GetDataTable() public static method

public static GetDataTable ( string sql ) : DataTable
sql string
return DataTable
コード例 #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string id       = Request.Params["id"];
        string username = Session["username"].ToString();
        //string id = "44";

        DB        db = new DB();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();
        DataTable dd = new DataTable();

        if (id != null && id != "")
            string sql = "select PNAME,PNUMBER,PLANFLAG,DESICHIEF from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
            dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);

        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            planDesigner.Value = dt.Rows[0]["DESICHIEF"].ToString();
            PName.Value        = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
            PNumber.Value      = dt.Rows[0]["PNUMBER"].ToString();
            planflag.Value     = dt.Rows[0]["PLANFLAG"].ToString();
            string sql_blue = "select FILES,BZ from T_CONSTRUCTION where SPECIALPERSON='" + username + "' and PNAME='" + dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString() + "'";
            dd = db.GetDataTable(sql_blue);
            if (dd.Rows.Count > 0)
                hd_BlueGraph.Value = dd.Rows[0]["FILES"].ToString();
                B_BZ.Value         = dd.Rows[0]["BZ"].ToString();
コード例 #2
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string id = Request.Params["id"];

        hd_id.Value = id;
        string    username = Session["username"].ToString();
        DB        db       = new DB();
        DataTable dt       = new DataTable();
        DataTable dd       = new DataTable();

        if (id != null && id != "")
            string sql = "select MAJORDELEGATEDATE_R from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
            dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            commissionFlag.Value = dt.Rows[0]["MAJORDELEGATEDATE_R"].ToString() != "" ? "0" : "";
            string sql_workload = "select * from T_WORKLOADSUBMIT where W_PID=" + id + " and W_NAME='" + username + "'";
            dd = db.GetDataTable(sql_workload); //数据源
            if (dd.Rows.Count > 0)
                selfWorkload.Value = "1";
                selfWorkload.Value = "0";
コード例 #3
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string id = Request.Params["id"];
            //string id = "44";

            DB        db   = new DB();
            DataTable dt   = new DataTable();
            DataTable t_dt = new DataTable();
            if (id != null && id != "")
                string sql = "select * from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
                dt = db.GetDataTable(sql);     //数据源
                string t_sql = "select BUDGETADJUSTCYCLE from T_PLANTEMPLATE_C where TEMPNAME='" + dt.Rows[0]["BUDGETTEMPLATE"].ToString() + "'";
                t_dt = db.GetDataTable(t_sql); //数据源
            hd_id.Value = id;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                PName.Value    = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
                PNumber.Value  = dt.Rows[0]["PNUMBER"].ToString();
                Remark.Value   = dt.Rows[0]["REMARK"].ToString();
                planflag.Value = dt.Rows[0]["PLANFLAG"].ToString();
            if (t_dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                BUDGETADJUSTDATE_P.Value = DateTime.Now.AddDays(int.Parse(t_dt.Rows[0]["BUDGETADJUSTCYCLE"].ToString())).ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "-");
コード例 #4
ファイル: TableShow.aspx.cs プロジェクト: snow9581/sichang
    public void InsertToQRD()
        DB        db  = new DB();
        DataTable dt  = db.GetDataTable("select * from T_INSTRUMENT_QRD where 1=2");
        DataTable dt2 = db.GetDataTable("select * from T_TABLE where FROMID='" + FROMID + "'");

