コード例 #1
        public static void SetOrdinal(Dal.Models.Appendix appendix, OleDbConnection conn, OleDbTransaction trans = null)
            if (appendix == null || appendix.AppendixID == null)
                throw new Exception("参数错误!");

            Dal.Models.AppendixType tp = appendix.SpecialtyID == null ? Dal.Models.AppendixType.Prize : Dal.Models.AppendixType.Specialty;
            int iOwnerID = tp == Dal.Models.AppendixType.Specialty ? appendix.SpecialtyID.Value : appendix.PrizeID.Value;
            List <Dal.Models.Appendix> lstAppendix = GetAppendixList(iOwnerID, tp, conn, trans).Where(s => s.AppendixID != appendix.AppendixID).ToList();

            if (appendix.Ordinal == null || appendix.Ordinal > lstAppendix.Count)
            else if (appendix.Ordinal <= 0)
                lstAppendix.Insert(0, appendix);
                lstAppendix.Insert(appendix.Ordinal.Value - 1, appendix);

            string strSql = " UPDATE Appendix set Ordinal = ? where AppendixID = ? ";

            for (int i = 0; i < lstAppendix.Count; i++)
                Dal.OleDbHlper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, conn, CommandType.Text, trans
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@Ordinal", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = i + 1
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@AppendixID", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = lstAppendix[i].AppendixID.Value
コード例 #2
        public static void SaveFile(Dal.Models.UploadFileInfo file, OleDbConnection conn, OleDbTransaction tran = null)
            string strRootDirectory = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

            if (file.SizeLimit == null || file.AmountLimit == null)
                switch (file.Type)
                case Dal.Models.FileType.DeclarationAppendix:
                    Dal.Models.Appendix AppendixInfo = BLL.Appendix.GetAppendix(file.CorrelationID.Value, conn, tran);

                    file.SizeLimit   = AppendixInfo.SizeLimit;
                    file.AmountLimit = 1;

                case Dal.Models.FileType.DeclarationAtlas:
                    Dal.Models.Atlas AtlasInfo = BLL.Atlas.GetAtlas(file.CorrelationID.Value, conn, tran);

                    file.SizeLimit   = AtlasInfo.SizeLimit;
                    file.AmountLimit = AtlasInfo.UploadLimitMax;

                case Dal.Models.FileType.DeclarationMedia:
                    Dal.Models.Media media = BLL.Media.GetMedia(file.CorrelationID.Value, conn, tran);

                    file.SizeLimit   = media.SizeLimit;
                    file.AmountLimit = 1;

                    file.SizeLimit   = 0;
                    file.AmountLimit = 0;

            byte[]        bufferCompressed = null;
            StringBuilder sb      = new StringBuilder();
            int           iResult = 0;

                using (System.IO.FileStream StreamToZip = new System.IO.FileStream(
                           strRootDirectory + file.URL, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read))
                    double dfileSize = StreamToZip.Length / 1048576;
                    if (dfileSize > file.SizeLimit && file.SizeLimit != 0)
                        throw new Exception("上传文件大小超过设置范围内!");

                    //    bufferCompressed = Compression.CompressFile(StreamToZip);
                    //    bufferCompressed = null;

                if (file.CorrelationID == null)
                    sb.Append(" select UploadFileID from UploadFile where OwnerID = ? and FileName = ? ");
                    iResult = Common.ToInt32(Dal.OleDbHlper.ExecuteScalar(sb.ToString(), conn, CommandType.Text, tran
                                                                          , new OleDbParameter("@OwnerID", OleDbType.Integer)
                        Value = file.OwnerID
                                                                          , new OleDbParameter("@FileName", OleDbType.VarWChar)
                        Value = file.FileName
                    })) ?? 0;

                    if (iResult > 0 && iResult != file.UploadFileID)
                        throw new Exception("文件名重名!");

                    if (file.UploadFileID == null)
                        InsertFile(file, bufferCompressed, conn, tran);
                        UpdateFile(file, bufferCompressed, conn, tran);
                    if (file.Type.ToString() == "DeclarationAtlas")
                        sb.Append(" select UploadFileID from UploadFile where OwnerID = ? and CorrelationID = ? and FileName = ? ");
                        iResult = Common.ToInt32(Dal.OleDbHlper.ExecuteScalar(sb.ToString(), conn, CommandType.Text, tran
                                                                              , new OleDbParameter("@OwnerID", OleDbType.Integer)
                            Value = file.OwnerID
                                                                              , new OleDbParameter("@CorrelationID", OleDbType.Integer)
                            Value = file.CorrelationID
                                                                              , new OleDbParameter("@FileName", OleDbType.VarWChar)
                            Value = file.FileName
                        })) ?? 0;

