/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.user_amount_log model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 主表信息========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "user_amount_log("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion #region 用户表信息======================== StringBuilder strSql1 = new StringBuilder(); strSql1.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "users set amount=amount+" + model.value); strSql1.Append(" where id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql1.ToString(), model.user_id); #endregion trans.Commit();//提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback();//回滚事务 return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 执行插件SQL语句 /// </summary> public bool ExeSqlStr(string dirPath, string xPath) { bool result = true; int count = 0; List <string> ls = ReadChildNodesValue(dirPath + DTKeys.FILE_PLUGIN_XML_CONFING, xPath); if (ls != null) { using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { count += WriteDataBase.ExecuteSqlTran(conn, trans, ls); trans.Commit(); return(count > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(false); } finally { conn.Close(); } } } } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// 删除一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Delete(int id) { Model.article_attribute_field model = GetModel(id);//取得扩展字段实体 using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //删除所关联的频道数据表相关列 DataTable dt = new DAL.site_channel(databaseprefix).GetFieldList(conn, trans, id).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //检查有无该频道数据表和列 int rowsCount = ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(1) from syscolumns where id=object_id('" + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + dr["name"].ToString() + "') and name='" + model.name + "'"); if (rowsCount > 0) { //删除频道数据表一列 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "alter table " + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + dr["name"].ToString() + " drop column " + model.name); } } } //删除频道关联字段表 StringBuilder strSql1 = new StringBuilder(); strSql1.Append("delete from " + databaseprefix + "site_channel_field"); strSql1.Append(" where field_id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql1.ToString(), id); //删除扩展字段主表 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("delete from " + databaseprefix + "article_attribute_field"); strSql.Append(" where id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), id); trans.Commit();//提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback();//回滚事务 return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 确认充值订单 /// </summary> public bool Confirm(string recharge_no) { Model.user_recharge model = GetModel("recharge_no='" + recharge_no + "'", "", "");//根据充值单号得到实体 if (model == null) { return(false); } using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 增加一条账户余额记录=============== Model.user_amount_log amountModel = new Model.user_amount_log(); amountModel.user_id = model.user_id; amountModel.user_name = model.user_name; amountModel.value = model.amount; amountModel.remark = "在线充值,单号:" + recharge_no; amountModel.add_time = DateTime.Now; new DAL.user_amount_log(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, amountModel); #endregion #region 更新充值表========================= StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "user_recharge set "); strSql.Append("status=@0,"); strSql.Append("complete_time=@1"); strSql.Append(" where recharge_no=@2"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), 1, DateTime.Now, recharge_no); #endregion trans.Commit();//提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback();//回滚事务 return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 删除一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Delete(int id) { string build_path = GetBuildPath(id); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(build_path)) { return(false); } //取得要删除的所有导航ID string navIds = new navigation(databaseprefix).GetIds("channel_" + build_path); using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //删除导航 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(navIds)) { WriteDataBase.Execute("delete from [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] where id in(" + navIds + ")"); } //删除站点 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("delete from " + databaseprefix + "sites "); strSql.Append(" where id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(strSql.ToString(), id); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.manager_role model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 主表信息========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "manager_role("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键和LIST<T>则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion #region 角色权限表信息==================== if (model.manager_role_values != null) { StringBuilder strSql2; //SQL字符串 StringBuilder str21; //数据库字段 StringBuilder str22; //声明参数 foreach (Model.manager_role_value modelt in model.manager_role_values) { i = 0; strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); str21 = new StringBuilder(); str22 = new StringBuilder(); PropertyInfo[] pros2 = modelt.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras2 = new List <object>(); strSql2.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "manager_role_value("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros2) { if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { if (pi.GetValue(modelt, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(modelt, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str21.Append(pi.Name + ","); str22.Append("@" + i + ","); i++; if (pi.Name.Equals("role_id")) { paras2.Add(model.id);//将刚插入的父ID赋值 } else { paras2.Add(pi.GetValue(modelt, null)); } } } } strSql2.Append(str21.