        for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++)
            DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
            dr["JLQJMC"]   = dt2.Rows[i]["JLQJMC"].ToString();
            dr["GGXH"]     = dt2.Rows[i]["GGXH"].ToString();
            dr["JLLB"]     = dt2.Rows[i]["JLLB"].ToString();
            dr["JDWCSL"]   = dt2.Rows[i]["SL"].ToString();
            dr["JDHGSL"]   = dt2.Rows[i]["SL"].ToString();
            dr["JLQJSYDW"] = dt2.Rows[i]["SYDW"].ToString();
            dr["JLQJJDDW"] = dt2.Rows[i]["JDDW"].ToString();
            dr["JDDJ"]     = "";
            dr["JDFYHJ"]   = "";
            dr["TSQKSM"]   = dt2.Rows[i]["SM"].ToString();
        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            string str_id = "select SEQ_Table.nextval from dual";
            string id     = db.GetDataTable(str_id).Rows[0][0].ToString();
                            dt.Rows[i]["JLQJMC"].ToString() + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["GGXH"].ToString() + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JLLB"].ToString()
                            + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JDWCSL"].ToString() + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JDHGSL"].ToString() + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JLQJSYDW"].ToString()
                            + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JLQJJDDW"].ToString() + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JDDJ"].ToString() + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["JDFYHJ"].ToString()
                            + "','" + dt.Rows[i]["TSQKSM"].ToString() + "','" + id + "','" + FROMID + "')";
コード例 #5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string id       = Request.Params["id"];
            string username = Session["username"].ToString();
            //string id = "44";

            DB        db = new DB();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            DataTable dd = new DataTable();
            if (id != null && id != "")
                string sql = "select * from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
                dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
            hd_id.Value = id;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                PName.Value    = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
                PNumber.Value  = dt.Rows[0]["PNUMBER"].ToString();
                planflag.Value = dt.Rows[0]["PLANFLAG"].ToString();
                string sql_workload = "select W_FILE from T_WORKLOADSUBMIT where W_PID=" + id + " and W_NAME='" + username + "'";
                dd = db.GetDataTable(sql_workload); //数据源
                if (dd.Rows.Count > 0)
                    hd_WorkloadFile.Value = dd.Rows[0]["W_FILE"].ToString();
コード例 #6
 private void BrakUpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetIncumbentName()");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox2.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("select exampleProduct_id as ex from exampleProduct");
     comboBox2.DisplayMember = "ex";
     comboBox2.ValueMember   = "ex";
コード例 #7
        public DataTable LayThongTinPhieuNhapHangTheoHangHoa(string tungay, string denngay)
            string sql = string.Format("select pbh.MaPBH as[ChungTu], pbh.NgayLap as [Ngay], ctpbh.MaSanPham as [MaHang], ctpbh.TenSanPham as [TenHang], ctpbh.DonVi as[DonVi], " +
                                       "kh.TenKH as [KhoHang], ctpbh.SoLuong as[SoLuong], ctpbh.DonGia as [DonGia], ctpbh.ThanhTien as [ThanhTien], ctpbh.CK as [CK], khang.TenKH as[KhachHang] " +
                                       "from PhieuBanHang pbh, CT_Phieu_Ban_Hang ctpbh, KhoHang kh, KhachHang khang " +
                                       "where pbh.MaPBH = ctpbh.MaPhieuBanHang and pbh.MaKH = khang.MaKH and pbh.MaKho = kh.MaKH and NgayLap between '{0}' and '{1}'", tungay, denngay);

コード例 #8
 private void OperationsInsertForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetDetailName()");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox2.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetMachineName()");
     comboBox2.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox2.ValueMember   = "id";
コード例 #9
 private void MachineInsertForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetWorckplaceName()");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox2.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetTypeName()");
     comboBox2.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox2.ValueMember   = "id";
コード例 #10
 private void ProductInsertForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetOperationName()");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox3.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetIncumbentName()");
     comboBox3.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox3.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox2.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("select ex.exampleProduct_id as id FROM exampleproduct");
コード例 #11
 private void ExProductUpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox3.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetIncumbentName()");
     comboBox3.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox3.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox1.DataSource    =
         dataBase.GetDataTable("select d.detail_name as name,d.detail_id as id from detail as d");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
コード例 #12
 private void IncumbentInsertForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource =
             "select w.work_position_id as id, w.work_position_name as name from work_position as w");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox3.DataSource    =
         dataBase.GetDataTable("select w.workplace_id as id,w.workplace_name as name from workplace as w");
     comboBox3.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox3.ValueMember   = "id";
コード例 #13
 private void SetMachineForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetWorckplaceName()");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox1.Text          = _wid;
     comboBox2.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetTypeName()");
     comboBox2.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox2.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox2.Text          = _tid;
     textBox1.Text           = _inv.ToString();
     textBox2.Text           = _name;
     label6.Text             = id.ToString();
コード例 #14
 private void ProductUpdateForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     comboBox1.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetOperationName()");
     comboBox1.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox1.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox3.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("call GetIncumbentName()");
     comboBox3.DisplayMember = "name";
     comboBox3.ValueMember   = "id";
     comboBox2.DataSource    = dataBase.GetDataTable("select exampleProduct_id as id FROM exampleproduct");
     comboBox2.DisplayMember = "id";
     comboBox2.ValueMember   = "id";
     textBox1.Text           = _startDate;
     label6.Text             = _id.ToString();
コード例 #15
        public void createTableExel1()
            var       excelApp = new Application();
            Workbook  workBook;
            Worksheet workSheet;
            var       table = dB.GetDataTable("call GetRealProizvDetail()");

