コード例 #1
        public async void GetDailyChat_InvalidEventType_Test()
            //didnt add a test for pagenumber & pagesize, since i opted to handle them with dto attributes
            //so they are validated at the api level, and here we are directly calling the services and
            //bypassing the api

            var dto = new DailyChatInputDto
                PageNumber      = 1,
                PageSize        = 15,
                ChatEventTypeId = 5 //invalid ChatEventTypeId

            await Should.ThrowAsync <UserFriendlyException>(async() => await _chatService.GetDailyChat(dto));
コード例 #2
        public async void GetDailyChat_Paging_Test()
            var dto = new DailyChatInputDto
                PageNumber = 1,
                PageSize   = 8

            var activeChats = await _chatService.GetDailyChat(dto);



            activeChats.ChatMessages.First().Time.ShouldBe(Clock.GetTimeDate(2020, 12, 24, 17, 0));

            //message no.8 is at 6pm
            activeChats.ChatMessages.Last().Time.ShouldBe(Clock.GetTimeDate(2020, 12, 24, 18, 0));
コード例 #3
        public async Task <DailyChatOutputDto> GetDailyChat(DailyChatInputDto dto)
            if (dto.ChatEventTypeId != null && !Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ChatEventTypes), dto.ChatEventTypeId))
                throw new UserFriendlyException("Invalid Event Type");

            var query = from e in _dbContext.ChatEvents
                        join u1 in _dbContext.Users on e.User1Id equals u1.Id
                        join u2 in _dbContext.Users on e.User2Id equals u2.Id into utemp
                        from u2 in utemp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        where e.IsActive &&
                        (dto.ChatEventTypeId == null || e.ChatEventTypeId == dto.ChatEventTypeId)
                        orderby e.CreatedDate
                        select new
                ChatEventTypeId = e.ChatEventTypeId,
                User1           = u1.Username,
                User2           = u2 != null ? u2.Username : null,
                Message         = e.Message,
                CreatedDate     = e.CreatedDate

            var total = await query.CountAsync();

            var messages = await query.Skip(dto.ToSkip).Take(dto.PageSize)
                           .Select(e => new ChatDto
                Time    = e.CreatedDate,
                Message = ChatEventsHelper.ParseChatEvent(e.ChatEventTypeId, e.Message, e.User1, e.User2)

            var result = new DailyChatOutputDto {
                TotalCount = total, ChatMessages = messages

コード例 #4
        public async void GetDailyChat_Test()
            var dto = new DailyChatInputDto
                PageNumber = 1,
                PageSize   = 100

            var activeChats = await _chatService.GetDailyChat(dto);

            //1 inactive

            //page size should be the same as the total above

            var allChatsCount = await _dbContext.ChatEvents.CountAsync();


            activeChats.ChatMessages.First().Time.ShouldBe(Clock.GetTimeDate(2020, 12, 24, 17, 0));

            activeChats.ChatMessages.Last().Time.ShouldBe(Clock.GetTimeDate(2020, 12, 24, 18, 25));
コード例 #5
 public async Task <DailyChatOutputDto> GetDailyChat(DailyChatInputDto dto)
     return(await _chatService.GetDailyChat(dto));