コード例 #1
        // Sets up rects for location area and border ready for circumnavigation
        protected bool SetLocationRects(DFPosition targetPixel, DFPosition targetMPworld)
            GameObject terrainObject = GameManager.Instance.StreamingWorld.GetTerrainFromPixel(targetPixel);

            if (terrainObject)
                DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = terrainObject.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                if (dfTerrain && dfTerrain.MapData.hasLocation)
                    float      locBorder = 1;
                    DFLocation location  = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetLocation(dfTerrain.MapData.mapRegionIndex, dfTerrain.MapData.mapLocationIndex);
                    if (location.Loaded && location.MapTableData.LocationType == DFRegion.LocationTypes.TownCity)
                        locBorder = 1.5f;

                    Rect locationTileRect = dfTerrain.MapData.locationRect;
                    locationTileRect.xMin += 1;
                    locationTileRect.yMin += 1;
                    locationBorderRect.Set(targetMPworld.X + (locationTileRect.x * TSize), targetMPworld.Y + (locationTileRect.y * TSize), locationTileRect.width * TSize, locationTileRect.height * TSize);

                    locationTileRect.xMin += locBorder;
                    locationTileRect.xMax -= locBorder;
                    locationTileRect.yMin += locBorder;
                    locationTileRect.yMax -= locBorder;
                    locationRect.Set(targetMPworld.X + (locationTileRect.x * TSize), targetMPworld.Y + (locationTileRect.y * TSize), locationTileRect.width * TSize, locationTileRect.height * TSize);

                    return(!location.HasCustomLocationPosition());   // Only aim for location center if it's centered in the map pixel
            locationBorderRect.Set(0, 0, 0, 0);
            locationRect.Set(0, 0, 0, 0);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove cached tileData, if no TerrainTexturer has used it, to avoid memory buildup.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="terrainData"></param>
        public void UncacheTileData(DaggerfallTerrain sender, TerrainData terrainData)
            var pos = PositionKey(sender.MapPixelX, sender.MapPixelY);

            if (tileDataCache.ContainsKey(pos))
コード例 #3
    public void CreateFirefly(Mod mod, DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain, int x, int y, float scale, Terrain terrain, float distance)
        float xVariation = Random.Range(-distance, distance);
        float zVariation = Random.Range(-distance, distance);

        //Vector3 pos = new Vector3(((x + xVariation) * scale), 0, ((y + zVariation) * scale)) + dfTerrain.transform.position;
        Vector3 pos = transform.position + new Vector3(xVariation * scale, 0, zVariation * scale);

        //pos.y = terrain.SampleHeight(new Vector3((x + xVariation) * scale, 0, (y + zVariation) * scale) + dfTerrain.transform.position) + dfTerrain.transform.position.y + Random.Range(1.5f, 3f);
        pos.y = terrain.SampleHeight(pos) + Random.Range(0.5f * scale, 1.5f * scale);

        GameObject firefly = mod.GetAsset <GameObject>("Firefly", true);

        firefly.transform.parent = transform;
        firefly.GetComponent <WORandomMover>().startPos = transform.InverseTransformPoint(pos);
        //firefly.transform.position = transform.InverseTransformPoint(pos);
        firefly.transform.position = pos;
コード例 #4
 public BaseDataObject(
     DaggerfallTerrain DFTerrain,
     DaggerfallBillboardBatch DFBillboardBatch,
     Terrain Terrain,
     float Scale,
     float Steepness,
     int X,
     int Y,
     float MaxTerrainHeight)
     dfTerrain        = DFTerrain;
     dfBillboardBatch = DFBillboardBatch;
     terrain          = Terrain;
     scale            = Scale;
     steepness        = Steepness;
     x = X;
     y = Y;
     maxTerrainHeight = MaxTerrainHeight;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if player is really standing on an outdoor tile, not just positioned above one.
        /// For example when player is on their ship they are standing above water but should not be swimming.
        /// Same when player is levitating above water they should not hear splash sounds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if player is physically in range of an outdoor tile.</returns>
        bool GetOnExteriorGroundMethod()
            float rayDistance = (GameManager.Instance.TransportManager.IsOnFoot) ? walkingRayDistance : ridingRayDistance;

            // Must be outside and actually be standing on a terrain object not some other object (e.g. player ship)
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit.IsPlayerInside || !Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit, rayDistance * 2))
                DaggerfallTerrain terrain = hit.transform.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                if (!terrain)

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if player is really standing on an outdoor water tile, not just positioned above one.
        /// For example when player is on their ship they are standing above water but should not be swimming.
        /// Same when player is levitating above water they should not hear splash sounds.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if player is physically in range of an outdoor water tile.</returns>
        OnExteriorWaterMethod GetOnExteriorWaterMethod()
            const float walkingRayDistance = 1.0f;
            const float ridingRayDistance  = 2.0f;

            float rayDistance = (GameManager.Instance.TransportManager.IsOnFoot) ? walkingRayDistance : ridingRayDistance;