            workBook  = excelApp.Workbooks.Add();
            workSheet = (Worksheet)workBook.Worksheets.get_Item(1);
            var rng2 = workSheet.Range[workSheet.Cells[1, 1],
                                       workSheet.Cells[table.Rows.Count + 1, table.Columns.Count]];

            CreateExelTable(table, rng2, workSheet, excelApp);
            CreateChartObjectP(100, 100, 300, 300, rng2, workSheet, "Диаграмма заверш деталей");
コード例 #16
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string index = Request.Params["index"];

        hd_index.Value = index;
        string id        = Request.Params["id"];
        string userlevel = Convert.ToString(Session["userlevel"]);

        userLevel.Value = userlevel;
        DB        db = new DB();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        if (id != null && id != "")
            string sql = "select GDGG from T_PIPECORROSION where id=" + id;
            dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                string GDGG = dt.Rows[0]["GDGG"].ToString();
                if (GDGG != "")
                    GDGG = GDGG.Remove(0, 1);
                    string[] sArray1 = GDGG.Split('×');
                    GDGG1.Value = sArray1[0];
                    GDGG2.Value = sArray1[1];
コード例 #17
ファイル: input_Repair.aspx.cs プロジェクト: snow9581/sichang
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         DW.Value = Session["KM"].ToString();
         string x = Context.Request.Params["ID"];
         if (x != null)
             int       ID = Convert.ToInt32(x);
             DB        db = new DB();
             DataTable dt = db.GetDataTable("select * from T_INSTRUREPAIR where ID=" + ID);
             DW.Value      = dt.Rows[0]["DW"].ToString();
             WXLB.Value    = dt.Rows[0]["WXLB"].ToString();
             azwz1.Value   = dt.Rows[0]["AZWZ"].ToString();
             yqybmc1.Value = dt.Rows[0]["YQYBMC"].ToString();
             ggxh1.Value   = dt.Rows[0]["GGXH"].ToString();
             RQ.Value      = Convert.ToDateTime(dt.Rows[0]["RQ"].ToString()).ToShortDateString();
             TextBox1.Text = dt.Rows[0]["GZXX"].ToString();
             SHR.InnerText = "审核人:" + dt.Rows[0]["SHR"].ToString();
             SPR.InnerText = "审批人:" + dt.Rows[0]["SPR"].ToString();
             Session["ID"] = ID;
             Session["DR"] = dt.Rows[0];
             int ID = -1;
             Session["ID"] = ID;
コード例 #18
ファイル: planReturn.aspx.cs プロジェクト: snow9581/sichang
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         string id = Request.Params["id"];
         //string id = "1";
         string    Name           = "";
         string    Source         = "";
         string    estiInvestment = "";
         string    checkopinion   = "";
         DB        db             = new DB();
         DataTable dt             = new DataTable();
         if (id != null && id != "")
             string sql = "select PNAME,PSOURCE,ESTIINVESTMENT,CHECKOPINION from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
             dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
         if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
             Name           = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
             Source         = dt.Rows[0]["PSOURCE"].ToString();
             estiInvestment = dt.Rows[0]["ESTIINVESTMENT"].ToString();
             checkopinion   = dt.Rows[0]["CHECKOPINION"].ToString();
         hd_id.Value          = id;
         PName.Value          = Name;
         PSource.Value        = Source;
         EstiInvestment.Value = estiInvestment;
         CHECKOPINION.Value   = checkopinion;
コード例 #19
        public override DataTable GetSymbolList(string Exchange, string ConditionId, string Key, string Sort, int StartRecords, int MaxRecords)
            string    Sql = "select distinct a.QuoteCode from StockData a " + GetWhere(Exchange, ConditionId, Key) + " order by a.QuoteCode";
            DataTable dt  = DB.GetDataTable(Sql, null, StartRecords, MaxRecords);

