コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new agent commander with the given parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="teamID">Identifies how this commander interacts with other units.</param>
 /// <param name="grid">The grid that this commander will be placed on.</param>
 /// <param name="damageTable">Drives the AI behaviour of this agent.</param>
 /// <param name="controller">The cursor controller that this agent drives.</param>
 public AgentCommander(byte teamID, TileGrid grid,
                       DamageTable damageTable, AgentCursorController controller)
     : base(teamID, grid, controller)
     this.damageTable = damageTable;
     agentCursor      = controller;
     thoughtTimer     = new Timer();
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the unwrapped agent commander from the scene.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The tile grid instance (with no notion of monobehaviour).</returns>
        public AgentCommander GetInstance(TileGrid grid, DamageTable damageTable)
            // Create the new commander and add it to the grid.
            AgentCommander commander =
                new AgentCommander(teamID, grid, damageTable, controller.GetInstance(grid))
                ThoughtTime = thoughtTime

            // Destroy this script's Monobehaviour baggage,
            // and return the lightweight instance.
コード例 #3
        private void Awake()
            IDesignerParser parser = new UnitySceneParser();

            grid = parser.GetFirstTileGrid();

            damageTable = parser.GetFirstDamageTable();

            Commander[] commanders = parser.GetAllPreplacedCommanders(grid, damageTable);

            FindObjectOfType <CommanderPanelManager>().InitializeCommanders(commanders);

コード例 #4
    public Commander[] GetAllPreplacedCommanders(TileGrid onGrid, DamageTable damageTable)
        List <Commander> foundCommanders = new List <Commander>();

        foreach (AgentCommanderInstance agentCommander in
                 Object.FindObjectsOfType <AgentCommanderInstance>())
            foundCommanders.Add(agentCommander.GetInstance(onGrid, damageTable));
        foreach (PlayerCommanderInstance playerCommander in
                 Object.FindObjectsOfType <PlayerCommanderInstance>())
コード例 #5
ファイル: Combat.cs プロジェクト: nullabee/HeroWarsUnity
    public static int GetFinalDamage(Unit a, Unit b, bool useRandom)
        float h = a.health / 100f;
        // int d = a.damage;
        // float p = a.pen;
        // if (b.grouping == a.bonusCondition)
        // {
        //  d += a.bonusDamage;
        //  p += a.bonusPen;
        // }
        // float arm = Math.Max(b.armor - p, 0);
        float defenseBonus = GetDefenseBonus(b);
        float t            = (100 - (defenseBonus * b.health / 10f)) / 100f;
        float r            = (useRandom) ? UnityEngine.Random.Range(-2f, 2f) : 0;

        // return (int)Math.Round(r + h * (d / Math.Pow(2, b.armor / Math.Pow(2, p))));
        return(Math.Max((int)Math.Round(r + t * h * (DamageTable.GetBaseDamage(a.type, b.type))), 1));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Unit.cs プロジェクト: GoodMan56/Roll-your-doner
 float CalculateDamage(float dmg, int dmgType)
     if (subClass == _UnitSubClass.Tower)
         float damage = dmg * DamageTable.GetModifier(armorType, dmgType);
         damage *= Mathf.Clamp(1 - (PerkManager.allTowerDefBuffModifier + dmgReducMod), 0, 1);
         damage  = Mathf.Max(0, damage -= (PerkManager.allTowerDefBuffValue + dmgReducVal));
         float damage = dmg * DamageTable.GetModifier(armorType, dmgType);
         damage *= Mathf.Clamp(1 + (dmgReducMod), 0, 1);
         damage  = Mathf.Max(0, damage += (dmgReducVal));
         //~ return dmg*DamageTable.GetModifier(armorType, dmgType);
コード例 #7
ファイル: UIOverlay.cs プロジェクト: phelow/FallOfTheTzar
    void DrawHoverInfo()
        UnitTB selectedUnit = UnitControl.selectedUnit;

