コード例 #1
        protected override void Setup()
            if (IsSetup)


            // Load native texture
            nativeTexture        = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            nativeOverlayTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgOverlayName);
            if (!nativeTexture || !nativeOverlayTexture)
                throw new Exception("CreateCharSpecialAdvantage: Could not load native texture.");

            // Create panel for window
            advantagePanel.Size = TextureReplacement.GetSize(nativeTexture, nativeImgName);
            advantagePanel.HorizontalAlignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
            advantagePanel.VerticalAlignment       = VerticalAlignment.Top;
            advantagePanel.BackgroundTexture       = nativeTexture;
            advantagePanel.BackgroundTextureLayout = BackgroundLayout.StretchToFill;

            // Setup UI components
            font = DaggerfallUI.SmallFont;
            Panel buttonPanel = NativePanel;

            if (!isDisadvantages)  // Adding this overlay makes it appear as Special Advantages instead of Disadvantages
                overlayPanel.Size = TextureReplacement.GetSize(nativeOverlayTexture, nativeImgOverlayName);
                overlayPanel.HorizontalAlignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
                overlayPanel.VerticalAlignment       = VerticalAlignment.Top;
                overlayPanel.BackgroundTexture       = nativeOverlayTexture;
                overlayPanel.BackgroundTextureLayout = BackgroundLayout.StretchToFill;
                buttonPanel = overlayPanel;
            addAdvantageButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(addAdvantageButtonRect, buttonPanel);
            addAdvantageButton.OnMouseClick += AddAdvantageButton_OnMouseClick;
            addAdvantageButton.ClickSound    = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GetAudioClip(SoundClips.ButtonClick);
            exitButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(exitButtonRect, NativePanel);
            exitButton.OnMouseClick += ExitButton_OnMouseClick;
            exitButton.ClickSound    = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GetAudioClip(SoundClips.ButtonClick);
            for (int i = 0; i < maxLabels; i++)
                advantageLabels[i] = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(8, 35 + i * labelSpacing), string.Empty, NativePanel);
                advantageLabels[i].OnMouseClick += AdvantageLabel_OnMouseClick;
                advantageLabels[i].Tag           = -1;

            IsSetup = true;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a new DaggerfallFont.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">I ndex of font between 1-5 (default is 4).</param>
        /// <returns>DaggerfallFont</returns>
        public DaggerfallFont GetFont(int index = 4)
            // Set path
            string path = string.Empty;

            if (dfUnity.IsPathValidated)
                path = dfUnity.Arena2Path;

            // Try to load font from either Daggerfall path or Resources
            switch (index)
            case 1:
                if (daggerfallFonts[0] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[0] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0000);
                daggerfallFonts[0].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 2:
                if (daggerfallFonts[1] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[1] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0001);
                daggerfallFonts[1].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 3:
                if (daggerfallFonts[2] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[2] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0002);
                daggerfallFonts[2].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 4:
                if (daggerfallFonts[3] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[3] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0003);
                daggerfallFonts[3].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 5:
                if (daggerfallFonts[4] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[4] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0004);
                daggerfallFonts[4].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;
コード例 #3
        public DaggerfallFont GetFont(int index)
            // Do nothing if DaggerfallUnity path not valid
            if (!DaggerfallUnity.Instance.IsPathValidated)

            switch (index)
            case 1:
                if (daggerfallFonts[0] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[0] = new DaggerfallFont(dfUnity.Arena2Path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0000);
                daggerfallFonts[0].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 2:
                if (daggerfallFonts[1] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[1] = new DaggerfallFont(dfUnity.Arena2Path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0001);
                daggerfallFonts[1].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 3:
                if (daggerfallFonts[2] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[2] = new DaggerfallFont(dfUnity.Arena2Path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0002);
                daggerfallFonts[2].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 4:
                if (daggerfallFonts[3] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[3] = new DaggerfallFont(dfUnity.Arena2Path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0003);
                daggerfallFonts[3].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 5:
                if (daggerfallFonts[4] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[4] = new DaggerfallFont(dfUnity.Arena2Path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0004);
                daggerfallFonts[4].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;
コード例 #4
        protected override void Setup()
            if (IsSetup)


            prevWindow = (CreateCharCustomClass)this.PreviousWindow;

            // Load native texture
            nativeTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            if (!nativeTexture)
                throw new Exception("CreateCharSpecialAdvantage: Could not load native texture.");

            // Create panel for window
            repPanel.Size = TextureReplacement.GetSize(nativeTexture, nativeImgName);
            repPanel.HorizontalAlignment     = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
            repPanel.VerticalAlignment       = VerticalAlignment.Middle;
            repPanel.BackgroundTexture       = nativeTexture;
            repPanel.BackgroundTextureLayout = BackgroundLayout.StretchToFill;
            repPanel.OnMouseClick           += RepPanel_OnMouseClick;

            // Setup UI components
            font       = DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont;
            exitButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(exitButtonRect, repPanel);
            exitButton.OnMouseClick += ExitButton_OnMouseClick;
            exitButton.ClickSound    = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GetAudioClip(SoundClips.ButtonClick);