コード例 #20
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         string id = Request.Params["id"];
         //string id = "44";
         hd_id.Value = id;
         DB        db = new DB();
         DataTable dt = new DataTable();
         if (id != null && id != "")
             string sql = "select PNAME,PSOURCE,REMARK,DESICHIEF,MAJORPROOFREADER,TEMPLATE_B,to_char(INITIALDESISUBMITDATE_P,'yyyy-mm-dd'),to_char(WORKLOADSUBMITDATE_P,'yyyy-mm-dd'),to_char(MAJORDELEGATEDATE_P,'yyyy-mm-dd') from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
             dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
         if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
             PName.Value                   = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
             PSource.Value                 = dt.Rows[0]["PSOURCE"].ToString();
             Remark.Value                  = dt.Rows[0]["REMARK"].ToString();
             DESICHIEF.Value               = dt.Rows[0]["DESICHIEF"].ToString();
             MAJORPROOFREADER.Value        = dt.Rows[0]["MAJORPROOFREADER"].ToString();
             MAJORDELEGATEDATE_P.Value     = dt.Rows[0]["to_char(MAJORDELEGATEDATE_P,'yyyy-mm-dd')"].ToString();
             WORKLOADSUBMITDATE_P.Value    = dt.Rows[0]["to_char(WORKLOADSUBMITDATE_P,'yyyy-mm-dd')"].ToString();
             INITIALDESISUBMITDATE_P.Value = dt.Rows[0]["to_char(INITIALDESISUBMITDATE_P,'yyyy-mm-dd')"].ToString();
             PTemplate.Value               = dt.Rows[0]["TEMPLATE_B"].ToString();
コード例 #21
    protected void GetActiveCustomers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Hashtable State = (Hashtable)HttpRuntime.Cache[Session.SessionID];
        string NoActiveUsersList = Server.MapPath("../../") + @"\App_Data\NoActiveUsersList.txt";
        string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(NoActiveUsersList);
        Hashtable NoActiveUsersTable = new Hashtable();
        foreach (string line in lines)
            NoActiveUsersTable[line] = true;


        Util util = new Util();
            //Instantiate an instance of license and set the license file through its path

           string  query = "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE last_use_date_time>SUBDATE(NOW(),INTERVAL " + ActiveUsersDaysLoggedIn.Text + " DAY) AND n_logins>=" + ActiveUsersMinNLogins.Text;

            DB db = new DB();
            DataTable myDataTable = db.GetDataTable(query);

            Grid.DataSource = myDataTable;

        catch (Exception ex)
            util.ProcessMainExceptions(State, Response, ex);
コード例 #22
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string id = Request.Params["id"];
            //string id = "44";

