private int readGroup(string[] lines, List <DICT> list) { int group_start = find_line(lines, "\"GROUP\",\"DICT\""); if (group_start == NOT_FOUND) { return(-1); } string[] header = lines[group_start + 1].QuoteSplit(); string[] units = lines[group_start + 2].QuoteSplit(); string[] type = lines[group_start + 3].QuoteSplit(); for (int i = group_start + 4; i < lines.Count(); i++) { string line = lines[i]; if (line.Length == 0) { return(i); } string[] values = line.QuoteSplit(); DICT p = new DICT(); setValues(header, values, p); list.Add(p); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="dimensions">Canvas dimentions.</param> /// <param name="items"></param> /// <returns></returns> public DictionaryList <int, long> CalculateRows(FloatPoint dimensions, DICT <long, FloatRect> items) { this.Dimensions = dimensions; int rowIndex = 0; float rowTotalWidth = 0; DictionaryList <int, long> newRow = new DictionaryList <int, long>(); List <long> newRowIndex = new List <long>(); foreach (long l in items.Keys) { if (HasColumnWidth(items[l], rowTotalWidth, dimensions.X)) { newRowIndex.Add(l); rowTotalWidth += items[l].Width; } else { newRow.Add(rowIndex++, new List <long>(newRowIndex.ToArray())); newRowIndex.Clear(); rowTotalWidth = 0; newRowIndex.Add(l); rowTotalWidth += items[l].Width; } } newRow.Add(rowIndex++, new List <long>(newRowIndex.ToArray())); rowsAndColumns = newRow; Rows = GetRowHeights(items).ToArray(); // we could have gotten these? return(newRow); }
public IEnumerable <FloatPoint> GetRowHeights(DICT <long, FloatRect> basis) { foreach (int i in rowsAndColumns.KeyArray) { yield return (GetRowMaxHeight(basis, rowsAndColumns[i].ToArray())); } }
static DICT <long, FloatRect> Imagine(long max, int rMin, int rMax) { DICT <long, FloatRect> items = new DICT <long, FloatRect>(); for (long l = 0; l < max; l++) { items.Add(l, new FloatRect(0, 0, R.Next(rMin, rMax), 24)); // } return(items); }
public bool Contains(string Key) { bool returned = false; DICT <string, object> prams = Params; returned = prams.ContainsKey(Key); prams.Clear(); prams = null; return(returned); }
public FloatPoint GetRowMaxHeight(DICT <long, FloatRect> basis, params long[] items) { FloatPoint point = new FloatPoint(0, 0); foreach (long i in items) { point.Y = GetBigger(basis[i].X, (float)basis[i].Size.Y, point.Y); } return(point); }
public DICT <long, FloatRect> Imagine(ImageLoader il, FloatPoint TSiz) { IsFileMode = true; ilx = il; DICT <long, FloatRect> items = new DICT <long, FloatRect>(); long incr = 0; foreach (FileInfo fi in il.Files) { items.Add(incr++, new FloatRect(0, 0, TSiz.X, TSiz.Y)); } return(data = items); }
/// <summary> /// <para>• Lists the fields in a set of “DbDataRecords[]”</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="rez"></param> /// <returns></returns> static public DICT <string, string> GetFieldTypes(DbDataRecord[] rez) { DICT <string, string> names = new DICT <string, string>(); if (rez.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < rez[0].FieldCount; i++) { names.Add(rez[0].GetName(i), string.Concat(rez[0].GetFieldType(i).Name, ", ", rez[0].GetDataTypeName(i))); } } return(names); }
public string FilterString(string value) { string output = string.Copy(value); DICT <string, string> values = KeyIndex; foreach (string key in fieldnames.Split(',')) { output = output.Replace(string.Format("$({0})", key), values[key]); } values.Clear(); values = null; return(output); }
