コード例 #1
        public void allZeroReturnsDrysOut()
            double[]    volume      = new double[WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR];
            DailyVolume dailyVolume = new DailyVolume(1, volume);

コード例 #2
        public void allHaveValueDoesntDryOut()
            double[] volume = new double[WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR];
            for (int d = 0; d < WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR; d++)
                volume[d] = 1.5;
            DailyVolume dailyVolume = new DailyVolume(1, volume);

コード例 #3
        public void OneZeroDrysOut()
            double[] volume = new double[WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR];
            for (int d = 0; d < WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR; d++)
                volume[d] = 1.5;
            volume[94] = 0.0;
            DailyVolume dailyVolume = new DailyVolume(1, volume);

コード例 #4
        // NOTE ***************
        // So far the crops can't grow early in the year because for that they need access to information from the previous year.
        // Implementation of that will be a bit tricky so I am saving it for later.
        // Also, these represent the number of new crops that grew today.  A scavenger would have access to the last x days worth of crops.
        // Calculate how much of a crop is present upon request
        public double[] getYearOfCrop(double habitatPercentage, DailyTemps dailyTemps, DailyRain dailyRain, DailyVolume dailyVolume)
            double[] currentCrop     = new double[WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR];
            double   percentGrowable = 1.0;
            // For each of the crops
            // If the crop can grow in the region return the crops store the crops returned value in the current crop array for today.
            int    lastInvalidDay = -1;
            double rainSum        = 0.0;
            bool   isSomeCrop     = false;

            for (int day = 0; day < WorldDate.DAYS_PER_YEAR; day++)
                if (!dayTempAllowCrop(day, dailyTemps.days))
                    lastInvalidDay = day;
                if (day - lastInvalidDay >= growthPeriod - 1 && dayRainAllowCrop(day, dailyRain.precip, dailyVolume.volume, out rainSum, out percentGrowable))
                    double cropMultiplier = (1.0 / ((80 - growthPeriod) * 100.0)) * 400.0 * habitatPercentage;
                    currentCrop[day] = Math.Round(calculateCropQuality(day, rainSum, dailyTemps.days) * cropMultiplier * unitPerHarvest * percentGrowable, World.ROUND_TO);
                    if (!isSomeCrop && !currentCrop[day].Equals(0.0))
                        isSomeCrop = true;

            if (isSomeCrop)