public override void EmitPushValue(DMObject dmObject, DMProc proc) { switch (_expr) { case Field field: field.EmitPushIsSaved(proc); return; case Dereference dereference: dereference.EmitPushIsSaved(dmObject, proc); return; case Local: proc.PushFloat(0); return; case ListIndex: proc.PushFloat(0); // Silent in BYOND DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(_expr.Location, "calling issaved() on a list index is always false")); return; default: throw new CompileErrorException(Location, $"can't get saved value of {_expr}"); } }
public override (DMReference Reference, bool Conditional) EmitReference(DMObject dmObject, DMProc proc) { if (!proc.IsOverride) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(Location, "Calling parents via ..() in a proc definition does nothing")); } return(DMReference.SuperProc, false); }
public override bool TryAsJsonRepresentation(out object json) { json = null; if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(Location, "DMM overrides for newlist() are not implemented")); } return(true); //TODO }
public override void EmitPushInitial(DMObject dmObject, DMProc proc) { // This happens silently in BYOND // TODO Support "vars" actually pushing initial() correctly if (_expr is Dereference deref && deref.PropertyName != "vars") { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(Location, "calling initial() on a list index returns the current value")); } EmitPushValue(dmObject, proc); }
public bool IsSaved() { // Silent in BYOND // TODO Support "vars" actually pushing issaved() correctly if (_expr is Dereference deref && deref.PropertyName != "vars") { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(_expr.Location, "calling issaved() on a list index is always false")); return(false); } return(true); }
public void ProcessStatementForList(DMASTProcStatementForList statementForList) { DMExpression.Emit(_dmObject, _proc, statementForList.List); _proc.CreateListEnumerator(); _proc.StartScope(); { if (statementForList.Initializer != null) { ProcessStatement(statementForList.Initializer); } string loopLabel = _proc.NewLabelName(); _proc.LoopStart(loopLabel); { DMExpression outputVariable = DMExpression.Create(_dmObject, _proc, statementForList.Variable); (DMReference outputRef, _) = outputVariable.EmitReference(_dmObject, _proc); _proc.Enumerate(outputRef); _proc.BreakIfFalse(); DMASTProcStatementVarDeclaration varDeclaration = statementForList.Initializer as DMASTProcStatementVarDeclaration; if (varDeclaration != null && varDeclaration.Type != null) { //This is terrible but temporary //TODO: See var obj = DMObjectTree.GetDMObject(varDeclaration.Type.Value); if (statementForList.List is DMASTIdentifier list && list.Identifier == "world" && !obj.IsSubtypeOf(DreamPath.Atom)) { var warn = new CompilerWarning(statementForList.Location, "Cannot currently loop 'in world' for non-ATOM types"); DMCompiler.Warning(warn); } DMExpression.Emit(_dmObject, _proc, statementForList.Variable); _proc.PushPath(varDeclaration.Type.Value); _proc.IsType(); _proc.ContinueIfFalse(); } ProcessBlockInner(statementForList.Body); _proc.LoopContinue(loopLabel); _proc.LoopJumpToStart(loopLabel); } _proc.LoopEnd(); } _proc.EndScope(); _proc.DestroyEnumerator(); }
public void VisitDereference(DMASTDereference dereference) { var expr = DMExpression.Create(_dmObject, _proc, dereference.Expression, _inferredPath); if (dereference.Type == DMASTDereference.DereferenceType.Direct && !Dereference.DirectConvertable(expr, dereference)) { if (expr.Path == null) { throw new CompileErrorException(dereference.Location, $"Invalid property \"{dereference.Property}\""); } DMObject dmObject = DMObjectTree.GetDMObject(expr.Path.Value, false); if (dmObject == null) { throw new CompileErrorException(dereference.Location, $"Type {expr.Path.Value} does not exist"); } var property = dmObject.GetVariable(dereference.Property); if (property != null) { Result = new Expressions.Dereference(dereference.Location, property.Type, expr, dereference.Conditional, dereference.Property); } else { var globalId = dmObject.GetGlobalVariableId(dereference.Property); if (globalId != null) { property = DMObjectTree.Globals[globalId.Value]; Result = new Expressions.GlobalField(dereference.Location, property.Type, globalId.Value); } } if (property == null) { throw new CompileErrorException(dereference.Location, $"Invalid property \"{dereference.Property}\" on type {dmObject.Path}"); } if ((property.Value?.ValType & DMValueType.Unimplemented) == DMValueType.Unimplemented && !DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(dereference.Location, $"{dmObject.Path}.{dereference.Property} is not implemented and will have unexpected behavior")); } } else { Result = new Expressions.Dereference(dereference.Location, null, expr, dereference.Conditional, dereference.Property); } }
