public async Task <IActionResult> EditProjectConfirm(ProjectClientViewModel model) { string nvm; try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ProjectList", new { notification = nvm })); } if (model != null) { var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); var doesExist = _dbProject.GetAll().Where(x => (x.Title == model.Title || x.LatinTitle.ToLower() == model.LatinTitle.ToLower()) && x.Id != model.Id).ToList(); if (doesExist.Count > 0) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.DuplicatedValue, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ProjectList", new { notification = nvm })); } var modifyingRecord = _dbProject.FindById(model.Id); if (modifyingRecord != null) { modifyingRecord.Title = model.Title; modifyingRecord.LatinTitle = model.LatinTitle; modifyingRecord.ProjectManagerFullName = model.ProjectManagerFullName; modifyingRecord.CategoryId = model.CategoryId; modifyingRecord.Price = model.Price > 0 ? model.Price : 0; modifyingRecord.Collaborators = model.Collaborators != null ? model.Collaborators : modifyingRecord.Collaborators; modifyingRecord.ClientId = model.ClientId; modifyingRecord.Technologies = model.Technologies; modifyingRecord.Starts = model.Starts != null?CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Starts ?? DateTime.Now) : DateTime.Now; modifyingRecord.Ends = model.Ends != null?CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Ends ?? DateTime.Now) : DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2); modifyingRecord.Description = model.Description; modifyingRecord.Status = model.Status; modifyingRecord.ModifiedByUsers = modifyingRecord.ModifiedByUsers + $" - ویرایش شده توسط: {currentUser.UserName} ، در مورخه: {CustomizeCalendar.GregorianToPersianDateTime(DateTime.Now)} \n "; _dbProject.Update(modifyingRecord); nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ProjectList", new { notification = nvm })); } } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ProjectList", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception ex) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ProjectList", new { notification = nvm })); } }
}//end AddProject public async Task <IActionResult> AddProjectConfirm(ProjectClientViewModel model) { string nvm; try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Add", new { notification = nvm })); } if (model != null) { var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); if (currentUser != null) { Projects newProject = new Projects() { Title = model.Title, LatinTitle = model.LatinTitle, Status = model.Status, CategoryId = model.CategoryId > 0 ? model.CategoryId : null, ClientId = model.ClientId > 0 ? model.ClientId : null, Collaborators = model.Collaborators, ProjectManagerFullName = model.ProjectManagerFullName, Description = model.Description, DefinedByUser = currentUser, Starts = model.Starts != null?CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Starts ?? DateTime.Now) : DateTime.Now, Ends = model.Ends != null?CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Ends ?? DateTime.Now) : DateTime.Now.AddMonths(2), Technologies = model.Technologies, Price = model.Price > 0 ? model.Price : 0 }; _dbProject.Insert(newProject); nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("AddProject", new { notification = nvm })); } } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("AddProject", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception ex) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("AddProject", new { notification = nvm })); } }//end AddProjectConfirm
public static string DateCode() { var p = CustomizeCalendar.GToPDateTime(DateTime.Now); Random rnd = new Random(); int r = rnd.Next(1, 999); string combinedText = $"{p.Ticks.ToString().Substring(0,11)}{r}"; //string combinedText = $"{p.Year.ToString().Substring(2,2)}{p.Month}{p.DayOfYear}{p.Hour}{p.Minute}{p.Second}"; if (combinedText.Length < 14) { for (int i = 0; i < 14 - combinedText.Length; i++) { combinedText = combinedText + "0"; } } return(combinedText); }
public async Task <IActionResult> EditUserConfirm(RegisterViewModel model) { string nvm; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } var editUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.UserName); if (editUser == null) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } var greDate = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Dateofbirth ?? DateTime.Now); //update user editUser.FirstName = model.Firstname; editUser.LastName = model.Lastname; editUser.Gendre = model.Gender.Value ? 