#if hoverHP
        if (tileHovered.unit != null)
            //draw hp and AP for unit
            UnitTB hUnit = tileHovered.unit;

            Camera  camA       = CameraControl.GetActiveCamera();
            Vector3 screenPosA = camA.WorldToScreenPoint(hUnit.thisT.position);
            screenPosA.y = Screen.height - screenPosA.y;

            int startPosX = (int)(screenPosA.x - 40 / 2 + 7);
            int startPosY = (int)screenPosA.y + 5;

            styleA.fontSize = 20;     styleA.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;      styleA.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            GUI.Box(new Rect(startPosX - x_offset - 25, startPosY + y_offset, 140, 140), "");

            GUI.Label(new Rect(startPosX - x_offset - 25, startPosY + y_offset, 140, 140), "\n HP:" + hUnit.HP + "/" + hUnit.GetFullHP() + "\n AP:" + hUnit.AP + "/" + hUnit.GetFullAP() + "\n Moves:" + hUnit.moveRemain + "\n Attacks:" + hUnit.attackRemain, styleA);
        if (tileHovered.attackableToSelected)
            UnitTB unit = tileHovered.unit;

            int    dmgMin = 0, dmgMax = 0;
            string hit = "", crit = "";

            int dist = GridManager.Distance(tileHovered, selectedUnit.occupiedTile);

            int   armorType   = unit.armorType;
            int   damageType  = selectedUnit.damageType;
            float dmgModifier = DamageTable.GetModifier(armorType, damageType);

            if (dist == 1 && selectedUnit.attackMode != _AttackMode.Range)
                dmgMin = (int)((float)selectedUnit.GetMeleeDamageMin() * dmgModifier);
                dmgMax = (int)((float)selectedUnit.GetMeleeDamageMax() * dmgModifier);

                hit  = (selectedUnit.GetTotalHitChanceMelee(unit) * 100).ToString("f0") + "%";
                crit = (selectedUnit.GetTotalCritChanceMelee(unit) * 100).ToString("f0") + "%";
                dmgMin = (int)((float)selectedUnit.GetRangeDamageMin() * dmgModifier);
                dmgMax = (int)((float)selectedUnit.GetRangeDamageMax() * dmgModifier);

                hit  = (selectedUnit.GetTotalHitChanceRange(unit) * 100).ToString("f0") + "%";
                crit = (selectedUnit.GetTotalCritChanceRange(unit) * 100).ToString("f0") + "%";

            string text = "";
            text += hit + "chance to hit\n";
            text += "Damage: " + dmgMin + "-" + dmgMax + "\n\n";
            if (crit != "0%")
                text += "Critical Chance: " + crit;

            bool counter = false;
            if (GameControlTB.IsCounterAttackEnabled())
                if (dist >= unit.GetAttackRangeMin() && dist <= unit.GetAttackRangeMax() && unit.counterAttackRemain > 0)
                    counter = true;

            int cost = 0;
            if (GameControlTB.AttackAPCostRule() == _AttackAPCostRule.PerAttack)
                cost = selectedUnit.APCostAttack;

            GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
            style.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;

#if mousePos
            int width    = 500;
            int w_offset = 50;
            int height   = 160;
            int h_offset = 20;

            //get pos X and Y once every second to prevent flicker

            /*for(int i=0; i<3; i++) GUI.Box(new Rect(posX-(width+w_offset)/2, posY-230, width+w_offset, height), "");
             * style.fontSize=20;	style.normal.textColor=UI.colorH;	style.alignment=TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
             * GUI.Label(new Rect(posX-width/2, posY-240, width, height), ability.name, style);
             * style.fontSize=16;	style.normal.textColor=UI.colorH;	style.alignment=TextAnchor.UpperRight;
             * GUI.Label(new Rect(posX-width/2-5, posY-240, width, height), ability.cost+"AP", style);
             * style.fontSize=16;	style.normal.textColor=UI.colorN;	style.alignment=TextAnchor.UpperCenter;	style.wordWrap=true;
             * GUI.Label(new Rect(posX-width/2, posY-190, width, height), ability.desp, style);
             * GUI.color=Color.white;*/