            // Must be outside and over a water tile
            if (GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit.IsPlayerInside || GameManager.Instance.StreamingWorld.PlayerTileMapIndex != 0)

            // Must actually be standing on a terrain object not some other object (e.g. player ship)
            RaycastHit hit;

            if (!Physics.Raycast(transform.position, Vector3.down, out hit, rayDistance))
                DaggerfallTerrain terrain = hit.transform.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                if (!terrain)

            // Handle swimming/waterwalking
            if (GameManager.Instance.PlayerEntity.IsWaterWalking)
コード例 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Apply wind strength on terrain promotion.
 /// This is called for every terrain.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="daggerTerrain"></param>
 /// <param name="terrainData">New terrain.</param>
 private void DaggerfallTerrain_OnPromoteTerrainData(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
コード例 #8
        void Update()
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Settings.Nystul_RealtimeReflections)

            GameObject goPlayerAdvanced = GameObject.Find("PlayerAdvanced");

            PlayerGPS playerGPS = GameObject.Find("PlayerAdvanced").GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();

            if (!playerGPS)

            if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
                RaycastHit hit;
                float      distanceToGround = 0;

                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGround = hit.distance;
                reflectionPlaneBottom.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceToGround, 0.0f);

                float distanceLevelBelow = getDistanceToLowerLevel(goPlayerAdvanced);
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("distance to lower level: {0}", distanceLevelBelow));
                reflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceLevelBelow, 0.0f);
            //if (!GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
                Terrain terrainInstancePlayerTerrain = null;

                int referenceLocationX = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X;
                int referenceLocationY = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y;

                ContentReader.MapSummary mapSummary;
                // if there is no location at current player position...
                if (!DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.HasLocation(referenceLocationX, referenceLocationY, out mapSummary))
                    // search for largest location in local 8-neighborhood and take this as reference location for location reflection plane
                    int maxLocationArea = -1;
                    for (int y = -1; y <= +1; y++)
                        for (int x = -1; x <= +1; x++)
                            if (DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.HasLocation(playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X + x, playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y + y, out mapSummary))
                                DFLocation location       = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetLocation(mapSummary.RegionIndex, mapSummary.MapIndex);
                                byte       locationRangeX = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
                                byte       locationRangeY = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;
                                int        locationArea   = locationRangeX * locationRangeY;

                                if (locationArea > maxLocationArea)
                                    referenceLocationX = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X + x;
                                    referenceLocationY = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y + y;
                                    maxLocationArea    = locationArea;

                GameObject go = GameObject.Find("StreamingTarget");
                if (go == null)

                foreach (Transform child in go.transform)
                    DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = child.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                    if (!dfTerrain)

                    if ((dfTerrain.MapPixelX != referenceLocationX) || (dfTerrain.MapPixelY != referenceLocationY))

                    Terrain terrainInstance = child.GetComponent <Terrain>();
                    terrainInstancePlayerTerrain = terrainInstance;

                    if ((terrainInstance) && (terrainInstance.terrainData))
                        float   scale      = terrainInstance.terrainData.heightmapScale.x;
                        float   xSamplePos = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.HeightmapDimension * 0.55f;
                        float   ySamplePos = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.HeightmapDimension * 0.55f;
                        Vector3 pos        = new Vector3(xSamplePos * scale, 0, ySamplePos * scale);
                        float   height     = terrainInstance.SampleHeight(pos + terrainInstance.transform.position);

                        float positionY = height + terrainInstance.transform.position.y;
                        reflectionPlaneBottom.transform.position = new Vector3(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.x + terrainInstance.transform.position.x, positionY, goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.z + terrainInstance.transform.position.z);

                if (!terrainInstancePlayerTerrain)

                //Debug.Log(string.Format("playerGPS: {0}, plane: {1}", goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.y, reflectionPlaneBottom.transform.position.y));
                if (playerGPS.transform.position.y < reflectionPlaneBottom.transform.position.y)
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    float      distanceToGround = 0;

                    if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                        distanceToGround = hit.distance;

                    //Debug.Log(string.Format("distance to ground: {0}", distanceToGround));
                    reflectionPlaneBottom.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceToGround, 0.0f);

                StreamingWorld streamingWorld            = GameObject.Find("StreamingWorld").GetComponent <StreamingWorld>();
                Vector3        vecWaterHeight            = new Vector3(0.0f, (DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.OceanElevation) * streamingWorld.TerrainScale, 0.0f); // water height level on y-axis (+1.0f some coastlines are incorrect otherwise)
                Vector3        vecWaterHeightTransformed = terrainInstancePlayerTerrain.transform.TransformPoint(vecWaterHeight);                                           // transform to world coordinates
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("x,y,z: {0}, {1}, {2}", vecWaterHeight.x, vecWaterHeight.y, vecWaterHeight.z));
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("transformed x,y,z: {0}, {1}, {2}", vecWaterHeightTransformed.x, vecWaterHeightTransformed.y, vecWaterHeightTransformed.z));
                reflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position = new Vector3(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.x, vecWaterHeightTransformed.y, goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.z);