1 : 0; editUser.DateOfBirth = greDate; editUser.PhoneNumber = model.Phonenumber; editUser.PhoneNumberConfirmed = model.PhoneConfirm; editUser.EmailConfirmed = model.EmailConfirm; editUser.Status = model.Status; var status = await _userManager.UpdateAsync(editUser); if (status.Succeeded) { //remove user from all roles var roles = await _userManager.GetRolesAsync(editUser); await _userManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(editUser, roles.ToArray()); //add to role await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(editUser, model.RoleName); nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> SignupConfirm(RegisterViewModel model) { string nvm; if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } var CurrentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.UserName); if (CurrentUser != null) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.DuplicatedValue, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } var greDate = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Dateofbirth ?? DateTime.Now); ApplicationUser NewUser = new ApplicationUser() { UserName = model.UserName, Email = model.UserName, FirstName = model.Firstname, LastName = model.Lastname, Gendre = model.Gender.Value ? 1 : 0, DateOfBirth = greDate, PhoneNumber = model.Phonenumber, PhoneNumberConfirmed = model.PhoneConfirm, EmailConfirmed = model.EmailConfirm, Status = model.Status, }; var status = await _userManager.CreateAsync(NewUser, model.Password); if (status.Succeeded) { await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(NewUser, model.RoleName); nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); }
}//end EditUser public async Task <IActionResult> EditUserConfirm(SignupViewModel model, List <IFormFile> img, string Id) { string nvm; var user = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(Id); var userModifier = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); try { if (user == null) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Record_Not_Exist, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } //check if other users want to change 'Admin' deny their access to do that var userModifierRoleId = _db.UserRoles.Where(x => x.UserId == userModifier.Id).FirstOrDefault().RoleId; var userModifierRoleName = _db.Roles.Where(x => x.Id == userModifierRoleId).FirstOrDefault().Name; var userRoleId = _db.UserRoles.Where(x => x.UserId == Id).FirstOrDefault().RoleId; var userRoleName = _db.Roles.Where(x => x.Id == userRoleId).FirstOrDefault().Name; if (userModifierRoleName != "Admin" && userRoleName == "Admin") { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Access_denied, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } if (model.CurrentPassword != null && model.NewPassword != null && model.ConfirmNewPassword != null) { if (userModifier == user || userModifierRoleName == "Admin") { var statusPasswordChange = await _userManager.ChangePasswordAsync(user, model.CurrentPassword, model.NewPassword); } } //Get Backup From The User Into 'UserModified' Table var userJSONForBackup = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(user); using (var transaction = _db.Database.BeginTransaction()) { UserModified UM = new UserModified() { LastUserBackupJson = userJSONForBackup, ModifedByUserId = userModifier.Id, UserId = user.Id, Comment = "Edited by " + userModifier.UserName }; _dbUserModified.Insert(UM); var greDate = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Dateofbirth ?? DateTime.Now); user.FirstName = model.Firstname; user.LastName = model.Lastname; user.Email = model.Email; user.PhoneNumber = model.Phonenumber; user.SpecialUser = model.Specialuser; //user.Status = model.Status; user.DateOfBirth = greDate; if (model.Gender == true) { user.Gendre = 1; //male } else if (model.Gender == false) { user.Gendre = 2; //female } else { user.Gendre = null; //not specified } if (userRoleName != model.RoleName) { if (userModifierRoleName != "Admin") { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Access_denied, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } } //only admin can disable other users if (userModifierRoleName == "Admin") { //"*****@*****.**" will never be disable if (user.UserName == MainAdmin) { user.Status = model.Status; //change user role IdentityResult rol_status_1 = new IdentityResult(), rol_status_2 = new IdentityResult(); if (userRoleName != model.RoleName) { rol_status_1 = await _userManager.RemoveFromRoleAsync(user, userRoleName); rol_status_2 = await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, model.RoleName); } } else { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Access_denied, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } } //-------------------------------- if (img.Count > 0) { //disable the last images of the user var doesUserHaveImage = _db.UserImage.Where(x => x.UserId == Id).ToList(); if (doesUserHaveImage.