            //for(int i=0; i<3; i++) GUI.Box(new Rect(posX-(width +w_offset)/2, posY, width+w_offset, height), "");

            GUI.Box(new Rect(posX - (width / 2) / 2, Screen.height - posY + 40, width / 2, height - 20), "");       // to remove flicker comment out this line

            style.fontSize = 20;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;       style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(posX - (width) / 2, Screen.height - posY + 40 + h_offset, width, height), "Attack", style);

            if (cost > 0)
                style.fontSize = 16;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;       style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(posX - width / 2 - 5, Screen.height - posY + 50 + h_offset, width, height), cost + "AP", style);

            //reposition to be at location of mouse
            style.fontSize = 16;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorN;       style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; style.wordWrap = true;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(posX - width / 2, Screen.height - posY + 60 + h_offset, width, height), text, style);
            if (counter)
                style.fontSize = 14;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;       style.wordWrap = false;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(posX - width / 2, Screen.height - posY + 40 + h_offset, width, height), "Target will counter attack", style);
            int width  = 500;
            int height = 160;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                GUI.Box(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - width / 2, Screen.height - 230, width, height), "");

            style.fontSize = 20;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;       style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - width / 2, Screen.height - 240, width, height), "Attack", style);

            if (cost > 0)
                style.fontSize = 16;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;       style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperRight;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - width / 2 - 5, Screen.height - 220, width, height), cost + "AP", style);

            //reposition to be at location of mouse
            style.fontSize = 16;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorN;       style.alignment = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; style.wordWrap = true;
            GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - width / 2, Screen.height - 190, width, height), text, style);
            if (counter)
                style.fontSize = 14;      style.normal.textColor = UI.colorH;       style.wordWrap = false;
                GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - width / 2, Screen.height - 120, width, height), "Target will counter attack", style);

            GUI.color = Color.white;
            if (tileHovered.walkableToSelected && selectedUnit != null)
                //Vector3 screenPos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(tileHovered.pos);
                //hoverObject.transform.localPosition=screenPos+new Vector3(-40, 40, 0);

                List <Vector3> list = AStar.SearchWalkablePos(tileHovered, selectedUnit.occupiedTile);
                int            dist = list.Count;
                string         text = "Move: " + (dist * selectedUnit.APCostMove) + "AP";
                //string text="Move: "+Random.Range(0, 9999)+"AP";
                GUIContent cont = new GUIContent(text);

                GUI.color = Color.white;
                GUIStyle style = new GUIStyle();
                style.fontStyle        = FontStyle.Bold;
                style.fontSize         = 16;
                style.normal.textColor = UI.colorN;
                style.alignment        = TextAnchor.LowerRight;

                Camera  cam       = CameraControl.GetActiveCamera();
                Vector3 screenPos = cam.WorldToScreenPoint(tileHovered.pos);
                screenPos.y = Screen.height - screenPos.y;

                float widthMin = 0; float widthMax = 0;
                style.CalcMinMaxWidth(cont, out widthMin, out widthMax);
#if ibox
                GUI.Box(new Rect(screenPos.x - widthMax - 50, screenPos.y - 50, widthMax + 25, 22), "");
                GUI.Label(new Rect(screenPos.x - widthMax - 50, screenPos.y - 50, widthMax + 25 - 4, 20), text, style);
コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 ///Clear the damage table of all data.
 /// </summary>
 public void ClearDamageTable()
コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Update the damage_table for this stand
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="siteCounts">
 /// The number of cohorts cut for each species at the site that was
 /// just harvested.
 /// </param>
 public void UpdateDamageTable(CohortCounts siteCounts)
コード例 #10
        private void Start()
            TileGrid    grid  = gridInstance.GetInstance();
            DamageTable table = damageTable.GetInstance();

            phase.grid        = grid;
            phase.damageTable = table;