            DB        db = new DB();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            if (id != null && id != "")
                dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
            hd_id.Value = id;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                PName.Value       = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
                PNumber.Value     = dt.Rows[0]["PNUMBER"].ToString();
                Remark.Value      = dt.Rows[0]["REMARK"].ToString();
                hd_planflag.Value = dt.Rows[0]["PLANFLAG"].ToString();
                DESIAPPROVALARRIVALDATE.Value       = dt.Rows[0]["to_char(DESIAPPROVALARRIVALDATE,'yyyy-mm-dd')"].ToString();
                hd_DesiApprFile.Value = dt.Rows[0]["DESIAPPRFILE"].ToString();
コード例 #23
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!this.IsPostBack)
         if (Session["username"] != null && Session["userpwd"] != null)
             Label1.Visible = true;
             user.Visible   = true;
             number.Visible = true;
             user.Text      = Session["username"].ToString();
             string    dbj    = "未读";
             string    sqlstr = "select * from b_message where jsf='" + Session["username"].ToString() + "'and dbj='" + dbj + "'";
             DB        db     = new DB();
             DataTable dt     = new DataTable();
             dt          = db.GetDataTable(sqlstr);
             number.Text = dt.Rows.Count.ToString();//判断是否已经存在数据如果已经存在执行语句,并将结果回number
             tuichu.Visible    = false;
             ToMessage.Visible = false;
             Label1.Visible    = true;
             user.Visible      = false;
             number.Visible    = false;
     //DB db1 = new DB();
     //string sql_getGonggao = "select nr from (select rownum rn, t.* from B_gonggao t order by fsrq desc) t1 where t1.rn=1";
     //System.Data.DataTable dt1 = db1.GetDataTable(sql_getGonggao);
コード例 #24
        public DataTable LayThongTinTonKho()
            string sql = "select hh.MaHH as[MaHang], kh.TenKH as [KhoHang], hh.TenHH as [TenHang], dv.TenDVT as[DonVi], hh.TonKhoHienTai as[SoLuong], nh.Ten_NH as[NhomHang], hh.ConQuanLy " +
                         " from KhoHang kh, HangHoa hh, DonViTinh dv, NhomHang nh where kh.MaKH = hh.MaKho and hh.MaDV = dv.MaDVT and hh.MaNH = nh.Ma_NH ";

コード例 #25
        public static void ClearTimeOfHistoricalData(object Sender)
            DataTable     dt  = DB.GetDataTable("select QuoteCode from stockdata");
            DBDataManager ddm = new DBDataManager();

            for (int j = 0; j < dt.Rows.Count; j++)
                DataRow dr   = dt.Rows[j];
                string  Code = dr["QuoteCode"].ToString();
                    CommonDataProvider cdp = (CommonDataProvider)ddm[Code];
                    if ((j % 100) == 0)
                        Tools.Log("Clear time of historical data progress:" + j + "/" + dt.Rows.Count);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Tools.Log("Clear time of histoical data:" + Code + ";" + e);
コード例 #26
 protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (!IsPostBack)
         string id       = Request.Params["id"];
         string username = Session["username"].ToString();
         //string id = "44";
         string    Name = "";
         DB        db   = new DB();
         DataTable dt   = new DataTable();
         DataTable dd   = new DataTable();
         if (id != null && id != "")
             string sql = "select PNAME from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
             dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
         if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
             Name = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
         hd_id.Value    = id;
         H_PName.Value  = Name;
         userName.Value = username;
コード例 #27
ファイル: BudgetAdjust.aspx.cs プロジェクト: snow9581/sichang
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string id = Request.Params["id"];
            //string id = "44";

            DB        db = new DB();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            if (id != null && id != "")
                string sql = "select * from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
                dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
            hd_id.Value = id;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                PName.Value              = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
                PNumber.Value            = dt.Rows[0]["PNUMBER"].ToString();
                DESIAPPRFILE.Value       = dt.Rows[0]["DESIAPPRFILE"].ToString();
                Remark.Value             = dt.Rows[0]["REMARK"].ToString();
                planflag.Value           = dt.Rows[0]["PLANFLAG"].ToString();
                hd_FinalBudgetFile.Value = dt.Rows[0]["FINALBUDGETFILE"].ToString();
コード例 #28
 protected void DataList1_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
     if (e.CommandName == "hf")
         if (Session["UserName"] != null && Session["Userpwd"] != null)
             HFNAME.Visible = true;
             string userlevel = (string)Session["userlevel"].ToString();
             string username  = (string)Session["UserName"].ToString();
             this.HFNAME.Text = username;
             ID.Text          = Request["id"];
             string index = Request.Params["index"];
             if (index != "" && userlevel != "普通用户")
                 this.form1.Attributes.Add("ReadOnly", "true");
                 ID.Text = (Convert.ToInt32(index + 1)).ToString();
             string    sql = "select BT from B_card where id='" + ID.Text + "'";
             DB        db  = new DB();
             DataTable dt  = new DataTable();
             dt           = db.GetDataTable(sql);
             this.BT.Text = (string)dt.Rows[0]["BT"];
             Response.Write("<script> alert('请先进行登录!');</script>");
コード例 #29
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string username  = Session["username"].ToString();
        string userlevel = Session["userlevel"].ToString();

