コード例 #1
ファイル: FileHelper.cs プロジェクト: radtek/codeword
            //                                                 //
            // ScanForFileSignatures()                         //
            //                                                 //
            //Description:  Scans all logical drives for the given
            //              file signatures.
            //Returns:      nothing; side-effect on passed-in results
            internal void ScanForFileSignatures(CwXML.FileSignature[] FileSignatures, ref CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[] matches)
                //get list of logical drives
                string[]  drives     = Environment.GetLogicalDrives();
                int       numMalware = 0;
                ArrayList matchList;
                ArrayList matchRecordsList = new ArrayList();

                AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Drives:  " + string.Join(",", drives));

                //loop through all our disk drives - returns it as C:\, D:\, F:\
                foreach (string drive in drives)
                    AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Scanning " + drive + "...");

                    //loop through all signatures
                    foreach (CwXML.FileSignature signature in FileSignatures)
                        //perform search based on parameters above (some may be empty)
                            matchList = FileSearch(drive, signature.FileName, signature.FileHash, signature.FileHashType, signature.FileSize.ToString(), signature.FilePEHeaderSignature);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Failed to scan drive:  " + ex.Message);
                            break; //dont continue scanning for signatures on this drive.

                        AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  There were " + matchList.Count.ToString() + " matches for this signature.");

                        //if we got a match, add those results to our array of arrays
                        if (matchList.Count > 0)
                            AgentScanLog.AppendLine("file search matches:  " + string.Join(",", (string[])matchList.ToArray(typeof(string))));

                            foreach (string fullPathToMatch in matchList)
                                //get info about this file
                                FileInfo f;
                                    f = new FileInfo(fullPathToMatch);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Error querying file '" + fullPathToMatch + "':  " + ex.Message);

                                CwXML.FileSignatureMatch fm = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch();
                                fm.FileName = f.Name;
                                fm.FileSize = f.Length;
                                fm.FullPath = f.FullName;
                                //if no file hash was specified in the signature, create one now (MD5 only)
                                if (signature.FileHash == "")
                                    fm.FileHash     = GetMD5HashOfFile(f.FullName);
                                    fm.FileHashType = "MD5";
                                    fm.FileHash     = signature.FileHash;
                                    fm.FileHashType = signature.FileHashType;
                                //if PE header signature was given in signature, save it
                                if (signature.FilePEHeaderSignature != "")
                                    fm.FilePEHeaderSignature = signature.FilePEHeaderSignature;
                                fm.Action = signature.Action;
                                //get various file attribs
                                fm.FileLastAccessDate   = f.LastAccessTime.ToLongDateString();
                                fm.FileLastModifiedDate = f.LastWriteTime.ToLongDateString();
                                fm.FileCreationDate     = f.CreationTime.ToLongDateString();

                                //add it to list

                    AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Scan of " + drive + " complete (" + numMalware.ToString() + " malicious files found).");
                    numMalware = 0;

                //we've scanned all disks for all file signatures.
                //if we got matches, create a match record for them
                if (matchRecordsList.Count > 0)
                    matches = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[matchRecordsList.Count];
                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (CwXML.FileSignatureMatch matchRecord in matchRecordsList)
                        matches[i] = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch();
                        matches[i] = matchRecord;
                    matches = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[0];
コード例 #2
        //                                                 //
        // GetMitigateItems()                              //
        //                                                 //
        //Description:  Crawls the GUI listview controls that
        //              hold the registry, file and memory
        //              signature matches.  It builds an XML
        //              structure from these values in preparation
        //              for sending them to the agent for mitigation.
        //Returns:      void
        private CwXML.CodewordAgentSignatureMatches GetCollectMitigateItems(ref string outputMessage, string mitigateOrCollectMsg)
            int numRegMitigate = 0,numFileMitigate=0,numMemMitigate=0;
            int count = 0;
            bool mitigateAll = false;
            CwXML.CodewordAgentSignatureMatches matches = new CwXML.CodewordAgentSignatureMatches();
            outputMessage = "";

            //          CALCULATE COUNTS
            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in AgentResults_RegistryListview.Items)
                if (lvi.Checked)
            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in AgentResults_FileListview.Items)
                if (lvi.Checked)
            foreach (ListViewItem lvi in AgentResults_MemoryListview.Items)
                if (lvi.Checked)

