コード例 #1
 async void LogoutClick(object Sender, EventArgs e)
     Data.AccountDataAccessService adas = new Data.AccountDataAccessService();
     adas.DBConnection.DeleteAll <Model.Login>();
     Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new Login(), this);
     await Navigation.PopAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); //(Ford,2016)
コード例 #2
        async void AddToDb(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool InvalidCredentials = false;
            bool error = false;

            Regex AccountUser = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$");
            Match test        = AccountUser.Match(txtAccountName.Text);

            if (!test.Success)
                InvalidCredentials = true;
                error = true;

            test = AccountUser.Match(txtUsername.Text);
            if (!test.Success)
                InvalidCredentials = true;
                error = true;

            Regex UserPass = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$");

            test = UserPass.Match(txtPassword.Text);
            if (!test.Success)
                InvalidCredentials = true;
                error = true;

            if (InvalidCredentials == false)
                Data.Database db = new Data.Database();
                error = await db.AddPasswordToDb(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, txtAccountName.Text, _UserAccount);

            if (error == false)
                //notify user the account was added
                Data.AccountDataAccessService adas = new Data.AccountDataAccessService();
                adas.AddAccount(new Model.Account {
                    AccountName = Crypto.EncryptToBytes(txtAccountName.Text), Username = Crypto.EncryptToBytes(txtUsername.Text), Password = Crypto.EncryptToBytes(txtPassword.Text)
                });                                                                                                                                                                                                     //Seridonio,2016
                txtUsername.Text    = "";
                txtPassword.Text    = "";
                txtAccountName.Text = "";
                lblResult.Text      = "Account details saved";
                //notify some error occured
                lblResult.Text = "Error adding account";
コード例 #3
        public void FetchDataAsync()
            Data.AccountDataAccessService adas    = new Data.AccountDataAccessService();
            List <Account>          list          = adas.GetAllAccounts();
            List <DecryptedAccount> decryptedList = DecryptList(list);

            Accounts = new ObservableCollection <DecryptedAccount>(decryptedList);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Button click to update account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        async void BtnUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool error = false;

            Regex UserPass           = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$+");
            Regex AccountUser        = new Regex("^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$+");
            bool  InvalidCredentials = false;

            Match test = AccountUser.Match(txtUsername.Text);

            if (!test.Success)
                InvalidCredentials = true;
                error = true;

            test = UserPass.Match(txtPassword.Text);
            if (!test.Success)
                InvalidCredentials = true;
                error = true;

            if (InvalidCredentials == false)
                Data.Database db = new Data.Database();
                error = await db.UpdateAccount(_UserName, lblAccountName.Text, txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text);

            //connect to DB and send query

            if (error == false)
                //notify user the account was Updated
                Data.AccountDataAccessService adas = new Data.AccountDataAccessService();
                //resync database
                //go back to main menu
                Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new MainPage(_UserName), this);
                await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                //notify some error occured
                lblResult.Text = "Error updating account";
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Button click to delete account
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        async void BtnDelete(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Data.Database db    = new Data.Database();
            bool          error = await db.DeleteAccount(_UserName, lblAccountName.Text);

            if (error == false)
                //notify user the account was added
                Data.AccountDataAccessService adas = new Data.AccountDataAccessService();
                //resync with the database
                //go back to main menu
                Navigation.InsertPageBefore(new MainPage(_UserName), this);
                await Navigation.PopToRootAsync();
                //notify some error occured
                lblResult.Text = "Error deleting account";