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") values ("); strSql2.Append(str22.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") "); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), paras2.ToArray()); } } #endregion trans.Commit(); //提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); //回滚事务 return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.site_channel model) { int i = 0; Model.site_channel oldModel = GetModel(model.id); //旧的数据 //取得站点对应的导航ID int parent_id = new DAL.sites(databaseprefix).GetSiteNavId(model.site_id); if (parent_id == 0) { return(false); } using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 修改频道表====================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "site_channel set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 //!pi.Name.Equals("channel_fields") if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where id=@" + i + " "); paras.Add(model.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); #endregion //删除已移除扩展字段及频道数据表列 FieldDelete(conn, trans, model, oldModel); //编辑扩展字段及频道数据表 FieldUpdate(conn, trans, model, oldModel); #region 缩略图尺寸 //删除已移除的尺寸 ThumDelete(conn, trans, model.channel_thums, model.id); //添加扩展字段 if (model.channel_thums != null) { StringBuilder strSql2; //SQL字符串 StringBuilder str21; //数据库字段 StringBuilder str22; //声明参数 foreach (Model.site_channel_thum modelt in model.channel_thums) { if (modelt.id > 0) { i = 0; //更新 strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); str21 = new StringBuilder(); PropertyInfo[] pros2 = modelt.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras2 = new List <object>(); strSql2.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "site_channel_thum set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros2) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(modelt, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(modelt, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str21.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras2.Add(pi.GetValue(modelt, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql2.Append(str21.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(" where id=@" + i + " "); paras2.Add(modelt.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), paras2.ToArray()); } else { i = 0; //新增 strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); str21 = new StringBuilder(); str22 = new StringBuilder(); PropertyInfo[] pros2 = modelt.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras2 = new List <object>(); strSql2.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "site_channel_thum("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros2) { if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { if (pi.GetValue(modelt, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(modelt, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str21.Append(pi.Name + ","); str22.Append("@" + i + ","); i++; if (pi.Name.Equals("channel_id")) { paras2.Add(model.id); //将规则ID赋值 } else { paras2.Add(pi.GetValue(modelt, null)); } } } } strSql2.Append(str21.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") values ("); strSql2.Append(str22.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") "); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), paras2.ToArray()); } } } #endregion #region int newNavId = 0; DAL.navigation dal = new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix); if (!dal.Exists("channel_" + model.name)) { //添加导航菜单 newNavId = dal.Add(conn, trans, parent_id, "channel_" + model.name, model.title, "", model.sort_id, model.id, "Show"); dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_list", "内容管理", "//admin/article/article_list", 99, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete,Audit"); dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_category", "栏目类别", "//admin/article/category_list", 100, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete"); //是否开启规格 if (model.is_spec > 0) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_spec", "规格管理", "//admin/article/spec_list", 101, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete"); } //是否开启评论 if (model.is_comment > 0) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_comment", "评论管理", "//admin/article/comment_list", 101, model.id, "Show,View,Delete,Audit,Reply"); } //是否开启回收站 if (model.is_recycle > 0) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_recycle", "回收站", "//admin/article/recycle_list", 102, model.id, "Show,View,Edit,Delete,Audit"); } } else { //修改菜单 newNavId = new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).GetId(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name); dal.Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name, parent_id, "channel_" + model.name, model.title, model.sort_id); dal.Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name + "_list", "channel_" + model.name + "_list"); //内容管理 dal.Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name + "_category", "channel_" + model.name + "_category"); //栏目类别 //是否开启规格 if (model.is_spec > 0) { if (ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(*) as H from [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] where name='channel_" + model.name + "_spec'") == 0) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_spec", "规格管理", "//admin/article/spec_list", 101, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete"); } else { dal.Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name + "_spec", "channel_" + model.name + "_spec"); //评论管理 } } else { dal.Delete(conn, trans, "channel_" + model.name + "_spec"); } //是否开启评论 if (model.is_comment > 0) { if (ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(*) as H from [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] where name='channel_" + model.name + "_comment'") == 0) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_comment", "评论管理", "//admin/article/comment_list", 101, model.id, "Show,View,Delete,Audit,Reply"); } else { dal.Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name + "_comment", "channel_" + model.name + "_comment"); //评论管理 } } else { dal.Delete(conn, trans, "channel_" + model.name + "_comment"); } //是否开启回收站 if (model.is_recycle > 0) { if (ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(*) as H from [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] where name='channel_" + model.name + "_recycle'") == 0) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_recycle", "回收站", "article/recycle_list.aspx", 102, model.id, "Show,View,Edit,Delete,Audit"); } else { dal.Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + oldModel.name + "_recycle", "channel_" + model.name + "_recycle"); //回收站 } } else { dal.Delete(conn, trans, "channel_" + model.name + "_recycle"); } } #endregion trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据及其子表 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.site_channel model) { int i = 0; //取得站点对应的导航ID int parent_id = new DAL.sites(databaseprefix).GetSiteNavId(model.site_id); if (parent_id == 0) { return(0); } using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 写入频道表数据================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "site_channel("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键和List<T>类型则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion //写入扩展字段及创建频道数据表 FieldAdd(conn, trans, model); #region 缩略图字段 //添加缩略图字段 if (model.channel_thums != null) { StringBuilder strSql2; //SQL字符串 StringBuilder str21; //数据库字段 StringBuilder str22; //声明参数 foreach (Model.site_channel_thum modelt in model.channel_thums) { i = 0; //新增 strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); str21 = new StringBuilder(); str22 = new StringBuilder(); PropertyInfo[] pros2 = modelt.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras2 = new List <object>(); strSql2.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "site_channel_thum("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros2) { if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { if (pi.GetValue(modelt, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(modelt, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str21.Append(pi.Name + ","); str22.Append("@" + i + ","); i++; if (pi.Name.Equals("channel_id")) { paras2.Add(model.id); //将规则ID赋值 } else { paras2.Add(pi.GetValue(modelt, null)); } } } } strSql2.Append(str21.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") values ("); strSql2.Append(str22.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") "); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), paras2.ToArray()); } } #endregion #region 写入导航数据=============== DAL.navigation dal = new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix); int newNavId = dal.Add(conn, trans, parent_id, "channel_" + model.name, model.title, "", model.sort_id, model.id, "Show"); dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_list", "内容管理", "/admin/article/article_list", 99, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete,Audit"); dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_category", "栏目类别", "/admin/article/category_list", 100, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete"); //开启规格新增菜单 if (model.is_spec > 0) { new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_spec", "规格管理", "/admin/article/spec_list", 102, model.id, "Show,View,Add,Edit,Delete"); } if (model.is_comment == 1) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_comment", "评论管理", "/admin/article/comment_list", 101, model.id, "Show,View,Delete,Reply"); } if (model.is_recycle == 1) { dal.Add(conn, trans, newNavId, "channel_" + model.name + "_recycle", "回收站", "/admin/article/recycle_list", 102, model.id, "Show,View,Edit,Delete,Audit"); } #endregion trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 直接充值订单 /// </summary> /// <summary> /// 直接充值订单 /// </summary> public bool Recharge(Model.user_recharge model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 增加一条账户余额记录=============== Model.user_amount_log amountModel = new Model.user_amount_log(); amountModel.user_id = model.user_id; amountModel.user_name = model.user_name; amountModel.value = model.amount; amountModel.remark = "在线充值,单号:" + model.recharge_no; amountModel.add_time = DateTime.Now; new DAL.user_amount_log(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, amountModel); #endregion #region 添加充值表========================= StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "user_recharge("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion trans.Commit();//提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback();//回滚事务 return(false); } } } return(model.id > 0); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.article_category model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //先判断选中的父节点是否被包含 if (IsContainNode(model.id, model.parent_id)) { //查找旧数据 Model.article_category oldModel = GetModel(model.id); //查找旧父节点数据 string class_list = "," + model.parent_id + ","; int class_layer = 1; if (oldModel.parent_id > 0) { Model.article_category oldParentModel = GetModel(conn, trans, oldModel.parent_id); //带事务 class_list = oldParentModel.class_list + model.parent_id + ","; class_layer = oldParentModel.class_layer + 1; } //先提升选中的父节点 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "update " + databaseprefix + "article_category set parent_id=" + oldModel.parent_id + ",class_list='" + class_list + "', class_layer=" + class_layer + " where id=" + model.parent_id); //带事务 UpdateChilds(conn, trans, model.parent_id); //带事务 } //更新子节点 if (model.parent_id > 0) { Model.article_category model2 = GetModel(conn, trans, model.parent_id); //带事务 model.class_list = model2.class_list + model.id + ","; model.class_layer = model2.class_layer + 1; } else { model.class_list = "," + model.id + ","; model.class_layer = 1; } #region 修改主表数据========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "article_category set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where id=@" + i + " "); paras.Add(model.