コード例 #1
        private void echoButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Store the details of the daemon (Ae Title , IP , port )
            var daemon = new Entity(DaemonTitleTextBox.Text, DaemonIpTextBox.Text, int.Parse(DaemonPortTextBox.Text));
            // Store the details of the client (Ae Title , port ) -> IP address is determined by CreateLocal() method
            var local = Entity.CreateLocal(AEtitleTextBox.Text, int.Parse(AEportTextBox.Text));
            // Set up a client ( DICOM SCU = Service Class User )
            var client = new DICOMSCU(local);
            var storer = client.GetCStorer(daemon);
            //ushort msgId = 1;

            var canPing = client.Ping(daemon);

            if (canPing)
                echoButton.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.LawnGreen;
                ShowLogMsg("\nImport is possible. Echo to Daemon succeeded.");
                ProgressTextBlock.Text = "Echo succeeded. Press Start to begin Import.";
                echoButton.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.PaleVioletRed;
                ShowLogMsg("\nNo import is possible. Echo to Daemon failed.");
                ProgressTextBlock.Text = "Echo failed. Import will also fail.";
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// This tutorial is outlined in chapter 4 of Scripting in RT for Physicists (C-ECHO)
        /// </summary>
        public static void Run()
            //Store the details of the daemon (Ae Title, IP, port)
            var daemon = new Entity("PHYSX_DICOM", "", 51402);
            //Store the details of the client (Ae Title, port) -> IP address is determined by CreateLocal() method
            var local = Entity.CreateLocal("DICOMEC1", 9999);
            //Set up a client (DICOM SCU = Service Class User)
            var client = new DICOMSCU(local);
            //TRY C-ECHO
            var canPing = client.Ping(daemon);

            //Write results to console
            Console.WriteLine($"DICOM C-Echo from {local.AeTitle} => " +
                              $"{daemon.AeTitle} @{daemon.IpAddress}:{daemon.Port} was successfull? {canPing}");

            Console.Read(); //Stop here
コード例 #3
        private void runButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Store the details of the daemon (Ae Title , IP , port )
            var daemon = new Entity(DaemonTitleTextBox.Text, DaemonIpTextBox.Text, int.Parse(DaemonPortTextBox.Text));
            // Store the details of the client (Ae Title , port ) -> IP address is determined by CreateLocal() method
            var local = Entity.CreateLocal(AEtitleTextBox.Text, int.Parse(AEportTextBox.Text));
            // Set up a client ( DICOM SCU = Service Class User )
            var    client = new DICOMSCU(local);
            var    storer = client.GetCStorer(daemon);
            ushort msgId  = 1;

            var canPing = client.Ping(daemon);

            if (canPing)
                echoButton.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.LawnGreen;
                progressBar.Value     = 0;
                runButton.IsEnabled   = false;

                if (!Directory.Exists(outputFolderPath))

                runButton.IsEnabled = false;

                string dir         = inputFolderPath;
                var    toAnonymize = Enumerable.Empty <string>();
                if (subDirCheckBox.IsChecked == false)
                    toAnonymize = Directory.GetFiles(dir).Where(f => DumpSingleDicomTag(f, "0008,0060") != "fail" & !Path.GetFileName(f).Contains("_ignore"));
                    toAnonymize = Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(f => DumpSingleDicomTag(f, "0008,0060") != "fail" & !Path.GetFileName(f).Contains("_ignore"));
                int np = toAnonymize.Count();
                ShowLogMsg("\nNew import process has started.");
                ShowLogMsg("Number of DICOM files for importing: " + np.ToString() + "\n");

                int  count         = 1;
                bool importSuccess = true;
                foreach (var file in toAnonymize)
                    // Reads DICOM object into memory
                    var dcm      = EvilDICOM.Core.DICOMObject.Read(file);
                    var response = storer.SendCStore(dcm, ref msgId);
                    // Write results to console
                    //await Task.Run(() => ShowLogMsg($" DICOM C-Store of {Path.GetFileName(file)} from { local.AeTitle } => { daemon.AeTitle } {(EvilDICOM.Network.Enums.Status)response.Status }"));

                    progressBar.Value      = count * 100 / np;
                    ProgressTextBlock.Text = "Import in progress....";


                if (importSuccess == true)
                    ShowLogMsg("\nImport completed successfully.");
                    ProgressTextBlock.Text = "Import completed successfully";
                    progressBar.Value      = 100;
                    ShowLogMsg("\nImport completed with Erros.");
                    ProgressTextBlock.Text = "Import completed with Errors";
                    progressBar.Value      = 100;

                runButton.IsEnabled = true;
                echoButton.Background = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.PaleVioletRed;
                ShowLogMsg("\nNo import is possible. Echo to Daemon failed.");
                ProgressTextBlock.Text = "Echo failed. No Import was done.";