            if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside && !playerInside)
                playerInside = true; // player now inside

                mirrorRefl.CurrentBackgroundSettings         = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.IndoorSetting;
                mirrorReflSeaLevel.CurrentBackgroundSettings = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.IndoorSetting;

                if (useDeferredReflections)
                    componentDefferedPlanarReflections.enabled = true;
            else if (!GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside && playerInside)
                playerInside = false; // player now outside

                mirrorRefl.CurrentBackgroundSettings         = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.OutdoorSetting;
                mirrorReflSeaLevel.CurrentBackgroundSettings = MirrorReflection.EnvironmentSetting.OutdoorSetting;

                if (useDeferredReflections)
                    componentDefferedPlanarReflections.enabled = false;
コード例 #9
        void InjectMaterialPropertiesOutdoor()
            if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside || (!componentUpdateReflectionTextures.IsEnabledOutdoorGroundReflections && !componentUpdateReflectionTextures.IsEnabledOutdoorSeaReflections))

            GameObject go = GameObject.Find("StreamingTarget");

            if (!go)

            foreach (Transform child in go.transform)
                DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = child.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                if (!dfTerrain)

                PlayerGPS playerGPS = GameObject.Find("PlayerAdvanced").GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();
                if (!playerGPS)

                //if ((dfTerrain.MapPixelX != playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X) || (dfTerrain.MapPixelY != playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y))
                //    continue;

                Terrain terrain = child.GetComponent <Terrain>();

                if (terrain)
                    if ((terrain.materialTemplate)) //&&(terrain.materialTemplate.shader.name != "Daggerfall/TilemapWithReflections")) // uncommenting this makes initial location (after startup, not fast travelling) not receive correct shader - don't know why - so workaround is to force injecting materialshader even for unset material (not sure why it works, but it does)
                        if ((SystemInfo.supports2DArrayTextures) && DaggerfallUnity.Settings.EnableTextureArrays)
                            if (terrain.materialTemplate.HasProperty("_TileTexArr") &&
                                terrain.materialTemplate.HasProperty("_TileNormalMapTexArr") &&
                                terrain.materialTemplate.HasProperty("_TileMetallicGlossMapTexArr") &&
                                terrain.materialTemplate.HasProperty("_TilemapTex") &&
                                Texture tileTextureArray                 = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TileTexArr");
                                Texture tileNormalMapTextureArray        = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TileNormalMapTexArr");
                                Texture tileMetallicGlossMapTextureArray = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TileMetallicGlossMapTexArr");

                                Texture tileMapTexture = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TilemapTex");
                                int     tileMapDim     = terrain.materialTemplate.GetInt("_TilemapDim");

                                Material newMat = new Material(componentUpdateReflectionTextures.ShaderTilemapTextureArrayWithReflections);

                                newMat.SetTexture("_TileTexArr", tileTextureArray);
                                newMat.SetTexture("_TileNormalMapTexArr", tileNormalMapTextureArray);
                                if (terrain.materialTemplate.IsKeywordEnabled("_NORMALMAP"))
                                newMat.SetTexture("_TileMetallicGlossMapTexArr", tileMetallicGlossMapTextureArray);
                                newMat.SetTexture("_TilemapTex", tileMapTexture);
                                newMat.SetInt("_TilemapDim", tileMapDim);

                                newMat.SetTexture("_ReflectionGroundTex", texReflectionGround);

                                newMat.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position.y);

                                newMat.SetTexture("_ReflectionSeaTex", texReflectionLowerLevel);

                                newMat.SetFloat("_SeaLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position.y);

                                terrain.materialTemplate = newMat;
                            if (terrain.materialTemplate.HasProperty("_TileAtlasTex") &&
                                terrain.materialTemplate.HasProperty("_TilemapTex") &&
                                Texture tileSetTexture = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TileAtlasTex");

                                //Texture2D tileAtlas = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(402).albedoMap;
                                //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("./Assets/Daggerfall/RealtimeReflections/Resources/tileatlas_402.png", tileAtlas.EncodeToPNG());

                                Texture tileMapTexture = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TilemapTex");
                                int     tileMapDim     = terrain.materialTemplate.GetInt("_TilemapDim");

                                Material newMat = new Material(componentUpdateReflectionTextures.ShaderTilemapWithReflections);

                                newMat.SetTexture("_TileAtlasTex", tileSetTexture);
                                newMat.SetTexture("_TilemapTex", tileMapTexture);
                                newMat.SetInt("_TilemapDim", tileMapDim);

                                newMat.SetTexture("_ReflectionGroundTex", texReflectionGround);

                                newMat.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position.y);

                                newMat.SetTexture("_ReflectionSeaTex", texReflectionLowerLevel);

                                newMat.SetFloat("_SeaLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position.y);