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); //首先判断菜单是否存在 object name = ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, "select top 1 name from [" + databaseprefix + "site_channel] where id=" + model.channel_id); //带事务 if (null != name) { //自动分级 string parent_name = "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category"; if (model.parent_id > 0) { parent_name += "_" + model.parent_id; } if (ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(*) as H from [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] where name='" + "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id + "'") == 0) { new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, parent_name, "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id, model.title, "", model.sort_id, model.channel_id, "Show", 1); } else { int parent_id = ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select top 1 id from [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] where name='" + parent_name + "'"); if (parent_id > 0) { new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, parent_name = "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id, parent_id, parent_name, model.title, model.sort_id); } } } //更新子节点 UpdateChilds(conn, trans, model.id); #endregion #region 栏目规格=========================== //删除已删除的栏目规格 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "delete from " + databaseprefix + "article_category_spec where category_id=" + model.id); //添加/修改栏目规格 if (model.category_specs != null) { StringBuilder strSql3; foreach (Model.article_category_spec modelt in model.category_specs) { strSql3 = new StringBuilder(); if (modelt.id > 0) { strSql3.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "article_category_spec "); strSql3.Append("category_id=@0,"); strSql3.Append("spec_id=@1"); strSql3.Append(" where id=@2"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql3.ToString(), modelt.category_id, modelt.spec_id, modelt.id); } else { strSql3.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "article_category_spec("); strSql3.Append("category_id,spec_id)"); strSql3.Append(" values ("); strSql3.Append("@0,@1)"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql3.ToString(), model.id, modelt.spec_id); } } } #endregion trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.sites model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //判断当前是否为默认,如果是,取消其它默认数据 if (model.is_default > 0) { UpDefault(conn, trans); } #region 写入频道表数据================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "sites("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键和List<T>类型则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion //如果非继承网站则添加导航菜单 if (model.inherit_id == 0) { new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, "sys_contents", "channel_" + model.build_path, model.title, "", model.sort_id, 0, "Show"); } trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.sites model, string old_build_path) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //判断当前是否为默认,如果是,取消其它默认数据 if (model.is_default > 0) { UpDefault(conn, trans); } #region 修改频道表====================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "sites set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where id=@" + i + " "); paras.Add(model.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); #endregion //检查旧导航是否存在 if (new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).GetModel(conn, trans, "channel_" + old_build_path) != null) { //如果非继承站点则修改导航菜单,是继承站点则删除旧导航 if (model.inherit_id == 0) { new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + old_build_path, "channel_" + model.build_path, model.title, model.sort_id, 0); } else { //第一种方法,只隐藏 new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, "channel_" + old_build_path, 1); } } else if (model.inherit_id == 0) //没有旧菜单而需要添加新导航菜单 { new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, "sys_contents", "channel_" + model.build_path, model.title, "", model.sort_id, 0, "Show"); } trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据,及其子表数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.orders model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 主表信息========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "orders("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion #region 订单商品列表====================== if (model.order_goods != null) { StringBuilder strSql2; //SQL字符串 StringBuilder strSql3; StringBuilder strSql4; StringBuilder str21; //数据库字段 StringBuilder str22; //声明参数 foreach (Model.order_goods modelt in model.order_goods) { i = 0; strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); str21 = new StringBuilder(); str22 = new StringBuilder(); PropertyInfo[] pros2 = modelt.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras2 = new List <object>(); strSql2.