protected virtual void SetDialogWindowBGDrawable() { var andColor = _dialogConfig.BackgroundColor.ToAndroid(); var dw = new ColorDrawable(andColor); DWindow.SetBackgroundDrawable(dw); }
static void Main(string[] args) { PrintHerald(); // Cons up a system to run stuff on. DSystem system = new DSystem(); system.Reset(); // // Start the UI, this will not return from ShowDialog // until the window is closed. // DWindow mainWindow = new DWindow(system); system.AttachDisplay(mainWindow); DialogResult res = mainWindow.ShowDialog(); // // Main window is now closed: shut down the system. // Ensure the system is stopped. // system.StopExecution(); // // Commit disks on normal exit // system.Shutdown(res == DialogResult.OK); Console.WriteLine("Goodbye..."); }
void SetDialogWindowFlags(WindowManagerLayoutParams attrs) { if (_dialogConfig.NotTouchModal) { DWindow.ClearFlags(WindowManagerFlags.DimBehind); DWindow.AddFlags(WindowManagerFlags.NotTouchModal); } else { attrs.DimAmount = _dialogConfig.DimAmount; } }
protected override void LoadContent() { _spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice); // TODO: use this.Content to load your game content here //dWindow = new DesktopWindow(_graphics, this, new OSInterface(), null, GroupBehaviorCollection.PlasmaDesktop); dWindow = new DesktopWindow(_graphics, this, new OSInterface(), null, GroupBehaviorCollection.PlasmaDesktop); dWindow.DisplayWidget = Widgets.EditorWidgets.UIEditor(Args); //dWindow.DisplayWidget = TestWidgets.ExplorerTest(); //dWindow.DisplayWidget = TestWidgets.BrokenStuff(); //dWindow.DisplayWidget = TestWidgets.BrokenFixedSize(); }
/// <summary> Set this UIUnputState's values to the typical input from a mouse + keyboard. </summary> public void UpdateAll(DWindow dwindow, GameTime game_time) { _previous_mouse_state = _mouse_state; _mouse_state = Mouse.GetState(dwindow.ParentGame.Window); _previous_keyboard_state = _keyboard_state; _keyboard_state = Keyboard.GetState(); PrimaryClick = _mouse_state.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed; SecondaryClick = _mouse_state.RightButton == ButtonState.Pressed; PrimaryClickTriggered = PrimaryClick && _previous_mouse_state.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released; SecondaryClickTriggered = SecondaryClick && _previous_mouse_state.RightButton == ButtonState.Released; CursorPosition = _mouse_state.Position; Scroll = new Vector2(_mouse_state.HorizontalScrollWheelValue, _mouse_state.ScrollWheelValue) - _previous_mouse_wheel_scroll; _previous_mouse_wheel_scroll = new Vector2(_mouse_state.HorizontalScrollWheelValue, _mouse_state.ScrollWheelValue); UpdateKeyboardInput(dwindow, game_time); }
public UINavigator(DWindow parent) =>
public void AttachDisplay(DWindow display) { _display = display; }
/// <summary> Set this UIUnputState's values to the typical input from a keyboard. Doesn't update cursor values. </summary> public void UpdateKeyboardInput(DWindow dwindow, GameTime game_time) { buffered_keyboard.Update(game_time.GetElapsedSeconds()); TextCursorMovement.Left = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Left); TextCursorMovement.Right = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Right); TextCursorMovement.Up = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Up); TextCursorMovement.Down = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Down); Shift = _keyboard_state.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift) || _keyboard_state.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightShift); Control = _keyboard_state.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) || _keyboard_state.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightControl); Delete = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Delete); Home = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Home); End = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.End); Tab = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Tab); CapsLock = _keyboard_state.CapsLock; NumLock = _keyboard_state.NumLock; Text = dwindow.InputText.ToString(); SelectAll = false; Copy = false; Cut = false; Paste = false; Save = false; New = false; Undo = false; Redo = false; foreach (char c in dwindow.CommandText.ToString()) { //Console.WriteLine((int)c); if (c == 1) { SelectAll = true; } if (c == 3) { Copy = true; } if (c == 24) { Cut = true; } if (c == 22) { Paste = true; } if (c == 19) { Save = true; } if (c == 14) { New = true; } if (c == 26) { Undo = true; } if (c == 25) { Redo = true; } Debug.WriteLine("UpdateKeyboardInput UpdateInputstate"); } _previous_insert_key_down = _insert_key_down; _insert_key_down = buffered_keyboard.IsKeyTriggered(Keys.Insert); if (_insert_key_down && !_previous_insert_key_down) { Insert = !Insert; } }
static void Main(string[] args) { // // Check for command-line arguments. // if (args.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { switch (args[i++].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "-config": if (i < args.Length) { StartupOptions.ConfigurationFile = args[i]; } else { PrintUsage(); return; } break; case "-rompath": if (i < args.Length) { StartupOptions.RomPath = args[i]; } else { PrintUsage(); return; } break; default: PrintUsage(); return; } } } PrintHerald(); // Cons up a system to run stuff on. DSystem system = new DSystem(); system.Reset(); // // Start the UI, this will not return from ShowDialog // until the window is closed. // DWindow mainWindow = new DWindow(system); system.AttachDisplay(mainWindow); DialogResult res = mainWindow.ShowDialog(); // // Main window is now closed: shut down the system. // Ensure the system is stopped. // system.StopExecution(); // // Commit disks on normal exit // system.Shutdown(res == DialogResult.OK); Console.WriteLine("Goodbye..."); }
// Sets up some of the references so they can be used private void Start() { talk = FindObjectOfType <DWindow>().GetComponent <DWindow>(); qManager = FindObjectOfType <QuestManager>().GetComponent <QuestManager>(); }