public void CheckNickName(string NickName) { DA_Common da = new DA_Common(); string sql = "select sCustomID from t_custom where sNickName='" + NickName + "'"; DataSet ds = da.CommonQuery(sql); if (BizCommon.IsNullDataSet(ds)) { Response.ContentType = "text/html"; Response.Write("恭喜,此昵称可以注册!"); } else { Response.ContentType = "text/html"; Response.Write("此昵称已经存在,请换一个!"); } }
public void CheckEmail(string Email) { DA_Common da = new DA_Common(); string sql = "select sCustomID from t_custom where sEmail='" + Email + "'"; DataSet ds = da.CommonQuery(sql); if (BizCommon.IsNullDataSet(ds)) { Response.ContentType = "text/html"; Response.Write("恭喜,此邮箱可以注册!"); } else { Response.ContentType = "text/html"; Response.Write("此邮箱已经存在,请换一个!"); } }
public static string GetRegionFullName(string provinceID, string cityID, string countryID) { string err = ""; string sql1 = "select sRegionName from t_region where sRegionID='" + provinceID + "'"; string sql2 = "select sRegionName from t_region where sRegionID='" + cityID + "'"; string sql3 = "select sRegionName from t_region where sRegionID='" + countryID + "'"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); DA_Common da = new DA_Common(); da.CommonQuery(ref ds, sql1, "T1", sql2, "T2", sql3, "T3", ref err); if (BizCommon.IsNullDataSet(ds)) return ""; string result = ""; if (ds.Tables["T1"].Rows.Count > 0) result = ds.Tables["T1"].Rows[0]["sRegionName"].ToString(); if (ds.Tables["T2"].Rows.Count > 0) result += " " + ds.Tables["T2"].Rows[0]["sRegionName"].ToString(); if (ds.Tables["T3"].Rows.Count > 0) result += " " + ds.Tables["T3"].Rows[0]["sRegionName"].ToString(); return result; }
public ActionResult ProductCustomer(string productcode) { string sql = "select t1.sCustomName,t1.sCellPhone,t1.sOrganID,t1.sEmail,t2.sOrganName " + " from T_Custom t1 " + " inner join T_ForeignOrgan t2 on t1.sOrganID=t2.sOrganID " + " where t2.sOrganID in(select sOrganID from T_Product where sProductCode='" + productcode + "')"; DA_Common da=new DA_Common(); DataSet ds = da.CommonQuery(sql); List<CustomModel> arrCustoms = new List<CustomModel>(); CustomModel m; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { m = new CustomModel(); m.CellPhone = dr["sCellPhone"].ToString(); m.CustomName = dr["sCustomName"].ToString(); m.Email = dr["sEmail"].ToString(); m.OrganID = dr["sOrganID"].ToString(); m.OrganName = dr["sOrganName"].ToString(); arrCustoms.Add(m); } return View(arrCustoms); }
List<SelectListItem> GetRegionList(string level, string parentid) { string sql = "select sRegionID,sRegionName,sParentID from t_region where nLevel=" + level; if (parentid != "") sql += " and sParentID='" + parentid + "'"; if (Convert.ToInt32(level) > 0 && parentid == "") sql += " and 1=2"; DA_Common da = new DA_Common(); DataSet ds = da.CommonQuery(sql); List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>(); items.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "--请选择--", Value = "" }); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { items.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = dr["sRegionName"].ToString(), Value = dr["sRegionID"].ToString() }); } return items; }
List<SelectListItem> GetOrganList(string regionid) { string sql = "select sOrganID,sOrganName from t_foreignorgan where sregionid='" + regionid + "'"; if (regionid == "") sql += " and 1=2"; DA_Common da = new DA_Common(); DataSet ds = da.CommonQuery(sql); List<SelectListItem> items = new List<SelectListItem>(); items.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = "--请选择--", Value = "" }); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { items.Add(new SelectListItem { Text = dr["sOrganName"].ToString(), Value = dr["sOrganID"].ToString() }); } return items; }