protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string table = "documento"; DASql DB = new DASql(this.GetSetting("sisget")); object oSDA = DB.objSqlResult(table, "table", "Reader"); sqlRes = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oSDA, Formatting.Indented); }
public ActionResult Index(FormCollection form) { string sql = "SELECT * FROM usuario WHERE nomuser='******' AND passuser='******'"; sql = String.Format(sql, form["nomuser"], form["passuser"]); DASql DB = new DASql(Extra.GetSetting <string>("DbDomain")); DataSet oSDA = (DataSet)DB.objSqlResult(sql, "sql", "Reader"); DataTable dtRes = oSDA.Tables["Table1"]; // Is User Valid if (dtRes.Rows.Count > 0) { // Llenamos el Usuario Model Usuario usu = new Usuario(); DataRow drRes = dtRes.Rows[0]; = (int)drRes["id"]; usu.nomape = (string)drRes["nomape"]; usu.nomuser = form["nomuser"]; usu.passuser = form["passuser"]; = (string)drRes["email"]; usu.ultLogin = (drRes["ultLogin"] == DBNull.Value)?DateTime.Now:(DateTime)drRes["ultLogin"]; usu.idRol = (int)drRes["idRol"]; usu.nomRol = (string)drRes["nomRol"]; usu.fecreg = (DateTime)drRes["fecreg"]; // Create a new ticket used for authentication FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( 1, // version: Ticket version usu.nomuser, // name: Username to be associated with this ticket DateTime.Now, // issueDate: Date/time issued - fecha Inicio DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), // expiration: Date/time to expire true, // isPersistent: "true" for a persistent user cookie (could be a checkbox on form) usu.nomRol, // User-data (the roles from this user record in our database) FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath ); // Path cookie is valid for // Hash the cookie for transport over the wire string hash = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); string defUrl = FormsAuthentication.DefaultUrl; // Hashed ticket // FormsCookieName: Name of auth cookie (it's the name specified in web.config) HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, hash); // Add the cookie to the list for outbound response Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); // Redirect to requested URL, or homepage if no previous page requested string returnUrl = Request.QueryString["ReturnUrl"]; if (returnUrl != null) { return(Redirect(returnUrl)); } if (defUrl != null && defUrl != "") { return(Redirect(defUrl)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Panel")); // Don't call the FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage since it could // replace the authentication ticket we just added... } else { ViewBag.sqlRes = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(oSDA, Formatting.Indented); ViewBag.msg = "Usuario o Clave incorrectos!"; return(View()); } }