        userLevel.Value = userlevel;
        km.Value        = Session["km"].ToString();
        if (userlevel != "3")
            string pid = Request.Params["id"].ToString();
            PID.Value = pid;
            string    sql = "select * from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + pid;
            DB        db  = new DB();
            DataTable dt  = db.GetDataTable(sql);
            if (dt.Rows[0]["SOLUCHIEF"].ToString() == username || dt.Rows[0]["DESICHIEF"].ToString() == username)
                jurisdiction.Value = "1";//确定权限,如果为方案负责人或设计负责人可以进行添加删除修改操作
                jurisdiction.Value = "0";
            PID.Value          = "";
            jurisdiction.Value = "0";
コード例 #30
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string index = Request.Params["index"];
        string id    = Request.Params["id"];

        hd_index.Value = index;
        string userlevel = Convert.ToString(Session["userlevel"]);

        userLevel.Value = userlevel;
        DB        db = new DB();
        DataTable dt = new DataTable();

        if (id != null && id != "")
            string sql = "select GGXH from T_HEATER where id=" + id;
            dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
        if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
            string GGXH = dt.Rows[0]["GGXH"].ToString();
            if (GGXH != "")
                GGXH = GGXH.Remove(0, 1);
                string[] sArray = GGXH.Split('×');
                GGXH1.Value = sArray[0];
                GGXH2.Value = sArray[1];
コード例 #31
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!IsPostBack)
            string id = Request.Params["id"];
            //string id = "44";

            DB        db = new DB();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            if (id != null && id != "")
                string sql = "select PNAME,PNUMBER,WORKLOADFILE,DRAFTBUDGETFILE,REMARK,PLANFLAG,to_char(INITIALDESISUBMITDATE_R,'yyyy-mm-dd') from T_PLANRUN_DTZ where PID=" + id;
                dt = db.GetDataTable(sql); //数据源
            hd_id.Value = id;
            if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                PName.Value                   = dt.Rows[0]["PNAME"].ToString();
                PNumber.Value                 = dt.Rows[0]["PNUMBER"].ToString();
                DraftBudgetFile.Value         = dt.Rows[0]["DRAFTBUDGETFILE"].ToString();
                Remark.Value                  = dt.Rows[0]["REMARK"].ToString();
                hd_planflag.Value             = dt.Rows[0]["PLANFLAG"].ToString();
                InitialDesiSubmitDate_R.Value = dt.Rows[0]["to_char(INITIALDESISUBMITDATE_R,'yyyy-mm-dd')"].ToString();
コード例 #32
    private void LoadData()
            Hashtable State = (Hashtable)HttpRuntime.Cache[Session.SessionID];
            DB db = new DB();
            DataTable myDataTable = db.GetDataTable("SELECT application_name, application_type, date_time_modified, production_date_time, status FROM applications WHERE customer_id='" + State["CustomerID"].ToString() +
                "' ORDER BY application_name");
            if (myDataTable.Rows.Count == 0)
                FirstView.Style.Value = "text-align:-moz-center";
                NormalView.Style.Value = "display:none";
                InfoTable.Style.Value = "display:none";
                MySolutions.DataSourceID = String.Empty;
            Util util = new Util();
            foreach (DataColumn column in myDataTable.Columns)
                        column.ColumnName = column.ColumnName.Replace("application", "app");
                column.ColumnName = util.CapitalizeWords(column.ColumnName.Replace("_", " "));

