private CustomizedMaterial buildCustomizedMaterial() { Material material = buildValidMaterial(); Finish selectedFinish = buildMatteFinish(); Color selectedColor = buildRedColor(); return(CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, selectedColor, selectedFinish)); }
public void ensureNotEqualCustomizedProductCollectionsAreNotEqual() { var category = new ProductCategory("It's-a-me again"); //Creating Dimensions Dimension heightDimension = new SingleValueDimension(21); Dimension widthDimension = new SingleValueDimension(30); Dimension depthDimension = new SingleValueDimension(17); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(heightDimension, widthDimension, depthDimension); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement }; //Creating a material string reference = "Just referencing"; string designation = "Doin' my thing"; List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); Color color = Color.valueOf("Goin' to church", 1, 2, 3, 0); Color color1 = Color.valueOf("Burro quando foge", 1, 2, 3, 4); colors.Add(color); colors.Add(color1); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Prayin'", 3); Finish finish2 = Finish.valueOf("Estragado", 9); finishes.Add(finish); finishes.Add(finish2); Material material = new Material(reference, designation, "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); materials.Add(material); IEnumerable <Material> matsList = materials; Product product = new Product("Kinda dead", "So tired", "riperino.gltf", category, matsList, measurements); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(21, 30, 17); //Customized Material CustomizedMaterial mat = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color1, finish2); CustomizedProduct cp = CustomizedProductBuilder .createCustomizedProduct("reference", product, customizedDimensions) .withMaterial(mat).build(); cp.finalizeCustomization(); List <CustomizedProduct> products = new List <CustomizedProduct>(); products.Add(cp); Assert.NotEqual(new CustomizedProductCollection("Mario", products), new CustomizedProductCollection("Luigi", products)); }
public void ensureApplyAllRestrictionsReturnsNullIfProductDoesNotObeyRestrictions() { ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("All Products"); Color black = Color.valueOf("Deep Black", 0, 0, 0, 0); Color white = Color.valueOf("Blinding White", 255, 255, 255, 0); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { black, white }; Finish glossy = Finish.valueOf("Glossy", 100); Finish matte = Finish.valueOf("Matte", 0); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { glossy, matte }; Material material = new Material("#001", "Really Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Material material2 = new Material("#002", "Expensive Wood", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); Dimension heightDimension = new SingleValueDimension(50); Dimension widthDimension = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>() { 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, 105 }); Dimension depthDimension = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(10, 25, 5); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(heightDimension, widthDimension, depthDimension); Product product = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material, material2 }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); Product product2 = new Product("Test", "Shelf", "shelf.glb", cat, new List <Material>() { material }, new List <Measurement>() { measurement }, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(4, 4, 4)); CustomizedDimensions customDimension = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(50, 80, 25); CustomizedMaterial customMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material2, white, matte); CustomizedProduct customizedProduct = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("reference", product, customDimension).build(); customizedProduct.changeCustomizedMaterial(customMaterial); customizedProduct.finalizeCustomization(); RestrictableImpl instance = new RestrictableImpl(); instance.addRestriction(new Restriction("same material", new SameMaterialAndFinishAlgorithm())); Assert.Null(instance.applyAllRestrictions(customizedProduct, product2)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialCantBeCreatedWithNullMaterial() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Adeus", 12); Action act = () => CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(null, color, finish); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialCanBeCreatedWithAFinishAndAMaterialOnly() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Ola", 12); Material material = new Material("#HELLO123", "designation", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); Assert.NotNull(CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, finish)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialCantBeCreatedWithNullFinish() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Material material = new Material("#eeee213", "designation", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { Finish.valueOf("Ola", 12) })); Action act = () => CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, null); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialCantBeCreatedWithNullColor() { Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Ola", 12); Material material = new Material("#verycoolreference", "designation", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { Color.valueOf("Ola", 1, 1, 1, 1) }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); Action act = () => CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, null, finish); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); }
