public void btnSave_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { bool bRes = false; //Start transaction - we need update all records or none DBase.BeginTransaction("admWebSaveLoyalityPoints"); DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(Config.DbUpdateLoyalityPoints); if (oDT != null) { DataView oDV = new DataView(oDT); int nID = 0; foreach (string sKey in Request.Form.AllKeys) { nID = GetID(sKey, "MinValueForPoint_"); if (nID > 0) { SetValue(oDV, nID, "MinValueForPoint", sKey); } nID = GetID(sKey, "PointsValue_"); if (nID > 0) { SetValue(oDV, nID, "PointsValue", sKey); } nID = GetID(sKey, "NameSQLProcedure_"); if (nID > 0) { SetValue(oDV, nID, "NameSQLProcedure", sKey); } } bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); } if (bRes) { //Commit successful transaction DBase.CommitTransaction("admWebSaveLoyalityPoints"); BindData(); lblError.Text = "Data has been saved"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Green; } else { //Rollback transaction in error ocurred DBase.RollbackTransaction("admWebSaveLoyalityPoints"); lblError.Text = "DataBase error occured"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }
protected void btnSave_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { bool bRes = false; //Start transaction - we need update all records or none DBase.BeginTransaction("admWebSaveOptions"); DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(Config.DbUpdateConfig); if (oDT != null) { DataView oDV = new DataView(oDT); foreach (string sKey in Request.Form.AllKeys) { if (sKey.StartsWith("edtVal_")) { int nID = Utils.GetInt(sKey.Substring(7)); if (nID > 0) // Must be positive integer { oDV.RowFilter = string.Format("[id]={0}", nID); if (oDV.Count == 1) { // Update exists row oDV[0]["PropertyValue"] = Request[sKey]; } } } } bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); } if (bRes) { //Commit successful transaction DBase.CommitTransaction("admWebSaveOptions"); BindGrid(); lblError.Text = "Data has been saved"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Green; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); } else { //Rollback transaction in error ocurred DBase.RollbackTransaction("admWebSaveOptions"); lblError.Text = "DataBase error occured"; lblError.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }
protected void btnTransfer_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int nTrgAccountID = 0; if (Utils.GetDecimal(hdnBalance.Value) < Utils.GetDecimal(txtAmountTr.Text)) { return; } if (Utils.GetDecimal(txtAmountTr.Text) == 0) { return; } int UserID = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbGetUserID, new object[] { "@LoginName", txtUser.Text }); if (UserID <= 0) { lblInfo.Text = "Invalid Login name"; return; } DataRow oDR = GetFirstRow(Config.DbGetUserDetailsAccount, new object[] { "@UserID", UserID, "@CurrencyID", nCurrencyID }); if (oDR != null) { nTrgAccountID = Utils.GetInt(oDR["AccountID"]); } else { return; } DBase.BeginTransaction("TransferAmmount"); if (!SaveMoney(nAccountID, (0 - Utils.GetDecimal(txtAmountTr.Text)), txtReasonTr.Text)) { DBase.RollbackTransaction(); return; } if (!SaveMoney(nTrgAccountID, Utils.GetDecimal(txtAmountTr.Text), txtReasonTr.Text)) { DBase.RollbackTransaction(); return; } DBase.CommitTransaction(); lblInfo.Text = "User balance was changed"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; GetData(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); bool rez = false; lblInfo.Text = ""; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; try { if (chDeny.Checked) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteAffiliate, new object[] { "@IDs", nAffiliateID.ToString() }); btnReturn_Click(null, null); return; } //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveAffiliateDetails, "@ID", nAffiliateID, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue), "@SkinsID", int.Parse(ddSkins.SelectedValue), "@Password", txtPassword.Text, "@BeneficiaryName", txtBeneficiaryName.Text, "@MailingAddress", txtAddress.Text, "@City", txtCity.Text, "@StateID", int.Parse(ddState.SelectedValue), "@Zip", txtZip.Text, "@CountryID", int.Parse(ddCountry.SelectedValue), "@FirstName", txtFirstName.Text, "@LastName", txtLastName.Text, "@Title", txtTitle.Text, "@Phone", txtPhone.Text, "@Fax", txtFax.