            //if there were no items selected, prompt to mitigate all findings
            if ((numRegMitigate + numFileMitigate + numMemMitigate) == 0)
                if (MessageBox.Show("No findings were selected.  Would you like to "+mitigateOrCollectMsg+" all findings?", mitigateOrCollectMsg+" all findings?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question) != DialogResult.Yes)
                    return null;
                numRegMitigate = AgentResults_RegistryListview.Items.Count;
                numFileMitigate = AgentResults_FileListview.Items.Count;
                numMemMitigate = AgentResults_MemoryListview.Items.Count;
                mitigateAll = true;

            CwXML.RegistrySignatureMatch[] regMatchesToMitigate = new CwXML.RegistrySignatureMatch[numRegMitigate];
            CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[] fileMatchesToMitigate = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[numFileMitigate];
            CwXML.MemorySignatureMatch[] memMatchesToMitigate = new CwXML.MemorySignatureMatch[numMemMitigate];

            //              REGISTRY
            if (numRegMitigate > 0)
                outputMessage += "Registry findings (" + numRegMitigate + "):\n";

                //build list of registry signature matches to mitigate
                foreach (ListViewItem lvi in AgentResults_RegistryListview.Items)
                    if (!lvi.Checked && !mitigateAll)

                    //add to display based on action selected for this finding
                    outputMessage += "     " + lvi.SubItems[0].Text + "\\" + lvi.SubItems[1] + " :  " + lvi.SubItems[5].Text + "\n";

                    regMatchesToMitigate[count] = new CwXML.RegistrySignatureMatch();
                    regMatchesToMitigate[count].RegistryKeyName = lvi.SubItems[0].Text;
                    regMatchesToMitigate[count].RegistryValueName = lvi.SubItems[1].Text;
                    regMatchesToMitigate[count].RegistryValueData = lvi.SubItems[2].Text;
                    regMatchesToMitigate[count].RegistryChangeValueData = lvi.SubItems[3].Text;
                        regMatchesToMitigate[count].IsFileOnDisk = bool.Parse(lvi.SubItems[4].Text);
                    catch (Exception)
                        regMatchesToMitigate[count].IsFileOnDisk = false;
                    regMatchesToMitigate[count].Action = lvi.SubItems[5].Text;
                        regMatchesToMitigate[count].ActionSuccessful = bool.Parse(lvi.SubItems[6].Text);
                    catch (Exception)
                        regMatchesToMitigate[count].ActionSuccessful = false;
                count = 0;

            //              FILE
            if (numFileMitigate > 0)
                outputMessage += "File findings (" + numFileMitigate + "):\n";

                //build list of registry signature matches to mitigate
                foreach (ListViewItem lvi in AgentResults_FileListview.Items)
                    if (!lvi.Checked && !mitigateAll)

                    //add to display based on action selected for this finding
                    if (lvi.SubItems[0].Text != "") //filename
                        outputMessage += "     " + lvi.SubItems[1].Text + " :  " + lvi.SubItems[8].Text + "\n";
                    else if (lvi.SubItems[3].Text != "") //hash
                        outputMessage += "     [Hash=" + lvi.SubItems[3].Text + "] :  " + lvi.SubItems[8].Text + "\n";
                    else if (lvi.SubItems[2].Text != "") //filesize
                        outputMessage += "     [FileSize=" + lvi.SubItems[2].Text + "] :  " + lvi.SubItems[8].Text + "\n";

                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count] = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch();
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FileName = lvi.SubItems[0].Text;
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FullPath = lvi.SubItems[1].Text;
                    long.TryParse(lvi.SubItems[2].Text, out fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FileSize);
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FileHash = lvi.SubItems[3].Text;
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FilePEHeaderSignature = lvi.SubItems[4].Text;
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FileCreationDate = lvi.SubItems[5].Text;
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FileLastAccessDate = lvi.SubItems[6].Text;
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].FileLastModifiedDate = lvi.SubItems[7].Text;
                    fileMatchesToMitigate[count].Action = lvi.SubItems[8].Text;
                        fileMatchesToMitigate[count].ActionSuccessful = bool.Parse(lvi.SubItems[9].Text);
                    catch (Exception)
                        fileMatchesToMitigate[count].ActionSuccessful = false;
                count = 0;

            //              MEMORY
            if (numMemMitigate > 0)
                outputMessage += "Memory findings (" + numMemMitigate + "):\n";

                //build list of registry signature matches to mitigate
                foreach (ListViewItem lvi in AgentResults_MemoryListview.Items)
                    if (!lvi.Checked && !mitigateAll)

                    outputMessage += "     " + lvi.SubItems[2].Text + " (" + lvi.SubItems[0].Text + ") :  " + lvi.SubItems[7].Text;

