コード例 #1
 private void ComboDocNo_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Loading data into the form:
         using (DBAuditDataContext dc = new DBAuditDataContext())
             if (ComboDocNo.Text != "")
                 string   StrDocNo      = null;
                 DateTime?VarDatePay    = null;
                 int?     IntLocationID = null;
                 int?     IntEmployeeID = null;
                 string   StrLocation   = null;
                 string   StrEmployee   = null;
                 string   StrPerson     = null;
                 decimal? decimalAmount = null;
                 string   StrDesc       = null;
                 string   StrNotes      = null;
                 var      c             = dc.ProSelectCure(ComboDocNo.Text, ref StrDocNo, ref IntEmployeeID, ref IntLocationID, ref StrPerson, ref decimalAmount, ref VarDatePay, ref StrDesc, ref StrNotes);
                 TxtDocNo.Text = StrDocNo;
                 if (VarDatePay != null)
                     DatePayDate.Value = VarDatePay.Value;
                 var d = dc.ProGetLocationByID(IntLocationID, ref StrLocation);
                 ComboLocation.Text = StrLocation;
                 var x = dc.ProGetEmployeeByID(IntEmployeeID, ref StrEmployee);
                 ComboName.Text = StrEmployee;
                 TxtPerson.Text = StrPerson;
                 TxtAmount.Text = decimalAmount.ToString();
                 TxtDesc.Text   = StrDesc;
                 TxtNotes.Text  = StrNotes;
                 TxtDocNo.Text      = "";
                 TxtPerson.Text     = "";
                 ComboLocation.Text = "";
                 TxtAmount.Text     = "";
                 TxtDesc.Text       = "";
                 TxtNotes.Text      = "";
     catch (NullReferenceException)
         BtnDelete.Enabled = false;
     catch (InvalidOperationException)
         BtnDelete.Enabled = false;
     catch (Exception EX)
コード例 #2
 private void ImportData()
     //Retreive document details from database
         using (var dc = new DBAuditDataContext())
             if (ComboDocNo.SelectedIndex != -1 && ComboName.SelectedIndex != -1)
                 DateTime?varDatePay     = null;
                 int?     intLocationId  = null;
                 string   strLocation    = null;
                 string   strDestination = null;
                 string   strPeriod      = null;
                 decimal? doubleTrans    = null;
                 decimal? doubleTravel   = null;
                 string   strNotes       = null;
                 dc.ProSelectTransFee(ComboDocNo.SelectedValue.ToString(), ref varDatePay, ref intLocationId,
                                      int.Parse(ComboName.SelectedValue.ToString()), ref strDestination, ref strPeriod,
                                      ref doubleTrans, ref doubleTravel, ref strNotes);
                 if (varDatePay != null)
                     DatePay.Value = varDatePay.Value;
                 dc.ProGetLocationByID(intLocationId, ref strLocation);
                 ComboLocation.Text  = strLocation;
                 TxtDestination.Text = strDestination;
                 TxtPeriod.Text      = strPeriod;
                 TxtTrans.Text       = doubleTrans.ToString();
                 TxtTravel.Text      = doubleTravel.ToString();
                 TxtNotes.Text       = strNotes;
                 DatePay.Text = null;
                 ComboLocation.SelectedIndex = -1;
     catch (InvalidOperationException)
         DatePay.Value       = DateTime.Now;
         ComboLocation.Text  = "";
         TxtDestination.Text = "";
         TxtPeriod.Text      = "";
         TxtTrans.Text       = "";
         TxtTravel.Text      = "";
         TxtNotes.Text       = "";
         BtnDelete.Enabled   = false;
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #3
 private void ComboSetNo_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     FormatBtnUpdate(ComboSetNo, TxtSettlementNo, ComboLocation, TxtTotalAmount, TxtReason);
     // Loading data into form
         using (DBAuditDataContext dc = new DBAuditDataContext())
             if (ComboSetNo.Text != "")
                 string   StrSetNo      = null;
                 int?     IntLocID      = null;
                 string   StrLocation   = null;
                 DateTime?VarSetDate    = null;
                 decimal? DecimalAmount = null;
                 string   StrDetails    = null;
                 string   StrNotes      = null;
                 var      c             = dc.ProSelectSettlement(ComboSetNo.Text, ref StrSetNo, ref IntLocID, ref VarSetDate, ref DecimalAmount, ref StrDetails, ref StrNotes);
