コード例 #1
        public override bool UseItem(Player player)
            DBTPlayer dbtPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>();

コード例 #2
ファイル: BlackDiamondShell.cs プロジェクト: kinggrinyov/DBT
        public bool OnPlayerPreHurt(DBTPlayer dbtPlayer, bool pvp, bool quiet, ref int damage, ref int hitDirection, ref bool crit, ref bool customDamage, ref bool playSound, ref bool genGore, ref PlayerDeathReason damageSource)
            int i = Main.rand.Next(10, 100);


            CombatText.NewText(new Rectangle((int)dbtPlayer.player.position.X, (int)dbtPlayer.player.position.Y, dbtPlayer.player.width, dbtPlayer.player.height), new Color(51, 204, 255), i, false, false);
コード例 #3
        public override bool CanUseItem(Player player)
            DBTPlayer dbtPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>();
            // TODO Add check for skill unlocked.

            bool hasKi = dbtPlayer.Ki >= Definition.Characteristics.ChargeCharacteristics.GetCastKiDrain(dbtPlayer);

            if (hasKi)
                dbtPlayer.ModifyKi(-Definition.Characteristics.ChargeCharacteristics.GetCastKiDrain(dbtPlayer), Definition.Characteristics.ChargeCharacteristics.GetBaseKiRegenerationHaltedForDuration(dbtPlayer));

            return(base.CanUseItem(player) && hasKi);
コード例 #4
ファイル: SenzuBean.cs プロジェクト: kinggrinyov/DBT
        public override bool UseItem(Player player)
            bool      baseResult = base.UseItem(player);
            DBTPlayer dbtPlayer  = player.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>();

            List <IAffectSenzuBeanCooldown> items = player.GetItemsByType <IAffectSenzuBeanCooldown>(armor: true, accessories: true);

            float cooldown = 18000;

            for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                items[i].AffectSenzuBeanCooldown(dbtPlayer, this, ref cooldown);

            dbtPlayer.ModifyKi(dbtPlayer.MaxKi - dbtPlayer.Ki);
コード例 #5
        public override void Update(Player player, ref int buffIndex)
            DBTPlayer dbtPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>();

            if (dbtPlayer == null)

            if (!dbtPlayer.IsTransformed(this) && dbtPlayer.player.HasBuff(Type))

            bool isFormMastered = dbtPlayer.HasMastered(Definition);

            float kiDrain          = -(isFormMastered ? Definition.GetMasteredKiDrain(dbtPlayer) : Definition.GetUnmasteredKiDrain(dbtPlayer));
            float healthDrain      = -(isFormMastered ? Definition.GetMasteredHealthDrain(dbtPlayer) : Definition.GetUnmasteredHealthDrain(dbtPlayer));
            float overloadIncrease = (isFormMastered ? Definition.GetMasteredOverloadGrowthRate(dbtPlayer) : Definition.GetUnmasteredOverloadGrowthRate(dbtPlayer));

            if (kiDrain != 0f)
                if (!isFormMastered)
                    kiDrain *= KiDrainMultiplier;

                kiDrain *= dbtPlayer.KiDrainMultiplier;

                if (TransformationTimer % Definition.Drain.transformationStepDelay == 0 && KiDrainMultiplier < Definition.Drain.maxTransformationKiDrainMultiplier)
                    KiDrainMultiplier += Definition.Drain.kiMultiplierPerStep;

            if (healthDrain != 0f)
                if (!isFormMastered)
                    healthDrain *= HealthDrainMultiplier;

                healthDrain *= dbtPlayer.HealthDrainMultiplier;

                dbtPlayer.player.statLife     -= (int)healthDrain;
                dbtPlayer.player.lifeRegenTime = 0;

                if (TransformationTimer % Definition.Drain.transformationStepDelay == 0 && HealthDrainMultiplier < Definition.Drain.maxTransformationHealthDrainMultiplier)
                    HealthDrainMultiplier += Definition.Drain.healthMultiplierPerStep;