            //modify status values
           foreach(DataRow row in myDataTable.Rows)
               row[myDataTable.Columns.Count - 1] = row[myDataTable.Columns.Count - 1].ToString().Replace("/", " / ");

            //add delete column with each row getting an event
            myDataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("x"));

            MySolutions.DataSource = myDataTable;

            int index = 0;
            foreach (GridDataItem row in MySolutions.Items)
                ImageButton delete_button = new ImageButton();
                delete_button.ImageUrl = "~/images/delete_small.gif";
                delete_button.ID = "delete." + index.ToString();
                delete_button.ToolTip = "Delete this App";
                delete_button.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this app?');");
                int delete_cell_index = row.Cells.Count - 1;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw new Exception(ex.Message + ": " + ex.StackTrace);
コード例 #33
    protected void ViewAllCustomers_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Hashtable State = (Hashtable)HttpRuntime.Cache[Session.SessionID];

        Util util = new Util();
            //Instantiate an instance of license and set the license file through its path

            string query = "SELECT first_name, last_name, company, email, username, phone , registration_date_time FROM customers ";

            DB db = new DB();
            DataTable myDataTable = db.GetDataTable(query);

            Grid.DataSource = myDataTable;

        catch (Exception ex)
            util.ProcessMainExceptions(State, Response, ex);
コード例 #34
ファイル: Core.cs プロジェクト: jariz/SkypeStats
        public static void Init()
            Console.WindowWidth = Console.LargestWindowWidth - 25;
            Console.WindowHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight - 25;
            Console.Title = "SkypeStats - Debug Console";

            Out.WritePlain("SkypeStats by JariZ");


            Out.WriteLine("Searching for skype databases...");
            string[] Accounts = GetAccounts();

            TaskDialog chooser = new TaskDialog();
            chooser.InstructionText = "The following accounts were found on this computer";
            chooser.Text = "SkypeStats has found several accounts, which one do you want to analyse?";
            chooser.FooterCheckBoxText = "Load entire DB into memory and max out cache";

            string Account = "";
            foreach (string account in Accounts)
                TaskDialogCommandLink link = new TaskDialogCommandLink(Path.GetFileName(account), Path.GetFileName(account));
                link.Click += delegate(object send, EventArgs args) {
                    Account = ((TaskDialogCommandLink)send).Name;

            chooser.FooterText = "Loading everything into memory might be faster but requires a lot of RAM, only choose this if you know what you're doing";
            chooser.FooterIcon = TaskDialogStandardIcon.Information;


            MaxedOutMode = chooser.FooterCheckBoxChecked;

            Core.Account = Account;
            DatabasePath = SkypeAppData + "\\" + Account + "\\main.db";
            if (!File.Exists(DatabasePath))
                Failure("Database file not found, restart SkypeStats");

            Out.WriteDebug("DB path is " + DatabasePath + " and exists");

            Out.WriteDebug("Connecting to DB...");
                Database = new DB(DatabasePath);
            catch(Exception z)
                Out.WriteDebug("UNABLE TO CONNECT TO DB:");
                Out.WriteError(z.ToString(), z);
                Failure("Unable to connect to database file: " + z.Message);
            Out.WriteLine("Successfully connected to DB!");

            ProgressDialog progress = null;
            if (ProgDiag)
                Out.WriteDebug("Init progressdialog...");
                progress = new ProgressDialog(IntPtr.Zero);
                progress.Title = "SkypeStats";
                progress.Line1 = "Initializing...";
                progress.Line2 = " ";
                progress.Line3 = " ";

                //wait for progdiag to show up
                Thread splash = new Thread(SplashThread);

                while (Splash == null) { }

            Out.WriteDebug("Counting messages....");
            if (ProgDiag)
                progress.Line1 = "Counting messages...";
                progress.Value = 1337;
                Splash.Status = "Counting messages...";
                Splash.Value = 1337;
            MessageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Database.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Messages"));
            Out.WriteLine(MessageCount + " messages found!");