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Affiliate name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nAffiliateID = nRes; hdnAffiliateID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (hdnState.Value != ddStatus.SelectedValue && ddStatus.SelectedValue == "4") { string val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 18); //Template name for affiliates if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetailsByName, "@Name", val); if (tb == null) { rez = true; return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { rez = true; return; } val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 1); // Admin Email if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, val, tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(), //Send message as autoresponder tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString().Replace("<BR>", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace(" ", " "), 3, MailFormat.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { if (rez) { lblInfo.Text += " Error send Email"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (lblInfo.ForeColor != Color.Red) { btnReturn_Click(null, null); } } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int fileID = -1; int originalFileID = -1; string sKey = ""; string sError = ""; string sErrorVersion = ""; string sErrorContentType = ""; int iVersion = -1; bool bRes = false; string tranName = ""; int iContentType = -1; int executableCount = 0; string fileList = ""; DataRow oRow = null; if (AffID <= 0) { return; } oPostedFile = new PostedFile(AffID); //1. Content type and version changes tranName = "updateClientApplication"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(String.Format(Config.ClientFilesBatchSQL, AffID)); DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArrayVersion = new DataColumn[1]; PrimaryKeyArrayVersion[0] = oDT.Columns["ID"]; oDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArrayVersion; for (int i = 0; i < Request.Form.AllKeys.Length; i++) { string sFormKey = Request.Form.AllKeys[i]; string [] tags = sFormKey.TrimStart('_').Split('_'); if (tags.Length < 2) { continue; } //a. content Type if (tags[0] == chkComboName.TrimEnd('_')) { fileID = Convert.ToInt32(sFormKey.Substring(chkComboName.Length)); iContentType = Convert.ToInt32(Request[sFormKey]); if ((fileID > 0) && (iContentType == ContentTypeExecutable)) { executableCount++; } oRow = oDT.Rows.Find(fileID); if ((oRow != null) && (oRow["contentTypeID"] != DBNull.Value) && (Convert.ToInt32(oRow["contentTypeID"]) != iContentType)) { if (executableCount > 1) { sErrorContentType += "You can not have more than one executable file. Content type of file " + oRow["name"] + " remains the same.<br>"; } else { oRow["contentTypeID"] = iContentType; } } } else if (tags[0] == edtName.TrimEnd('_')) //b. File Version { fileID = Convert.ToInt32(tags[1]); oRow = oDT.Rows.Find(fileID); if (oRow != null) { if (tags[2] == "version") { iVersion = Utils.GetInt(Request[sFormKey]); if (oRow[tags[2]] != DBNull.Value) { if (Convert.ToInt32(oRow[tags[2]]) > iVersion) { sErrorVersion += "Version you specified for file: " + oRow["name"] + " is not correct or lower than existing one. File version was not changed.<br>"; } else if (Convert.ToInt32(oRow[tags[2]]) < iVersion) { oRow[tags[2]] = iVersion; } } else { oRow[tags[2]] = iVersion; } } else { oRow[tags[2]] = Utils.GetInt(Request[sFormKey]); } } } } bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (bRes) { DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); } else { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DataBase error occured during updating table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } sError += sErrorContentType + sErrorVersion; //2. file upload for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count; i++) { sKey = Request.Files.AllKeys[i]; fileID = -1; if ((sKey != null) && (sKey != "")) { fileID = Convert.ToInt32(sKey); } originalFileID = fileID; iContentType = -1; if (Request[chkComboName + sKey] != null) { iContentType = Convert.ToInt32(Request[chkComboName + sKey]); } if ((iContentType == ContentTypeExecutable) && (originalFileID <= 0)) { executableCount++; } if ((executableCount > 1) && (originalFileID <= 0)) { sError += "You can not upload one more executable file. New file wasn't upload"; } else { HttpPostedFile postFile = Request.Files[i]; if ((postFile.FileName != "") && (postFile.FileName != null)) { string sErrorUpload = ""; string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(postFile.FileName); if (fileExtension == zipExtension) { sErrorUpload = oPostedFile.SaveZipFile(Page, postFile, iContentType, ref fileList); } else { sErrorUpload = oPostedFile.SaveFile(Page, postFile, iContentType, ref fileID); } if (sErrorUpload != "") { sError += sErrorUpload + "<br>"; } } } } //File Upload result if (sError == "") { lblInfo.Text = "File upload succeeded"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; } else { lblInfo.Text = "There were errors during file upload. Some files could not be uploaded. See details below:<br>" + sError; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } RunBat(); BindDataGrid(); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int nRes = nSubCategoryID; string tranName = "SaveSubcategory"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); //1. Save subcategory info if (nSubCategoryID <= 0) { nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveSBSubCategory, new object[] { "@id", nSubCategoryID, "@CategoryID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboCategory), "@name", txtName.Text, "@SpreadFrom", txtSpreadFrom.Text, "@SpreadTo", txtSpreadTo.Text, "@SpreadStep", txtSpreadStep.Text, "@OuFrom", txtOuFrom.Text, "@OuTo", txtOuTo.Text, "@OuStep", txtOuStep.Text }); if (nRes <= 0) { lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Typed subcategory name already exists"; break; case 0: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Unknown error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } } //2. Update Team info int nRes2 = DBase.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.DbSaveTeamTable, "@SubcategoryID", nRes, "@TeamValues", hdnTeamCSV.Value); if (nRes2 < 0) { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DB erors occured during processing Team Table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Text = "SubCategory details have been saved"; StoreBackID(nRes); hdnID.Value = nRes.ToString(); //BindTeam(); Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); }
private bool SaveData(int stateID) { string tranName = "SaveEvent"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); //1. Save/Update Event object StartDate = Utils.GetDbDate(Request["comboDate"] + " " + Request["comboTime"] + ":00"); int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveEvent, "@EventID", nEventID, "@StateID", stateID, "@StartSchedule", sGuid, "@SubCategoryID", Request["comboSubCategory"], "@AwayTeamID", Request["comboAway"], "@HomeTeamID", Request["comboHome"], "@StartDate", StartDate); if (nRes <= 0) { ShowError("Database error occured"); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return(false); } //2. Update Outcomes decimal Rate = 0; decimal Point = 0; bool isSave = false; string sPoint = ""; DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(string.Format(Config.DbUpdateOutcome, nRes)); DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArray = new DataColumn[4]; PrimaryKeyArray[0] = oDT.Columns["EventID"]; PrimaryKeyArray[1] = oDT.Columns["BetTypeID"]; PrimaryKeyArray[2] = oDT.Columns["isHome"]; PrimaryKeyArray[3] = oDT.Columns["PeriodID"]; oDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArray; //Home Spread Rate = Utils.GetDecimal(txtHomeSpread.Text); sPoint = Request["comboHomeSpread"]; Point = Utils.GetDecimal(sPoint); isSave = isNumber(sPoint); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeSpread, againstHome, periodFull, Rate, Point, isSave); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeSpread, againstAway, periodFull, -Rate, -Point, isSave); Rate = Utils.GetDecimal(txtHomeSpreadHalf.Text); sPoint = Request["comboHomeSpreadHalf"]; Point = Utils.GetDecimal(sPoint); isSave = isNumber(sPoint); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeSpread, againstHome, periodHalf, Rate, Point, isSave); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeSpread, againstAway, periodHalf, -Rate, -Point, isSave); //Over Under Rate = Utils.GetDecimal(txtTotalOU.Text); sPoint = Request["comboTotalOU"]; Point = Utils.GetDecimal(sPoint); isSave = isNumber(sPoint); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeOu, againstHome, periodFull, Rate, Point, isSave); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeOu, againstAway, periodFull, -Rate, -Point, isSave); Rate = Utils.GetDecimal(txtTotalOUHalf.Text); sPoint = Request["comboTotalOUHalf"]; Point = Utils.GetDecimal(sPoint); isSave = isNumber(sPoint); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeOu, againstHome, periodHalf, Rate, Point, isSave); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeOu, againstAway, periodHalf, -Rate, -Point, isSave); //ML Rate = Utils.GetDecimal(txtHomeTeam.Text); sPoint = Request["comboHomeTeam"]; Point = Utils.GetDecimal(sPoint); isSave = isNumber(sPoint); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeML, againstHome, periodFull, Rate, Point, isSave); UpdateRow(oDT, nRes, typeML, againstAway, periodFull, -Rate, -Point, isSave); bool bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (!bRes) { ShowError("DataBase error occured during saving Outcomes"); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return(false); } // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nEventID = nRes; StoreBackID(nRes); hdnEventID.Value = nRes.ToString(); return(true); }
protected void btnProcess_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "ProcessEvent"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); //1. Save Event Score int nRes = DBase.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.DbSaveEventScore, "@EventID", nEventID, "@HomeScore", txtHomeScore.Text, "@AwayScore", txtAwayScore.Text, "@HomeScoreHalf", txtHomeScoreHalf.Text, "@AwayScoreHalf", txtAwayScoreHalf.Text, "@StateID", stateProcessing); if (nRes < 0) { ShowError("DataBase error occured"); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } //2. Update Outcomes DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(string.Format(Config.DbUpdateOutcome, nEventID)); DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArray = new DataColumn[1]; PrimaryKeyArray[0] = oDT.Columns["ID"]; oDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArray; int HomeScore = Utils.GetInt(txtHomeScore.Text); int HomeScoreHalf = Utils.GetInt(txtHomeScoreHalf.Text); int AwayScore = Utils.GetInt(txtAwayScore.Text); int AwayScoreHalf = Utils.GetInt(txtAwayScoreHalf.Text); foreach (DataRow oRow in oDT.Rows) { int BetTypeID = Utils.GetInt(oRow["BetTypeID"]); int IsHome = Utils.GetInt(oRow["IsHome"]); int PeriodID = Utils.GetInt(oRow["PeriodID"]); switch (BetTypeID) { case typeSpread: if (IsHome == againstHome) { oRow["WonValue"] = HomeScore - AwayScore; } else { oRow["WonValue"] = AwayScore - HomeScore; } if (PeriodID == periodFull) { oRow["OutcomeResultID"] = hdnResultHomeSpread.Value; } else { oRow["OutcomeResultID"] = hdnResultHomeSpreadHalf.Value; } break; case typeOu: oRow["WonValue"] = HomeScore + AwayScore; if (PeriodID == periodFull) { oRow["OutcomeResultID"] = hdnResultTotalOU.Value; } else { oRow["OutcomeResultID"] = hdnResultTotalOUHalf.Value; } break; case typeML: if (IsHome == againstHome) { oRow["OutcomeResultID"] = hdnResultHomeML.Value; } else { oRow["OutcomeResultID"] = hdnResultAwayML.Value; } break; } } bool bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (!bRes) { ShowError("DataBase error occured during puting results"); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } //3. Processing Bets int nRes2 = DBase.ExecuteNonQuery(Config.DbProcessBetsOnEventFinish, "@EventID", nEventID); if (nRes2 < 0) { ShowError("DataBase error occured in nprocessing Bets"); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } //Commit transaction DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); //4. Invoke Com object StartDate = DateTime.Now; string sRet = InvokeCom(StartDate, sGuid, stateProcessing); if (sRet == null) { return; } sGuid = sRet; // Everything is Ok nStateID = stateProcessing; hdnStateID.Value = nStateID.ToString(); hdnGuid.Value = sGuid; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Text = "Event was processed successfully"; //Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); GetPageData(); InitJS(); DisplayControls(); }
