コード例 #1
            private CmsDependencyMessage[] TestColumn(DBColumnDescription col, DataRowCollection rows, string tableName)
                List <CmsDependencyMessage> ret = new List <CmsDependencyMessage>();
                bool colFound = false;

                foreach (DataRow dr in rows)
                    string fieldName = dr["Field"].ToString();
                    string fieldType = dr["Type"].ToString();

                    if (String.Compare(fieldName, col.ColumnName, true) == 0)
                        //TODO: add comparison of (optional) column types
                        colFound = true;

                } // foreach

                if (col.existsMode == ExistsMode.MustExist && !colFound)
                    ret.Add(CmsDependencyMessage.Error(tableName + " table does not have a required column named '" + col.ColumnName + "'"));
                else if (col.existsMode == ExistsMode.MustNotExist && colFound)
                    ret.Add(CmsDependencyMessage.Error(tableName + " table has a column named '" + col.ColumnName + "' that must be removed."));

コード例 #2
        public CmsDatabaseTableDependency(string mysqlCreateTableStatement, string[] colNamesThatMustNotExist)
            List <DBColumnDescription> columns = new List <DBColumnDescription>();

            foreach (string colName in colNamesThatMustNotExist)
                DBColumnDescription c = new DBColumnDescription(colName, ExistsMode.MustNotExist);
            Columns = columns.ToArray();
コード例 #3
        protected void initFromMySqlCreateStatement(string mysqlCreateTableStatement)
            if (mysqlCreateTableStatement.IndexOf("CREATE TABLE", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Error: you have not specified a CREATE TABLE statement for CmsDatabaseTableDependency(" + mysqlCreateTableStatement + ")");

            // -- 1: table name
            int    indexFirstOpenBracket = mysqlCreateTableStatement.IndexOf("(", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
            int    indexLastCloseBracket = mysqlCreateTableStatement.LastIndexOf(")", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
            string tNameStartsAfter      = "CREATE TABLE ";
            int    tNameStartsAfterIndex = mysqlCreateTableStatement.IndexOf(tNameStartsAfter) + tNameStartsAfter.Length;
            string tName = mysqlCreateTableStatement.Substring(tNameStartsAfterIndex, (indexFirstOpenBracket - 1) - tNameStartsAfterIndex);

            tName          = RemoveAtStartAndEnd("`", tName);
            this.TableName = tName.ToLower();

            // -- column statements
            string allColumnStatements = mysqlCreateTableStatement.Substring(indexFirstOpenBracket, indexLastCloseBracket - indexFirstOpenBracket);

            // remove first open bracket
            allColumnStatements = allColumnStatements.Substring(1);
            string[] colStatements = allColumnStatements.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            List <DBColumnDescription> dbColumnDescriptions = new List <DBColumnDescription>();

            foreach (string rawColStatement in colStatements)
                string colStatement   = rawColStatement.Trim();
                int    firstTickIndex = colStatement.IndexOf("`", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                int    lastTickIndex  = colStatement.LastIndexOf("`", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);

                bool isKey = false;
                if (colStatement.IndexOf("PRIMARY KEY", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    isKey = true;
                else if (colStatement.IndexOf("UNIQUE KEY", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    isKey = true;
                else if (colStatement.IndexOf("UNIQUE INDEX", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    isKey = true;
                else if (colStatement.IndexOf("KEY `", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    isKey = true;

                if (!isKey && firstTickIndex >= 0 && lastTickIndex > firstTickIndex)
                    string cName = colStatement.Substring(0, lastTickIndex);
                    cName = RemoveAtStartAndEnd("`", cName);

                    DBColumnDescription c = new DBColumnDescription(cName, ExistsMode.MustExist);
            } // foreach colStatement

            this.Columns = dbColumnDescriptions.ToArray();