/// <summary> /// Generates the field's dictionary and performs string-replace on string-input /// against each key-value-pair of the field values stored to dictionary (memory). /// </summary> /// <param name="Input"></param> /// <param name="action">never seems to be used.</param> /// <returns></returns> public string Replace(string Input, Action <DICT <string, object> > action = null) { Transform = action; Transform = null; // < this is never used. DICT <string, object> prams = Params; string rv = string.Copy(Input); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> entry in prams) { rv = rv .Replace(string.Format("$({0})", entry.Key), string.Format("{0}", entry.Value)) .Replace(string.Format("$({0})", entry.Key.CapitolN()), string.Format("{0}", entry.Value.ToStringCapitolize())); } return(rv); }
private int setValues(string[] header, string[] values, DICT p) { try { for (int i = 0; i < header.Count(); i++) { if (header[i] == "DICT_DESC") { p.DICT_DESC = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_DTYP") { p.DICT_DTYP = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_HDNG") { p.DICT_HDNG = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_PGRP") { p.DICT_PGRP = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_REM") { p.DICT_REM = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_STAT") { p.DICT_STAT = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_TYPE") { p.DICT_TYPE = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "DICT_UNIT") { p.DICT_UNIT = values[i]; } if (header[i] == "FILE_FSET") { p.FILE_FSET = values[i]; } } } catch { return(-1); } return(0); }
public void setDict(DICT _dict) { if (_dict == dict) { return; } dict = _dict; NativePlugin.set_dictionary((int)dict); ARMarker[] markers = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType <ARMarker>(); foreach (ARMarker marker in markers) { marker.DictionaryChanged(); } }
public bool Replace(Replacement replacement, string incoming, ref string outgoing) { DICT dict = this[replacement]; return((dict != null) && dict.Replace(replacement, incoming, ref outgoing)); }
public async Task <int> AddLibraryAGSData(IAGSGroupTables tables, Guid?LibraryAGSDataId) { if (LibraryAGSDataId != null) { await SetLibraryAGSData(LibraryAGSDataId.Value); } if (_library == null) { return(-1); } AGS404GroupTables ags404_lib = (AGS404GroupTables)_library; AGS404GroupTables _tables = (AGS404GroupTables)tables; // ABBR if (_tables.ABBR != null) { foreach (ABBR abbr in _tables.ABBR.values) { ABBR abbr_lib = ags404_lib.ABBR.values.Find(e => e.ABBR_CODE == abbr.ABBR_CODE && e.ABBR_HDNG == abbr.ABBR_HDNG); if (abbr_lib != null) { abbr.ABBR_DESC = abbr_lib.ABBR_DESC; abbr.ABBR_REM = abbr_lib.ABBR_REM; } } } if (_tables.UNIT != null) { foreach (UNIT unit in _tables.UNIT.values) { UNIT unit_lib = ags404_lib.UNIT.values.Find(e => e.UNIT_UNIT == unit.UNIT_UNIT); if (unit_lib != null) { unit.UNIT_DESC = unit_lib.UNIT_DESC; unit.UNIT_REM = unit_lib.UNIT_REM; } } } if (_tables.TYPE != null) { foreach (TYPE type in _tables.TYPE.values) { TYPE type_lib = ags404_lib.TYPE.values.Find(e => e.TYPE_TYPE == type.TYPE_TYPE); if (type_lib != null) { type.TYPE_DESC = type_lib.TYPE_DESC; // type.TYPE_REM = type_lib.TYPE_REM; } } } if (_tables.DICT != null) { foreach (DICT dict in _tables.DICT.values) { DICT dict_lib = ags404_lib.DICT.values.Find(e => e.DICT_HDNG == dict.DICT_HDNG && e.DICT_PGRP == dict.DICT_PGRP); if (dict_lib != null) { dict.DICT_DESC = dict_lib.DICT_DESC; dict.DICT_DTYP = dict_lib.DICT_DTYP; dict.DICT_EXMP = dict_lib.DICT_EXMP; dict.DICT_REM = dict_lib.DICT_REM; } } } return(1); }
public Scaffold(FloatPoint dimensions, DICT <long, FloatRect> newItems) { CalculateRows(dimensions, newItems); }
public DictionaryList <int, long> CalculateRows(DICT <long, FloatRect> items) { return(CalculateRows(this.Dimensions, items)); }