private CustomizedProduct buildCustomizedProduct(string reference, CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions) { Finish matte = Finish.valueOf("Matte", 30); Color red = Color.valueOf("Red", 255, 0, 0, 0); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(buildMaterial(), red, matte); CustomizedProduct customizedProduct = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct(reference, buildProduct(), customizedDimensions) .withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); return(customizedProduct); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialCantHaveAFinishThatTheMaterialItReferencesDoesNotHave() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("finish", 12); Finish otherFinish = Finish.valueOf("im different", 23); Material material = new Material("#material", "designation", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); Action act = () => CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, otherFinish); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialWithFinishOnlyAndCustomizedMaterialWithColorAndFinishAreEqual() { Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Ola", 12); Color color = Color.valueOf("aerga", 1, 1, 1, 1); Material material = new Material("#aergaer", "aergae", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); CustomizedMaterial instance = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedMaterial other = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, finish); Assert.True(instance.Equals(other)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialsWithColorOnlyAreEqual() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("xa", 12); Material material = new Material("#dzone", "areae", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); CustomizedMaterial instance = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color); CustomizedMaterial other = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color); Assert.True(instance.Equals(other)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialsWithFinishOnlyWithDifferentFinishesAreNotEqual() { Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Ola", 12); Finish otherFinish = Finish.valueOf("bananas", 12); Color color = Color.valueOf("aerg", 1, 1, 1, 1); Material material = new Material("#aerga", "asdfsa", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish, otherFinish })); CustomizedMaterial instance = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, finish); CustomizedMaterial other = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, otherFinish); Assert.False(instance.Equals(other)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialsWithDifferentFinishesAreNotEqual() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("xa", 12); Finish otherFinish = Finish.valueOf("ax", 12); Material material = new Material("#dzone", "areae", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish, otherFinish })); CustomizedMaterial instance = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedMaterial other = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, otherFinish); Assert.False(instance.Equals(other)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialAndInstanceOfDifferentTypeAreNotEqual() { Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Acabamento polido", 12); Color color = Color.valueOf("Azul", 1, 1, 1, 1); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); colors.Add(color); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); finishes.Add(finish); Material material = new Material("1234", "Material", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); CustomizedMaterial custMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); Assert.False(custMaterial.Equals(finishes)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialsWithSameMaterialSameColorSameFinishAreEqual() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Azul", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Acabamento polido", 12); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); colors.Add(color); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); finishes.Add(finish); Material material = new Material("1234", "Material", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); CustomizedMaterial custMaterial1 = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedMaterial custMaterial2 = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); Assert.True(custMaterial1.Equals(custMaterial2)); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialsWithDifferentMaterialsAreNotEqual() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("xau", 12); Material material = new Material("#imdifferent", "aerg", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); Material otherMaterial = new Material("#imalsodifferent", "aerge", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); CustomizedMaterial instance = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedMaterial other = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(otherMaterial, color, finish); Assert.False(instance.Equals(other)); }
public void testToString() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Azul", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Acabamento polido", 12); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); colors.Add(color); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); finishes.Add(finish); Material material = new Material("1234", "Material", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); CustomizedMaterial custMaterial1 = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedMaterial custMaterial2 = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); Assert.Equal(custMaterial1.ToString(), custMaterial2.ToString()); }
public void ensureApplyRestrictsSingleValueDimensions() { Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("der alte wurfelt nicht", 20); Color color = Color.valueOf("Missing Link of the Annihilator: Absolute Zero", 100, 100, 100, 100); Material material = new Material("#12", "K6205", "12.jpg", new List <Color>() { color }, new List <Finish>() { finish }); ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("AI"); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(200), new SingleValueDimension(100), new SingleValueDimension(50)); Measurement measurement1 = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(100), new SingleValueDimension(200), new SingleValueDimension(50)); Measurement measurement2 = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(100), new SingleValueDimension(50), new SingleValueDimension(200)); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement, measurement1, measurement2 }; Product component = new Product("#16", "Altair of the Point at Infinity: Vega and Altair", "16.gltf", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements); Product product = new Product("#23", "Arclight of the Point at Infinity: Arclight of the Sky", "23.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements, new List <Product>() { component }); CustomizedDimensions customizedProductDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(200, 100, 50); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedProduct customizedProduct = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("12345", product, customizedProductDimensions).withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Input minInput = Input.valueOf("Minimum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Input maxInput = Input.valueOf("Maximum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Dictionary <Input, string> inputs = new Dictionary <Input, string>(); inputs.Add(minInput, "0.9"); inputs.Add(maxInput, "1.0"); algorithm.setInputValues(inputs); Product alteredProduct = algorithm.apply(customizedProduct, component); Assert.Single(alteredProduct.productMeasurements); double remainingValue = ((SingleValueDimension)alteredProduct.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width).value; Assert.True(remainingValue == 100); }
