public virtual Test.Framework.TestResult Init() { DDS.ReturnCode rc; string name; string typeName; Test.Framework.TestResult result = new Test.Framework.TestResult("Initialization success" , string.Empty, TestVerdict.Pass, TestVerdict.Fail ); factory = DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.Instance; if (factory == null) { result.Result = "DomainParticipantFactory could not be initialized."; return(result); } if (factory.GetDefaultParticipantQos(ref pqosHolder) != DDS.ReturnCode.Ok) { result.Result = "Default DomainParticipantQos could not be resolved."; return(result); } participant = factory.CreateParticipant(string.Empty, pqosHolder);//, null, 0); if (participant == null) { result.Result = "Creation of DomainParticipant failed."; return(result); } typeSupport = new mod.tstTypeSupport(); if (typeSupport == null) { result.Result = "Creation of tstTypeSupport failed."; return(result); } name = "my_topic"; typeName = "my_type"; rc = typeSupport.RegisterType(participant, typeName); if (rc != DDS.ReturnCode.Ok) { result.Result = "Register type failed."; return(result); } if (participant.GetDefaultTopicQos(ref topQosHolder) != DDS.ReturnCode.Ok) { result.Result = "Default TopicQos could not be resolved."; return(result); } topic = participant.CreateTopic(name, typeName, topQosHolder);//, null, 0); if (topic == null) { result.Result = "Topic could not be created."; return(result); } result.Result = "Initialization success."; result.Verdict = TestVerdict.Pass; return(null); }
public virtual Test.Framework.TestResult Init() { DDS.ReturnCode rc; string name; string typeName; Test.Framework.TestResult result = new Test.Framework.TestResult("Initialization success" , string.Empty, TestVerdict.Pass, TestVerdict.Fail ); factory = DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.Instance; if (factory == null) { result.Result = "DomainParticipantFactory could not be initialized."; return result; } if (factory.GetDefaultParticipantQos(ref pqosHolder) != DDS.ReturnCode.Ok) { result.Result = "Default DomainParticipantQos could not be resolved."; return result; } participant = factory.CreateParticipant(string.Empty, pqosHolder);//, null, 0); if (participant == null) { result.Result = "Creation of DomainParticipant failed."; return result; } typeSupport = new mod.tstTypeSupport(); if (typeSupport == null) { result.Result = "Creation of tstTypeSupport failed."; return result; } name = "my_topic"; typeName = "my_type"; rc = typeSupport.RegisterType(participant, typeName); if (rc != DDS.ReturnCode.Ok) { result.Result = "Register type failed."; return result; } if (participant.GetDefaultTopicQos(ref topQosHolder) != DDS.ReturnCode.Ok) { result.Result = "Default TopicQos could not be resolved."; return result; } topic = participant.CreateTopic(name, typeName, topQosHolder);//, null, 0); if (topic == null) { result.Result = "Topic could not be created."; return result; } result.Result = "Initialization success."; result.Verdict = TestVerdict.Pass; return null; }
/* * P I N G */ public void run(String[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("starting PING"); DDS.ICondition[] conditionList = null; DDS.IWaitSet w; DDS.DomainParticipantQos dpQos; DDS.TopicQos tQos; DDS.PublisherQos pQos; DDS.DataWriterQos dwQos; DDS.SubscriberQos sQos; DDS.DataReaderQos drQos; DDS.Duration wait_timeout = new DDS.Duration(3, 0); DDS.ReturnCode result; Boolean finish_flag = false; Boolean timeout_flag = false; Boolean terminate = false; int imax = 1; int i; uint block; int nof_cycles = 100; int nof_blocks = 20; /** * Command Line argument processing */ if (args.Length != 0) { if (args.Length != 5) { System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid....."); System.Console.WriteLine("Usage: ping blocks blocksize topic_id WRITE_PARTITION READ_PARTITION "); Environment.Exit(1); } nof_blocks = int.Parse(args[0]); nof_cycles = int.Parse(args[1]); topic_id = args[2][0]; write_partition = args[3]; read_partition = args[4]; } /* * Create WaitSet */ w = new DDS.WaitSet(); /* * Initialize Qos variables */ dpQos = new DDS.DomainParticipantQos(); tQos = new DDS.TopicQos(); pQos = new DDS.PublisherQos(); dwQos = new DDS.DataWriterQos(); sQos = new DDS.SubscriberQos(); drQos = new DDS.DataReaderQos(); /* * Create participant */ dpf = DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.Instance; dpf.GetDefaultParticipantQos(ref dpQos); ErrorHandler.checkHandle(dpf, "DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.Instance"); dp = dpf.CreateParticipant(myDomain, dpQos); if (dp == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: ERROR - Splice Daemon not running"); return; } /* * Create PING publisher */ dp.GetDefaultPublisherQos(ref pQos); pQos.Partition.Name = new String[1]; pQos.Partition.Name[0] = write_partition; p = dp.CreatePublisher(pQos); /* * Create PONG subscriber */ dp.GetDefaultSubscriberQos(ref sQos); sQos.Partition.Name = new String[1]; sQos.Partition.Name[0] = read_partition; s = dp.CreateSubscriber(sQos); /* * Get default DataReader and DataWriter QoS settings */ p.GetDefaultDataWriterQos(ref dwQos); s.GetDefaultDataReaderQos(ref drQos); /* * Get default Topic Qos settings */ dp.GetDefaultTopicQos(ref tQos); /*match data reader/writer qos with topic qos*/ p.CopyFromTopicQos(ref dwQos, tQos); s.CopyFromTopicQos(ref drQos, tQos); /* * PP_min_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_min_dt = new pingpong.PP_min_msgTypeSupport(); PP_min_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_min_msg"); PP_min_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_min_topic", "pingpong::PP_min_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_min_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_min_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_min_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_min_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_min_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_min_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_min_sc = PP_min_reader.StatusCondition; PP_min_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_min_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_min_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_seq_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_seq_dt = new pingpong.PP_seq_msgTypeSupport(); PP_seq_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_seq_msg"); PP_seq_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_seq_topic", "pingpong::PP_seq_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_seq_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_seq_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_seq_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_seq_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_seq_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_seq_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_seq_sc = PP_seq_reader.StatusCondition; PP_seq_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_seq_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_seq_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_string_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_string_dt = new pingpong.PP_string_msgTypeSupport(); PP_string_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_string_msg"); PP_string_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_string_topic", "pingpong::PP_string_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_string_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_string_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_string_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_string_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_string_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_string_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_string_sc = PP_string_reader.StatusCondition; PP_string_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_string_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_string_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_fixed_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_fixed_dt = new pingpong.PP_fixed_msgTypeSupport(); PP_fixed_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg"); PP_fixed_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_fixed_topic", "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_fixed_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_fixed_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_fixed_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_fixed_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_fixed_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_fixed_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_fixed_sc = PP_fixed_reader.StatusCondition; PP_fixed_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_fixed_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_fixed_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_array_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_array_dt = new pingpong.PP_array_msgTypeSupport(); PP_array_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_array_msg"); PP_array_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_array_topic", "pingpong::PP_array_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_array_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_array_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_array_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_array_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_array_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_array_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_array_sc = PP_array_reader.StatusCondition; PP_array_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_array_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_array_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_quit_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_quit_dt = new pingpong.PP_quit_msgTypeSupport(); PP_quit_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_quit_msg"); PP_quit_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_quit_topic", "pingpong::PP_quit_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_quit_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_quit_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_quit_msgDataWriter; for (block = 0; block < nof_blocks && !terminate; block++) { while (!finish_flag) { /* * Send Initial message */ timeout_flag = false; switch (topic_id) { case 'm': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_min"); */ pingpong.PP_min_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_min_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_min_writer.Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 'q': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_seq"); */ pingpong.PP_seq_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_seq_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_seq_writer.Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 's': { //System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_string"); pingpong.PP_string_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_string_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; PPdata.a_string = "a_string " + block.ToString(); preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_string_writer.Write(PPdata); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "writing PPData in case S"); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 'f': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_fixed"); */ pingpong.PP_fixed_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_fixed_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_fixed_writer .Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 'a': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_array"); */ pingpong.PP_array_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_array_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; PPdata.str_arr_char = new char[10]; PPdata.str_arr_octet = new byte[10]; PPdata.str_arr_short = new short[10]; PPdata.str_arr_ushort = new ushort[10]; PPdata.str_arr_long = new int[10]; PPdata.str_arr_ulong = new uint[10]; PPdata.str_arr_longlong = new long[10]; PPdata.str_arr_ulonglong = new ulong[10]; PPdata.str_arr_float = new float[10]; PPdata.str_arr_double = new double[10]; PPdata.str_arr_boolean = new Boolean[11]; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_array_writer .Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 't': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_quit"); */ pingpong.PP_quit_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_quit_msg(); PPdata.quit = true; terminate = true; finish_flag = true; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_quit_writer.Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); } break; default: System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid topic-id"); return; } if (!terminate) { roundTripTime.set(preWriteTime.get()); write_access.add_stats(postWriteTime.sub(preWriteTime)); /* * Wait for response, calculate timing, and send another * data if not ready */ while (!(timeout_flag || finish_flag)) { result = w.Wait(ref conditionList, wait_timeout); if (result == DDS.ReturnCode.Ok || result == DDS.ReturnCode.NoData || result == DDS.ReturnCode.Timeout) { //ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "wait did not work condition list is probably null!"); if (conditionList != null) { imax = conditionList.Length; if (imax != 0) { for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) { if (conditionList[i] == PP_min_sc) { finish_flag = PP_min_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_seq_sc) { finish_flag = PP_seq_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_string_sc) { finish_flag = PP_string_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_fixed_sc) { finish_flag = PP_fixed_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_array_sc) { finish_flag = PP_array_handler(nof_cycles); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: unexpected condition triggered: " + conditionList[i]); } } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost (1)"); timeout_flag = true; } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost (2)"); timeout_flag = true; } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: Waitset wait failed (code " + result + "), terminating"); finish_flag = true; terminate = true; } } } } if (!terminate) { finish_flag = false; if (block == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("# PING PONG measurements (in us)"); System.Console.WriteLine("# Executed at: "); System.Console.WriteLine("# Roundtrip time [us] Write-access time [us] Read-access time [us]"); System.Console.WriteLine("# Block Count mean min max Count mean min max Count mean min max"); } System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-6} {1, 10} {2, 6} {3, 6} {4, 6} {5, 10} {6, 6} {7, 6} {8, 6} {9, 10} {10, 6} {11, 6} {12, 6}", block, roundtrip.count, roundtrip.average, roundtrip.min, roundtrip.max, write_access.count, write_access.average, write_access.min, write_access.max, read_access.count, read_access.average, read_access.min, read_access.max)); Console.Out.Flush(); write_access.init_stats(); read_access.init_stats(); roundtrip.init_stats(); } } result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_min_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_min_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_seq_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_seq_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_string_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_string_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_fixed_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_fixed_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_array_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_array_writer); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_quit_writer); result = dp.DeleteSubscriber(s); result = dp.DeletePublisher(p); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_min_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_seq_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_string_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_fixed_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_array_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_quit_topic); result = dpf.DeleteParticipant(dp); return; }
/* * P I N G */ public void run(String[] args) { System.Console.WriteLine("starting PING"); DDS.ICondition[] conditionList = null; DDS.IWaitSet w; DDS.DomainParticipantQos dpQos; DDS.TopicQos tQos; DDS.PublisherQos pQos; DDS.DataWriterQos dwQos; DDS.SubscriberQos sQos; DDS.DataReaderQos drQos; DDS.Duration wait_timeout = new DDS.Duration(3, 0); DDS.ReturnCode result; Boolean finish_flag = false; Boolean timeout_flag = false; Boolean terminate = false; int imax = 1; int i; uint block; int nof_cycles = 100; int nof_blocks = 20; /** * Command Line argument processing */ if (args.Length != 0) { if (args.Length != 5) { System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid....."); System.Console.WriteLine("Usage: ping blocks blocksize topic_id WRITE_PARTITION READ_PARTITION "); Environment.Exit(1); } nof_blocks = int.Parse(args[0]); nof_cycles = int.Parse(args[1]); topic_id = args[2][0]; write_partition = args[3]; read_partition = args[4]; } /* * Create WaitSet */ w = new DDS.WaitSet(); /* * Initialize Qos variables */ dpQos = new DDS.DomainParticipantQos(); tQos = new DDS.TopicQos(); pQos = new DDS.PublisherQos(); dwQos = new DDS.DataWriterQos(); sQos = new DDS.SubscriberQos(); drQos = new DDS.DataReaderQos(); /* * Create participant */ dpf = DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.Instance; dpf.GetDefaultParticipantQos(ref dpQos); ErrorHandler.checkHandle(dpf, "DDS.DomainParticipantFactory.Instance"); dp = dpf.CreateParticipant(myDomain, dpQos); if (dp == null) { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: ERROR - Splice Daemon not running"); return; } /* * Create PING publisher */ dp.GetDefaultPublisherQos(ref pQos); pQos.Partition.Name = new String[1]; pQos.Partition.Name[0] = write_partition; p = dp.CreatePublisher(pQos); /* * Create PONG subscriber */ dp.GetDefaultSubscriberQos(ref sQos); sQos.Partition.Name = new String[1]; sQos.Partition.Name[0] = read_partition; s = dp.CreateSubscriber(sQos); /* * Get default DataReader and DataWriter QoS settings */ p.GetDefaultDataWriterQos(ref dwQos); s.GetDefaultDataReaderQos(ref drQos); /* * Get default Topic Qos settings */ dp.GetDefaultTopicQos(ref tQos); /*match data reader/writer qos with topic qos*/ p.CopyFromTopicQos(ref dwQos, tQos); s.CopyFromTopicQos(ref drQos, tQos); /* * PP_min_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_min_dt = new pingpong.PP_min_msgTypeSupport(); PP_min_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_min_msg"); PP_min_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_min_topic", "pingpong::PP_min_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_min_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_min_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_min_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_min_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_min_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_min_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_min_sc = PP_min_reader.StatusCondition; PP_min_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_min_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_min_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_seq_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_seq_dt = new pingpong.PP_seq_msgTypeSupport(); PP_seq_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_seq_msg"); PP_seq_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_seq_topic", "pingpong::PP_seq_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_seq_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_seq_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_seq_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_seq_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_seq_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_seq_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_seq_sc = PP_seq_reader.StatusCondition; PP_seq_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_seq_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_seq_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_string_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_string_dt = new pingpong.PP_string_msgTypeSupport(); PP_string_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_string_msg"); PP_string_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_string_topic", "pingpong::PP_string_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_string_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_string_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_string_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_string_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_string_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_string_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_string_sc = PP_string_reader.StatusCondition; PP_string_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_string_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_string_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_fixed_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_fixed_dt = new pingpong.PP_fixed_msgTypeSupport(); PP_fixed_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg"); PP_fixed_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_fixed_topic", "pingpong::PP_fixed_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_fixed_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_fixed_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_fixed_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_fixed_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_fixed_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_fixed_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_fixed_sc = PP_fixed_reader.StatusCondition; PP_fixed_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_fixed_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_fixed_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_array_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_array_dt = new pingpong.PP_array_msgTypeSupport(); PP_array_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_array_msg"); PP_array_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_array_topic", "pingpong::PP_array_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_array_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_array_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_array_msgDataWriter; /* Create datareader */ PP_array_reader = s.CreateDataReader(PP_array_topic, drQos) as pingpong.PP_array_msgDataReader; /* Add datareader statuscondition to waitset */ PP_array_sc = PP_array_reader.StatusCondition; PP_array_sc.SetEnabledStatuses(DDS.StatusKind.DataAvailable); result = w.AttachCondition(PP_array_sc); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "attach condition pp_array_reader"); //assert (result == RETCODE_OK.value); /* * PP_quit_msg */ /* Create Topic */ PP_quit_dt = new pingpong.PP_quit_msgTypeSupport(); PP_quit_dt.RegisterType(dp, "pingpong::PP_quit_msg"); PP_quit_topic = dp.CreateTopic("PP_quit_topic", "pingpong::PP_quit_msg", tQos); /* Create datawriter */ PP_quit_writer = p.CreateDataWriter(PP_quit_topic, dwQos) as pingpong.PP_quit_msgDataWriter; for (block = 0; block < nof_blocks; block++) { while (!finish_flag) { /* * Send Initial message */ timeout_flag = false; switch (topic_id) { case 'm': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_min"); */ pingpong.PP_min_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_min_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_min_writer.Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 'q': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_seq"); */ pingpong.PP_seq_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_seq_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_seq_writer.Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 's': { //System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_string"); pingpong.PP_string_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_string_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; PPdata.a_string = "a_string " + block.ToString(); preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_string_writer.Write(PPdata); ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "writing PPData in case S"); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 'f': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_fixed"); */ pingpong.PP_fixed_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_fixed_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_fixed_writer .Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 'a': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_array"); */ pingpong.PP_array_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_array_msg(); PPdata.count = 0; PPdata.block = block; PPdata.str_arr_char = new char[10]; PPdata.str_arr_octet = new byte[10]; PPdata.str_arr_short = new short[10]; PPdata.str_arr_ushort = new ushort[10]; PPdata.str_arr_long = new int[10]; PPdata.str_arr_ulong = new uint[10]; PPdata.str_arr_longlong = new long[10]; PPdata.str_arr_ulonglong = new ulong[10]; PPdata.str_arr_float = new float[10]; PPdata.str_arr_double = new double[10]; PPdata.str_arr_boolean = new Boolean[11]; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_array_writer .Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; case 't': { /* System.Console.WriteLine ("PING: sending initial ping_quit"); */ pingpong.PP_quit_msg PPdata = new pingpong.PP_quit_msg(); PPdata.quit = true; terminate = true; finish_flag = true; preWriteTime.timeGet(); result = PP_quit_writer.Write(PPdata); postWriteTime.timeGet(); } break; default: System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid topic-id"); return; } if (!terminate) { roundTripTime.set(preWriteTime.get()); write_access.add_stats(postWriteTime.sub(preWriteTime)); /* * Wait for response, calculate timing, and send another * data if not ready */ while (!(timeout_flag || finish_flag)) { result = w.Wait(ref conditionList, wait_timeout); //ErrorHandler.checkStatus(result, "wait did not work condition list is probably null!"); if (conditionList != null) { imax = conditionList.Length; if (imax != 0) { for (i = 0; i < imax; i++) { if (conditionList[i] == PP_min_sc) { finish_flag = PP_min_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_seq_sc) { finish_flag = PP_seq_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_string_sc) { finish_flag = PP_string_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_fixed_sc) { finish_flag = PP_fixed_handler(nof_cycles); } else if (conditionList[i] == PP_array_sc) { finish_flag = PP_array_handler(nof_cycles); } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: unexpected condition triggered: " + conditionList[i]); } } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost (1)"); timeout_flag = true; } } else { System.Console.WriteLine("PING: TIMEOUT - message lost (2)"); timeout_flag = true; } } } } if (!terminate) { finish_flag = false; if (block == 0) { System.Console.WriteLine("# PING PONG measurements (in us)"); System.Console.WriteLine("# Executed at: "); System.Console.WriteLine("# Roundtrip time [us] Write-access time [us] Read-access time [us]"); System.Console.WriteLine("# Block Count mean min max Count mean min max Count mean min max"); } System.Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0,-6} {1, 10} {2, 6} {3, 6} {4, 6} {5, 10} {6, 6} {7, 6} {8, 6} {9, 10} {10, 6} {11, 6} {12, 6}", block,roundtrip.count,roundtrip.average,roundtrip.min, roundtrip.max,write_access.count, write_access.average,write_access.min, write_access.max, read_access.count, read_access.average, read_access.min, read_access.max)); Console.Out.Flush(); write_access.init_stats(); read_access.init_stats(); roundtrip.init_stats(); } } result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_min_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_min_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_seq_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_seq_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_string_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_string_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_fixed_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_fixed_writer); result = s.DeleteDataReader(PP_array_reader); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_array_writer); result = p.DeleteDataWriter(PP_quit_writer); result = dp.DeleteSubscriber(s); result = dp.DeletePublisher(p); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_min_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_seq_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_string_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_fixed_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_array_topic); result = dp.DeleteTopic(PP_quit_topic); result = dpf.DeleteParticipant(dp); return; }