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "order_goods("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros2) { if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { if (pi.GetValue(modelt, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(modelt, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str21.Append(pi.Name + ","); str22.Append("@" + i + ","); i++; if (pi.Name.Equals("order_id")) { paras2.Add(model.id);//将刚插入的父ID赋值 } else { paras2.Add(pi.GetValue(modelt, null)); } } } } strSql2.Append(str21.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") values ("); strSql2.Append(str22.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") "); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), paras2.ToArray()); //扣减商品库存 if (modelt.goods_id > 0) { strSql3 = new StringBuilder(); strSql3.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "article_goods set stock_quantity=stock_quantity-@0"); strSql3.Append(" where id=@1 and channel_id=@2 and article_id=@3"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql3.ToString(), modelt.quantity, modelt.goods_id, modelt.channel_id, modelt.article_id); string channelName = new DAL.site_channel(databaseprefix).GetChannelName(modelt.channel_id);//查询频道的名称 strSql4 = new StringBuilder(); strSql4.Append("update " + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + channelName + " set "); strSql4.Append("stock_quantity=(select sum(stock_quantity) from " + databaseprefix + "article_goods where channel_id=@0 and article_id=@1)"); strSql4.Append(" where id=@1"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql4.ToString(), modelt.channel_id, modelt.article_id); } else { string channelName = new DAL.site_channel(databaseprefix).GetChannelName(modelt.channel_id);//查询频道的名称 strSql4 = new StringBuilder(); strSql4.Append("update " + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + channelName + " set "); strSql4.Append("stock_quantity=stock_quantity-@0 where id=@1"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql4.ToString(), modelt.quantity, modelt.article_id); } } } #endregion trans.Commit(); //提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); //回滚事务 return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.article model) { //查询频道名称 string channelName = new DAL.site_channel(databaseprefix).GetChannelName(model.channel_id); if (channelName.Length == 0) { return(0); } int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 添加主表数据==================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + channelName + "("); //主表字段信息 foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键或List<T>则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !pi.Name.Equals("fields") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } //扩展字段信息 foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in model.fields) { str1.Append(kvp.Key + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(kvp.Value); //对参数赋值 } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion #region 添加图片相册==================== if (model.albums != null) { new DAL.article_albums(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, model.albums, model.channel_id, model.id); } #endregion #region 添加内容附件==================== if (model.attach != null) { new DAL.article_attach(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, model.attach, model.channel_id, model.id); } #endregion #region 添加商品价格==================== if (model.goods != null) { foreach (Model.article_goods modelt in model.goods) { new DAL.article_goods(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, modelt, model.channel_id, model.id); } } #endregion #region 添加商品规格==================== if (model.specs != null) { foreach (Model.article_goods_spec modelt in model.specs) { new DAL.article_goods_spec(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, modelt, model.channel_id, model.id); } } #endregion #region 保存自定义参数==================== if (model.attribute != null) { new DAL.article_attribute(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, model.attribute, model.channel_id, model.id); } #endregion #region 添加Tags标签==================== if (model.tags != null && model.tags.Trim().Length > 0) { string[] tagsArr = model.tags.Trim().Split(','); if (tagsArr.Length > 0) { foreach (string tagsStr in tagsArr) { new DAL.article_tags(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, tagsStr, model.channel_id, model.id); } } } #endregion trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.article model) { //查询频道名称 string channelName = new DAL.site_channel(databaseprefix).GetChannelName(model.channel_id); if (channelName.Length == 0) { return(false); } int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 修改主表数据========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + channelName + " set "); //主表字段信息 foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键或List<T>则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !pi.Name.Equals("fields") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } //扩展字段信息 foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in model.fields) { str1.Append(kvp.Key + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(kvp.Value); //对参数赋值 } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where id=" + model.