            phase.Completed += () => { Debug.Log("Phase Complete"); };

            switch (test)
            case TestType.NonIntersectingMovement: TestNonIntersecting(); break;

            case TestType.EqualConfrontation: TestEqualConfrontation(); break;

            case TestType.EqualConfrontationThreeTeam: TestThreeTeam(); break;

            case TestType.FavoredConfrontation: TestFavored(); break;

            case TestType.HitPointAdvantage: TestHitPointAdvantage(); break;

            case TestType.UnitDefeated: TestUnitDefeated(); break;

            void TestNonIntersecting()
                CombatUnit soldierA =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierA.Location = new Vector2Int(1, 1);
                soldierA.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierAPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(1, 1));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(1, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(2, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(2, 3));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(2, 4));
                soldierA.MovePath = soldierAPath;

                CombatUnit soldierB =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierB.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 4);
                soldierB.TeamID   = 1;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierBPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 1));
                soldierB.MovePath = soldierBPath;

            void TestEqualConfrontation()
                CombatUnit soldierA =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierA.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 1);
                soldierA.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierAPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 1));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierA.MovePath = soldierAPath;

                CombatUnit soldierB =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierB.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 5);
                soldierB.TeamID   = 1;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierBPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 5));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierB.MovePath = soldierBPath;

            void TestHitPointAdvantage()
                CombatUnit soldierA =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierA.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 1);
                soldierA.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierAPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 1));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierA.MovePath = soldierAPath;

                CombatUnit soldierB =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierB.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 5);
                soldierB.TeamID   = 1;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierBPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 5));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierB.HitPoints = 0.5f;
                soldierB.MovePath  = soldierBPath;

            void TestThreeTeam()
                CombatUnit soldierA =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierA.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 1);
                soldierA.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierAPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 1));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierA.MovePath = soldierAPath;

                CombatUnit soldierB =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierB.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 5);
                soldierB.TeamID   = 1;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierBPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 5));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierB.MovePath = soldierBPath;

                CombatUnit soldierC =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierC.Location = new Vector2Int(6, 5);
                soldierC.TeamID   = 2;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierCPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(5, 3));
                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(4, 3));
                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(2, 3));
                soldierC.MovePath = soldierCPath;

            void TestFavored()
                CombatUnit soldierA =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierA.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 1);
                soldierA.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierAPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 1));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierA.MovePath = soldierAPath;

                CombatUnit soldierB =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierB.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 5);
                soldierB.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierBPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 5));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierB.MovePath = soldierBPath;

                CombatUnit soldierC =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierC.Location = new Vector2Int(6, 5);
                soldierC.TeamID   = 1;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierCPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(5, 3));
                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(4, 3));
                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierCPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(2, 3));
                soldierC.MovePath = soldierCPath;

            void TestUnitDefeated()
                CombatUnit soldierA =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierA.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 1);
                soldierA.TeamID   = 0;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierAPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 1));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierAPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierA.MovePath = soldierAPath;

                CombatUnit soldierB =
                    Instantiate(infantryPrefab).GetComponent <CombatUnitInstance>().GetInstance(grid);

                soldierB.Location = new Vector2Int(3, 5);
                soldierB.TeamID   = 1;
                LinkedList <Vector2Int> soldierBPath = new LinkedList <Vector2Int>();

                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 5));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 4));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 3));
                soldierBPath.AddLast(new Vector2Int(3, 2));
                soldierB.HitPoints = 0.2f;
                soldierB.MovePath  = soldierBPath;
コード例 #11
ファイル: DamageTableEditor.cs プロジェクト: shumat/Giorno
 private void OnEnable()
     m_Table = target as DamageTable;
コード例 #12
 private void Awake()
     // TODO remove this it is jank!
     // Should be passed via constructor.
     damageTable = new UnitySceneParser().GetFirstDamageTable();