            // Setup adjustable bars
            SetupRepBars(merchantsGreenPanel, merchantsRedPanel, new Vector2(3f, 75f), new Vector2(3f, 77f), prevWindow.MerchantsRep);
            SetupRepBars(peasantsGreenPanel, peasantsRedPanel, new Vector2(36f, 75f), new Vector2(36f, 77f), prevWindow.PeasantsRep);
            SetupRepBars(scholarsGreenPanel, scholarsRedPanel, new Vector2(69f, 75f), new Vector2(69f, 77f), prevWindow.ScholarsRep);
            SetupRepBars(nobilityGreenPanel, nobilityRedPanel, new Vector2(102f, 75f), new Vector2(102f, 77f), prevWindow.NobilityRep);
            SetupRepBars(underworldGreenPanel, underworldRedPanel, new Vector2(135f, 75f), new Vector2(135f, 77f), prevWindow.UnderworldRep);

            // Setup text labels
            merchantsPtsLabel  = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(18f, 143f), prevWindow.MerchantsRep.ToString(), repPanel);
            peasantsPtsLabel   = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(50f, 143f), prevWindow.PeasantsRep.ToString(), repPanel);
            scholarsPtsLabel   = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(82f, 143f), prevWindow.ScholarsRep.ToString(), repPanel);
            nobilityPtsLabel   = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(114f, 143f), prevWindow.NobilityRep.ToString(), repPanel);
            underworldPtsLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(146f, 143f), prevWindow.UnderworldRep.ToString(), repPanel);
            distributePtsLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(64f, 173f), pointsToDistribute.ToString(), repPanel);

            IsSetup = true;
コード例 #5
 public DaggerfallListPickerWindow(IUserInterfaceManager uiManager, IUserInterfaceWindow previous = null, DaggerfallFont font = null, int rowsDisplayed = 0)
     : base(uiManager, previous)
     Font          = font;
     RowsDisplayed = rowsDisplayed;
コード例 #6
        protected override void Setup()
            if (IsSetup)

            // Load native textures
            nativeTexture       = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            nativeDaggerTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeDaggerImgName);
            if (!nativeTexture || !nativeDaggerTexture)
                throw new Exception("CreateCharCustomClass: Could not load native texture.");

            // Setup native panel background
            NativePanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeTexture;

            // Add stats rollout
            statsRollout          = new StatsRollout(false, true);
            statsRollout.Position = new Vector2(0, 0);

            // Add name textbox
            nameTextBox.Position = new Vector2(100, 5);
            nameTextBox.Size     = new Vector2(214, 7);

            // Initialize character class
            createdClass = new DFCareer();
            createdClass.HitPointsPerLevel         = defaultHpPerLevel;
            createdClass.SpellPointMultiplier      = DFCareer.SpellPointMultipliers.Times_0_50;
            createdClass.SpellPointMultiplierValue = .5f;

            // Initiate UI components
            font = DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont;
            hpLabel          = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(285, 55), createdClass.HitPointsPerLevel.ToString(), NativePanel);
            daggerPanel.Size = new Vector2(24, 9);
            daggerPanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeDaggerTexture;

            // Setup help dictionary
            helpDict = new Dictionary <string, int>
                { HardStrings.helpAttributes, 2402 },
                { HardStrings.helpClassName, 2401 },
                { HardStrings.helpGeneral, 2400 },
                { HardStrings.helpReputations, 2406 },
                { HardStrings.helpSkillAdvancement, 2407 },
                { HardStrings.helpSkills, 2403 },
                { HardStrings.helpSpecialAdvantages, 2404 },
                { HardStrings.helpSpecialDisadvantages, 2405 }

            // Setup skills dictionary
            skillsDict = new Dictionary <string, DFCareer.Skills>();
            foreach (DFCareer.Skills skill in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DFCareer.Skills)))
                skillsDict.Add(DaggerfallUnity.Instance.TextProvider.GetSkillName(skill), skill);
            skillsDict.Remove(string.Empty); // Don't include "none" skill value.
            skillsList = new List <string>(skillsDict.Keys);
            skillsList.Sort();               // Sort skills alphabetically a la classic.

            IsSetup = true;
 void ChangeFont(int index)
     currentFont = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GetFont(index);
コード例 #8
        protected override void Setup()
            if (IsSetup)

            // Load native texture
            nativeTexture = DaggerfallUI.GetTextureFromImg(nativeImgName);
            if (!nativeTexture)
                throw new Exception("CreateCharAddBonusStats: Could not load native texture.");

            // Setup native panel background
            NativePanel.BackgroundTexture = nativeTexture;

            // Add stats rollout
            statsRollout                = new StatsRollout();
            statsRollout.Position       = new Vector2(0, 0);
            statsRollout.OnStatChanged += StatsRollout_OnStatChanged;