/* public string GetBannerURL() * { * return Config.GetConfigValue("SkinsBannerURL")+"/Skin_"+ nSkinID.ToString()+"/Banner/"+Config.GetConfigValue("ImageBannerName"); * }*/ private void btnSignUp_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int nSkinID = 0; nSkinID = Common.Utils.GetInt(ddSkins.SelectedValue); if (nSkinID <= 0) { return; } if (!chAgree.Checked) { lblInfo.Text = "You must agree to the Affiliate Agreement"; return; } if (txtPassword.Text != txtPasswordRet.Text) { lblInfo.Text = "Re-Typed password not equal to Password"; return; } string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; try { DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveAffiliateDetails, "@ID", -1, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", 5, "@SkinsID", nSkinID , "@Password", txtPassword.Text, "@BeneficiaryName", txtBeneficiaryName.Text, "@MailingAddress", txtAddress.Text, "@City", txtCity.Text, "@StateID", int.Parse(ddState.SelectedValue), "@Zip", txtZip.Text, "@CountryID", int.Parse(ddCountry.SelectedValue), "@FirstName", txtFirstName.Text, "@LastName", txtLastName.Text, "@Title", txtTitle.Text, "@Phone", txtPhone.Text, "@Fax", txtFax.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Affiliate Login already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; Response.Redirect("Signupcomplete.aspx?SkinsID=" + nSkinID.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured during save data"; } }
/// <summary> /// Save event handler. /// </summary> protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { //1. Get XML sXML = hdnXML.Value; oPrize.FillTable(ref sXML, ref table, true, false); //fill table from xml //2. Save category in DB string tranNameTotal = "admSaveSBCategoryDetails"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranNameTotal); int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveSBCategoryDetails, new object[] { "@id", nCategoryID, "@Name", txtName.Text }); if (nRes <= 0) { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranNameTotal); lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Typed category name already exists"; break; case 0: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Unknown error occured"; break; } return; } //3. Batch upload of Teaser Table try { DataTable xmlDT = oPrize.getDataTable(sXML); //DataTable from xml DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArray = new DataColumn[3]; PrimaryKeyArray[0] = xmlDT.Columns[PrizeTable.tblColName]; PrimaryKeyArray[1] = xmlDT.Columns[PrizeTable.tblRowName]; PrimaryKeyArray[2] = xmlDT.Columns[PrizeTable.tblValueName]; xmlDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArray; //using primary key we can update only recods that were changed DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch("select id, Points, BetCount, Rate, CategoryID from Teaser where categoryID = " + nRes.ToString() + " order by Points, BetCount"); //dataTable from SQL //clear all old data foreach (DataRow oDR in oDT.Rows) { DataRow oRow = xmlDT.Rows.Find(new object[3] { oDR["Points"].ToString(), oDR["BetCount"].ToString(), oDR["Rate"].ToString() }); if (oRow != null) { oRow.Delete(); } else { oDR.Delete(); } } //do we have any records to add bool hasRecords = true; if (xmlDT.Rows.Count < 1) { hasRecords = false; } if ((xmlDT.Rows.Count == 1) && (xmlDT.Rows[0][PrizeTable.tblValueName].ToString() == "")) { hasRecords = false; //one record, but value is empty } if (hasRecords) { //add new data foreach (DataRow oDR in xmlDT.Rows) { DataRow row = oDT.NewRow(); row["Points"] = oDR[PrizeTable.tblColName]; row["BetCount"] = oDR[PrizeTable.tblRowName]; row["Rate"] = Utils.GetDecimal(oDR[PrizeTable.tblValueName]); row["CategoryID"] = nRes; oDT.Rows.Add(row); } } bool bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (!bRes) { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranNameTotal); ShowError("DB error occured during Teaser data update."); return; } } catch (Exception oEx) { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranNameTotal); ShowError("DB error occured during Teaser data update block."); Log.Write(this, oEx); return; } //End of Batch upload of Teaser Table //4. Sucess message DBase.CommitTransaction(tranNameTotal); nCategoryID = nRes; StoreBackID(nRes); hdnID.Value = nRes.ToString(); lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; lblInfo.Text = "Category details have been saved"; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "UpdateSubCategoryStats"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); //1. Save/update Subcategory details SqlCommand oCmd = DBase.GetCommand(Config.DbSaveSubCategoryDetails); SqlParameterCollection oParams = oCmd.Parameters; oParams.Add("@ID", nSubCategoryID); oParams.Add("@Name", txtName.Text); oParams.Add("@StatusID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboStatus)); oParams.Add("@CategoryID", Core.GetSelectedValueInt(comboCategory)); int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(oCmd); if (nRes <= 0) { lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Typed