            if (overloadIncrease != 0f)
                overloadIncrease   *= dbtPlayer.OverloadIncreaseMultiplier;
                dbtPlayer.Overload += overloadIncrease;

                damageMultiplier       = Definition.GetDamageMultiplier(dbtPlayer),
                halvedDamageMultiplier = damageMultiplier / 2;

            player.allDamage            *= damageMultiplier;
            dbtPlayer.KiDamageMultiplier = damageMultiplier;

            player.statDefense += Definition.GetDefenseAdditive(dbtPlayer);

            float speedMultiplier = Definition.GetSpeedMultiplier(dbtPlayer);

            player.moveSpeed       *= speedMultiplier;
            player.maxRunSpeed     *= speedMultiplier;
            player.runAcceleration *= speedMultiplier;

            if (player.jumpSpeedBoost < 1f)
                player.jumpSpeedBoost = 1f;

            player.jumpSpeedBoost *= speedMultiplier;
コード例 #6
        public static void Update(DBTPlayer dbtPlayer)
            if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server) // Servers can't fly.

            if (!dbtPlayer.Flying) // Imagine wanting to run code without flying.

            Player player = dbtPlayer.player;

            if (player.dead || player.mount.Type != -1 || player.ropeCount != 0 || (dbtPlayer.StopFlightOnNoKi && dbtPlayer.Ki <= FLIGHT_KI_DRAIN))
                dbtPlayer.Flying = false;
                dbtPlayer.player.fallStart = (int)(dbtPlayer.player.position.Y / 16f);


            player.DryCollision(true, true);
            player.fullRotationOrigin = new Vector2(11, 22);

            Vector2 rotationDirection = Vector2.Zero;

                boostSpeed = BURST_SPEED * (dbtPlayer.Charging ? 1 : 0),

                flightCostMultiplier = (dbtPlayer.FlightT3 ? 0.25f : dbtPlayer.FlightDampenedFall ? 0.5f : 1f),
                totalFlightUsage     = Math.Max(1f, FLIGHT_KI_DRAIN * dbtPlayer.FlightKiUsageModifier) * flightCostMultiplier,

                flightSpeedMultiplier = (1f + boostSpeed) * (dbtPlayer.FlightT3 ? 1.25f : dbtPlayer.FlightDampenedFall ? 1f : 0.75f),
                flightSpeed           = FLIGHT_SPEED * flightSpeedMultiplier,

                totalHorizontalFlightSpeed = flightSpeed + player.moveSpeed + dbtPlayer.FlightSpeedModifier,
                totalVerticalFlightSpeed   = flightSpeed + Player.jumpHeight / 5 + dbtPlayer.FlightSpeedModifier;

            dbtPlayer.ModifyKi(-totalFlightUsage * (1f + boostSpeed));

            if (dbtPlayer.UpHeld)
                player.velocity.Y -= totalVerticalFlightSpeed / 3.8f; //3.8 original
                rotationDirection  = Vector2.UnitY;
            else if (dbtPlayer.DownHeld)
                player.maxFallSpeed = 20f;
                player.velocity.Y  += totalVerticalFlightSpeed / 3.8f; //3.6 original
                rotationDirection   = -Vector2.UnitY;

            if (dbtPlayer.RightHeld)
                player.velocity.X += totalHorizontalFlightSpeed;
                rotationDirection += Vector2.UnitX;
            else if (dbtPlayer.LeftHeld)

                player.velocity.X -= totalHorizontalFlightSpeed;
                rotationDirection -= Vector2.UnitX;

            player.velocity.X = MathHelper.Lerp(player.velocity.X, 0, 0.1f);
            player.velocity.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(player.velocity.Y, 0, 0.1f);

            player.velocity -= player.gravity * Vector2.UnitY;

            if (player.velocity.X > 0)
                player.legFrameCounter = -player.velocity.X;
                player.legFrameCounter = player.velocity.X;

            player.fullRotation = MathHelper.Lerp(player.fullRotation, GetPlayerFlightRotation(rotationDirection, player), 0.1f);
コード例 #7
ファイル: FlightSystem.cs プロジェクト: Fructure/DBT
        public static void Update(Player player)
            // this might seem weird but the server isn't allowed to control the flight system.
            if (Main.netMode == NetmodeID.Server)