            // Add secondary stat labels
            font = DaggerfallUI.DefaultFont;
            damageModifierLabel      = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(83, 22), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            maxEncumbranceLabel      = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(103, 32), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            spellPointsLabel         = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(112, 49), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            magicResistLabel         = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(121, 71), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            toHitModifierLabel       = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(97, 93), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            hitPointsModifierLabel   = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(101, 110), string.Empty, NativePanel);
            healingRateModifierLabel = DaggerfallUI.AddTextLabel(font, new Vector2(122, 120), string.Empty, NativePanel);

            // Fix secondary stat shadow colors to match game
            damageModifierLabel.ShadowColor      = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            maxEncumbranceLabel.ShadowColor      = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            spellPointsLabel.ShadowColor         = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            magicResistLabel.ShadowColor         = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            toHitModifierLabel.ShadowColor       = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            hitPointsModifierLabel.ShadowColor   = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;
            healingRateModifierLabel.ShadowColor = DaggerfallUI.DaggerfallAlternateShadowColor1;

            // Add "Reroll" button
            Button rerollButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(263, 147, 39, 22), NativePanel);

            rerollButton.OnMouseClick += RerollButton_OnMouseClick;

            // Add "Save Roll" button
            Button saveRoll = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(162, 162, 71, 9), NativePanel);

            saveRoll.OnMouseClick += SaveRoll_OnMouseClick;

            // Add "Load Roll" button
            Button loadRoll = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(162, 171, 71, 9), NativePanel);

            loadRoll.OnMouseClick += LoadRoll_OnMouseClick;

            // Add "OK" button
            Button okButton = DaggerfallUI.AddButton(new Rect(263, 172, 39, 22), NativePanel);

            okButton.OnMouseClick += OkButton_OnMouseClick;

            IsSetup = true;
コード例 #9
        public static TextBox AddTextBoxWithFocus(Rect rect, string defaultText, Panel panel = null, int maxCharacters = -1, DaggerfallFont font = null)
            TextBox textBox = new TextBox(font);

            textBox.Position    = rect.position;
            textBox.Size        = rect.size;
            textBox.FixedSize   = true;
            textBox.DefaultText = defaultText;
            if (maxCharacters > 0)
                textBox.MaxCharacters = maxCharacters;
            textBox.UseFocus        = true;
            textBox.Outline.Enabled = true;

            if (panel != null)

コード例 #10
        public static TextBox AddTextBox(Rect rect, string defaultText, Panel panel = null, int maxCharacters = -1, DaggerfallFont font = null, int glyphSpacing = 1)
            TextBox textBox = new TextBox(font);

            textBox.Position      = new Vector2(rect.x, rect.y);
            textBox.Size          = new Vector2(rect.width, rect.height);
            textBox.DefaultText   = defaultText;
            textBox.MaxCharacters = maxCharacters;
            textBox.TextOffset    = 2;

            if (panel != null)

コード例 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a new DaggerfallFont.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index">Index of font between 1-5 (default is 4).</param>
        /// <returns>DaggerfallFont</returns>
        public DaggerfallFont GetFont(int index = 4)
            // Attempt to use StreamingAssets for FNT files
            string path = FontsFolder;

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                Debug.LogErrorFormat("Fonts directory path {0} not found. Falling back to Arena2 folder.", path);

                // Try Arena2 path
                path = string.Empty;
                if (dfUnity.IsPathValidated)
                    path = dfUnity.Arena2Path;

            // Must have a fonts path by now
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                throw new System.Exception("DaggerfallUI could not find a valid path for fonts in StreamingAssets/Fonts or fallback Arena2 folder.");

            // Try to load font from target path
            switch (index)
            case 1:
                if (daggerfallFonts[0] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[0] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0000);
                daggerfallFonts[0].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 2:
                if (daggerfallFonts[1] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[1] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0001);
                daggerfallFonts[1].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 3:
                if (daggerfallFonts[2] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[2] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0002);
                daggerfallFonts[2].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 4:
                if (daggerfallFonts[3] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[3] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0003);
                daggerfallFonts[3].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;

            case 5:
                if (daggerfallFonts[4] == null)
                    daggerfallFonts[4] = new DaggerfallFont(path, DaggerfallFont.FontName.FONT0004);
                daggerfallFonts[4].FilterMode = globalFilterMode;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Register a DaggerfallFont replacement to be used for specified locale.
        /// If this font name and locale replacement has already been registered, it will be replaced by this font.
        /// Note: Localized fonts can only be SDF capable. SDF font setting will be forced on by registering any custom font.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locale">Locale of font.</param>
        /// <param name="fontName">Name of font, which must be one of the 5 Daggerfall fonts.</param>
        /// <param name="font">DaggerfallFont object to use for this font name and locale.</param>
        public void RegisterLocalizedFont(Locale locale, DaggerfallFont.FontName fontName, DaggerfallFont font)
            if (locale == null || font == null)
                Debug.LogError("RegisterLocalizedFont() locale and font cannot be null.");

            string key = GetLocaleFontKey(locale, fontName);

            if (localizedFonts.ContainsKey(key))

            localizedFonts.Add(key, font);
            DaggerfallUnity.Settings.SDFFontRendering = true;
コード例 #13
 void ChangeFont(DaggerfallFont.FontName fontName)
     currentFont = DaggerfallUI.Instance.GetFont(fontName);