                    //we cant populate all the fields of the memorysignaturematch structure,
                    //because we didn't populate the GUI listview with all these fields (there are too many)
                    //however, memory mitigation consists of killing the process by name/pid or suspending the thread.
                    //so we dont need all that crap anyway.
                    memMatchesToMitigate[count] = new CwXML.MemorySignatureMatch();
                    uint.TryParse(lvi.SubItems[0].Text, out memMatchesToMitigate[count].ProcessId);
                    uint.TryParse(lvi.SubItems[1].Text, out memMatchesToMitigate[count].ParentProcessId);
                    memMatchesToMitigate[count].ProcessName = lvi.SubItems[2].Text;
                    memMatchesToMitigate[count].ChildThreadIds = lvi.SubItems[6].Text;
                    memMatchesToMitigate[count].Action = lvi.SubItems[7].Text;
                        memMatchesToMitigate[count].ActionSuccessful = bool.Parse(lvi.SubItems[8].Text);
                    catch (Exception)
                        memMatchesToMitigate[count].ActionSuccessful = false;

            matches.RegistrySignatureMatches = regMatchesToMitigate;
            matches.FileSignatureMatches = fileMatchesToMitigate;
            matches.MemorySignatureMatches = memMatchesToMitigate;

            return matches;
コード例 #3
ファイル: FileHelper.cs プロジェクト: kumaraguruv/codeword
            //                                                 //
            // ScanForFileSignatures()                         //
            //                                                 //
            //Description:  Scans all logical drives for the given
            //              file signatures.
            //Returns:      nothing; side-effect on passed-in results
            internal void ScanForFileSignatures(CwXML.FileSignature[] FileSignatures, ref CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[] matches)
                //get list of logical drives
                string[] drives = Environment.GetLogicalDrives();
                int numMalware=0;
                ArrayList matchList;
                ArrayList matchRecordsList=new ArrayList();

                AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Drives:  " + string.Join(",", drives));

                //loop through all our disk drives - returns it as C:\, D:\, F:\
                foreach (string drive in drives)
                    AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Scanning " + drive + "...");

                    //loop through all signatures
                    foreach (CwXML.FileSignature signature in FileSignatures)
                        //perform search based on parameters above (some may be empty)
                            matchList = FileSearch(drive, signature.FileName, signature.FileHash, signature.FileHashType, signature.FileSize.ToString(), signature.FilePEHeaderSignature);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Failed to scan drive:  " + ex.Message);
                            break; //dont continue scanning for signatures on this drive.

                        AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  There were "+matchList.Count.ToString()+" matches for this signature.");

                        //if we got a match, add those results to our array of arrays
                        if (matchList.Count > 0)
                            AgentScanLog.AppendLine("file search matches:  " + string.Join(",", (string[])matchList.ToArray(typeof(string))));

                            foreach (string fullPathToMatch in matchList)
                                //get info about this file
                                FileInfo f;
                                    f = new FileInfo(fullPathToMatch);
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Error querying file '" + fullPathToMatch + "':  " + ex.Message);

                                CwXML.FileSignatureMatch fm = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch();
                                fm.FileName = f.Name;
                                fm.FileSize = f.Length;
                                fm.FullPath = f.FullName;
                                //if no file hash was specified in the signature, create one now (MD5 only)
                                if (signature.FileHash == "")
                                    fm.FileHash = GetMD5HashOfFile(f.FullName);
                                    fm.FileHashType = "MD5";
                                    fm.FileHash = signature.FileHash;
                                    fm.FileHashType = signature.FileHashType;
                                //if PE header signature was given in signature, save it
                                if (signature.FilePEHeaderSignature != "")
                                    fm.FilePEHeaderSignature = signature.FilePEHeaderSignature;
                                fm.Action = signature.Action;
                                //get various file attribs
                                fm.FileLastAccessDate = f.LastAccessTime.ToLongDateString();
                                fm.FileLastModifiedDate = f.LastWriteTime.ToLongDateString();
                                fm.FileCreationDate = f.CreationTime.ToLongDateString();

                                //add it to list

                    AgentScanLog.AppendLine("SCAN:  Scan of " + drive + " complete (" + numMalware.ToString() + " malicious files found).");
                    numMalware = 0;

                //we've scanned all disks for all file signatures.
                //if we got matches, create a match record for them
                if (matchRecordsList.Count > 0)
                    matches = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[matchRecordsList.Count];
                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (CwXML.FileSignatureMatch matchRecord in matchRecordsList)
                        matches[i] = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch();
                        matches[i] = matchRecord;
                    matches = new CwXML.FileSignatureMatch[0];