                 TxtSettlementNo.Text = StrSetNo;
                 var d = dc.ProGetLocationByID(IntLocID, ref StrLocation);
                 ComboLocation.Text = StrLocation;
                 if (VarSetDate != null)
                     DateSettlement.Value = VarSetDate.Value;
                     DateSettlement.Value = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtTotalAmount.Text = DecimalAmount.ToString();
                 TxtReason.Text      = StrDetails;
                 TxtNotes.Text       = StrNotes;
                 TxtSettlementNo.Text = null;
                 ComboLocation.Text   = null;
                 DateSettlement.Value = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtTotalAmount.Text  = null;
                 TxtReason.Text       = null;
                 TxtNotes.Text        = null;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
     catch (InvalidOperationException)
         DateSettlement.Value = DateTime.Now;
         BtnDelete.Enabled    = false;
     catch (Exception EX)
コード例 #4
 private void ImportData()
         // Loading data into the form:
         using (DBAuditDataContext dc = new DBAuditDataContext())
             if (ComboName.Text == "")
             string strName       = null;
             int?   intLocationId = null;
             string strLocation   = null;
             string strDegree     = null;
             string strPosition   = null;
             string strAdress     = null;
             string strTelephone  = null;
             string strNotes      = null;
             dc.ProSelectEmployee(int.Parse(ComboName.SelectedValue.ToString()), ref strName,
                                  ref intLocationId, ref strDegree, ref strPosition, ref strAdress, ref strTelephone,
                                  ref strNotes);
             dc.ProGetLocationByID(intLocationId, ref strLocation);
             TxtName.Text       = strName;
             ComboLocation.Text = strLocation;
             ComboDegree.Text   = strDegree;
             ComboPosition.Text = strPosition;
             TxtAddress.Text    = strAdress;
             TxtTelephone.Text  = strTelephone;
             TxtNotes.Text      = strNotes;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
     catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #5
        private void ComboDocNo_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Formatting the form:
            if (ComboDocNo.Text == "")
                BtnDelete.Enabled = false;
                BtnDelete.Enabled = true;

            if (ComboStatus.Text == "لم يتم تسويتها")
                if (ComboDocNo.Text == "" || ComboLocation.Text == "" || ComboEmployee.Text == "" || TxtTotalAmount.Text == "" || TxtPeriod.Text == "" || TxtReason.Text == "")
                    BtnUpdate.Enabled = false;
                    BtnUpdate.Enabled = true;
                if (ComboDocNo.Text == "" || ComboLocation.Text == "" || ComboEmployee.Text == "" || TxtTotalAmount.Text == "" || TxtPeriod.Text == "" || TxtReason.Text == "" || TxtChequeNo.Text == "" || TxtSettlementAmount.Text == "0")
                    BtnUpdate.Enabled = false;
                    BtnUpdate.Enabled = true;

            // Loading data into the form:
                using (DBAuditDataContext dc = new DBAuditDataContext())
                    if (ComboDocNo.Text != "")
                        DateTime?VarPayDate              = null;
                        int?     IntLocationID           = null;
                        string   StrLocation             = null;
                        int?     IntEmployeeID           = null;
                        string   StrEmployee             = null;
                        decimal? decimalTotalAmount      = null;
                        int?     IntPeriod               = null;
                        string   StrResason              = null;
                        string   StrStatues              = null;
                        DateTime?varSettlementDate       = null;
                        string   StrChequeNo             = null;
                        DateTime?VarChequeDate           = null;
                        DateTime?VarExpenseDate          = null;
                        DateTime?VarEndDate              = null;
                        decimal? decimalSettlementAmount = null;
                        int?     IntSettlementPEriod     = null;
                        decimal? decimalTax              = null;
                        decimal? decimalPenalty          = null;