category name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } //2. update SubCategoryStats table DataTable oDT = DBase.GetDataTableBatch(string.Format(Config.DbUpdateSubCategoryStats, nRes)); DataColumn[] PrimaryKeyArray = new DataColumn[2]; PrimaryKeyArray[0] = oDT.Columns["SubCategoryID"]; PrimaryKeyArray[1] = oDT.Columns["StatsTypeID"]; oDT.PrimaryKey = PrimaryKeyArray; try { //a. Delete rows that are not any more in the list string[] statsList = hdnStatsList.Value.Split(','); int statsLen = statsList.Length; if (hdnStatsList.Value == "") { statsLen = 0; } int k = 0; while (k < oDT.Rows.Count) { DataRow oRow = oDT.Rows[k]; bool bFind = false; for (int i = 0; i < statsLen; i++) { if (oRow["StatsTypeID"].ToString() == statsList[i]) { bFind = true; } } if (!bFind) { oRow.Delete(); } k++; } //b. Add/update order for the list for (int i = 0; i < statsLen; i++) { DataRow oRow = oDT.Rows.Find(new object[] { nRes, statsList[i] }); if (oRow == null) { oDT.Rows.Add(new object[] { nSubCategoryID, statsList[i], i + 1 }); } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(oRow["Order"]) != i + 1) { oRow["Order"] = i + 1; } } } } catch (Exception oEx) { Log.Write(this, "DataTable operations Error: " + oEx.Message); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DataBase error occured during updating table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; return; } bool bRes = DBase.Update(oDT); if (bRes) { DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); hdnSubCategoryID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Category details have been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; Response.Redirect(GetGoBackUrl()); nSubCategoryID = nRes; BindStatsList(); rowRelatedProcesses.Visible = true; BindRelatedProcessList(); } else { DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "DataBase error occured during updating table"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string tranName = "SaveAffiliate"; DBase.BeginTransaction(tranName); bool rez = false; lblInfo.Text = ""; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; try { if (chDeny.Checked) { DBase.Execute(Config.DbDeleteSkin, new object[] { "@IDs", nAffiliateID.ToString() }); btnReturn_Click(null, null); return; } //1. Save/Update affiliate in DB int nRes = DBase.ExecuteReturnInt(Config.DbSaveSkinsDetails, "@ID", nAffiliateID, "@Name", txtName.Text, "@EmailFrom", txtEmail.Text, "@StatusID", int.Parse(ddStatus.SelectedValue), "@SkinsDomain", txtDomain.Text, "@EmailSupport", txtSuppEmail.Text); if (nRes <= 0) { switch (nRes) { case -1: lblInfo.Text = "Such Skins name already exists"; break; default: lblInfo.Text = "Database error occured"; break; } DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); return; } /* * //2. Create installation files * Admin.CommonUse.Affiliate oAffiliate = new Admin.CommonUse.Affiliate(Page); * bool bRes = oAffiliate.CreateAffiliate(nRes); * if (!bRes) * { * lblInfo.Text = "Affiliate install shield error occured"; * DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); * return; * } */ // Everything is Ok DBase.CommitTransaction(tranName); nAffiliateID = nRes; hdnAffiliateID.Value = nRes.ToString(); StoreBackID(nRes); lblInfo.Text = "Skin has been saved"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Green; if (hdnState.Value != ddStatus.SelectedValue && ddStatus.SelectedValue == "4") { string val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 18); //Template name for affiliates if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } DataTable tb = DBase.GetDataTable(Config.DbGetEmailTemplateDetailsByName, "@Name", val); if (tb == null) { rez = true; return; } if (tb.Rows.Count <= 0) { rez = true; return; } val = Config.GetDbConfigValue(DBase, 1); // Admin Email if (val == String.Empty) { rez = true; return; } CommonUse.CSentMail.Send(DBase, txtEmail.Text, val, tb.Rows[0]["subject"].ToString(), //Send message as autoresponder tb.Rows[0]["body"].ToString().Replace("<BR>", "\n").Replace("<br>", "\n").Replace(" ", " "), 3, MailFormat.Text); } } catch (Exception ex) { Common.Log.Write(this, ex); DBase.RollbackTransaction(tranName); lblInfo.Text = "Error occured"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } finally { if (rez) { lblInfo.Text += " Error send Email"; lblInfo.ForeColor = Color.Red; } if (lblInfo.ForeColor != Color.Red) { btnReturn_Click(null, null); } } }