public void ensureApplyRemovesContinuousDimensions() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Open the Steins Gate", 100, 100, 100, 100); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("der alte wurfelt nicht", 15); Material material = new Material("#12", "K6205", "12.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("AI"); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous1 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(110.0, 150.0, 2.0); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous2 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(50.0, 80.0, 2.0); Measurement measurement1 = new Measurement(continuous1, continuous1, continuous1); Measurement measurement2 = new Measurement(continuous2, continuous2, continuous2); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous3 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(35.0, 45.0, 1.0); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous4 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(10.0, 20.0, 2.0); Measurement measurement3 = new Measurement(continuous3, continuous3, continuous3); Measurement measurement4 = new Measurement(continuous4, continuous4, continuous4); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement1, measurement2 }; List <Measurement> measurements2 = new List <Measurement>() { measurement3, measurement4 }; Product component2 = new Product("#24", "Milky Way Corssing", "5.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements2); Product component = new Product("#5", "Solitude of the Astigmatism: Entangled Sheep", "5.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements2, new List <Product>() { component2 }); Product product = new Product("#4", "Solitude of the Mournful Flow: A Stray Sheep", "4.gltf", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements, new List <Product>() { component }); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(110, 110, 110); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedProduct custom = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("12345", product, customizedDimensions).withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Input minInput = Input.valueOf("Minimum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Input maxInput = Input.valueOf("Maximum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Dictionary <Input, string> inputs = new Dictionary <Input, string>(); inputs.Add(minInput, "0.9"); inputs.Add(maxInput, "1.0"); algorithm.setInputValues(inputs); Assert.Null(algorithm.apply(custom, component)); }
private CustomizedProduct buildCustomizedProduct(string customizedProductReference) { var category = new ProductCategory("Drawers"); //Creating Dimensions List <Double> values2 = new List <Double>(); values2.Add(500.0); //Width DiscreteDimensionInterval d2 = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(values2); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(d2, d2, d2); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement }; //Creating a material string reference = "1160912"; string designation = "FR E SH A VOCA DO"; List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); Color color = Color.valueOf("AND READ-ER-BIBLE", 1, 2, 3, 0); colors.Add(color); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Amém", 12); finishes.Add(finish); Material material = new Material(reference, designation, "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); List <Material> materials = new List <Material>(); materials.Add(material); IEnumerable <Material> matsList = materials; Product product = new Product("#666", "Shelf", "shelf666.glb", category, matsList, measurements); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(500.0, 500.0, 500.0); //Customized Material CustomizedMaterial custMaterial1 = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); return(CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct(customizedProductReference, product, customizedDimensions).withMaterial(custMaterial1).build()); }
public void ensureChangeFinishDoesNotChangeFinishIfNewFinishIsNull() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Azul", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Acabamento polido", 12); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); colors.Add(color); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); finishes.Add(finish); Material material = new Material("1234", "Material", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); Action act = () => customizedMaterial.changeFinish(null); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); Assert.Equal(customizedMaterial.finish, finish); }
public void ensureChangeFinishChangesFinish() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Azul", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Acabamento polido", 12); Finish otherFinish = Finish.valueOf("Wax", 12); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); colors.Add(color); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>(); finishes.Add(finish); finishes.Add(otherFinish); Material material = new Material("1234", "Material", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); Assert.True(customizedMaterial.changeFinish(otherFinish)); Assert.NotEqual(customizedMaterial.finish, finish); }