            DBTPlayer modPlayer = player.GetModPlayer <DBTPlayer>();

            //check for ki or death lol
            if ((modPlayer.Ki <= 0 || player.dead || player.mount.Type != -1 || player.ropeCount != 0) && modPlayer.Flying)
                modPlayer.Flying = false;

            if (modPlayer.Flying)
                // cancel platform collision
                player.DryCollision(true, true);

                //prepare vals
                player.fullRotationOrigin = new Vector2(11, 22);
                Vector2 mRotationDir = Vector2.Zero;

                //Input checks
                float boostSpeed = (BURST_SPEED)*(modPlayer.IsCharging ? 1 : 0);

                // handle ki drain
                float totalFlightUsage = Math.Max(1f, FLIGHT_KI_DRAIN * modPlayer.FlightKiUsageModifier);
                float flightCostMult   = modPlayer.FlightT3 ? 0.25f : (modPlayer.FlightDampenedFall ? 0.5f : 1f);
                totalFlightUsage *= flightCostMult;
                modPlayer.ModifyKi(totalFlightUsage * (1f + boostSpeed) * -1);
                float flightSpeedMult = (1f + boostSpeed);
                flightSpeedMult *= modPlayer.FlightT3 ? 1.25f : (modPlayer.FlightDampenedFall ? 1f : 0.75f);
                float flightSpeed = FLIGHT_SPEED * flightSpeedMult;

                float totalHorizontalFlightSpeed = flightSpeed + (player.moveSpeed / 3) + modPlayer.FlightSpeedModifier;
                float totalVerticalFlightSpeed   = flightSpeed + (Player.jumpSpeed / 2) + modPlayer.FlightSpeedModifier;

                if (modPlayer.UpHeld)
                    // for some reason flying up is way, way faster than flying down.
                    player.velocity.Y -= (totalVerticalFlightSpeed / 3.8f);
                    mRotationDir       = Vector2.UnitY;
                else if (modPlayer.DownHeld)
                    player.maxFallSpeed = 20f;
                    player.velocity.Y  += totalVerticalFlightSpeed / 3.6f;
                    mRotationDir        = -Vector2.UnitY;

                if (modPlayer.RightHeld)
                    player.velocity.X += totalHorizontalFlightSpeed;
                    mRotationDir      += Vector2.UnitX;
                else if (modPlayer.LeftHeld)
                    player.velocity.X -= totalHorizontalFlightSpeed;
                    mRotationDir      -= Vector2.UnitX;

                //calculate velocity
                player.velocity.X = MathHelper.Lerp(player.velocity.X, 0, 0.1f);
                player.velocity.Y = MathHelper.Lerp(player.velocity.Y, 0, 0.1f);
                // keep the player suspended at worst.
                player.velocity = player.velocity - (player.gravity * Vector2.UnitY);

                // handles keeping legs from moving when the player is in flight/moving fast/channeling.
                if (player.velocity.X > 0)
                    player.legFrameCounter = -player.velocity.X;
                    player.legFrameCounter = player.velocity.X;

                //calculate rotation
                float radRot = GetPlayerFlightRotation(mRotationDir, player);

                player.fullRotation = MathHelper.Lerp(player.fullRotation, radRot, 0.1f);

            // altered to only fire once, the moment you exit flight, to avoid overburden of sync packets when moving normally.
            if (!modPlayer.Flying)
                player.fullRotation = MathHelper.Lerp(player.fullRotation, 0, 0.1f);