private static void InsertBlob(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, FileBlobModel model) { key.AddRollback(model.BlobID, model, model.GetName(p => p.BlobID)); FileBlob poco = new FileBlob(); model.Map(poco); db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.BlobID)); }
private static Location InsertLocation(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, LocationModel model, Company company = null) { Location poco = new Location(); poco.LocationName = model.LocationName; if (model.LocationCode == string.Empty) { poco.LocationCode = "L" + LocationRepository.PeekLocationCode(db, "L"); } else { poco.LocationCode = model.LocationCode; } if (company == null) { poco.CompanyID = model.CompanyID; } else { poco.Company = company; } poco.LocationAddress = model.LocationAddress; poco.LocationPhone = model.LocationPhone; poco.LocationFax = model.LocationFax; if (model.ConfirmationContact.IsChanged) { poco.ConfirmationContact = ContactRepository.SaveContact(db, key, model.ConfirmationContact); key.AddKey(poco.ConfirmationContact, model.ConfirmationContact, poco.ConfirmationContact.GetName(p => p.ContactID)); key.AddKey(poco.ConfirmationContact, model, poco.ConfirmationContact.GetName(p => p.ContactID), model.GetName(p => p.ConfirmationContactID)); } if (model.InvoiceContact.IsChanged) { poco.InvoiceContact = ContactRepository.SaveContact(db, key, model.InvoiceContact); key.AddKey(poco.InvoiceContact, model.InvoiceContact, poco.InvoiceContact.GetName(p => p.ContactID)); key.AddKey(poco.InvoiceContact, model, poco.InvoiceContact.GetName(p => p.ContactID), model.GetName(p => p.InvoiceContactID)); } if (model.DispatchContact.IsChanged) { poco.DispatchContact = ContactRepository.SaveContact(db, key, model.DispatchContact); key.AddKey(poco.DispatchContact, model.DispatchContact, poco.DispatchContact.GetName(p => p.ContactID)); key.AddKey(poco.DispatchContact, model, poco.DispatchContact.GetName(p => p.ContactID), model.GetName(p => p.DispatchContactID)); } poco.TravelPay = model.TravelPay; poco.TravelPayName = model.TravelPayName; poco.LunchTime = model.LunchTime; poco.IsEnabled = model.IsEnabled; poco.IncludeConfirmation = model.IncludeConfirmation; db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.LocationID)); return(poco); }
private static void InsertMedical(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DriverMedicalModel model) { DriversMedical poco = new DriversMedical(); model.Map(poco); db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.DriverMedicalID)); db.FlushChanges(); SaveReminders(db, key, model, poco); }
private static Contact InsertContact(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, ContactModel model) { Contact poco = new Contact(); poco.ContactName = model.ContactName; poco.ContactPhone = model.ContactPhone; poco.ContactEmail = model.ContactEmail; db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.ContactID)); return(poco); }
private static void InsertDriverLicense(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DriverLicenseModel model) { var poco = new DriversLicense(); model.Map(poco); db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.DriverLicenseID)); db.FlushChanges(); SaveDriverLicensePermits(db, key, poco, model); SaveDriverLicenseReminders(db, key, poco, model); }
private static void InsertInvoice(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, InvoiceModel model) { var poco = new Invoice(); poco.CompanyID = model.CompanyID; poco.LocationID = model.LocationID; poco.InvoiceTypeID = model.InvoiceTypeID; poco.InvoiceNumber = InvoiceRepository.NextNumber(db, model); poco.InvoiceIssueDate = model.InvoiceIssueDate; poco.InvoicePeriodFrom = model.InvoicePeriodFrom; poco.InvoicePeriodTo = model.InvoicePeriodTo; poco.InvoiceNote = model.InvoiceNote; poco.LateCharge = model.LateCharge; poco.LateChargeDays = model.LateChargeDays; poco.IsConfirmed = model.IsConfirmed; poco.UserID = model.UserID; poco.LastUpdateTime = model.LastUpdateTime; key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.InvoiceID)); db.Add(poco); foreach (var d in model.Details) { var det = new InvoicesDetail(); det.InvoiceDetailDate = d.InvoiceDetailDate; det.InvoiceDetailName = d.InvoiceDetailName; det.InvoiceDetailTotalTime = d.InvoiceDetailTotalTime; det.InvoiceDetailOverTime = d.InvoiceDetailOverTime; det.InvoiceDetailRegularRate = d.InvoiceDetailRegularRate; det.InvoiceDetailOverRate = d.InvoiceDetailOverRate; det.InvoiceDetailRegularPay = d.InvoiceDetailRegularPay; det.InvoiceDetailOvertimePay = d.InvoiceDetailOvertimePay; det.InvoiceDetailGroupName = d.InvoiceDetailGroupName; det.InvoiceDetailGroupPosition = d.InvoiceDetailGroupPosition; det.Invoice = poco; key.AddKey(det, d, d.GetName(p => p.InvoiceDetailID)); key.AddKey(poco, d, d.GetName(p => p.InvoiceID)); poco.InvoicesDetails.Add(det); db.Add(det); } }
private static void InsertUser(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, UserModel user) { User poco = new User(); poco.Username = user.Username; poco.Password = UserRepository.HashPassword(user.Username, user.Password); poco.FirstName = user.FirstName; poco.SecondName = user.SecondName; poco.LastName = user.LastName; poco.IsEnabled = user.IsEnabled; poco.IsAdmin = user.IsAdmin; key.AddKey(poco, user, user.GetName(p => p.UserID)); db.Add(poco); }
private static void UpdateInvoice(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, InvoiceModel model) { var poco = db.Invoices.Where(i => i.InvoiceID == model.InvoiceID).FirstOrDefault(); if (poco == null) { throw new ArgumentException("No invoice with the specified ID!"); } poco.CompanyID = model.CompanyID; poco.LocationID = model.LocationID; poco.InvoiceTypeID = model.InvoiceTypeID; poco.InvoiceNumber = model.InvoiceNumber; poco.InvoiceIssueDate = model.InvoiceIssueDate; poco.InvoicePeriodFrom = model.InvoicePeriodFrom; poco.InvoicePeriodTo = model.InvoicePeriodTo; poco.InvoiceNote = model.InvoiceNote; poco.LateCharge = model.LateCharge; poco.LateChargeDays = model.LateChargeDays; poco.IsConfirmed = model.IsConfirmed; poco.UserID = model.UserID; poco.LastUpdateTime = model.LastUpdateTime; foreach (var d in poco.InvoicesDetails.ToList()) { db.Delete(d); poco.InvoicesDetails.Remove(d); } foreach (var d in model.Details) { var det = new InvoicesDetail(); det.InvoiceDetailDate = d.InvoiceDetailDate; det.InvoiceDetailName = d.InvoiceDetailName; det.InvoiceDetailTotalTime = d.InvoiceDetailTotalTime; det.InvoiceDetailOverTime = d.InvoiceDetailOverTime; det.InvoiceDetailRegularRate = d.InvoiceDetailRegularRate; det.InvoiceDetailOverRate = d.InvoiceDetailOverRate; det.InvoiceDetailRegularPay = d.InvoiceDetailRegularPay; det.InvoiceDetailOvertimePay = d.InvoiceDetailOvertimePay; det.InvoiceDetailGroupName = d.InvoiceDetailGroupName; det.InvoiceDetailGroupPosition = d.InvoiceDetailGroupPosition; det.Invoice = poco; det.InvoiceID = poco.InvoiceID; key.AddKey(det, d, d.GetName(p => p.InvoiceDetailID)); poco.InvoicesDetails.Add(det); db.Add(det); } }
public static void SaveInvoicePayRates(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, List <CompanyInvoicingPayRateModel> rates) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("db"); } if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); } if (rates == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("rates"); } if (rates.Count == 0) { return; } uint[] distCompanies = rates.Select(c => c.CompanyID).Distinct().ToArray(); uint[] oldIDs = rates.Select(c => c.CompanyInvoicingID).ToArray(); db.CompaniesInvoicingPayrates.Where(c => distCompanies.Contains(c.CompanyID) && !oldIDs.Contains(c.CompanyInvoicingID)).DeleteAll(); foreach (var pay in rates.Where(r => r.CompanyInvoicingID == 0)) { CompaniesInvoicingPayrate poco = new DAL.CompaniesInvoicingPayrate(); poco.CompanyID = pay.CompanyID; poco.LicenseID = pay.LicenseID; poco.PayRate = pay.PayRate; poco.PayRateOT = pay.PayRateOT; poco.FromDate = pay.FromDate; poco.ToDate = pay.ToDate; key.AddKey(poco, pay, pay.GetName(p => p.CompanyInvoicingID)); db.Add(poco); } foreach (var pay in rates.Where(r => r.CompanyInvoicingID != 0)) { CompaniesInvoicingPayrate poco = db.CompaniesInvoicingPayrates.Where(r => r.CompanyInvoicingID == pay.CompanyInvoicingID).FirstOrDefault(); poco.CompanyID = pay.CompanyID; poco.LicenseID = pay.LicenseID; poco.PayRate = pay.PayRate; poco.PayRateOT = pay.PayRateOT; poco.FromDate = pay.FromDate; poco.ToDate = pay.ToDate; } }