public void ensureCreationIsSucessfulWithAValidCustomizedProductCollectionAndCustomizedProduct() { //Creates measurements and a material for the product List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { new Measurement(new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 }), new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <Double>() { 500.0 })) }; //Creates colors and finishes for the product's material list and customized product's customized material Color color = Color.valueOf("Blue", 1, 2, 3, 0); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>() { color }; Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("Super shiny", 90); List <Finish> finishes = new List <Finish>() { finish }; Material material = new Material("123", "456, how original", "ola.jpg", colors, finishes); //Creates a product for the customized product collection's customized product Product product = new Product("0L4", "H4H4", "goodmeme.glb", new ProductCategory("Drawers"), new List <Material>() { material }, measurements, ProductSlotWidths.valueOf(1, 5, 4)); Assert.NotNull(new CollectionProduct(new CustomizedProductCollection("Hang in there"), CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("reference", product, CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(500.0, 500.0, 500.0)) .withMaterial(CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish)).build())); }
public void ensureCustomizedMaterialCantHaveAColorThatTheMaterialItReferencesDoesNotHave() { Color color = Color.valueOf("ola", 1, 1, 1, 1); Color otherColor = Color.valueOf("adeus", 1, 1, 1, 1); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("finish", 12); Material material = new Material("#material", "designation", "ola.jpg", new List <Color>() { color }, new List <Finish>() { finish }); Action act = () => CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, otherColor, finish); Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(act); }
public void ensureApplyRemovesDiscreteDimensions() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Durpa", 100, 100, 100, 100); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("der alte wurfelt nicht", 35); Material material = new Material("#12", "K6205", "12.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("AI"); DiscreteDimensionInterval discrete = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>(new[] { 50.0, 110.0, 150.0 })); DiscreteDimensionInterval discrete2 = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>(new[] { 50.0, 150.0, 150.0 })); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(200), discrete, new SingleValueDimension(50)); Measurement measurement2 = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(200), discrete2, new SingleValueDimension(50)); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement }; List <Measurement> measurements2 = new List <Measurement>() { measurement2 }; Product component = new Product("#10", "Pandora of Provable Existence: Forbidden Cubicle", "10.gltf", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements2); Product product = new Product("#9", "Pandora of Eternal Return: Pandora's Box", "9.fbx", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements, new List <Product>() { component }); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(200, 110, 50); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedProduct custom = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("12345", product, customizedDimensions).withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Input minInput = Input.valueOf("Minimum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Input maxInput = Input.valueOf("Maximum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Dictionary <Input, string> inputs = new Dictionary <Input, string>(); inputs.Add(minInput, "0.9"); inputs.Add(maxInput, "1.0"); algorithm.setInputValues(inputs); Assert.Null(algorithm.apply(custom, component)); }
public void ensureApplyRemovesValuesFromDiscreteDimensions() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Epigraph of the Closed Curve: Close Epigraph", 100, 100, 100, 100); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("der alte wurfelt nicht", 20); Material material = new Material("#24", "K6205", "12.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("AI"); DiscreteDimensionInterval discrete = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>(new[] { 50.0, 90.0, 100.0, 150.0 })); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(200), discrete, new SingleValueDimension(50)); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement }; Product component = new Product("#13", "Mother Goose of Diffractive Recitavo: Diffraction Mother Goose", "13.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements); Product product = new Product("#12", "Mother Goose of Mutual Recursion: Recursive Mother Goose ", "12.fbx", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements, new List <Product>() { component }); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(200, 100, 50); CustomizedProduct custom = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("12345", product, customizedDimensions).withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Input minInput = Input.valueOf("Minimum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Input maxInput = Input.valueOf("Maximum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Dictionary <Input, string> inputs = new Dictionary <Input, string>(); inputs.Add(minInput, "0.9"); inputs.Add(maxInput, "1.0"); algorithm.setInputValues(inputs); Product alteredProduct = algorithm.apply(custom, component); DiscreteDimensionInterval discreteDimension = (DiscreteDimensionInterval)alteredProduct.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width; DiscreteDimensionInterval expected = new DiscreteDimensionInterval(new List <double>(new[] { 90.0, 100.0 })); Assert.True(discreteDimension.Equals(expected)); }
public void ensureApplyChangesContinuousDimensionsLimits() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Open the Missing Link", 100, 100, 100, 100); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("der alte wurfelt nicht", 20); Material material = new Material("#12", "K6205", "12.png", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("AI"); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(50.0, 150.0, 20.0); Measurement measurement = new Measurement(new SingleValueDimension(200), continuous, new SingleValueDimension(50)); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement }; Product component = new Product("#19", "Altair of the Cyclic Coordinate: Time-leap Machine", "19.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements); Product product = new Product("#18", "Altair of Translational Symmetry: Translational Symmetry", "18.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements, new List <Product>() { component }); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(200, 100, 50); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedProduct custom = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("12345", product, customizedDimensions).withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Input minInput = Input.valueOf("Minimum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Input maxInput = Input.valueOf("Maximum Percentage", "From 0 to 1"); Dictionary <Input, string> inputs = new Dictionary <Input, string>(); inputs.Add(minInput, "0.9"); inputs.Add(maxInput, "1.0"); algorithm.setInputValues(inputs); Product alteredProduct = algorithm.apply(custom, component); Assert.True(alteredProduct.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width.getMinValue() == 90); Assert.True(alteredProduct.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width.getMaxValue() == 100); Assert.True(((ContinuousDimensionInterval)alteredProduct.productMeasurements[0].measurement.width).increment == 10); }
