public DBColumnAttribute(DBTYPE type, bool isPK = false, bool nullable = false, object defValue = null) { Type = type; IsPK = isPK; Nullable = nullable; DefaultValue = defValue; }
public IDbConnection GetOpenConnection(string connectStr, DBTYPE type) { return(GetConn(new DatabaseModel() { Dbtype = type, ConnectStr = connectStr })); }
internal DBColumn(TableEntity host, PropertyInfo pinfo, DBTYPE type, int size1, int size2, bool isPK = false, bool nullable = false, Func <object> defValue = null) { if (host == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DBColumn(host) is null!"); } if (pinfo == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("DBColumn(pinfo) is null!"); } _host = host; _pinfo = pinfo; Name = _pinfo.Name; Type = type; Size1 = size1; Size2 = size2; IsPK = isPK; Nullable = nullable; FuncDefaultValue = defValue; _value0 = DBColumnRAW.VALUE; _status0 = STATUS.RAW; CheckName(); CheckDBTYPE(); CheckNullable(); }
internal int get_type(ref DBTYPE type) { int ret; ret = libdb_csharpPINVOKE.DB_get_type(swigCPtr, ref type); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return(ret); }
public static IDbConnection CreateDBConnection(DBTYPE dbType, string connectionStr) { switch (dbType) { case DBTYPE.SQLSERVER: return(new SqlConnection(connectionStr)); default: return(new SqlConnection(connectionStr)); } }
internal int open(DB_TXN txn, string file, string database, DBTYPE type, uint flags, int mode) { int ret; ret = libdb_csharpPINVOKE.DB_open(swigCPtr, DB_TXN.getCPtr(txn), file, database, (int)type, flags, mode); if (ret != 0) { close(0); } DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return(ret); }
public static object ValueTypeConvert(object val, DBTYPE type) { if (val == null) { return(val); } var type1 = val.GetType(); var type2 = type; var flag = string.Format("{0}=>{1}", type1.ToString(), type2.ToString()); object value = null; switch (flag) { //case "System.String=>VARCHAR": //case "System.String=>NVARCHAR": //case "System.Int32=>INT": //case "System.Int64=>BIGINT": //case "System.DateTime=>DATETIME": //case "System.Decimal=>DECIMAL": //case "System.Decimal=>NUMERIC": //case "System.Float=>NUMERIC": //case "System.Boolean=>BOOLEAN": // value = val; // break; case "System.Int32=>BIGINT": value = Convert.ToInt64(val); break; case "System.Int64=>INT": value = Convert.ToInt32(val); break; case "System.Boolean=>BIT": value = Convert.ToByte(val); break; case "System.Byte=>BOOLEAN": value = Convert.ToBoolean(val); break; case "System.String=>UNIQID": value = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val.ToString()) ? null : (Guid?)Guid.Parse(val.ToString()); break; default: value = val; break; } return(value); }
/// <summary> /// 获取数据库列表. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List<string> GetDataBaseName(DBTYPE dbtype) { switch (dbtype) { case DBTYPE.UNKNOW: break; case DBTYPE.SQLSERVER: using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); List<string> nameList = new List<string>(); string cmdText = "select [name] from sys.databases where snapshot_isolation_state = 0"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { nameList.Add(dr["name"].ToString()); } } return nameList; } case DBTYPE.MYSQL_MARIADB: using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); List<string> nameList = new List<string>(); string cmdText = "SELECT `SCHEMA_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`SCHEMATA`SCHEMATA"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { nameList.Add(dr["SCHEMA_NAME"].ToString()); } } return nameList; } case DBTYPE.ORACLE: break; default: break; } return null; }
private void ConfigDataBase() { string server, intergrated, uid, connectstring; //AddLog("数据库连接中...."); switch (cmbDataType.SelectedIndex) { case 0: this.currentType = DBTYPE.SQLSERVER; server = "Server=" + txserver.Text.Trim() + ";"; intergrated = "Integrated Security=" + (cmbAuthor.SelectedIndex == 0 ? "True" : "False") + ";"; uid = ""; if (!(cmbAuthor.SelectedIndex == 0)) { uid = "uid=" + this.txusername.Text + ";pwd=" + this.txpassword.Text + ";"; } connectstring = server + intergrated + uid; formConf.connectionString = formConf.DefaultConnectionString = connectstring; break; case 1: this.currentType = DBTYPE.MYSQL_MARIADB; server = "Host=" + txserver.Text.Trim() + ";"; uid = "UserName="******";Password="******";Port=" + txMYSQLPORT.Text + ";"; connectstring = server + uid; formConf.connectionString = formConf.DefaultConnectionString = connectstring; break; case 2: this.currentType = DBTYPE.ORACLE; break; default: this.currentType = DBTYPE.UNKNOW; break; } this.ConfigDataTable(); }