                        if (iResult == 0)
                            List <Dal.Models.UploadFileInfo> lstUploadFileInfo = BLL.UploadFileInfo.GetFileList(
                                file.OwnerID, file.CorrelationID, "DeclarationAtlas", conn, tran);

                            if (lstUploadFileInfo.Count() == file.AmountLimit && file.AmountLimit != 0)
                                throw new Exception("超过数量上限!");

                            InsertFile(file, bufferCompressed, conn, tran);
                            if (file.UploadFileID == null || iResult == file.UploadFileID.Value)
                                file.UploadFileID = iResult;
                                UpdateFile(file, bufferCompressed, conn, tran);
                                throw new Exception("文件名重名!");
                        sb.Append(" select UploadFileID from UploadFile where OwnerID = ? and CorrelationID = ? and TypeCode = ? ");
                        iResult = Common.ToInt32(Dal.OleDbHlper.ExecuteScalar(sb.ToString(), conn, CommandType.Text, tran
                                                                              , new OleDbParameter("@OwnerID", OleDbType.Integer)
                            Value = file.OwnerID
                                                                              , new OleDbParameter("@CorrelationID", OleDbType.Integer)
                            Value = file.CorrelationID
                                                                              , new OleDbParameter("@TypeCode", OleDbType.VarWChar)
                            Value = file.Type
                        })) ?? 0;

                        if (iResult > 0)
                            file.UploadFileID = iResult;
                            UpdateFile(file, bufferCompressed, conn, tran);
                            InsertFile(file, bufferCompressed, conn, tran);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
                sb = null;
                bufferCompressed = null;

コード例 #3
        public static void SetAppendix(Dal.Models.Appendix appendix, OleDbConnection conn, OleDbTransaction tran = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(appendix.AppendixName) ||
                appendix.UploadLimitMax == null ||
                (appendix.PrizeID != null && appendix.SpecialtyID != null) ||
                (appendix.PrizeID == null && appendix.SpecialtyID == null))
                throw new Exception("附件集信息不全!");

            if (appendix.UploadLimitMin == null)
                appendix.UploadLimitMin = 0;

            Dal.Models.AppendixType type = appendix.SpecialtyID == null ? Dal.Models.AppendixType.Prize : Dal.Models.AppendixType.Specialty;
            int    iOwnerID  = type == Dal.Models.AppendixType.Specialty ? appendix.SpecialtyID.Value : appendix.PrizeID.Value;
            string strRecord = type == Dal.Models.AppendixType.Specialty ? "SpecialtyID" : "PrizeID";

            Dal.Models.Appendix appendixOriginal = GetAppendix(iOwnerID, type, appendix.AppendixName, conn, tran);
            if (appendix.AppendixID != null && appendix.AppendixID > 0)//编辑
                string strSql = " update Appendix set Ordinal = ?, AppendixName = ?, UploadLimitMax = ?, UploadLimitMin = ?, SizeLimit = ?, IsRequired = ? where AppendixID = ?";
                Dal.OleDbHlper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, conn, CommandType.Text, tran
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@Ordinal", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = appendix.Ordinal
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@AppendixName", OleDbType.VarWChar)
                    Value = appendix.AppendixName
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@UploadLimitMax", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = appendix.UploadLimitMax
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@UploadLimitMin", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = appendix.UploadLimitMin
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@SizeLimit", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = appendix.SizeLimit
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@IsRequired", OleDbType.Boolean)
                    Value = appendix.IsRequired
                                               , new OleDbParameter("@AppendixID", OleDbType.Integer)
                    Value = appendix.AppendixID
                if (appendixOriginal != null && appendixOriginal.AppendixID != appendix.AppendixID)
                    throw new Exception("附件重名!");
                    string strSql = " insert into Appendix (" + strRecord + ", Ordinal, AppendixName, UploadLimitMax, UploadLimitMin, SizeLimit, IsRequired) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ";
                    Dal.OleDbHlper.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql, conn, CommandType.Text, tran
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@OwnerID", OleDbType.Integer)
                        Value = iOwnerID
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@Ordinal", OleDbType.Integer)
                        Value = appendix.Ordinal
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@AppendixName", OleDbType.VarWChar)
                        Value = appendix.AppendixName
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@UploadLimitMax", OleDbType.Integer)
                        Value = appendix.UploadLimitMax
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@UploadLimitMin", OleDbType.Integer)
                        Value = appendix.UploadLimitMin
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@SizeLimit", OleDbType.Integer)
                        Value = appendix.SizeLimit
                                                   , new OleDbParameter("@IsRequired", OleDbType.Boolean)
                        Value = appendix.IsRequired

                    appendix.AppendixID = GetAppendix(iOwnerID, type, appendix.AppendixName, conn, tran).AppendixID;

            SetOrdinal(appendix, conn, tran);