                        decimal? decimalFees             = null;
                        decimal? decimalRevenues         = null;
                        decimal? decimalNetAmount        = null;
                        decimal? decimalTotalDiscount    = null;
                        decimal? decimalAmountToPay      = null;
                        decimal? decimalPaidAmount       = null;
                        string   StrBillNo               = null;
                        string   StrSettlementNo         = null;
                        string   StrNotes = null;
                        var      c        = dc.ProSelectTempLoan(ComboDocNo.Text, ref VarPayDate, ref IntLocationID, ref IntEmployeeID, ref decimalTotalAmount, ref IntPeriod, ref StrResason, ref StrStatues, ref varSettlementDate, ref StrChequeNo, ref VarChequeDate, ref VarExpenseDate, ref VarEndDate, ref decimalSettlementAmount, ref IntSettlementPEriod, ref decimalTax, ref decimalPenalty, ref decimalFees, ref decimalRevenues, ref decimalNetAmount, ref decimalTotalDiscount, ref decimalAmountToPay, ref decimalPaidAmount, ref StrBillNo, ref StrSettlementNo, ref StrNotes);
                        DatePayDate.Value = VarPayDate.Value;
                        var d = dc.ProGetLocationByID(IntLocationID, ref StrLocation);
                        ComboLocation.Text = StrLocation;
                        var x = dc.ProGetEmployeeByID(IntEmployeeID, ref StrEmployee);
                        ComboEmployee.Text  = StrEmployee;
                        TxtTotalAmount.Text = decimalTotalAmount.ToString();
                        TxtPeriod.Text      = IntPeriod.ToString();
                        TxtReason.Text      = StrResason;
                        ComboStatus.Text    = StrStatues;
                        if (varSettlementDate != null)
                            DateSettlement.Value = varSettlementDate.Value;
                        TxtChequeNo.Text = StrChequeNo;
                        if (VarChequeDate != null)
                            DateChequeDate.Value = VarChequeDate.Value;
                        if (VarExpenseDate != null)
                            DateChequeExpense.Value = VarExpenseDate.Value;
                        if (VarExpenseDate != null)
                            DateChequeExpense.Value = VarExpenseDate.Value;
                        if (VarEndDate != null)
                            DateEndDate.Value = VarEndDate.Value;
                        TxtSettlementAmount.Text = decimalSettlementAmount.ToString();
                        TxtSettlementPeriod.Text = IntSettlementPEriod.ToString();
                        TxtTax.Text           = decimalTax.ToString();
                        TxtPenalty.Text       = decimalPenalty.ToString();
                        TxtFees.Text          = decimalFees.ToString();
                        TxtRevenues.Text      = decimalRevenues.ToString();
                        TxtNetAmount.Text     = decimalNetAmount.ToString();
                        TxtTotalDiscount.Text = decimalTotalDiscount.ToString();
                        TxtAmountToPay.Text   = decimalAmountToPay.ToString();
                        TxtPaidAmount.Text    = decimalPaidAmount.ToString();
                        TxtBill.Text          = StrBillNo;
                        TxtSettlementNo.Text  = StrSettlementNo;
                        TxtNotes.Text         = StrNotes;
                        DatePayDate.Value        = DateTime.Now;
                        ComboLocation.Text       = "";
                        ComboEmployee.Text       = "";
                        TxtTotalAmount.Text      = "";
                        TxtPeriod.Text           = "";
                        TxtReason.Text           = "";
                        ComboStatus.Text         = "";
                        DateSettlement.Value     = DateTime.Now;
                        TxtChequeNo.Text         = "";
                        DateChequeDate.Value     = DateTime.Now;
                        DateChequeExpense.Value  = DateTime.Now;
                        DateEndDate.Value        = DateTime.Now;
                        TxtSettlementAmount.Text = "";
                        TxtSettlementPeriod.Text = "";
                        TxtTax.Text           = "";
                        TxtPenalty.Text       = "";
                        TxtFees.Text          = "";
                        TxtRevenues.Text      = "";
                        TxtNetAmount.Text     = "";
                        TxtTotalDiscount.Text = "";
                        TxtAmountToPay.Text   = "";
                        TxtPaidAmount.Text    = "";