                                WeatherManager weatherManager = GameObject.Find("WeatherManager").GetComponent <WeatherManager>();
                                if (!weatherManager.IsRaining)
                                    //Texture2D tileAtlasReflectiveTexture = Resources.Load("tileatlas_reflective") as Texture2D;
                                    Texture2D tileAtlasReflectiveTexture = componentUpdateReflectionTextures.TextureTileatlasReflective;
                                    newMat.SetTexture("_TileAtlasReflectiveTex", tileAtlasReflectiveTexture);
                                    //Texture2D tileAtlasReflectiveTexture = Resources.Load("tileatlas_reflective_raining") as Texture2D;
                                    Texture2D tileAtlasReflectiveTexture = componentUpdateReflectionTextures.TextureTileatlasReflectiveRaining;
                                    newMat.SetTexture("_TileAtlasReflectiveTex", tileAtlasReflectiveTexture);

                                terrain.materialTemplate = newMat;
コード例 #10
        // Add Grass
        private void AddGrass(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
            //			Used to check performance
            //			Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            //			stopwatch.Start();

            details = new int[256, 256];

            //Get the current season
            currentSeason = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue;

            //Proceed if it's NOT winter, and if the worldClimate contains grass, which is everything above 225, with the exception of 229
            if (currentSeason != DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter && (daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate > 225 && daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate != 229))
                //Switch the grass texture based on the climate
                if (daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 226 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 227 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 228 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 230)
                    detailPrototype[0].prototypeTexture = brownGrass;
                    detailPrototype[0].prototypeTexture = greenGrass;

                tilemap = daggerTerrain.TileMap;
                terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototype;
                terrainData.wavingGrassTint = Color.gray;
                terrainData.SetDetailResolution(256, 8);

                int colorValue;

                //Check all the tiles, Daggerfall uses the red color value to draw tiles
                for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++)
                        colorValue = tilemap[(i * 128) + j].r; //For easier checking

                        switch (colorValue)
                            //Four corner tiles
                            case 8:
                            case 9:
                            case 10:
                            case 11:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);

                            //Upper left corner
                            case 40:
                            case 224:
                            case 164:
                            case 176:
                            case 181:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Lower left corner
                            case 41:
                            case 221:
                            case 165:
                            case 177:
                            case 182:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Lower right corner
                            case 42:
                            case 222:
                            case 166:
                            case 178:
                            case 183:
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Upper right corner
                            case 43:
                            case 223:
                            case 167:
                            case 179:
                            case 180:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Left side
                            case 44:
                            case 66:
                            case 84:
                            case 160:
                            case 168:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //lower side
                            case 45:
                            case 67:
                            case 85:
                            case 161:
                            case 169:
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //right side
                            case 46:
                            case 64:
                            case 86:
                            case 162:
                            case 170:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //upper side
                            case 47:
                            case 65:
                            case 87:
                            case 163:
                            case 171:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect lower right
                            case 48:
                            case 62:
                            case 88:
                            case 156:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect upper right
                            case 49:
                            case 63:
                            case 89:
                            case 157:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect upper left
                            case 50:
                            case 60:
                            case 90:
                            case 158:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //All expect lower left
                            case 51:
                            case 61:
                            case 91:
                            case 159:
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Left to right
                            case 204:
                            case 206:
                            case 214:
                                details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                            //Right to left
                            case 205:
                            case 207:
                            case 213:
                                details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                                details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);



            terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 0, details);

            //			stopwatch.Stop();
            //			// Write result
            //			UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Time elapsed: " +
            //			                      stopwatch.Elapsed);
コード例 #11
        void InjectMaterialPropertiesOutdoor()
            GameObject go = GameObject.Find("StreamingTarget");

            if (!go)
            foreach (Transform child in go.transform)
                DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = child.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                if (!dfTerrain)

                PlayerGPS playerGPS = GameObject.Find("PlayerAdvanced").GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();
                if (!playerGPS)

                //if ((dfTerrain.MapPixelX != playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X) || (dfTerrain.MapPixelY != playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y))
                //    continue;

                Terrain terrain = child.GetComponent <Terrain>();
                if (terrain)
                    if ((terrain.materialTemplate)) //&&(terrain.materialTemplate.shader.name != "Daggerfall/TilemapWithReflections")) // uncommenting this makes initial location (after startup, not fast travelling) not receive correct shader - don't know why - so workaround is to force injecting materialshader even for unset material (not sure why it works, but it does)
                        Texture tileSetTexture = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TileAtlasTex");

                        //Texture2D tileAtlas = dfUnity.MaterialReader.TextureReader.GetTerrainTilesetTexture(402).albedoMap;
                        //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("./Assets/ReflectionsMod/Resources/tileatlas_402.png", tileAtlas.EncodeToPNG());

                        Texture tileMapTexture = terrain.materialTemplate.GetTexture("_TilemapTex");
                        int     tileMapDim     = terrain.materialTemplate.GetInt("_TilemapDim");

                        Material newMat = new Material(Shader.Find("Daggerfall/TilemapWithReflections"));

                        newMat.SetTexture("_TileAtlasTex", tileSetTexture);
                        newMat.SetTexture("_TilemapTex", tileMapTexture);
                        newMat.SetInt("_TilemapDim", tileMapDim);

