コード例 #1
        // GET: Login/Create
        public ActionResult Register([FromQuery] string CustomerFirstName, string CustomerLastName)
            Customer customer = new Customer(CustomerFirstName, CustomerLastName);

            CustomerViewModel cust1 = repo.AddCustomer(customer);

            if (cust1 == null)
            {//this renders the index page again.
                return(View("error", new ErrorViewModel {
                    errorMsg = $"{CustomerFirstName} {CustomerLastName} was not found. Please try again."
            return(View("SearchOrOrder", cust1));
コード例 #2
        }//END OF SignInUser()

        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool finished       = false;
            var  optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <Project0Context>();

            using (var db = new Project0Context(optionsBuilder.Options))
                Customer customer = new Customer();
                Order    order    = new Order();
                Location location = new Location();

                while (finished.Equals(false))
                    /*******************log in or register the user*******************/
                    string userType;
                        Console.WriteLine("Are you a returning user of do you need to register?");
                        Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tA - Register.\n\tB - Returning User.");
                        userType = Console.ReadLine();
                        userType = userType.ToUpper();  //to accept upper and lower case letters.
                    } while (!(userType.Equals("A") || userType.Equals("B")));

                    switch (userType)
                    case "A":
                        bool custExists = false;
                        while (custExists == false)
                            customer   = RegisterUser();         //register the user
                            custExists = DBRepository.AddCustomer(db, customer);
                            //add the new, VALIDATED, user to the DB.

                    case "B":
                        string custExists2 = null;
                        while (custExists2 == null)
                            customer = SignInUser(db);     //sign the user in.
                            customer = DBRepository.ReadCustomer(db, customer);
                            if (customer != null)
                                custExists2 = "good";

                    /***************************CHOOSE TO SEARCH OR PLACE AN ORDER***********************/
                    bool quitter1 = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("\n Would you like to continue to the ordering process, " +
                                              "or would you like to search for things??");
                            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tA - Proceed to order.\n\tB - Search.");
                            userType = Console.ReadLine();
                            userType = userType.ToUpper();  //to accept upper and lower case letters.
                        } while (!(userType.Equals("A") || userType.Equals("B")));

                        switch (userType)
                        case "A":
                            Console.WriteLine("\n\t.......Proceeding to the ordering page.......");
                            quitter1 = true;

                        case "B":
                        if (quitter1 == true)

                        Console.WriteLine("Would you like to START OVER or QUIT?\n\t\tType START OVER or QUIT");
                        string answer = Console.ReadLine();
                        answer = answer.ToLower();
                        if (answer.Equals("start over"))
                            quitter1 = true;
                    } while (quitter1 == false);

                    /**********************choose the location*****/
                    var    allLocations = DBRepository.ReadAllLocations(db);//returns a list of locations
                    string locChoice;
                    int    finalLocChoice;
                        foreach (var item in allLocations)
                            Console.WriteLine($"{item.LocationId} - {item.LocationName}\n");
                        Console.WriteLine("Please choose a number from the above list.");
                        locChoice      = Console.ReadLine();
                        finalLocChoice = Convert.ToInt32(locChoice);
                        location       = DBRepository.ReadLocationById(db, finalLocChoice);
                    } while (location == null);

                    Console.WriteLine($"You chose our {location.LocationName} location. Happy shopping!");

                    /*************************Make the order****************************/
                    //int prodChoice;
                    string choice;
                    string choiceQuantity;
                    int    choiceQuantityInt;
                    //get all the products in the chosen locations inventory
                    var allProductsInInventory = DBRepository.ReadLocationInventory(db, location.LocationName);

                    var allProducts = DBRepository.ReadAllProducts(db);

                        Console.WriteLine("\n\tPlease choose from the available product numbers.\n\tEnter a product number and hit enter." +
                                          "\n\tYou may keep placing products until\n\tyou enter 'checkout' to check out.");

                        //display all products from this location.
                        foreach (var item in allProductsInInventory)
                            int     testNum = item.ProductId;
                            Product prod    = DBRepository.ReadProductById(db, item.ProductId);
                            //Console.WriteLine($"this is item.ProductID=>{item.ProductId} ... This is testNum=>{testNum} ...this is prod.ProductID=>{prod.ProductID}");
                            Console.WriteLine($"\t{prod.ProductID} - {prod.ProductName} = {prod.ProductPrice}. {item.ProductQuantity} in stock.");
                        Console.WriteLine("\tcheckout - Check out.");
                        choice = Console.ReadLine();
                        choice = choice.ToLower();
                        if (choice.Equals("checkout"))
                        int prodIdChoice;
                        prodIdChoice = Convert.ToInt32(choice);

                        //make sure the name entered is in the list.
                        if (allProductsInInventory.Exists(x => x.ProductId == prodIdChoice) == false)
                            Console.WriteLine("\n\t\tYour choice is not in the list.");
                            //get the chosen named Product from the Products table.
                            Inventory choice3 = allProductsInInventory.Find(x => x.ProductId.Equals(prodIdChoice));
                            Product   prod    = DBRepository.ReadProductById(db, choice3.ProductId);

                            Console.WriteLine($"\nHow Many {prod.ProductName}'s would you like? There are {choice3.ProductQuantity} available");

                            //Console.WriteLine($"found product => {choice3.ProductName} - {choice3.ProductPrice} - {choice3.ProductQuantity}");
                            choiceQuantity    = Console.ReadLine();
                            choiceQuantityInt = Convert.ToInt32(choiceQuantity);

                            if (choiceQuantityInt > choice3.ProductQuantity)
                                Console.WriteLine($"\nThere are not enough {prod.ProductName} available. \nThe maximum you may add is {choice3.ProductQuantity}. Try again.\n");
                                //check if the item has already been ordered. if not, add it and decrement amount available.
                                if (order.itemsOrdered.ContainsKey(prod.ProductName) == false)
                                    order.itemsOrdered.Add(prod.ProductName, choiceQuantityInt);
                                    choice3.ProductQuantity -= choiceQuantityInt;//decrement amount in context
                                    //add the previously ordered quantity back to the inventory then subtract the newly ordered amount
                                    choice3.ProductQuantity = choice3.ProductQuantity + order.itemsOrdered[prod.ProductName];
                                    order.itemsOrdered[prod.ProductName] = choiceQuantityInt;
                                    choice3.ProductQuantity = choice3.ProductQuantity - choiceQuantityInt;//decrement amount in context
                                    Console.WriteLine($"\n\tYour desired amount of {prod.ProductName} has been updated to {order.itemsOrdered[prod.ProductName]}");
                        //print current state of customers order
                        Console.WriteLine("\nYou current order is... ");
                        foreach (var item in order.itemsOrdered)
                            Console.WriteLine($"=== {item.Key} === {item.Value}=");
                    } while (!choice.Equals("checkout"));//end of ordering loop
                    order.LocationID = location.locID;
                    order.CustomerID = customer.CustID;
                    DBRepository.AddOrder(db, order);

                    finished = true;
                } //END OF WHILE LOOP
                Console.WriteLine("\n\n\t============= Thank You for shopping with us. =============\n");
            }     //END OF USING
        }         //END OF MAIN