/// <summary> /// 读取数据库类型 mysql, oracle, sqlserver, access /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DBTYPE ReadTypeOfDataBase() { DBTYPE dbType = DBTYPE.None; string s = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + @"\Config\System\"; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); string type = ""; doc.Load(s + "DataBase.xml"); var nodes = doc.SelectSingleNode("database").ChildNodes; foreach (XmlNode item in nodes) { XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)item; if (xe.Name == "type") { type = xe.InnerText; break; } } switch (type.ToLower()) { case "mysql": dbType = DBTYPE.MySql; break; case "oracle": dbType = DBTYPE.Oracle; break; case "sqlserver": dbType = DBTYPE.SqlServer; break; case "access": dbType = DBTYPE.Access; break; } return(dbType); }
public UserInfoRepository(string connectStr, DBTYPE type) : base(connectStr, type) { }
internal int get_type(ref DBTYPE type) { int ret; ret = libdb_csharpPINVOKE.DB_get_type(swigCPtr, ref type); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; }
internal int open(DB_TXN txn, string file, string database, DBTYPE type, uint flags, int mode) { int ret; ret = libdb_csharpPINVOKE.DB_open(swigCPtr, DB_TXN.getCPtr(txn), file, database, (int)type, flags, mode); if (ret != 0) close(0); DatabaseException.ThrowException(ret); return ret; }
/// <summary> /// 获取数据库表集合. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public List<EntityInfo> GetTables(DBTYPE dbtype, string database) { switch (dbtype) { case DBTYPE.UNKNOW: break; case DBTYPE.SQLSERVER: if (formConf.connectionString.Contains("Database=tempdb")) return new List<EntityInfo>(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); List<EntityInfo> tables = new List<EntityInfo>(); string cmdText = "select * from sys.tables"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { EntityInfo table = new EntityInfo(); table.EntityName = table.ClassName = dr["name"].ToString(); table.CreateDate = dr["create_date"].ToString(); if (table.ClassName != "sysdiagrams") //数据库关系图自动生成的表 tables.Add(table); } } return tables; } case DBTYPE.MYSQL_MARIADB: if (formConf.connectionString.Contains("Database=information_schema") || formConf.connectionString.Contains("Database=performance_schema")) return new List<EntityInfo>(); using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); List<EntityInfo> tables = new List<EntityInfo>(); string cmdText = "SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = '" + database + "'"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { EntityInfo table = new EntityInfo(); table.ClassName = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); table.EntityName = dr["TABLE_COMMENT"].ToString().Length > 0 ? dr["TABLE_COMMENT"].ToString() : dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); if (table.ClassName != "sysdiagrams") //数据库关系图自动生成的表 tables.Add(table); } } return tables; } case DBTYPE.ORACLE: break; default: break; } return null; }
/// <summary> /// 返回外键,主键不在这里返回. /// </summary> /// <param name="tableName"></param> /// <param name="dbtype"></param> /// <param name="table_schema"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<ConstraintInfo> GetConstaint(string tableName, DBTYPE dbtype, string table_schema) { List<ConstraintInfo> constrains = new List<ConstraintInfo>(); switch (dbtype) { case DBTYPE.UNKNOW: break; case DBTYPE.SQLSERVER: return null; case DBTYPE.MYSQL_MARIADB: using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); string cmdText = "select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE where TABLE_NAME='" + tableName + "' and CONSTRAINT_NAME !='PRIMARY'"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { ConstraintInfo constraint = new ConstraintInfo(); constraint.Constraint_catalog = dr["CONSTRAINT_CATALOG"].ToString(); constraint.Constraint_schema = dr["CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA"].ToString(); constraint.Constraint_name = dr["CONSTRAINT_NAME"].ToString(); constraint.Table_Catalog = dr["TABLE_CATALOG"].ToString(); constraint.Table_Schema = dr["TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString(); constraint.Table_Name = dr["TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); constraint.Column_Name = dr["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); constraint.ORDINAL_POSITION = dr["ORDINAL_POSITION"].ToString(); constraint.POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT = dr["POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT"].ToString(); constraint.REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA = dr["REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA"].ToString(); constraint.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME = dr["REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME"].ToString(); constraint.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME = dr["REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME"].ToString(); constrains.Add(constraint); } } return constrains; } case DBTYPE.ORACLE: break; default: break; } return constrains; }