            Out.WriteDebug("Counting conversations....");
            if (ProgDiag)
                progress.Line1 = "Counting conversations...";
                progress.Value = 1337;
                Splash.Status = "Counting conversations...";
                Splash.Value = 1337;
            ConvoCount = Convert.ToInt32(Database.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Conversations"));
            Out.WriteLine(ConvoCount + " conversations found!");

            Out.WriteDebug("Counting contacts....");
            if (ProgDiag)
                progress.Line1 = "Counting contacts...";
                progress.Value = 1337;
                Splash.Status = "Counting contacts...";
                Splash.Value = 1337;
            ContactCount = Convert.ToInt32(Database.ExecuteScalar("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Contacts"));
            Out.WriteLine(ContactCount + " contacts found!");

            AnalysisStart = DateTime.Now;
            Out.WriteLine("Analysis started @ " + AnalysisStart.ToLongTimeString());

            Out.WriteLine("Analysing contacts...");
            if (ProgDiag)
                progress.Line1 = "Analysing contacts...";
                progress.Maximum = Convert.ToUInt32(ContactCount);
                progress.Value = 0;
                Splash.Status = "Analysing contacts...";
                Splash.Maximum = ContactCount;
                Splash.Value = 0;

            int limit = 0;
            int step = 1000;
            if (MaxedOutMode == true)
                step = int.MaxValue;

            string columns = Columns(ColumnType.Contact);
            Out.WriteDebug("Using " + columns + " columns.");

            while (limit < ContactCount)
                string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM Contacts LIMIT {1},{2}", columns, limit, limit + step);
                DataTable dt = Database.GetDataTable(query);

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    foreach (Stat stat in Stats)

                limit += step;
                if (ProgDiag) progress.Value += Convert.ToUInt32(step);
                else Splash.AddValue(step);

            Out.WriteLine("Analysing conversations...");
            if (ProgDiag)
                progress.Line1 = "Analysing conversations...";
                progress.Maximum = Convert.ToUInt32(ConvoCount);
                progress.Value = 0;
                Splash.Status = "Analysing conversations...";
                Splash.Maximum = ConvoCount;
                Splash.Value = 0;

            limit = 0;
            step = 1000;
            if (MaxedOutMode == true)
                step = int.MaxValue;

            columns = Columns(ColumnType.Convo);
            Out.WriteDebug("Using " + columns + " columns.");

            while (limit < ConvoCount)
                string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM Conversations WHERE type = 1 LIMIT {1},{2}", columns, limit, limit + step);
                DataTable dt = Database.GetDataTable(query);

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    foreach (Stat stat in Stats)

                limit += step;
                if (ProgDiag) progress.Value += Convert.ToUInt32(step);
                else Splash.AddValue(step);

            Out.WriteLine("Analysing messages...");
            if (ProgDiag)
                progress.Line1 = "Analysing messages...";
                progress.Maximum = Convert.ToUInt32(MessageCount);
                progress.Value = 0;
                Splash.Status = "Analysing messages...";
                Splash.Maximum = MessageCount;
                Splash.Value = 0;

            limit = 0;
            step = 10000;
            if (MaxedOutMode == true)
                step = int.MaxValue;
            columns = Columns(ColumnType.Message);
            Out.WriteDebug("Using " + columns + " columns.");
            while (limit < MessageCount)
                string query = string.Format("SELECT {0} FROM Messages LIMIT {1},{2}", columns, limit, limit + step);
                DataTable dt = Database.GetDataTable(query);

                foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
                    foreach (Stat stat in Stats)

                limit += step;
                if (ProgDiag) progress.Value += Convert.ToUInt32(step);
                else Splash.AddValue(step);

            AnalysisFinish = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime difference = new DateTime(AnalysisFinish.Ticks -  AnalysisStart.Ticks);

            Out.WriteLine(string.Format("Analysis finished in {0}s {1}ms", difference.Second, difference.Millisecond));

            if (ProgDiag) progress.CloseDialog();
            else Splash.Kill();

            System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run(new SkypeStats());