                        newMat.SetTexture("_ReflectionGroundTex", texReflectionGround);

                        newMat.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position.y);

                        newMat.SetTexture("_ReflectionSeaTex", texReflectionLowerLevel);

                        newMat.SetFloat("_SeaLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position.y);

                        WeatherManager weatherManager = GameObject.Find("WeatherManager").GetComponent <WeatherManager>();
                        if (!weatherManager.IsRaining)
                            Texture2D tileAtlasReflectiveTexture = Resources.Load("tileatlas_reflective") as Texture2D;
                            newMat.SetTexture("_TileAtlasReflectiveTex", tileAtlasReflectiveTexture);
                            Texture2D tileAtlasReflectiveTexture = Resources.Load("tileatlas_reflective_raining") as Texture2D;
                            newMat.SetTexture("_TileAtlasReflectiveTex", tileAtlasReflectiveTexture);

                        terrain.materialTemplate = newMat;
コード例 #12
        void Update()
            GameObject goPlayerAdvanced = GameObject.Find("PlayerAdvanced");

            PlayerGPS playerGPS = GameObject.Find("PlayerAdvanced").GetComponent <PlayerGPS>();

            if (!playerGPS)

            //if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
            if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideBuilding)
                RaycastHit hit;
                float      distanceToGround = 0;
                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGround = hit.distance;

                // additional checks in distance of player/character controller in all directions - important so that reflections don't disappear too early, e.g attics near ladder
                float radius = GameManager.Instance.PlayerController.radius;
                float distanceToGroundNorth = 0, distanceToGroundSouth = 0, distanceToGroundWest = 0, distanceToGroundEast = 0;
                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, -radius), -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGroundNorth = hit.distance;
                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position + new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, radius), -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGroundSouth = hit.distance;
                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position + new Vector3(-radius, 0.0f, 0.0f), -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGroundWest = hit.distance;
                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position + new Vector3(radius, 0.0f, 0.0f), -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGroundEast = hit.distance;
                distanceToGround = Mathf.Min(distanceToGround, Mathf.Min(distanceToGroundNorth, Mathf.Min(distanceToGroundSouth, Mathf.Min(distanceToGroundWest, distanceToGroundEast))));

                reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceToGround, 0.0f); //new Vector3(0.0f, GameManager.Instance.PlayerController.height * 0.5f, 0.0f);

                float distanceLevelBelow = getDistanceToLowerLevel(goPlayerAdvanced);
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("distance to lower level: {0}", distanceLevelBelow));
                reflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceLevelBelow, 0.0f);
            else if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideDungeon || GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideCastle)
                RaycastHit hit;
                float      distanceToGround = 0;

                if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                    distanceToGround = hit.distance;
                reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceToGround, 0.0f); //new Vector3(0.0f, GameManager.Instance.PlayerController.height * 0.5f, 0.0f);

                //Debug.Log(string.Format("distance to lower level: {0}", distanceLevelBelow));
                Vector3 pos = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position;
                reflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position = new Vector3(pos.x, GameManager.Instance.PlayerEnterExit.blockWaterLevel * -1 * MeshReader.GlobalScale, pos.z);

                //// prevent underwater reflections below water level
                //if (reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position.y < reflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position.y)
                //    reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position = reflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position;
            else //if (!GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
                Terrain terrainInstancePlayerTerrain = null;

                int referenceLocationX = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X;
                int referenceLocationY = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y;

                ContentReader.MapSummary mapSummary;
                // if there is no location at current player position...
                if (!DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.HasLocation(referenceLocationX, referenceLocationY, out mapSummary))
                    // search for largest location in local 8-neighborhood and take this as reference location for location reflection plane
                    int maxLocationArea = -1;
                    for (int y = -1; y <= +1; y++)
                        for (int x = -1; x <= +1; x++)
                            if (DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.HasLocation(playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X + x, playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y + y, out mapSummary))
                                DFLocation location       = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.ContentReader.MapFileReader.GetLocation(mapSummary.RegionIndex, mapSummary.MapIndex);
                                byte       locationRangeX = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Width;
                                byte       locationRangeY = location.Exterior.ExteriorData.Height;
                                int        locationArea   = locationRangeX * locationRangeY;

                                if (locationArea > maxLocationArea)
                                    referenceLocationX = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.X + x;
                                    referenceLocationY = playerGPS.CurrentMapPixel.Y + y;
                                    maxLocationArea    = locationArea;

                GameObject go = GameObject.Find("StreamingTarget");
                if (go == null)

                foreach (Transform child in go.transform)
                    DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = child.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                    if (!dfTerrain)

                    if ((dfTerrain.MapPixelX != referenceLocationX) || (dfTerrain.MapPixelY != referenceLocationY))

