コード例 #1
        public void SaveAllRelations(int idMovie, List <MovieRelation> movieRelations)
            var sql = new StringBuilder();

            sql.AppendLine($"MERGE INTO {Table} AS Target");

            if (movieRelations.Count > 0)
                sql.AppendLine("	VALUES");
                sql.AppendLine(string.Join(",", movieRelations.Select(mr => $"({idMovie}, {(short)mr.IdTyRole}, {mr.IdRelation})")));
                sql.AppendLine("	SELECT 0, 0, 0 WHERE 1=0");

            sql.AppendLine(") AS Source(idMovie, idTyRole, idRelation)");
            sql.AppendLine("ON Source.idMovie = Target.idMovie AND Source.idTyRole = Target.idTyRole AND Source.idRelation = Target.idRelation");
            sql.AppendLine("WHEN NOT MATCHED");
            sql.AppendLine("THEN INSERT (idMovie, idTyRole, idRelation)");
            sql.AppendLine("VALUES (Source.idMovie, Source.idTyRole, Source.idRelation)");
            sql.AppendLine($"WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE AND Target.idMovie = {idMovie}");
            sql.AppendLine("THEN DELETE;");

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The db.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param>
        /// <param name="newPassword">The new password.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException"></exception>
        private bool SetPassword(DapperContext db, int userId, string newPassword)
            string hashedPassword = Crypto.HashPassword(newPassword);
            if (hashedPassword.Length > 128)
                throw new ArgumentException("Password is too long.");

            // Update new password
                        "UPDATE {0} SET Password= @Password, PasswordSalt = @PasswordSalt, PasswordChangedDate = @ChangeDate WHERE UserId = @UserId", this.MembershipTableName),
                                Password = hashedPassword,
                                PasswordSalt = string.Empty,
                                ChangeDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
                                UserId = userId
            return true;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the password.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="db">The db.</param>
        /// <param name="userId">The user id.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool CheckPassword(DapperContext db, int userId, string password)
            string hashedPassword = GetHashedPassword(db, userId);
            bool verificationSucceeded = (hashedPassword != null
                                          && Crypto.VerifyHashedPassword(hashedPassword, password));
            if (verificationSucceeded)
                // Reset password failure count on successful credential check
                db.Execute(string.Format("UPDATE {0} SET PasswordFailureCount = 0 WHERE UserId = @UserId", this.MembershipTableName),
                    new { UserId = userId });
                int failures = this.GetPasswordFailureCount(db, userId);
                if (failures != -1)
                            "UPDATE {0} SET PasswordFailureCount = @Failures, LastPasswordFailureDate = @LastFailureDate WHERE UserId = @UserId",
                        new { UserId = userId, Failures = failures + 1, LastFailureDate = DateTime.UtcNow });

            return verificationSucceeded;
コード例 #4
        public void ImportArea()

            string path = AppContext.BaseDirectory + "\\AppData\\areas.json";
            var    json = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8);

            var allAreas = json.ToObject <TData>();

            var china = new DbModel()
                LevelType  = 0,
                MergerName = "中国",
                ParentID   = 0,
                RegionID   = 100000,
                RegionName = "中国",
                ShortName  = "中国",
                Pinyin     = "ZhongGuo",

            List <DbModel> models = new List <DbModel>()

            foreach (var pro in allAreas.result[0])
                var curProPinyinArr = pro.pinyin;
                for (int i = 0; i < curProPinyinArr.Count; i++)
                    curProPinyinArr[i] = curProPinyinArr[i].ToFirstUpper();
                string proFullName = pro.fullname;
                models.Add(new DbModel()
                    Latitude   = pro.location["lat"],
                    LevelType  = 1,
                    Longitude  = pro.location["lng"],
                    MergerName = "中国," + proFullName,
                    ParentID   = 100000,
                    Pinyin     = string.Join("", curProPinyinArr),
                    ShortName  = pro.name,
                    RegionName = pro.fullname,
                    RegionID   = int.Parse(pro.id),

                if (pro.cidx == null || !pro.cidx.Any())

                foreach (var city in allAreas.result[1].GetRange(pro.cidx[0], pro.cidx[1] - pro.cidx[0] + 1))
                    var curCityPinyinArr = city.pinyin;
                    for (int i = 0; i < curCityPinyinArr.Count; i++)
                        curCityPinyinArr[i] = curCityPinyinArr[i].ToFirstUpper();
                    string cityFullName = city.fullname;

                    models.Add(new DbModel()
                        Latitude   = city.location["lat"],
                        LevelType  = 2,
                        Longitude  = city.location["lng"],
                        MergerName = "中国," + proFullName + "," + cityFullName,
                        ParentID   = int.Parse(pro.id),
                        Pinyin     = string.Join("", curCityPinyinArr),
                        ShortName  = city.name,
                        RegionName = city.fullname,
                        RegionID   = int.Parse(city.id),


                    if (city.cidx == null || !city.cidx.Any())

                    foreach (var area in allAreas.result[2].GetRange(city.cidx[0], city.cidx[1] - city.cidx[0] + 1))
                        var curAreaPinyinArr = new List <string>();

