public async Task <ActionResult> GetCommand(string modelid) { List <COMMAND_DATA> commandData = new List <COMMAND_DATA>(); try { DTDLModelResolver resolver = new DTDLModelResolver(_modelRepoUrl, _gitToken, _logger); var modelData = await resolver.ParseModelAsync(modelid); var interfaces = modelData.Where(r => r.Value.EntityKind == DTEntityKind.Command).ToList(); foreach (var dt in interfaces) { COMMAND_DATA data = new COMMAND_DATA(); DTCommandInfo commandInfo = dt.Value as DTCommandInfo; if (commandInfo.DisplayName.Count > 0) { data.CommandDisplayName = commandInfo.DisplayName["en"]; } if (commandInfo.Description.Count > 0) { data.CommandDescription = commandInfo.Description["en"]; } data.CommandName = commandInfo.Name; if (commandInfo.Request != null) { if (data.request == null) { data.request = new List <COMMAND_REQUEST>(); } COMMAND_REQUEST request = new COMMAND_REQUEST(); request.requestName = commandInfo.Request.Name; request.requestKind = commandInfo.Request.Schema.EntityKind.ToString(); request.requestDescription = commandInfo.Request.Description["en"]; request.requestisplayName = commandInfo.Request.DisplayName["en"]; data.request.Add(request); } commandData.Add(data); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError($"Error {ex}"); } return(Json(commandData)); }
private static async Task ProcessDeviceConnected(JObject deviceEventData, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation(">> DeviceConnected Event"); // Process Device Connected Event. // // Example of sending a direct method (command) try { // Get Device Id string deviceId = deviceEventData["deviceId"].ToString(); // Get Device Instance from IoT Hub // Device device = await _registryManager.GetDeviceAsync(deviceId); if (device.ConnectionState != DeviceConnectionState.Connected) { log.LogWarning($"Device {deviceId} is not connected"); return; } // Get DTDL Model ID from Device Twin // var twin = await _registryManager.GetTwinAsync(deviceId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(twin.ModelId)) { IReadOnlyDictionary <Dtmi, DTEntityInfo> parsedModel = null; string commandName = string.Empty; log.LogInformation($"Model ID : {twin.ModelId}"); // Parse DTDL Model parsedModel = await DeviceModelResolveAndParse(twin.ModelId); if (twin.ModelId.Contains("impinj")) { commandName = "Presets"; } else if (twin.ModelId.Contains("wioterminal_aziot_example")) { commandName = "ringBuzzer"; } // We are interested in only commands DTCommandInfo command = parsedModel.Where(r => r.Value.EntityKind == DTEntityKind.Command).Select(x => x.Value as DTCommandInfo).Where(x => x.Name == commandName).FirstOrDefault(); if (command != null) { string componentName = string.Empty; commandName = string.Empty; // If no match, this interface must be from Component if (!twin.ModelId.Equals(command.DefinedIn.AbsoluteUri)) { var component = parsedModel.Where(r => r.Value.EntityKind == DTEntityKind.Component).Select(x => x.Value as DTComponentInfo).Where(x => x.Schema.Id.ToString() == command.ChildOf.AbsoluteUri).FirstOrDefault(); if (component != null) { componentName = component.Name; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(componentName)) { // Add component name // commandName = $"{componentName}*{command.Name}"; } else { commandName = $"{command.Name}"; } log.LogInformation($"Sending command {commandName} / Description : {command.Description}"); var cmd = new CloudToDeviceMethod(commandName) { ResponseTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) }; if (commandName.Equals("ringBuzzer")) { cmd.SetPayloadJson("500"); } var response = await _serviceClient.InvokeDeviceMethodAsync(deviceId, cmd); log.LogInformation($"Response status: {response.Status}, payload: {response.GetPayloadAsJson()}"); } } } catch (Exception ex) { log.LogWarning($"Failed to process Device Connected Event : Exception '{ex.Message}'"); } log.LogInformation("<< DeviceConnected Event"); }