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); #endregion #region 修改图片相册========================== //删除/添加/修改相册图片 new DAL.article_albums(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, model.albums, model.channel_id, model.id); #endregion #region 修改内容附件========================== //删除/添加/修改附件 new DAL.article_attach(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, model.attach, model.channel_id, model.id); #endregion #region 修改商品价格========================== //删除旧商品价格 new DAL.article_goods(databaseprefix).Delete(conn, trans, model.channel_id, model.id); //添加商品价格 if (model.goods != null) { foreach (Model.article_goods modelt in model.goods) { new DAL.article_goods(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, modelt, model.channel_id, model.id); } } #endregion #region 修改商品规格========================== //先删除旧的规格 new DAL.article_goods_spec(databaseprefix).Delete(conn, trans, model.channel_id, model.id); //添加商品规格 if (model.specs != null) { foreach (Model.article_goods_spec modelt in model.specs) { new DAL.article_goods_spec(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, modelt, model.channel_id, model.id); } } #endregion #region 修改Tags标签========================== //删除已有的Tags标签关系 new DAL.article_tags(databaseprefix).Delete(conn, trans, model.channel_id, model.id); //添加添加标签 if (model.tags != null && model.tags.Trim().Length > 0) { string[] tagsArr = model.tags.Trim().Split(','); if (tagsArr.Length > 0) { foreach (string tagsStr in tagsArr) { new DAL.article_tags(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, tagsStr, model.channel_id, model.id); } } } #endregion #region 修改扩展参数========================== //删除/添加/修改扩展参数 new DAL.article_attribute(databaseprefix).Update(conn, trans, model.attribute, model.channel_id, model.id); #endregion trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.manager_role model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 主表信息========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "manager_role set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键和LIST<T>则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id") && !typeof(System.Collections.IList).IsAssignableFrom(pi.PropertyType)) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where id=@" + i + " "); paras.Add(model.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); #endregion #region 角色权限表信息==================== //删除角色所有的权限 StringBuilder strSql1 = new StringBuilder(); strSql1.Append("delete from " + databaseprefix + "manager_role_value where role_id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(strSql1.ToString(), model.id); //重新添加角色权限 if (model.manager_role_values != null) { StringBuilder strSql2; //SQL字符串 StringBuilder str21; //数据库字段 StringBuilder str22; //声明参数 foreach (Model.manager_role_value modelt in model.manager_role_values) { i = 0; strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); str21 = new StringBuilder(); str22 = new StringBuilder(); PropertyInfo[] pros2 = modelt.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras2 = new List <object>(); strSql2.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "manager_role_value("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros2) { if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { if (pi.GetValue(modelt, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(modelt, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str21.Append(pi.Name + ","); str22.Append("@" + i + ","); i++; if (pi.Name.Equals("role_id")) { paras2.Add(model.id);//将刚角色的ID赋值 } else { paras2.Add(pi.GetValue(modelt, null)); } } } } strSql2.Append(str21.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") values ("); strSql2.Append(str22.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql2.Append(") "); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), paras2.ToArray()); } } #endregion trans.Commit(); //提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); //回滚事务 return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 更新一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Update(Model.article_attribute_field model) { int i = 0; Model.article_attribute_field oldModel = GetModel(model.id);//取到旧的数据 using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //修改主表信息 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("update " + databaseprefix + "article_attribute_field set "); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + "=@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(" where id=@" + i + " "); paras.Add(model.id); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); //检查字段名和类型有无变化 if (oldModel.name.ToLower() != model.name.ToLower() || oldModel.data_type.ToLower() != model.data_type.ToLower()) { DataTable dt = new DAL.site_channel(databaseprefix).GetFieldList(conn, trans, model.id).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { //检查有无该频道数据表和列 int rowsCount = ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(1) from syscolumns where id=object_id('" + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + dr["name"].ToString() + "') and name='" + oldModel.name + "'"); if (rowsCount > 0) { //修改列数据类型 if (oldModel.data_type.ToLower() != model.data_type.ToLower()) { WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "alter table " + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + dr["name"].ToString() + " alter column " + oldModel.name + " " + model.data_type); } //修改列名 if (oldModel.name.ToLower() != model.name.ToLower()) { WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "exec sp_rename '" + databaseprefix + DTKeys.TABLE_CHANNEL_ARTICLE + dr["name"].ToString() + "." + oldModel.name + "','" + model.name + "','column'"); } } } } } trans.Commit();//提交事务 } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback();//回滚事务 return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 删除一条数据 /// </summary> public bool Delete(int id) { Model.article_category model = GetModel(id); if (null != model) { bool resault = true; //修改以事件删除数据时,同时删时删除权限 using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { //频道名称 object name = ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, "select top 1 name from [" + databaseprefix + "site_channel] where id=" + model.channel_id); //带事务 if (null != name) { //先判断选中是否存在子节点 if (ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <int>(conn, trans, "select count(1) from [" + databaseprefix + "article_category] where parent_id=" + model.id) > 0) { WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "update [" + databaseprefix + "article_category] set parent_id=" + model.parent_id + " where parent_id=" + model.id); //带事务 UpdateChilds(conn, trans, model.parent_id); //带事务 //修改权限菜单 Model.navigation modelt = new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).GetModel(conn, trans, "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id); if (null != modelt) { WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "update [" + databaseprefix + "navigation] set parent_id=" + modelt.parent_id + " where parent_id=" + modelt.id); //带事务 } } //删除权限菜单 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "delete from " + databaseprefix + "navigation where channel_id=" + model.channel_id + " and name='" + "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id + "'");//删除角色权限 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "delete from " + databaseprefix + "manager_role_value where nav_name='" + "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id + "'"); } //删除栏目规格 StringBuilder strSql2 = new StringBuilder(); strSql2.Append("delete from " + databaseprefix + "article_category_spec"); strSql2.Append(" where category_id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql2.ToString(), id); //删除类别 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("delete from " + databaseprefix + "article_category where id=@0"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), id); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { resault = false; trans.Rollback(); } } } if (resault) { //删除图片 Utils.DeleteFile(model.img_url); } return(resault); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.article_comment model) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 主表信息========================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "article_comment("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); #endregion if (model.parent_id > 0) { Model.article_comment model2 = GetModel(conn, trans, model.parent_id); //带事务 model.class_list = model2.class_list + model.id + ","; model.class_layer = model2.class_layer + 1; } else { model.class_list = "," + model.id + ","; model.class_layer = 1; } //修改节点列表和深度 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "update [" + databaseprefix + "article_comment] set class_list='" + model.class_list + "', class_layer=" + model.class_layer + " where id=" + model.id); //带事务 trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(0); } } } return(model.id); }
/// <summary> /// 增加一条数据 /// </summary> public int Add(Model.article_category model, int role_id) { int i = 0; using (IDbConnection conn = new DapperView().Context()) { using (IDbTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { #region 添加主表数据==================== StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder str1 = new StringBuilder(); //数据字段 StringBuilder str2 = new StringBuilder(); //数据参数 //利用反射获得属性的所有公共属性 PropertyInfo[] pros = model.GetType().GetProperties(); List <object> paras = new List <object>(); strSql.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "article_category("); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in pros) { //如果不是主键则追加sql字符串 if (!pi.Name.Equals("id")) { //判断属性值是否为空 if (pi.GetValue(model, null) != null && !pi.GetValue(model, null).ToString().Equals("")) { str1.Append(pi.Name + ","); //拼接字段 str2.Append("@" + i + ","); //声明参数 i++; paras.Add(pi.GetValue(model, null)); //对参数赋值 } } } strSql.Append(str1.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") values ("); strSql.Append(str2.ToString().Trim(',')); strSql.Append(") "); strSql.Append(";SELECT @@@IDENTITY;"); object obj = WriteDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, strSql.ToString(), paras.ToArray()); model.id = Convert.ToInt32(obj); if (model.parent_id > 0) { Model.article_category model2 = GetModel(conn, trans, model.parent_id); //带事务 model.class_list = model2.class_list + model.id + ","; model.class_layer = model2.class_layer + 1; } else { model.class_list = "," + model.id + ","; model.class_layer = 1; } //添加权限菜单 object name = ReadDataBase.ExecuteScalar <object>(conn, trans, "select top 1 name from [" + databaseprefix + "site_channel] where id=" + model.channel_id); //带事务 if (null != name) { //自动分级 string parent_name = "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category"; if (model.parent_id > 0) { parent_name += "_" + model.parent_id; } new DAL.navigation(databaseprefix).Add(conn, trans, parent_name, "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id, model.title, "", model.sort_id, model.channel_id, "Show", 1); if (role_id > 0) { Model.manager_role_value valModel = new Model.manager_role_value(); valModel.role_id = role_id; valModel.nav_name = "channel_" + name.ToString() + "_category_" + model.id; valModel.action_type = "Show"; new DAL.manager_role_value(databaseprefix).Add(valModel); } } //修改节点列表和深度 WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, "update " + databaseprefix + "article_category set class_list='" + model.class_list + "', class_layer=" + model.class_layer + " where id=" + model.id); //带事务 #endregion #region 栏目规格=========================== if (model.category_specs != null) { StringBuilder strSql3; foreach (Model.article_category_spec modelt in model.category_specs) { strSql3 = new StringBuilder(); strSql3.Append("insert into " + databaseprefix + "article_category_spec("); strSql3.Append("category_id,spec_id)"); strSql3.Append(" values ("); strSql3.Append("@0,@1)"); WriteDataBase.Execute(conn, trans, strSql3.ToString(), model.id, modelt.spec_id); } } #endregion trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { trans.Rollback(); return(0); } } } return(model.id); }