                        TxtBill.Text          = "";
                        TxtSettlementNo.Text  = "";
                        TxtNotes.Text         = "";
            catch (NullReferenceException)
            catch (InvalidOperationException)
                DatePayDate.Value        = DateTime.Now;
                ComboLocation.Text       = "";
                ComboEmployee.Text       = "";
                TxtTotalAmount.Text      = "";
                TxtPeriod.Text           = "";
                TxtReason.Text           = "";
                ComboStatus.Text         = "";
                DateSettlement.Value     = DateTime.Now;
                TxtChequeNo.Text         = "";
                DateChequeDate.Value     = DateTime.Now;
                DateChequeExpense.Value  = DateTime.Now;
                DateEndDate.Value        = DateTime.Now;
                TxtSettlementAmount.Text = "";
                TxtSettlementPeriod.Text = "";
                TxtTax.Text           = "";
                TxtPenalty.Text       = "";
                TxtFees.Text          = "";
                TxtRevenues.Text      = "";
                TxtNetAmount.Text     = "";
                TxtTotalDiscount.Text = "";
                TxtAmountToPay.Text   = "";
                TxtPaidAmount.Text    = "";
                TxtBill.Text          = "";
                TxtSettlementNo.Text  = "";
                TxtNotes.Text         = "";
                BtnDelete.Enabled     = false;
            catch (Exception EX)
コード例 #6
 private void ComboDocNo_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //Formatting Form:
     if (ComboDocNo.Text == "")
         BtnDelete.Enabled = false;
         BtnDelete.Enabled = true;
     if (TxtPredicationOrder.Text == "" || ComboLocation.Text == "" || ComboContractor.Text == "" ||
         TxtExcuteOrder.Text == "" || TxtPeriod.Text == "0" || ComboDocNo.Text == "" ||
         TxtOperation.Text == "" || TxtAmount.Text == "0" || ComboReservedRefund.Text == "" ||
         ComboInsuranceRefund.Text == "" || TxtJustAmount.Text == "")
         BtnUpdate.Enabled = false;
         BtnUpdate.Enabled = true;
     // Loading data to form:
         using (DBAuditDataContext dc = new DBAuditDataContext())
             if (ComboDocNo.Text != "")
                 int?     IntLocationID         = null;
                 int?     IntContractorID       = null;
                 string   StrExcuteOrder        = null;
                 DateTime?VarExcuteDate         = null;
                 string   StrPredicationOder    = null;
                 DateTime?VarPredicationDate    = null;
                 int?     IntPeriod             = null;
                 DateTime?VarStartDate          = null;
                 DateTime?VarEndDate            = null;
                 int?     IntActualPeriod       = null;
                 string   StrName               = null;
                 decimal? DecimalValue          = null;
                 DateTime?VarDatePay            = null;
                 decimal? DecimalTaxRate        = null;
                 decimal? DecimalTaxValue       = null;
                 decimal? DecimalTransFeesRate  = null;
                 decimal? DecimalTransFeesValue = null;
                 decimal? DecimalInsuranceRate  = null;
                 decimal? DecimalInsuranceValue = null;
                 string   StrInsuranceRefund    = null;
                 decimal? DecimalReservedRate   = null;
                 decimal? DecimalReservedValue  = null;
                 string   StrReservedRefund     = null;
                 decimal? DecimalBusinessFees   = null;
                 decimal? DecimalTotalDiscount  = null;
                 decimal? DecimalNetAmount      = null;
                 string   StrJustAmount         = null;
                 string   StrReservedDocNo      = null;
                 DateTime?VarReservedPayDate    = null;
                 decimal? DecimalResDiscPercent = null;
                 decimal? DecimalResDiscount    = null;
                 decimal? DecimalResPaid        = null;
                 string   StrInsDocNo           = null;
                 DateTime?varInsurancePayDate   = null;
                 decimal? DecimalInsDiscPercent = null;
                 decimal? DecimalInsDiscount    = null;
                 decimal? DecimalInsurancePaid  = null;
                 string   StrNotes              = null;
                 string   StrLocation           = null;
                 string   StrContractor         = null;
                 dc.ProSelectProject(ref IntLocationID, ref IntContractorID, ref StrExcuteOrder,