                        if (area.pinyin != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < area.pinyin.Count; i++)
                                curAreaPinyinArr[i] = area.pinyin[i].ToFirstUpper();
                        else if (area.name != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < area.name.Length; i++)
                        else if (area.fullname != null)
                            for (int i = 0; i < area.fullname.Length; i++)

                        string areaFullName = area.fullname;
                        models.Add(new DbModel()
                            Latitude   = area.location["lat"],
                            LevelType  = 3,
                            Longitude  = area.location["lng"],
                            MergerName = "中国," + proFullName + "," + cityFullName + "," + areaFullName,
                            ParentID   = int.Parse(city.id),
                            Pinyin     = string.Join("", curAreaPinyinArr),
                            ShortName  = area.name == null ? area.fullname : area.name,
                            RegionName = area.fullname,
                            RegionID   = int.Parse(area.id),

            using (var _ctx = new DapperContext("你的连接串", DatabaseType.Mysql))
                StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
                models.ForEach(model =>
                    sql.Append("TRUNCATE table dbo_administrative_region;");
                    sql.Append($@"insert into `dbo_administrative_region`(`RegionID`,`RegionName` ,`ParentID` ,`ShortName` ,`LevelType` ,`CityCode` ,`ZipCode` ,`MergerName` ,`Longitude` ,`Latitude` ,`Pinyin`  )

                int count = _ctx.Execute(sql.ToString());
コード例 #5
ファイル: SqlDataRepository.cs プロジェクト: noogen/phuncms
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
        /// <param name="tableName">Name of the table.</param>
        /// <param name="cachePath">The cache path.</param>
        /// <param name="keepHistory">if set to <c>true</c> [keep history].</param>
        public virtual void SaveData(DapperContext context, ContentModel content, string tableName, string cachePath)
            var newDataId = Guid.NewGuid();
            var newContent = new ContentModel()
                                     DataId = newDataId,
                                     Host = content.Host,
                                     Path = content.Path,
                                     CreateBy =
                                             ? content.CreateBy
                                             : content.ModifyBy,
                                     Data =
                                         content.Data ?? content.DataStream.ReadAll(),

            newContent.DataLength = newContent.Data.Length;
            content.DataLength = newContent.DataLength;
            newContent.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (!newContent.CreateDate.HasValue || newContent.CreateDate.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                newContent.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            context.Execute(string.Format("DELETE FROM {0} WHERE Host = @Host AND Path = @Path", tableName), newContent);
                    string.Format("INSERT INTO {0} (IdString, Host, Path, Data, DataLength, CreateDate, CreateBy) VALUES (@DataIdString, @Host, @Path, @Data, @DataLength, @CreateDate, @CreateBy)", tableName), newContent);
            content.Data = newContent.Data;
            content.DataLength = newContent.DataLength;
            content.DataId = newContent.DataId;
            this.CacheData(context, content, tableName, cachePath);
コード例 #6
        private void Save(ContentModel content, DapperContext db)
            // upsert means we have to use two separate statement since this would support sqlce
            content.ModifyDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            if (!content.CreateDate.HasValue || content.CreateDate.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                content.CreateDate = DateTime.UtcNow;

            var sqlCommand = string.Format(
            @"UPDATE {0} SET ModifyDate = @ModifyDate, ModifyBy = @ModifyBy, DataIdString = @DataIdString, DataLength = @DataLength WHERE Host = @Host AND Path = @Path",
            db.Execute(sqlCommand, content);

            sqlCommand =
                    "INSERT INTO {0} (Host, Path, ParentPath, CreateDate, CreateBy, ModifyDate, ModifyBy, DataIdString, DataLength) SELECT @Host, @Path, @ParentPath, @CreateDate, @CreateBy, @ModifyDate, @ModifyBy, @DataIdString, @DataLength WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {0} WHERE Host = @Host AND Path = @Path)",
            db.Execute(sqlCommand, content);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the specified content path or route.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">The content - requires host, path, and name property.  If name is set to "*" then removes all for host and path.</param>
        public void Remove(ContentModel content)
            content.Path = this.NormalizedPath(content.Path);
            var path = content.Path;
            var operString = "=";
            if (path.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                operString = "LIKE";
                path = path.TrimEnd('*').TrimEnd('/') + "%";

            using (var db = new DapperContext(this.ConnectionStringName))
                        "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE Host = @Host AND (Path {1} @Path)", this.TableName, operString),
                    new { Path = path, Host = content.Host });