public override void EmitPushValue(DMObject dmObject, DMProc proc) { bool weighted = false; foreach (PickValue pickValue in _values) { if (pickValue.Weight != null) { weighted = true; break; } } if (weighted) { if (_values.Length == 1) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(Location, "Weighted pick() with one argument")); } foreach (PickValue pickValue in _values) { DMExpression weight = pickValue.Weight ?? DMExpression.Create(dmObject, proc, new DMASTConstantInteger(Location, 100)); //Default of 100 weight.EmitPushValue(dmObject, proc); pickValue.Value.EmitPushValue(dmObject, proc); } proc.PickWeighted(_values.Length); } else { foreach (PickValue pickValue in _values) { if (pickValue.Value is Arglist args) { args.EmitPushArglist(dmObject, proc); } else { pickValue.Value.EmitPushValue(dmObject, proc); } } proc.PickUnweighted(_values.Length); } }
public override void EmitPushInitial(DMObject dmObject, DMProc proc) { // This happens silently in BYOND DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(Location, "calling initial() on a local variable returns the current value")); EmitPushValue(dmObject, proc); }
public void ProcessStatementSet(DMASTProcStatementSet statementSet) { var attribute = statementSet.Attribute.ToLower(); if (!DMExpression.TryConstant(_dmObject, _proc, statementSet.Value, out var constant)) { throw new CompileErrorException(statementSet.Location, $"{attribute} attribute should be a constant"); } switch (statementSet.Attribute.ToLower()) { case "waitfor": { _proc.WaitFor(constant.IsTruthy()); break; } case "opendream_unimplemented": { if (constant.IsTruthy()) { _proc.Attributes |= ProcAttributes.Unimplemented; } else { _proc.Attributes &= ~ProcAttributes.Unimplemented; } break; } case "hidden": if (constant.IsTruthy()) { _proc.Attributes |= ProcAttributes.Hidden; } else { _proc.Attributes &= ~ProcAttributes.Hidden; } if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set hidden is not implemented")); } break; case "popup_menu": if (constant.IsTruthy()) // The default is to show it so we flag it if it's hidden { _proc.Attributes &= ~ProcAttributes.HidePopupMenu; } else { _proc.Attributes |= ProcAttributes.HidePopupMenu; } if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set popup_menu is not implemented")); } break; case "instant": if (constant.IsTruthy()) { _proc.Attributes |= ProcAttributes.Instant; } else { _proc.Attributes &= ~ProcAttributes.Instant; } if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set instant is not implemented")); } break; case "background": if (constant.IsTruthy()) { _proc.Attributes |= ProcAttributes.Background; } else { _proc.Attributes &= ~ProcAttributes.Background; } if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set background is not implemented")); } break; case "name": DMASTConstantString name = statementSet.Value as DMASTConstantString; if (name is null) { throw new CompileErrorException(statementSet.Location, "bad text"); } _proc.VerbName = name.Value; if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set name is not implemented")); } break; case "category": DMASTConstantString category = statementSet.Value as DMASTConstantString; if (category is null) { throw new CompileErrorException(statementSet.Location, "bad text"); } _proc.VerbCategory = category.Value; if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set category is not implemented")); } break; case "desc": DMASTConstantString desc = statementSet.Value as DMASTConstantString; if (desc is null) { throw new CompileErrorException(statementSet.Location, "bad text"); } _proc.VerbDesc = desc.Value; if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set desc is not implemented")); } break; case "invisibility": // The ref says 0-101 for atoms and 0-100 for verbs // BYOND doesn't clamp the actual var value but it does seem to treat out-of-range values as their extreme DMASTConstantFloat invisFloat = statementSet.Value as DMASTConstantFloat; if (invisFloat is null) { DMASTConstantInteger invisInt = statementSet.Value as DMASTConstantInteger; if (invisInt is null) { throw new CompileErrorException(statementSet.Location, "bad num"); } _proc.Invisibility = Convert.ToSByte(Math.Clamp(invisInt.Value, 0, 100)); } else { _proc.Invisibility = Convert.ToSByte(Math.Clamp(Math.Floor(invisFloat.Value), 0, 100)); } if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set invisibility is not implemented")); } break; case "src": if (!DMCompiler.Settings.SuppressUnimplementedWarnings) { DMCompiler.Warning(new CompilerWarning(statementSet.Location, "set src is not implemented")); } break; } }