                    Terrain terrainInstance = child.GetComponent <Terrain>();
                    terrainInstancePlayerTerrain = terrainInstance;

                    if ((terrainInstance) && (terrainInstance.terrainData))
                        float   scale      = terrainInstance.terrainData.heightmapScale.x;
                        float   xSamplePos = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.HeightmapDimension * 0.55f;
                        float   ySamplePos = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.HeightmapDimension * 0.55f;
                        Vector3 pos        = new Vector3(xSamplePos * scale, 0, ySamplePos * scale);
                        float   height     = terrainInstance.SampleHeight(pos + terrainInstance.transform.position);

                        float positionY = height + terrainInstance.transform.position.y;
                        reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position = new Vector3(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.x + terrainInstance.transform.position.x, positionY, goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.z + terrainInstance.transform.position.z);

                if (!terrainInstancePlayerTerrain)

                //Debug.Log(string.Format("playerGPS: {0}, plane: {1}", goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.y, reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position.y));
                if (playerGPS.transform.position.y < reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position.y)
                    RaycastHit hit;
                    float      distanceToGround = 0;

                    if (Physics.Raycast(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position, -Vector3.up, out hit, 100.0F))
                        distanceToGround = hit.distance;

                    //Debug.Log(string.Format("distance to ground: {0}", distanceToGround));
                    reflectionPlaneGround.transform.position = goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position - new Vector3(0.0f, distanceToGround, 0.0f);

                StreamingWorld streamingWorld            = GameObject.Find("StreamingWorld").GetComponent <StreamingWorld>();
                Vector3        vecWaterHeight            = new Vector3(0.0f, (DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TerrainSampler.OceanElevation + 0.0f) * streamingWorld.TerrainScale, 0.0f); // water height level on y-axis (+1.0f some coastlines are incorrect otherwise)
                Vector3        vecWaterHeightTransformed = terrainInstancePlayerTerrain.transform.TransformPoint(vecWaterHeight);                                                  // transform to world coordinates
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("x,y,z: {0}, {1}, {2}", vecWaterHeight.x, vecWaterHeight.y, vecWaterHeight.z));
                //Debug.Log(string.Format("transformed x,y,z: {0}, {1}, {2}", vecWaterHeightTransformed.x, vecWaterHeightTransformed.y, vecWaterHeightTransformed.z));
                reflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position = new Vector3(goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.x, vecWaterHeightTransformed.y, goPlayerAdvanced.transform.position.z);

            if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideBuilding && playerEnvironment != PlayerEnvironment.Building)
            else if ((GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideCastle || GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInsideDungeon) && playerEnvironment != PlayerEnvironment.DungeonOrCastle)
            else if (!GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside && playerEnvironment != PlayerEnvironment.Outdoors)
コード例 #13
        void AddLocation(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
            //Destroy old locations by going through all the child objects, but
            //don't delete the billboard batch (The surrounding vegettion)
            foreach (Transform child in daggerTerrain.gameObject.transform)
                if (!child.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboardBatch>())

            foreach (LocationInstance loc in locationInstance)
                if (daggerTerrain.MapPixelX != loc.worldX || daggerTerrain.MapPixelY != loc.worldY)

                if (loc.terrainX <= 0 || loc.terrainY <= 0 || (loc.terrainX > 128 || loc.terrainY > 128))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Location at " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelX + " : " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelY + " : The location pixelX + or/and pixelY must be higher than 0 and lower than 128");

                //Now that we ensured that it is a valid location, then load the locationpreset
                LocationPrefab locationPrefab = LocationHelper.LoadLocationPrefab(Application.dataPath + LocationHelper.locationPrefabFolder + loc.prefab + ".txt");

                if (locationPrefab == null)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Can't find location Preset: " + loc.prefab);

                if ((loc.terrainX + locationPrefab.height > 128 || loc.terrainY + locationPrefab.width > 128))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Location at " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelX + " : " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelY + " : The locationpreset exist outside the terrain");

                if ((loc.terrainX + locationPrefab.height > 127 || loc.terrainY + locationPrefab.width > 127))
                    Debug.LogWarning("Invalid Location at " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelX + " : " + daggerTerrain.MapPixelY + " : The locationpreset must be 1 pixel away (both X and Y) from the terrainBorder");

                //Smooth the terrain
                if (loc.type == 0)
                    daggerTerrain.MapData.hasLocation = true;
                    //daggerTerrain.MapData.locationName = loc.name;
                    daggerTerrain.MapData.locationRect = new Rect(loc.terrainX, loc.terrainY, locationPrefab.width, locationPrefab.height);

                    int   count            = 0;
                    float tmpAverageHeight = 0;

                    for (int x = loc.terrainX; x <= loc.terrainX + locationPrefab.width; x++)
                        for (int y = loc.terrainY; y <= loc.terrainY + locationPrefab.height; y++)
                            tmpAverageHeight += daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[y, x];

                    daggerTerrain.MapData.averageHeight = tmpAverageHeight /= count;
                    //TerrainHelper.BlendLocationTerrain(ref daggerTerrain.MapData); //orginal alternative

                    for (int x = 1; x <= 127; x++)
                        for (int y = 1; y <= 127; y++)
                            daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[y, x] = Mathf.Lerp(daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples[y, x], daggerTerrain.MapData.averageHeight, 1 / (GetDistanceFromRect(daggerTerrain.MapData.locationRect, new Vector2(x, y)) + 1));

                    terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, daggerTerrain.MapData.heightmapSamples);

                foreach (LocationPrefab.LocationObject obj in locationPrefab.obj)
                    if (!LocationHelper.ValidateValue(obj.type, obj.name))

