public DOXAPI.Document asDocument() { // Convert local class object to DOX-Pro document object DOXAPI.Document SupplierInvoiceDoc = new DOXAPI.Document(); SupplierInvoiceDoc.DocType = SuppInvoiceDocType; // Set documents fields according to doc-type SupplierInvoiceDoc.Fields = new DOXAPI.Field[SuppInvoiceDocType.Attributes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < SupplierInvoiceDoc.Fields.Length; i++) { DOXAPI.Field f = new DOXAPI.Field(); f.Attr = SuppInvoiceDocType.Attributes[i]; System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("Supplier Invoice- as docoument", "f.Attr.Name: " + f.Attr.Name, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information); switch (f.Attr.Name) { case "Invoice No": f.Value = invoiceNo; break; case "Supplier No": f.Value = SupplierID; break; default: f.Value = null; break; } SupplierInvoiceDoc.Fields[i] = f; } SupplierInvoiceDoc.Title = supplierID + "/" + invoiceNo; SupplierInvoiceDoc.FileName = filename; return(SupplierInvoiceDoc); }
public DOXAPI.Document asDocument() { // Convert local class object to DOX-Pro document object DOXAPI.Document docOrd99 = new DOXAPI.Document(); docOrd99.DocType = flexOrder99Type; // Set documents fields according to doc-type docOrd99.Fields = new DOXAPI.Field[flexOrder99Type.Attributes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < docOrd99.Fields.Length; i++) { DOXAPI.Field f = new DOXAPI.Field(); f.Attr = flexOrder99Type.Attributes[i]; switch (f.Attr.Name) { case "Order99No": f.Value = Order99No; break; case "Supplier No": f.Value = SupplierID; break; default: f.Value = null; break; } docOrd99.Fields[i] = f; } docOrd99.Title = supplierID + "/" + Order99No; docOrd99.FileName = filename; return(docOrd99); }
public DOXAPI.Document asDocument() { // Convert local class object to DOX-Pro document object DOXAPI.Document docPS = new DOXAPI.Document(); docPS.DocType = flexPackingSlipType; // Set documents fields according to doc-type docPS.Fields = new DOXAPI.Field[flexPackingSlipType.Attributes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < docPS.Fields.Length; i++) { DOXAPI.Field f = new DOXAPI.Field(); f.Attr = flexPackingSlipType.Attributes[i]; switch (f.Attr.Name) { case "Packing Slip No": f.Value = FullID; break; case "Customer ID": f.Value = Company + CustomerID; break; case "Customer Order No": f.Value = CustomerOrderNo; break; case "Issue Date": f.Value = IssueDate; break; case "Items": if (itemList.Length > 255) { f.Value = ItemList.Substring(0, 255); } else { f.Value = ItemList; } break; case "Return Date": f.Value = DateTime.Now; break; case "Invoice No": f.Value = ""; // This item is set later break; default: f.Value = null; break; } docPS.Fields[i] = f; } docPS.Title = CustomerID + "/" + PackingSlipNo + "/" + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); docPS.FileName = filename; return(docPS); }
private static void FindInvoice(string company, string inv_no) { string token = null; DOXAPI.DocType flexInvoiceType = null; DOXAPI.ServiceSoapClient dox = new DOXAPI.ServiceSoapClient(); // Initialize web-service token = dox.Login("baanint", "fl3x8aan1n7", "Flex"); if (token == null) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot login to DOXPRO"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Login to DOXPRO succeeded, token is \"{0}\"", token); DOXAPI.DocType[] allTypes = dox.GetAllDocTypes(token); // Get a list of doc-types from DOX-Pro // Find and keep the types used in this program foreach (DOXAPI.DocType dt in allTypes) { if (dt.Name == "Customer Invoice") { flexInvoiceType = dox.GetDocType(token, dt.ID); break; } } if (flexInvoiceType == null) { Console.WriteLine("Cannot obtain invoice DocType"); return; } DOXAPI.SearchField[] fields = new DOXAPI.SearchField[1]; DOXAPI.SearchField field = new DOXAPI.SearchField(); field.FieldName = "Invoice No"; field.SearchType = DOXAPI.SearchTypes.StartWith; field.FieldValue = company + inv_no; fields[0] = field; Console.WriteLine("Searching for Document in DOXPRO..."); DOXAPI.TreeItemWithDocType[] invoices = dox.FindTreeItemWithDocType(token, fields, flexInvoiceType.DocTypeId); foreach (DOXAPI.TreeItemWithDocType ti in invoices) { // Fetch entity from result set DOXAPI.TreeItemWithDocType inv = dox.GetTreeItemWithDocType(token, ti); Console.WriteLine("Get Document ID={0}", inv.ID); DOXAPI.TreeItemWithDocType invFound = dox.GetTreeItemWithDocType(token, inv); DOXAPI.Document doc = invFound as DOXAPI.Document; if (doc != null) { DOXAPI.Document foundDoc = dox.GetDocument(token, doc); Console.WriteLine("FileName: {0}, FileName\"{1}\"", doc.FileName, foundDoc.FileName); } string url = dox.GetDocumentURL(token, inv.ID); Console.WriteLine("ID: {0}, url \"{1}\"", inv.ID, url); } }
public DOXAPI.Document asDocument() { // Convert local class object to DOX-Pro document object DOXAPI.Document ShipmentDoc = new DOXAPI.Document(); ShipmentDoc.DocType = SuppShipmentDocType; // Set documents fields according to doc-type ShipmentDoc.Fields = new DOXAPI.Field[SuppShipmentDocType.Attributes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < ShipmentDoc.Fields.Length; i++) { DOXAPI.Field f = new DOXAPI.Field(); f.Attr = SuppShipmentDocType.Attributes[i]; System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("shipment- as docoument", "f.Attr.Name: " + f.Attr.Name, System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Information); switch (f.Attr.Name) { case "Shipment Doc No": f.Value = ShippmentNo; break; case "Supplier No": f.Value = SupplierID; break; //Ayala 13.04.2015 case "Lot": f.Value = LotNo; break; case "Item No": f.Value = Makat; break; case "Date": f.Value = DateTime.Now.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss"); break; //End Ayala 13.04.2015 default: f.Value = null; break; } ShipmentDoc.Fields[i] = f; } // ShipmentDoc.Title = supplierID + "/" + ShippmentNo; //Ayala 13.04.2015 ShipmentDoc.Title = filenameWithoutExt; //End Ayala 13.04.2015 ShipmentDoc.FileName = filename; return(ShipmentDoc); }
public DOXAPI.Document asDocument(string customerID, string customerName, string filename) { // Convert local class object to DOX-Pro document object DOXAPI.Document docInv = new DOXAPI.Document(); docInv.DocType = flexInvoiceType; // Set documents fields according to doc-type docInv.Fields = new DOXAPI.Field[flexInvoiceType.Attributes.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < docInv.Fields.Length; i++) { DOXAPI.Field f = new DOXAPI.Field(); f.Attr = flexInvoiceType.Attributes[i]; switch (f.Attr.Name) { case "Customer ID": f.Value = customerID; break; case "Invoice No": f.Value = company + InvoiceNo; break; case "Packing Slips": f.Value = removeDuplicates(PackingSlips); break; case "Issue Date": f.Value = IssueDate; break; default: f.Value = null; break; } docInv.Fields[i] = f; } docInv.Title = InvoiceNo + "/" + IssueDate.ToShortDateString(); docInv.FileName = filename; return(docInv); }