public DBColumnAttribute(string name, DBTYPE type, int size1, int size2, bool isPK = false, bool nullable = false, object defValue = null) : this(type, isPK, nullable, defValue) { Size1 = size1; Size2 = size2; }
public static extern int DB_get_type(HandleRef jarg1, ref DBTYPE jarg2);
public DBColumnAttribute(DBTYPE type, int size, bool isPK = false, bool nullable = false, object defValue = null) : this(type, isPK, nullable, defValue) { Size1 = size; }
/// <summary> /// 获取单表列的集合. /// </summary> /// <param name="table_Schema">数据库名.</param> /// <param name="tableID">表名.</param> /// <param name="dbtype"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<AttributeInfo> GetTableFields(string tableID, DBTYPE dbtype, string table_Schema) { switch (dbtype) { case DBTYPE.UNKNOW: break; case DBTYPE.SQLSERVER: using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); List<AttributeInfo> columns = new List<AttributeInfo>(); string cmdText = "SELECT *,syscolumns.length as max_length, as typeName FROM syscolumns, systypes WHERE syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype AND = '" + tableID + "'"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { AttributeInfo column = new AttributeInfo(); column.cisNull = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["isnullable"]); column.ColumnName = dr["name"].ToString(); //column.DefaultVal //column.DeText //column.IsIdentity = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["is_identity"]); //column.IsPK //column.Length = dr["max_length"].ToString(); column.Length = dr["length"].ToString(); column.Preci = dr["prec"].ToString(); column.Scale = dr["scale"].ToString(); column.TypeName = dr["typeName"].ToString(); columns.Add(column); } } return columns; } case DBTYPE.MYSQL_MARIADB: //string strcc = formConf.connectionString.Replace(table_Schema, "information_schema"); using (MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(formConf.connectionString)) { conn.Open(); List<AttributeInfo> columns = new List<AttributeInfo>(); //string cmdText = "show columns from " + tableID; string cmdText = "SHOW FULL FIELDS from " + tableID; //string cmdText = "select * from COLUMNS where table_schema='" + table_Schema + "' and table_name='" + tableID + "'"; //string cmdText = "SELECT *,syscolumns.length as max_length, as typeName FROM syscolumns, systypes WHERE syscolumns.xusertype = systypes.xusertype AND = ' " + tableID + "'"; MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(cmdText, conn); using (MySqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { while (dr.Read()) { // use information_schema; // SELECT TABLE_NAME '表名',ORDINAL_POSITION '顺序',COLUMN_NAME '字段',DATA_TYPE '类型' // ,CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH '字节长',if(COLUMN_KEY='PRI',"√","") '主键',if(EXTRA='auto_increment',"√","") '自增长' // ,if(IS_NULLABLE='YES',"√","") '空',CHARACTER_SET_NAME '编码',COLUMN_DEFAULT '默认值',COLUMN_COMMENT '说明' // FROM COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = 'webmanagesystem' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME,ORDINAL_POSITION; AttributeInfo column = new AttributeInfo(); column.ColumnName = dr["Field"].ToString(); column.TypeName = dr["Type"].ToString(); Regex r = new Regex(@"\d+"); Regex r1 = new Regex(@"\w+"); column.TypeName = r1.Match(dr["Type"].ToString()).Value; column.Length = r.Match(dr["Type"].ToString()).Value; column.Collation = dr["Collation"].ToString(); column.cisNull = dr["Null"].ToString().ToUpper().Equals("YES"); column.IsPK = dr["KEY"].ToString().Equals("PRI"); //column.IsUnique = dr["IsUnique"].ToString(); column.Extra = dr["Extra"].ToString(); column.IsIdentity = column.Extra == "auto_increment"; column.Comment = dr["Comment"].ToString().Length > 0 ? dr["Comment"].ToString() : dr["Field"].ToString(); string fdd = dr["Type"].ToString(); try { string lll = fdd.Split('(')[1]; if (lll.Contains(',')) { column.Preci = lll.TrimEnd(')').Split(',')[0]; column.Scale = lll.TrimEnd(')').Split(',')[1]; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(tableID + ":" + ex.Message); } columns.Add(column); } } return columns; } case DBTYPE.ORACLE: break; default: break; } return null; }
public DatabaseModel(string connectStr, DBTYPE dbtype) { ConnectStr = connectStr; Dbtype = dbtype; }
public IDbConnection GetOpenConnection(string connectStr, DBTYPE type) { return(GetConn(new DatabaseModel(connectStr, type))); }
public DapperRepositoryBase(string connectStr, DBTYPE type) { _con = DbConnectionFactory.Instance.GetOpenConnection(connectStr, type); }