private void btnDelete_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { //if (BsfGlobal.FindPermission("CallType Master-Delete") == false) //{ // MessageBox.Show("You don't have Rights to Area Master-Delete"); // return; //} int iCallTypeId = Convert.ToInt32(CommFun.IsNullCheck(DGvTransView.GetFocusedRowCellValue("CallTypeId"), CommFun.datatypes.vartypenumeric)); bool bAns = false; bool bAns1 = false; bAns = CallSheetEntryBL.CallTypeMasterFound(iCallTypeId); bAns1 = CallSheetEntryBL.CallTypeSysFound(iCallTypeId); if (bAns == true) { MessageBox.Show("Do not Delete, CallType Already Used"); return; } if (bAns1 == true) { MessageBox.Show("Do not Delete, Default CallType"); return; } DialogResult result1 = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "CallType Master Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes) { CallSheetEntryBL.DeleteCallTypeMaster(iCallTypeId); DGvTransView.DeleteSelectedRows(); } }
private void btnDelete_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { string sSql; if (BsfGlobal.FindPermission("OC Master-Delete") == false) { MessageBox.Show("You don't have Rights to OC Template-Delete"); return; } if (Convert.ToBoolean(CommFun.IsNullCheck(DGvTransView.GetFocusedRowCellValue("SysDefault"), CommFun.datatypes.vartypenumeric)) == true) { MessageBox.Show("Do not Delete,Default OtherCost"); return; } else { int iOCId = Convert.ToInt32(CommFun.IsNullCheck(DGvTransView.GetFocusedRowCellValue("OtherCostId"), CommFun.datatypes.vartypenumeric)); bool bAns = false; sSql = " Select OtherCostId From CCOtherCost Where OtherCostId= " + iOCId + " " + " Union All " + " Select OtherCostId From FlatTypeOtherCost Where OtherCostId= " + iOCId + " " + " Union All " + " Select OtherCostId From FlatOtherCost Where OtherCostId = " + iOCId + " " + " Union All " + " Select OtherCostId From PaymentSchedule Where OtherCostId = " + iOCId + " AND SchType IN('O') " + " Union All " + " Select OtherCostId From PaymentScheduleFlat Where OtherCostId = " + iOCId + " AND SchType IN('O') " + " Union All " + " Select StageId From StageDetails Where StageId = " + iOCId + " AND SchType IN('O') " + " Union All " + " Select StageId From ProgressBillRegister Where StageId = " + iOCId + " AND SchType IN('O') "; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(sSql, BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB()); sda.Fill(dt); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { bAns = true; } dt.Dispose(); sda.Dispose(); BsfGlobal.g_CRMDB.Close(); if (bAns == true) { MessageBox.Show("Do not Delete, OtherCost Already Used"); return; } DialogResult result1 = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure", "OtherCost Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result1 == DialogResult.Yes) { sSql = String.Format("DELETE FROM OtherCostMaster WHERE OtherCostId={0}", iOCId); using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sSql, BsfGlobal.OpenCRMDB())) { cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); DGvTransView.DeleteSelectedRows(); } } } }