                    GameObject go = LocationHelper.LoadObject(obj.type, obj.name, daggerTerrain.gameObject.transform,
                                                              new Vector3((loc.terrainX * TERRAIN_SIZE_MULTI) + obj.pos.x, (daggerTerrain.MapData.averageHeight * TERRAIN_HEIGHT_MAX) + obj.pos.y, (loc.terrainY * TERRAIN_SIZE_MULTI) + obj.pos.z),
                                                              new Vector3(obj.scale.x, obj.scale.y, obj.scale.z), loc.locationID, obj.objectID

                    if (go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>())
                        float tempY = go.transform.position.y;
                        go.GetComponent <DaggerfallBillboard>().AlignToBase();
                        go.transform.position = new Vector3(go.transform.position.x, tempY + ((go.transform.position.y - tempY) * go.transform.localScale.y), go.transform.position.z);

                    if (!go.GetComponent <DaggerfallLoot>())
                        go.isStatic = true;

コード例 #14
        public void OnWillRenderObject()
            if (reflectionTexturesScript.isOutdoorEnvironment())
                if (!gameObjectStreamingTarget)

                foreach (Transform child in gameObjectStreamingTarget.transform)
                    DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = child.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                    if (!dfTerrain)

                    Terrain terrain = child.GetComponent <Terrain>();
                    if (terrain)
                        if (terrain.materialTemplate)
                            if (terrain.materialTemplate.shader.name == "Daggerfall/TilemapWithReflections")
                                terrain.materialTemplate.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneGroundLevel.transform.position.y);
                                terrain.materialTemplate.SetFloat("_SeaLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position.y);

            if (reflectionTexturesScript.isIndoorEnvironment())
                Renderer[] renderers = null;

                // TODO: find a way to eliminate GameObject.Find() here and determine if inside building or dungeon
                GameObject gameObjectInterior = GameObject.Find("Interior");
                GameObject gameObjectDungeon  = GameObject.Find("Dungeon");
                if (gameObjectInterior != null)
                    renderers = gameObjectInterior.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                else if (gameObjectDungeon != null)
                    renderers = gameObjectDungeon.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();

                if (renderers != null)
                    foreach (Renderer r in renderers)
                        foreach (Material m in r.sharedMaterials)
                            if (m.shader.name == "Daggerfall/FloorMaterialWithReflections")
                                m.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneGroundLevel.transform.position.y);
                                m.SetFloat("_LowerLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position.y);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Add Grass and other details on terrain.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddTerrainDetails(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
            var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            UnityEngine.Random.InitState(TerrainHelper.MakeTerrainKey(daggerTerrain.MapPixelX, daggerTerrain.MapPixelY));

            // Terrain settings
            terrainData.SetDetailResolution(256, 8);
            terrainData.wavingGrassTint = Color.gray;
            Terrain terrain = daggerTerrain.gameObject.GetComponent <Terrain>();
            terrain.detailObjectDistance = options.DetailObjectDistance;
            terrain.detailObjectDensity  = options.DetailObjectDensity;

            // Get the current season and climate
            var          currentSeason = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue;
            ClimateBases climate       = GetClimate(daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate);

            // Update detail layers
            Color32[] tilemap = daggerTerrain.TileMap;
            switch (climate)
            case ClimateBases.Temperate:
            case ClimateBases.Mountain:
            case ClimateBases.Swamp:
                if (currentSeason != DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter)
                    densityManager.SetDensitySummer(terrain, tilemap, climate);
                    densityManager.SetDensityWinter(terrain, tilemap, climate);

            case ClimateBases.Desert:

            // Assign detail prototypes to the terrain
            terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototypesManager.DetailPrototypes;

            // Assign detail layers to the terrain
            terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, detailPrototypesManager.Grass, densityManager.Grass);
            if ((options.GrassStyle & GrassStyle.Mixed) == GrassStyle.Mixed && climate != ClimateBases.Desert)
                terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, detailPrototypesManager.GrassDetails, densityManager.GrassDetails);
                terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, detailPrototypesManager.GrassAccents, densityManager.GrassAccents);
            if (options.WaterPlants)
                terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, detailPrototypesManager.WaterPlants, densityManager.WaterPlants);
            if (options.TerrainStones)
                terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, detailPrototypesManager.Rocks, densityManager.Rocks);

            Debug.LogFormat("RealGrass - Time elapsed: {0} ms.", stopwatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds);
コード例 #16
        public void OnWillRenderObject()
            if (!GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
                if (!gameObjectStreamingTarget)

                foreach (Transform child in gameObjectStreamingTarget.transform)
                    DaggerfallTerrain dfTerrain = child.GetComponent <DaggerfallTerrain>();
                    if (!dfTerrain)