                                     ref VarExcuteDate, ref StrPredicationOder, ref VarPredicationDate, ref IntPeriod,
                                     ComboDocNo.SelectedValue.ToString(), ref VarStartDate, ref VarEndDate, ref IntActualPeriod, ref StrName,
                                     ref DecimalValue, ref VarDatePay, ref DecimalTaxRate, ref DecimalTaxValue,
                                     ref DecimalTransFeesRate, ref DecimalTransFeesValue, ref DecimalInsuranceRate,
                                     ref DecimalInsuranceValue, ref StrInsuranceRefund, ref DecimalReservedRate,
                                     ref DecimalReservedValue, ref StrReservedRefund, ref DecimalBusinessFees,
                                     ref DecimalTotalDiscount, ref DecimalNetAmount, ref StrJustAmount, ref StrReservedDocNo,
                                     ref VarReservedPayDate, ref DecimalResDiscPercent, ref DecimalResDiscount,
                                     ref DecimalResPaid, ref StrInsDocNo, ref varInsurancePayDate, ref DecimalInsDiscPercent,
                                     ref DecimalInsDiscount, ref DecimalInsurancePaid, ref StrNotes);
                 TxtExcuteOrder.Text         = StrExcuteOrder;
                 DateExcuteOrder.Value       = VarExcuteDate.Value;
                 TxtPredicationOrder.Text    = StrPredicationOder;
                 DatePredicationOreder.Value = VarPredicationDate.Value;
                 TxtPeriod.Text            = IntPeriod.ToString();
                 DateStart.Value           = VarStartDate.Value;
                 DateEnd.Value             = VarEndDate.Value;
                 TxtActualPeriod.Text      = IntActualPeriod.ToString();
                 TxtOperation.Text         = StrName;
                 TxtAmount.Text            = DecimalValue.ToString();
                 DatePay.Value             = VarDatePay.Value;
                 TxtTaxRate.Text           = DecimalTaxRate.ToString();
                 TxtTaxAmount.Text         = DecimalTaxValue.ToString();
                 TxtTransRate.Text         = DecimalTransFeesRate.ToString();
                 TxtTransAmount.Text       = DecimalTransFeesValue.ToString();
                 TxtInsurRate.Text         = DecimalInsuranceRate.ToString();
                 TxtInsurAmount.Text       = DecimalInsuranceValue.ToString();
                 ComboReservedRefund.Text  = StrInsuranceRefund;
                 TxtReservedRate.Text      = DecimalReservedRate.ToString();
                 TxtReservedAmount.Text    = DecimalReservedValue.ToString();
                 ComboInsuranceRefund.Text = StrReservedRefund;
                 TxtBusinessFees.Text      = DecimalBusinessFees.ToString();
                 TxtTotalDiscount.Text     = DecimalTotalDiscount.ToString();
                 TxtNetAmount.Text         = DecimalNetAmount.ToString();
                 TxtJustAmount.Text        = StrJustAmount;
                 TxtReservedDocNo.Text     = StrReservedDocNo;
                 if (VarReservedPayDate != null)
                     DateResevedPay.Value = VarReservedPayDate.Value;
                     DateResevedPay.Value = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtResDiscountPercentage.Text = DecimalResDiscPercent.ToString();
                 TxtResDiscountAmount.Text     = DecimalResDiscount.ToString();
                 TxtReservedPaid.Text          = DecimalResPaid.ToString();
                 TxtInsuranceDocNo.Text        = StrInsDocNo;
                 if (varInsurancePayDate != null)
                     DateInsurancePay.Value = varInsurancePayDate.Value;
                     DateInsurancePay.Value = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtInsurDiscountPercentage.Text = DecimalInsDiscPercent.ToString();
                 TxtInsuranceDiscountAmount.Text = DecimalInsDiscount.ToString();
                 TxtInsurancePaid.Text           = DecimalInsurancePaid.ToString();
                 TxtNotes.Text = StrNotes;
                 DatePay.Value = VarDatePay.Value;
                 var d = dc.ProGetLocationByID(IntLocationID, ref StrLocation);
                 ComboLocation.Text = StrLocation;
                 var x = dc.ProGetContractorByID(IntContractorID, ref StrContractor);
                 ComboContractor.Text = StrContractor;
                 TxtNotes.Text        = StrNotes;
                 ComboLocation.Text        = "";
                 ComboContractor.Text      = "";
                 TxtExcuteOrder.Text       = "";
                 DateExcuteOrder.Value     = DatePredicationOreder.Value =
