コード例 #1
        private void CreateD2DRenderTargets()
            // Create a D2D render target which can draw into our offscreen D3D surface
            textureRenderTarget = d2DFactory.CreateGraphicsSurfaceRenderTarget(

            // Create a linear gradient brush for the 2D geometry
            GradientStopCollection gradientStops = textureRenderTarget.CreateGradientStopCollection(stopsGeometry, Gamma.StandardRgb, ExtendMode.Mirror);

            linearGradientBrush = textureRenderTarget.CreateLinearGradientBrush(
                new LinearGradientBrushProperties(
                    new Point2F(100, 0),
                    new Point2F(100, 200)),

            // create a black brush
            blackBrush = textureRenderTarget.CreateSolidColorBrush(new ColorF(GetColorValues(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black)));

            using (Stream stream = Application.ResourceAssembly.GetManifestResourceStream("Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.DirectX.Samples.tulip.jpg"))
                d2dBitmap = BitmapUtilities.LoadBitmapFromStream(

            gridPatternBitmapBrush         = CreateGridPatternBrush(textureRenderTarget);
            gridPatternBitmapBrush.Opacity = 0.5f;

コード例 #2
        private void CreateRenderTarget(Surface surface)
            // Create a D2D render target which can draw into our offscreen D3D
            // surface. D2D uses device independant units, like WPF, at 96/inch
            var properties = new RenderTargetProperties();

            properties.DpiX             = 96;
            properties.DpiY             = 96;
            properties.MinLevel         = FeatureLevel.Default;
            properties.PixelFormat      = new PixelFormat(Format.Unknown, AlphaMode.Premultiplied);
            properties.RenderTargetType = RenderTargetType.Default;
            properties.Usage            = RenderTargetUsages.None;

            // Assign result to temporary variable in case CreateGraphicsSurfaceRenderTarget throws
            RenderTarget target = _factory.CreateGraphicsSurfaceRenderTarget(surface, properties);

            if (_renderTarget != null)
            _renderTarget = target;
コード例 #3
        void CreateDeviceResources()
            uint width  = (uint)host.ActualWidth;
            uint height = (uint)host.ActualHeight;

            // If we don't have a device, need to create one now and all
            // accompanying D3D resources.

            Factory dxgiFactory = Factory.Create();

            SwapChainDescription swapDesc = new SwapChainDescription
                BufferDescription = new ModeDescription
                    Width       = width, Height = height,
                    Format      = Format.R8G8B8A8UNorm,
                    RefreshRate = new Rational {
                        Numerator = 60, Denominator = 1
                SampleDescription = new SampleDescription {
                    Count = 1, Quality = 0
                BufferUsage        = UsageOptions.RenderTargetOutput,
                BufferCount        = 1,
                OutputWindowHandle = host.Handle,
                Windowed           = true

            swapChain = dxgiFactory.CreateSwapChain(
                device, swapDesc);

            // Create rasterizer state object
            RasterizerDescription rsDesc = new RasterizerDescription();

            rsDesc.AntiAliasedLineEnable = false;
            rsDesc.CullMode              = CullMode.None;
            rsDesc.DepthBias             = 0;
            rsDesc.DepthBiasClamp        = 0;
            rsDesc.DepthClipEnable       = true;
            rsDesc.FillMode              = D3D10.FillMode.Solid;
            rsDesc.FrontCounterclockwise = false; // Must be FALSE for 10on9
            rsDesc.MultisampleEnable     = false;
            rsDesc.ScissorEnable         = false;
            rsDesc.SlopeScaledDepthBias  = 0;

            rasterizerState = device.CreateRasterizerState(

            device.RS.State = rasterizerState;

            // If we don't have a D2D render target, need to create all of the resources
            // required to render to one here.
            // Ensure that nobody is holding onto one of the old resources
            device.OM.RenderTargets = new OutputMergerRenderTargets(new RenderTargetView[] { null });

            InitializeDepthStencil(width, height);

            // Create views on the RT buffers and set them on the device
            RenderTargetViewDescription renderDesc = new RenderTargetViewDescription();

            renderDesc.Format        = Format.R8G8B8A8UNorm;
            renderDesc.ViewDimension = RenderTargetViewDimension.Texture2D;

            Texture2DRenderTargetView renderView = renderDesc.Texture2D;

            renderView.MipSlice  = 0;
            renderDesc.Texture2D = renderView;

            using (D3DResource spBackBufferResource = swapChain.GetBuffer <D3DResource>(0))
                renderTargetView = device.CreateRenderTargetView(

            device.OM.RenderTargets = new OutputMergerRenderTargets(new RenderTargetView[] { renderTargetView }, depthStencilView);

            SetViewport(width, height);

            // Create a D2D render target which can draw into the surface in the swap chain
            RenderTargetProperties props =
                new RenderTargetProperties(
                    RenderTargetType.Default, new PixelFormat(Format.Unknown, AlphaMode.Premultiplied),
                    96, 96, RenderTargetUsages.None, FeatureLevel.Default);

