlKo,
                        lgue = CMCIC_Page.sLangueForm,
                        societe = CMCIC_Page.sCodeSociete,
                        texte_libre = CMCIC_Page.sTexteLibre,
                        mail = CMCIC_Page.sEmail


                    return View(paymentModel);
                    //Rediriger vers la page souscription
                    return RedirectToAction("Identification", "Souscrire");
                return RedirectToAction("Identification", "Souscrire");