private static void InsertCompany(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, CompanyModel model) { Company poco = new Company(); poco.CompanyID = model.CompanyID; poco.CompanyName = model.CompanyName; if (model.CompanyCode == string.Empty) { poco.CompanyCode = "C" + CompanyRepository.PeekCompanyCode(db, "C"); } else { poco.CompanyCode = model.CompanyCode; } poco.CompanyAddress1 = model.CompanyAddress1; poco.CompanyAddress2 = model.CompanyAddress2; poco.CompanyCity = model.CompanyCity; poco.CompanyState = model.CompanyState; poco.CompanyPostCode = model.CompanyPostCode; poco.CompanyContactName = model.CompanyContactName; poco.CompanyFax = model.CompanyFax; poco.CompanyPhone = model.CompanyPhone; poco.CompanyEmail = model.CompanyEmail; poco.LunchTime = model.LunchTime; poco.TrainingTime = model.TrainingTime; poco.IsEnabled = model.IsEnabled; foreach (var loc in model.Locations) { Location l = LocationRepository.SaveLocation(db, key, loc, poco); poco.Locations.Add(l); key.AddKey(l, loc, loc.GetName(p => p.LocationID)); key.AddKey(poco, loc, loc.GetName(p => p.CompanyID)); } db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.CompanyID)); }
public static void SaveHolidays(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, List <HolidayModel> model) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("db"); } if (key == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); } if (model == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("model"); } var holidaysToDelete = db.Holidays.ToList(); foreach (var h in holidaysToDelete.ToList()) { var check = model.Where(hh => hh.HolidayDate == h.HolidayDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (check == null) { db.Delete(h); } else { model.Remove(check); } } foreach (var h in model) { Holiday poco = new Holiday(); poco.HolidayDate = h.HolidayDate; db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, h, h.GetName(p => p.HolidayDate)); } }
private static void InsertDispatch(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DispatchModel model) { Dispatch poco = new Dispatch(); poco.DriverID = model.DriverID; poco.CompanyID = model.CompanyID; poco.LocationID = model.LocationID; poco.FromDateTime = model.FromDateTime; poco.ToDateTime = model.ToDateTime; poco.LunchTime = model.LunchTime; poco.TrainingTime = model.TrainingTime; poco.SpecialPayRate = model.SpecialPayRate; poco.MiscCharge = model.MiscCharge; poco.Note = model.Note; poco.IsCancelled = model.IsCancelled; poco.IsConfirmed = model.IsConfirmed; poco.HasLunch = model.HasLunch; poco.HasTraining = model.HasTraining; poco.UserID = model.UserID; poco.LastUpdateTime = model.LastUpdateTime; db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, model.GetName(p => p.DispatchID)); }
private static void InsertDriver(DSModel db, KeyBinder key, DriverModel model) { Driver poco = new Driver(); if (model.DriverCode == string.Empty) { poco.DriverCode = "D" + DriverRepository.PeekDriverCode(db, "D"); } else { poco.DriverCode = model.DriverCode; } poco.FirstName = model.FirstName; poco.SecondName = model.SecondName; poco.LastName = model.LastName; poco.DateOfBirth = model.DateOfBirth; poco.DateOfHire = model.DateOfHire; poco.CellPhone = model.CellPhone; poco.EmergencyPhone = model.EmergencyPhone; poco.Email = model.Email; poco.PayRateOverride = model.PayRateOverride; poco.IsEnabled = model.IsEnabled; foreach (var l in model.Locations) { poco.LocationsDrivers.Add( new LocationsDriver() { LocationID = l.LocationID, Driver = poco, TravelPay = l.TravelPay }); key.AddKey(poco, l, poco.GetName(p => p.DriverID)); } db.Add(poco); key.AddKey(poco, model, poco.GetName(p => p.DriverID)); }