public bool OpenMainDataSet(string sCon) { bool bIsOK = false; string strX = ""; grdList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grdList.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; DBDataSet.Clear(); DBCommInfo.DBSQLCommandInfo cmdInfo = new DBSQLCommandInfo(); //执行命令的对象 cmdInfo.SqlText = "select * from " + strTbNameMain + sCon; //SQL语句 或 存储过程名 若有参数,另外在参数集里增加 //if (UserInformation.UType != UserType.utSupervisor) //{ // cmdInfo.SqlText = cmdInfo.SqlText + " where "+strKeyFld+"='"+ UserInformation.UnitId +"'"; //仅显示当前用户的单位 //} cmdInfo.SqlType = SqlCommandType.sctSql; //SQL命令类型 SqlCommandType.sctSql SQL 语句 SqlCommandType.sctProcedure 表存储过程 cmdInfo.PageIndex = 0; //需要分页时的页号 cmdInfo.PageSize = 0; //需要分页时的每页记录条数 cmdInfo.FromSysType = "dotnet"; //采用处理结果数据的方式:php 表按照<tr><td></td></tr> xml 否则 直接采用ado 的记录集方式 cmdInfo.DataTableName = strTbNameMain; //指定结果数据记录集表名 SunEast.SeDBClient sdcX = new SeDBClient(); //获取服务器数据的类型对象 //sdcX.DBSTServer = DBSocketServerType.dbsstNormal; //自动根据配置文件读 string sErr = ""; //DataSet dsX = null; //DataTable tbX= null ; DBDataSet = sdcX.GetDataSet(cmdInfo, out sErr); //通过获取服务器数据对象的GetDataSet方法获取数据 bIsOK = DBDataSet != null; //if (bIsOK) //{ // DBDataSet.Clear(); // tbX = new DataTable(strTbNameMain); // tbX = dsX.Tables["data"].Copy(); // DBDataSet.Tables.Add(tbX); //} if (!bIsOK) { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } else { try { //DBDataSet.Tables["data"].TableName = strTbNameMain; DataSetUnBind(pnlEdit); this.bdsMain.DataSource = DBDataSet.Tables[strTbNameMain]; if (bdsMain != null && bdsMain.Count > 0) { BindDataSetToCtrls(); } bIsOK = true; optMain = OperateType.optNone; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); bIsOK = false; } } return(bIsOK); }
public bool OpenMainDataSet(string sCon) { bool bIsOK = false; string strX = ""; string sSql = ""; string sErr = ""; bDSIsOpenForMain = false; grdList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grdList.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; DBDataSet.Clear(); sSql = "select * from " + strTbNameMain + sCon; //SQL语句 或 存储过程名 若有参数,另外在参数集里增加 DBDataSet = SunEast.App.PubDBCommFuns.GetDataBySql(sSql, strTbNameMain, 0, 0, out sErr); bIsOK = DBDataSet != null; if (bIsOK) { bIsOK = DBDataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString().Trim() == "0"; } //if (bIsOK) //{ // DBDataSet.Clear(); // tbX = new DataTable(strTbNameMain); // tbX = dsX.Tables["data"].Copy(); // DBDataSet.Tables.Add(tbX); //} if (!bIsOK) { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } else { try { bDSIsOpenForMain = true; this.bdsMain.DataSource = DBDataSet.Tables[strTbNameMain]; BindDataSetToCtrls(); ClearUIValues(pnlEdit); if (bdsMain.Count > 0) { DataRowViewToUI((DataRowView)bdsMain.Current, pnlEdit); } bIsOK = true; optMain = OperateType.optNone; btn_SetPwd.Visible = false; btn_SetPwd.Enabled = false; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); bIsOK = false; } } return(bIsOK); }
/* #region 私有变量 * string strTbNameMain = "TWC_WareHouse"; * string strKeyFld = "cWHId"; * bool bDSIsOpenForMain = false; * //主表操作 * OperateType optMain = OperateType.optNone; * //记录当前数据列表的 条件 * StringBuilder sbConndition = new StringBuilder(""); #endregion */ //public private bool BandDataSet(string SqlStrConditon, DataGridView FDataGridView) { bool Result = true; try { string SqlStr = ""; string ErrStr = ""; bDSIsOpenForMain = false; FDataGridView.AutoGenerateColumns = false; FDataGridView.