                     DateStart.Value       = DateEnd.Value = DatePay.Value = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtPredicationOrder.Text  = "";
                 TxtPeriod.Text            = "0";
                 TxtActualPeriod.Text      = "";
                 TxtOperation.Text         = "";
                 TxtAmount.Text            = "0.00";
                 TxtTaxAmount.Text         = "0.00";
                 TxtTransAmount.Text       = "0.00";
                 TxtInsurAmount.Text       = "0.00";
                 ComboReservedRefund.Text  = "";
                 TxtReservedAmount.Text    = "0.00";
                 ComboInsuranceRefund.Text = "";
                 TxtBusinessFees.Text      = "0.00";
                 TxtTotalDiscount.Text     = "0.00";
                 TxtNetAmount.Text         = "0.00";
                 TxtJustAmount.Text        = "";
                 TxtReservedDocNo.Text     = null;
                 DateResevedPay.Value      = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtResDiscountPercentage.Text   = null;
                 TxtResDiscountAmount.Text       = null;
                 TxtReservedPaid.Text            = null;
                 TxtInsuranceDocNo.Text          = null;
                 DateInsurancePay.Value          = DateTime.Now;
                 TxtInsurDiscountPercentage.Text = null;
                 TxtInsuranceDiscountAmount.Text = null;
                 TxtInsurancePaid.Text           = null;
                 TxtNotes.Text = null;
     catch (NullReferenceException)
     catch (InvalidOperationException IEX)
         ComboLocation.Text        = "";
         ComboContractor.Text      = "";
         TxtExcuteOrder.Text       = "";
         DateExcuteOrder.Value     = DatePredicationOreder.Value =
             DateStart.Value       = DateEnd.Value = DatePay.Value = DateTime.Now;
         TxtPredicationOrder.Text  = "";
         TxtPeriod.Text            = "0";
         TxtActualPeriod.Text      = "";
         TxtOperation.Text         = "";
         TxtAmount.Text            = "0.00";
         TxtTaxAmount.Text         = "0.00";
         TxtTransAmount.Text       = "0.00";
         TxtInsurAmount.Text       = "0.00";
         ComboReservedRefund.Text  = "";
         TxtReservedAmount.Text    = "0.00";
         ComboInsuranceRefund.Text = "";
         TxtBusinessFees.Text      = "0.00";
         TxtTotalDiscount.Text     = "0.00";
         TxtNetAmount.Text         = "0.00";
         TxtJustAmount.Text        = "";
         TxtReservedDocNo.Text     = null;
         DateResevedPay.Value      = DateTime.Now;
         TxtResDiscountPercentage.Text   = null;
         TxtResDiscountAmount.Text       = null;
         TxtReservedPaid.Text            = null;
         TxtInsuranceDocNo.Text          = null;
         DateInsurancePay.Value          = DateTime.Now;
         TxtInsurDiscountPercentage.Text = null;
         TxtInsuranceDiscountAmount.Text = null;
         TxtInsurancePaid.Text           = null;
         TxtNotes.Text     = "";
         BtnDelete.Enabled = false;
     catch (Exception EX)
         ComboLocation.Text        = "";
         ComboContractor.Text      = "";
         TxtExcuteOrder.Text       = "";
         DateExcuteOrder.Value     = DatePredicationOreder.Value =
             DateStart.Value       = DateEnd.Value = DatePay.Value = DateTime.Now;
         TxtPredicationOrder.Text  = "";
         TxtPeriod.Text            = "0";
         TxtActualPeriod.Text      = "";
         TxtOperation.Text         = "";
         TxtAmount.Text            = "0.00";
         TxtTaxAmount.Text         = "0.00";
         TxtTransAmount.Text       = "0.00";
         TxtInsurAmount.Text       = "0.00";
         ComboReservedRefund.Text  = "";
         TxtReservedAmount.Text    = "0.00";
         ComboInsuranceRefund.Text = "";
         TxtBusinessFees.Text      = "0.00";
         TxtTotalDiscount.Text     = "0.00";
         TxtNetAmount.Text         = "0.00";
         TxtJustAmount.Text        = "";
         TxtReservedDocNo.Text     = null;
         DateResevedPay.Value      = DateTime.Now;
         TxtResDiscountPercentage.Text   = null;
         TxtResDiscountAmount.Text       = null;
         TxtReservedPaid.Text            = null;
         TxtInsuranceDocNo.Text          = null;
         DateInsurancePay.Value          = DateTime.Now;
         TxtInsurDiscountPercentage.Text = null;
         TxtInsuranceDiscountAmount.Text = null;
         TxtInsurancePaid.Text           = null;
         TxtNotes.Text     = "";
         BtnDelete.Enabled = false;