            // Allocate a offscreen D3D surface for D2D to render our 2D content into
            Texture2DDescription tex2DDescription = new Texture2DDescription
                ArraySize                    = 1,
                BindingOptions               = BindingOptions.RenderTarget | BindingOptions.ShaderResource,
                CpuAccessOptions             = CpuAccessOptions.None,
                Format                       = Format.R8G8B8A8UNorm,
                Height                       = 4096,
                Width                        = 512,
                MipLevels                    = 1,
                MiscellaneousResourceOptions = MiscellaneousResourceOptions.None,
                SampleDescription            = new SampleDescription {
                    Count = 1, Quality = 0
                Usage = Usage.Default

            offscreenTexture = device.CreateTexture2D(tex2DDescription);

            using (Surface dxgiSurface = offscreenTexture.GraphicsSurface)
                // Create a D2D render target which can draw into our offscreen D3D surface
                renderTarget = d2DFactory.CreateGraphicsSurfaceRenderTarget(

            PixelFormat alphaOnlyFormat = new PixelFormat(Format.A8UNorm, AlphaMode.Premultiplied);

            opacityRenderTarget = renderTarget.CreateCompatibleRenderTarget(CompatibleRenderTargetOptions.None,

            // Load pixel shader
            // Open precompiled vertex shader
            // This file was compiled using DirectX's SDK Shader compilation tool:
            // fxc.exe /T fx_4_0 /Fo SciFiText.fxo SciFiText.fx
            shader = LoadResourceShader(device, "SciFiTextDemo.SciFiText.fxo");

            // Obtain the technique
            technique = shader.GetTechniqueByName("Render");

            // Obtain the variables
            worldMatrixVariable     = shader.GetVariableByName("World").AsMatrix;
            viewMatrixVariable      = shader.GetVariableByName("View").AsMatrix;
            projectionMarixVariable = shader.GetVariableByName("Projection").AsMatrix;
            diffuseVariable         = shader.GetVariableByName("txDiffuse").AsShaderResource;

            // Create the input layout
            PassDescription passDesc = new PassDescription();

            passDesc = technique.GetPassByIndex(0).Description;

            vertexLayout = device.CreateInputLayout(

            // Set the input layout
            device.IA.InputLayout = vertexLayout;

            IntPtr verticesDataPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(VertexArray.VerticesInstance));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(VertexArray.VerticesInstance, verticesDataPtr, true);

            BufferDescription bd = new BufferDescription();

            bd.Usage                        = Usage.Default;
            bd.ByteWidth                    = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(VertexArray.VerticesInstance);
            bd.BindingOptions               = BindingOptions.VertexBuffer;
            bd.CpuAccessOptions             = CpuAccessOptions.None;
            bd.MiscellaneousResourceOptions = MiscellaneousResourceOptions.None;

            SubresourceData InitData = new SubresourceData {
                SystemMemory = verticesDataPtr

            vertexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(bd, InitData);


            // Set vertex buffer
            uint stride = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SimpleVertex));
            uint offset = 0;

                new D3DBuffer[] { vertexBuffer },
                new uint[] { stride },
                new uint[] { offset }

            IntPtr indicesDataPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(VertexArray.IndicesInstance));

            Marshal.StructureToPtr(VertexArray.IndicesInstance, indicesDataPtr, true);

            bd.Usage                        = Usage.Default;
            bd.ByteWidth                    = (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(VertexArray.IndicesInstance);
            bd.BindingOptions               = BindingOptions.IndexBuffer;
            bd.CpuAccessOptions             = CpuAccessOptions.None;
            bd.MiscellaneousResourceOptions = MiscellaneousResourceOptions.None;

            InitData.SystemMemory = indicesDataPtr;

            facesIndexBuffer = device.CreateBuffer(


            // Set primitive topology
            device.IA.PrimitiveTopology = PrimitiveTopology.TriangleList;

            // Convert the D2D texture into a Shader Resource View
            textureResourceView = device.CreateShaderResourceView(

            // Initialize the world matrices
            worldMatrix = Matrix4x4F.Identity;

            // Initialize the view matrix
            Vector3F Eye = new Vector3F(0.0f, 0.0f, 13.0f);
            Vector3F At  = new Vector3F(0.0f, -3.5f, 45.0f);
            Vector3F Up  = new Vector3F(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

            viewMatrix = Camera.MatrixLookAtLH(Eye, At, Up);

            // Initialize the projection matrix
            projectionMatrix = Camera.MatrixPerspectiveFovLH(
                (float)Math.PI * 0.1f,
                width / (float)height,

            // Update Variables that never change
            viewMatrixVariable.Matrix = viewMatrix;

            projectionMarixVariable.Matrix = projectionMatrix;

            GradientStop[] gradientStops =
                new GradientStop(0.0f, new ColorF(GetColorValues(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Yellow))),
                new GradientStop(1.0f, new ColorF(GetColorValues(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Black)))

            GradientStopCollection spGradientStopCollection = renderTarget.CreateGradientStopCollection(
                gradientStops, Gamma.StandardRgb, ExtendMode.Clamp);

            // Create a linear gradient brush for text
            textBrush = renderTarget.CreateLinearGradientBrush(
                new LinearGradientBrushProperties(new Point2F(0, 0), new Point2F(0, -2048)),