public void HealRegen() { int bonusHealth = 10; DamageIndicatorController.CreateDamageIndicator("+" + bonusHealth.ToString(), rb.transform,; Health += bonusHealth; }
public void TakeDamage(int MaxDamage, GameObject attacker, GameObject scoreboard) //this deducts health and checks if we have died, if we had the flag reset its position. { int Damage = -MaxDamage; DamageIndicatorController.CreateDamageIndicator(Damage.ToString(), rb.transform,; Health -= MaxDamage; if (Health < 1) { ++TimesDied; if (HaveFlag) { HaveFlag = false; if (TeamColour == "Red") { GameObject.Find("BlueFlag").GetComponent <FlagScript>().ResetPosition(); Mess.SendMessage(gameObject, 2); //we have lost enemy flag go back to normal } else if (TeamColour == "Blue") { GameObject.Find("RedFlag").GetComponent <FlagScript>().ResetPosition(); } } StateMachine.ChangeState(RespawningState.Instance); resetPath(); attacker.GetComponent <AI>().IncreaseKillsMade(); attacker.GetComponent <AttackingScript>().Targets.Remove(gameObject); scoreboard.GetComponent <ScoresTable>().UpdateScores(); } }
public void TakeDamage(int damage) { health -= damage; DamageIndicatorController.CreateDamageIndicator(damage.ToString(), gameObject.transform,; if (health < 1) { Destroy(gameObject); TurretOwner.GetComponent <TurretSpawner>().ResetTimer(); } }
void Start() { DrawRoute = false; DamageIndicatorController.Initialize(); AgentInformationController.Initialize(); Path = new PathInfo.PathRoute { PathList = new Vector3[200] }; OpenList = new List <Map.MapNode>(SetupScript.width * SetupScript.height); ClosedList = new List <Map.MapNode>(SetupScript.width * SetupScript.height); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Board = new Blackboard(); Mess = GetComponent <Messager>(); StateMachine = new StateMachine <AI>(this); MaxAmmo = 20; Ammo = MaxAmmo; MaxHealth = 100; Health = MaxHealth; MaxSpeed = 4.0f; MaxBulletVelocity = 4.0f; MaxFireRate = 0.5f; MaxDamage = 25; Time = 0; RespawnTimer = 20; Respawn = 20; GameTimer = UnityEngine.Time.deltaTime; TimesDied = 0; PlayersKilled = 0; NodeChangeDistance = 0.04f * MaxSpeed; HaveFlag = false; AtSafeSpot = false; SeenEnemy = false; }
protected override void Start() { base.Start(); health = MaxHealth / 2; var barPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("UI/Bar"); _healthBarController = Instantiate(barPrefab, transform).GetComponent <BarController>(); _healthBarController.UpdatePosition(); _healthBarController.UpdateName(GetResource().name); var borderPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("UI/CreatureBorder"); _creatureBorderController = Instantiate(borderPrefab, transform).GetComponent <CreatureBorderController>(); _creatureBorderController.Hide(); var damageIndicatorPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>("UI/DamageIndicator"); _damageIndicatorController = Instantiate(damageIndicatorPrefab, transform).GetComponent <DamageIndicatorController>(); SpriteRenderingController.UpdateSprite(GetResource().idleAnimations.Down); }