                    Terrain terrain = child.GetComponent <Terrain>();
                    if (terrain)
                        if (terrain.materialTemplate)
                            if (terrain.materialTemplate.shader.name == "Daggerfall/TilemapWithReflections")
                                terrain.materialTemplate.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneGroundLevel.transform.position.y);
                                terrain.materialTemplate.SetFloat("_SeaLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneSeaLevel.transform.position.y);
            else if (GameManager.Instance.IsPlayerInside)
                Renderer[] renderers = null;
                // renderers must be aquired here and not in Update() because it seems that this function's execution can happen in parallel to Update() - so a concurrent conflict can occur (and does)
                if (gameObjectInterior != null)
                    renderers = gameObjectInterior.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
                else if (gameObjectDungeon != null)
                    renderers = gameObjectDungeon.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();

                //Debug.Log(String.Format("renderers: {0}", renderers.Length));

                if (renderers != null)
                    foreach (Renderer r in renderers)
                        Material[] mats = r.sharedMaterials;
                        foreach (Material m in mats)
                            if (m.shader.name == "Daggerfall/FloorMaterialWithReflections")
                                m.SetFloat("_GroundLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneGroundLevel.transform.position.y);
                                m.SetFloat("_LowerLevelHeight", gameObjectReflectionPlaneLowerLevel.transform.position.y);
                        r.sharedMaterials = mats;
コード例 #17
 private void DaggerfallTerrain_OnPromoteTerrainData(DaggerfallTerrain sender, TerrainData terrainData)
     AddTerrainDetails(sender, terrainData);
コード例 #18
 //overloaded variant
 void InjectMaterialProperties(DaggerfallTerrain sender)
     InjectMaterialProperties(-1, -1);
コード例 #19
        // Add Grass
        private void AddGrass(DaggerfallTerrain daggerTerrain, TerrainData terrainData)
            //			Used to check performance
            //			Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            //			stopwatch.Start();

            details = new int[256, 256];

            //Get the current season
            currentSeason = DaggerfallUnity.Instance.WorldTime.Now.SeasonValue;

            //Proceed if it's NOT winter, and if the worldClimate contains grass, which is everything above 225, with the exception of 229
            if (currentSeason != DaggerfallDateTime.Seasons.Winter && (daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate > 225 && daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate != 229))
                //Switch the grass texture based on the climate
                if (daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 226 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 227 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 228 || daggerTerrain.MapData.worldClimate == 230)
                    detailPrototype[0].prototypeTexture = brownGrass;
                    detailPrototype[0].prototypeTexture = greenGrass;

                tilemap = daggerTerrain.TileMap;
                terrainData.detailPrototypes = detailPrototype;
                terrainData.wavingGrassTint  = Color.gray;
                terrainData.SetDetailResolution(256, 8);

                int colorValue;

                //Check all the tiles, Daggerfall uses the red color value to draw tiles
                for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < 128; j++)
                        colorValue = tilemap[(i * 128) + j].r; //For easier checking

                        switch (colorValue)
                        //Four corner tiles
                        case 8:
                        case 9:
                        case 10:
                        case 11:
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]             = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1]       = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thickLower, thickHigher);

                        //Upper left corner
                        case 40:
                        case 224:
                        case 164:
                        case 176:
                        case 181:
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //Lower left corner
                        case 41:
                        case 221:
                        case 165:
                        case 177:
                        case 182:
                            details[i * 2, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //Lower right corner
                        case 42:
                        case 222:
                        case 166:
                        case 178:
                        case 183:
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //Upper right corner
                        case 43:
                        case 223:
                        case 167:
                        case 179:
                        case 180:
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //Left side
                        case 44:
                        case 66:
                        case 84:
                        case 160:
                        case 168:
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //lower side
                        case 45:
                        case 67:
                        case 85:
                        case 161:
                        case 169:
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //right side
                        case 46:
                        case 64:
                        case 86:
                        case 162:
                        case 170:
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //upper side
                        case 47:
                        case 65:
                        case 87:
                        case 163:
                        case 171:
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //All expect lower right
                        case 48:
                        case 62:
                        case 88:
                        case 156:
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]             = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //All expect upper right
                        case 49:
                        case 63:
                        case 89:
                        case 157:
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //All expect upper left
                        case 50:
                        case 60:
                        case 90:
                        case 158:
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]             = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //All expect lower left
                        case 51:
                        case 61:
                        case 91:
                        case 159:
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2]       = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //Left to right
                        case 204:
                        case 206:
                        case 214:
                            details[i * 2, j * 2]             = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

                        //Right to left
                        case 205:
                        case 207:
                        case 213:
                            details[(i * 2) + 1, j * 2] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);
                            details[i * 2, (j * 2) + 1] = Random.Range(thinLower, thinHigher);

            terrainData.SetDetailLayer(0, 0, 0, details);

            //			stopwatch.Stop();
            //			// Write result
            //			UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Time elapsed: " +
            //			                      stopwatch.Elapsed);