public void ensureApplyFailsIfAlgorithmNotReady() { Color color = Color.valueOf("Open the Steins Gate", 100, 100, 100, 100); Finish finish = Finish.valueOf("der alte wurfelt nicht", 15); Material material = new Material("#12", "K6205", "12.jpg", new List <Color>(new[] { color }), new List <Finish>(new[] { finish })); ProductCategory cat = new ProductCategory("AI"); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous1 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(110.0, 150.0, 2.0); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous2 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(50.0, 80.0, 2.0); Measurement measurement1 = new Measurement(continuous1, continuous1, continuous1); Measurement measurement2 = new Measurement(continuous2, continuous2, continuous2); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous3 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(35.0, 45.0, 1.0); ContinuousDimensionInterval continuous4 = new ContinuousDimensionInterval(10.0, 20.0, 2.0); Measurement measurement3 = new Measurement(continuous3, continuous3, continuous3); Measurement measurement4 = new Measurement(continuous4, continuous4, continuous4); List <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>() { measurement1, measurement2 }; List <Measurement> measurements2 = new List <Measurement>() { measurement3, measurement4 }; Product component = new Product("#5", "Solitude of the Astigmatism: Entangled Sheep", "5.glb", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements2); Product product = new Product("#4", "Solitude of the Mournful Flow: A Stray Sheep", "4.gltf", cat, new List <Material>(new[] { material }), measurements, new List <Product>() { component }); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = CustomizedDimensions.valueOf(110, 110, 110); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, color, finish); CustomizedProduct custom = CustomizedProductBuilder.createCustomizedProduct("12345", product, customizedDimensions).withMaterial(customizedMaterial).build(); WidthPercentageAlgorithm algorithm = new WidthPercentageAlgorithm(); Action action = () => algorithm.apply(custom, component); Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(action); }
/// <summary> /// Transforms a customized product dto into a customized product via service /// </summary> /// <param name="customizedProductDTO">CustomizedProductDTO with the customized product dto being transformed</param> /// <returns>CustomizedProduct with the of customized products transformed from the dto</returns> public static CustomizedProduct transform(CustomizedProductDTO customizedProductDTO) { CustomizedProduct customizedProduct = null; string reference = customizedProductDTO.reference; string designation = customizedProductDTO.designation; //Fetch the product associated to this customized product by its id long productId =; Product product = PersistenceContext.repositories().createProductRepository().find(productId); //Fetch the material associated to the customized material long materialId =; Material material = PersistenceContext.repositories().createMaterialRepository().find(materialId); Finish customizedFinish = customizedProductDTO.customizedMaterialDTO.finish.toEntity(); Color customizedColor = customizedProductDTO.customizedMaterialDTO.color.toEntity(); CustomizedDimensions customizedDimensions = customizedProductDTO.customizedDimensionsDTO.toEntity(); CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, customizedColor, customizedFinish); //check if the dto contains slot information /* if (customizedProductDTO.slotListDTO == null) * { * customizedProduct = new CustomizedProduct(reference, designation, customizedMaterial, customizedDimensions, product); * } * else * { * //if the dto contains slot info, then create one with slots * List<Slot> slots = new SlotDTOService().transform(customizedProductDTO.slotListDTO).ToList(); * customizedProduct = new CustomizedProduct(reference, designation, customizedMaterial, customizedDimensions, product, slots); * } */ return(customizedProduct); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of CustomizedMaterial. /// </summary> /// <param name="addCustomizedMaterialModelView">AddCustomizedMaterialModelView representing the CustomizedMaterial's data.</param> /// <returns>An instance of CustomizedMaterial.</returns> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when no Material could be found with the provided identifier.</exception> public static CustomizedMaterial create(AddCustomizedMaterialModelView addCustomizedMaterialModelView) { MaterialRepository materialRepository = PersistenceContext.repositories().createMaterialRepository(); Material material = materialRepository.find(addCustomizedMaterialModelView.materialId); if (material == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format(ERROR_UNABLE_TO_FIND_MATERIAL, addCustomizedMaterialModelView.materialId)); } //TODO: replace usage of dto FinishDTO finishDTO = addCustomizedMaterialModelView.finish; ColorDTO colorDTO = addCustomizedMaterialModelView.color; if (finishDTO == null && colorDTO == null) { throw new ArgumentException(NULL_COLOR_AND_FINISH); } CustomizedMaterial customizedMaterial = null; if (finishDTO == null && colorDTO != null) { customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, colorDTO.toEntity()); } else if (finishDTO != null && colorDTO == null) { customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, finishDTO.toEntity()); } else { customizedMaterial = CustomizedMaterial.valueOf(material, colorDTO.toEntity(), finishDTO.toEntity()); } return(customizedMaterial); }