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; DBDataSet.Clear(); SqlStr = "SELECT * FROM " + strTbNameMain + " " + SqlStrConditon; Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor; DBDataSet = PubDBCommFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, SqlStr, strTbNameMain, 0, 0, "dDate,dCreateDate,dCheckDate", out ErrStr); Result = DBDataSet != null; bindingSource_Main.DataSource = DBDataSet.Tables[strTbNameMain];; FDataGridView.DataSource = bindingSource_Main; Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default; string sId = ""; if (bindingSource_Main.Count > 0) { DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)bindingSource_Main.Current; sId = drv[strKeyFld].ToString().Trim(); try { bDSIsOpenForMain = true; DataRowViewToUI(drv, panel_Edit); OptMain = OperateType.optNone; } catch (Exception e) { bDSIsOpenForMain = false; MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Result = false; } } BandDataSetDetail(" where cBNo='" + sId.Trim() + "'", dataGridView_Detail); } catch (Exception ei) { MessageBox.Show(ei.Message); } return(Result); }
public bool OpenMainDataSet() { //if (UserInformation.UType != UserType.utSupervisor) //{ // strConnFix = " and cCmptId='" + UserInformation.UnitId + "'"; //} bool bIsOK = false; string strX = ""; string sErr = ""; grdList.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grdList.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; DBDataSet.Clear(); string sSql = "select * from " + strTbNameMain + " where 1=1 and cCSId='" + _CSId.Trim() + "'"; DBDataSet = DBFuns.GetDataBySql(AppInformation.SvrSocket, false, sSql, strTbNameMain, 0, 0, "", out sErr); #region //DBCommInfo.DBSQLCommandInfo cmdInfo = new DBSQLCommandInfo();//执行命令的对象 ////cmdInfo.SqlText = "select * from " + strTbNameMain + " where 1=1 " + sCondition + strConnFix; //SQL语句 或 存储过程名 若有参数,另外在参数集里增加 //cmdInfo.SqlText = "select * from " + strTbNameMain + " where 1=1 and cCSId='"+ _CSId.Trim() +"'"; //SQL语句 或 存储过程名 若有参数,另外在参数集里增加 ////if (UserInformation.UType != UserType.utSupervisor) ////{ //// cmdInfo.SqlText = cmdInfo.SqlText + " where "+strKeyFld+"='"+ UserInformation.UnitId +"'"; //仅显示当前用户的单位 ////} //cmdInfo.SqlType = SqlCommandType.sctSql; //SQL命令类型 SqlCommandType.sctSql SQL 语句 SqlCommandType.sctProcedure 表存储过程 //cmdInfo.PageIndex = 0; //需要分页时的页号 //cmdInfo.PageSize = 0; //需要分页时的每页记录条数 //cmdInfo.FromSysType = "dotnet"; //采用处理结果数据的方式:php 表按照<tr><td></td></tr> xml 否则 直接采用ado 的记录集方式 //cmdInfo.DataTableName = strTbNameMain; //指定结果数据记录集表名 //SunEast.SeDBClient sdcX = new SeDBClient(); //获取服务器数据的类型对象 ////sdcX.DBSTServer = DBSocketServerType.dbsstNormal; //自动根据配置文件读 ////DataSet dsX = null; ////DataTable tbX= null ; //DBDataSet = sdcX.GetDataSet(cmdInfo, out sErr); //通过获取服务器数据对象的GetDataSet方法获取数据 #endregion bIsOK = DBDataSet != null; //if (bIsOK) //{ // DBDataSet.Clear(); // tbX = new DataTable(strTbNameMain); // tbX = dsX.Tables["data"].Copy(); // DBDataSet.Tables.Add(tbX); //} if (!bIsOK) { MessageBox.Show(sErr); } else { try { ClearUIValues(pnlEdit); bIsMainOpened = false; this.bdsMain.DataSource = DBDataSet.Tables[strTbNameMain]; bIsMainOpened = true; BindDataSetToCtrls(); grdList.DataSource = bdsMain; bIsOK = true; optMain = OperateType.optNone; } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); bIsOK = false; } } return(bIsOK); }
public virtual int Fill(DBDataSet.ProductosDataTable dataTable) { this.Adapter.SelectCommand = this.CommandCollection[0]; if ((this.ClearBeforeFill == true)) { dataTable.Clear(); } int returnValue = this.Adapter.Fill(dataTable); return returnValue; }