コード例 #1

        private void StartMerging ()
            m_Merger = null;
            string[] listOfDTBFiles = new string[m_lbDTBfiles.Items.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_lbDTBfiles.Items.Count; i++)
                listOfDTBFiles[i] = m_lbDTBfiles.Items[i].ToString ();

            // create temp directory
            string outputDirTemp = Path.Combine ( m_txtDirectoryPath.Text, "temp" );
            if (Directory.Exists ( outputDirTemp ))
                Directory.Delete ( outputDirTemp, true );
            Directory.CreateDirectory ( outputDirTemp );

            if (m_rdbExistingNumberOfPages.Checked)
                m_Merger = new DTBMerger.Merger ( listOfDTBFiles, outputDirTemp, DTBMerger.PageMergeOptions.KeepExisting );
            else if (m_rdbRenumberPages.Checked)
                m_Merger = new DTBMerger.Merger ( listOfDTBFiles, outputDirTemp, DTBMerger.PageMergeOptions.Renumber );
            if (daisy3Option == true)
                // assign can remove duplicate flag, it is added for precaution due to last minute changes
                m_Merger.CanRemoveDuplicatePagesInDAISY3 = m_CanRemoveDuplicatePagesInDAISY3;
                m_Merger.MergeDTDs ();
            else if (daisy202option == true)
                m_Merger.MergeDAISY2DTDs ();

            // apply pretty printer script and remove temp directory
            string prettyPrinterInputFileName = Path.GetFileName ( listOfDTBFiles[0] );
            string dtbPath = Path.Combine ( outputDirTemp, prettyPrinterInputFileName );
            string prettyPrinterPath = Path.Combine ( m_PipelineLiteDir, "scripts\\PrettyPrinter.taskScript-hidden" );
            if (File.Exists ( prettyPrinterPath ))
                DTBMerger.PipelineInterface.ScriptsFunctions.PrettyPrinter ( prettyPrinterPath,
                    m_txtDirectoryPath.Text );

                // check if pretty printer has worked well by checking if ncc.html or .opf files are at output
                string[] filesArray = Directory.GetFiles ( m_txtDirectoryPath.Text,
                    SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly );

                if (filesArray != null && filesArray.Length > 0)
                    Directory.Delete ( outputDirTemp, true );

コード例 #2
        public Daisy3MergerForm ()
            InitializeComponent ();
            m_bgWorker.DoWork += new System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler ( m_bgWorker_DoWork );
            m_bgWorker.RunWorkerCompleted +=
                new System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler ( m_bgWorker_RunWorkerCompleted );
            m_bgWorker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
            m_Merger = null;

                LoadSettings ();
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show ( ex.ToString () );