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in doesUserHaveImage) { var lastImagesOfUser = _dbUserImage.FindById(item.Id); lastImagesOfUser.Status = false; lastImagesOfUser.Comment = $"Edited by {userModifier.UserName}"; _db.UserImage.Update(lastImagesOfUser); } } //-------------------------------- //add new image of the user UserImage userImage = new UserImage() { UserId = Id, Caption = model.Lastname + "_" + DateTime.Now }; img.ForEach(x => { if (x != null) { byte[] b = new byte[x.Length]; x.OpenReadStream().Read(b, 0, b.Length); userImage.Image = b; //Make Thumbnail MemoryStream mem1 = new MemoryStream(b); Image img2 = Image.FromStream(mem1); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img2, 120, 120); MemoryStream mem2 = new MemoryStream(); bmp.Save(mem2, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); userImage.ImageThumbnail = mem2.ToArray(); } }); _dbUserImage.Insert(userImage); } //-------------------------------- var status = await _userManager.UpdateAsync(user); if (status.Succeeded) { transaction.Commit(); //Save the new records in 'User' table and 'UserImage' table nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("UserList", new { notification = nvm })); } }//end EditUserConfirm
}//end Signup public async Task <IActionResult> SignupConfirm(SignupViewModel model, List <IFormFile> img) { string nvm; try { if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Require_Login, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signin", new { notification = nvm })); } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } else { if (model != null) { var chkUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Username); ApplicationUser chkEmail; if (model.Email != null) { chkEmail = await _userManager.FindByEmailAsync(model.Email); } else { chkEmail = null; } if (chkUser == null && chkEmail == null) { var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); var greDate = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.Dateofbirth ?? DateTime.Now); //create new user ApplicationUser newUser = new ApplicationUser() { FirstName = model.Firstname, LastName = model.Lastname, UserName = model.Username, Email = model.Email, PhoneNumber = model.Phonenumber, SpecialUser = model.Specialuser, Status = model.Status, DefinedByUser = currentUser, DateOfBirth = greDate, Rank = 1, NationalCode = model.Nationalcode }; if (model.Gender == true) { newUser.Gendre = 1; //male } else if (model.Gender == false) { newUser.Gendre = 2; //female } else { newUser.Gendre = null; //not specified } var user_status = await _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, model.Password); if (user_status.Succeeded) { await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(newUser, "SuperVisor"); //Add image of user in 'UserImage' table, seperately if (img.Count > 0) { var newAddedUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(newUser.UserName); if (newAddedUser != null) { try { UserImage userImage = new UserImage() { UserId = newAddedUser.Id, Caption = newAddedUser.LastName + "_" + DateTime.Now }; img.ForEach(x => { if (x != null) { byte[] b = new byte[x.Length]; x.OpenReadStream().Read(b, 0, b.Length); userImage.Image = b; //Make Thumbnail MemoryStream mem1 = new MemoryStream(b); Image img2 = Image.FromStream(mem1); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(img2, 120, 120); MemoryStream mem2 = new MemoryStream(); bmp.Save(mem2, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); userImage.ImageThumbnail = mem2.ToArray(); } }); _db.UserImage.Add(userImage); _db.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Insert_Image, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } } } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } else { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } } else { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } } } catch (Exception) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("Signup", new { notification = nvm })); } }//end SignupConfirm
public async Task <IActionResult> EditSliderConfirm(TopSliderViewModel model) { string nvm; try { if (model != null) { var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); var _topSlider = dbTopSlider.FindById(model.Id); if (_topSlider != null) { _topSlider.Title = model.Title; _topSlider.Summery = model.Summery; _topSlider.Description = model.Description; _topSlider.AltName = model.AltName; _topSlider.Link = model.Link; _topSlider.ScreenResulationId = model.ScreenResulationId > 0 ? model.ScreenResulationId : null; _topSlider.Status = model.Status; _topSlider.Active = model.Active; _topSlider.Priotity = model.Priotity; _topSlider.SetForFuture = model.SetForFuture; _topSlider.HasButton = model.HasButton; _topSlider.UserId = currentUser.Id; if (model.ConnectedCategoryId > 0) { _topSlider.ConnectedCategoryId = model.ConnectedCategoryId; } if (model.ConnectedBrandId > 0) { _topSlider.ConnectedBrandId = model.ConnectedBrandId; } if (model.ConnectedProductId > 0) { _topSlider.ConnectedProductId = model.ConnectedProductId; } if (model.ShowDateTime.ToString().Length > 1 && model.SetForFuture == true) { _topSlider.ShowDateTime = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.ShowDateTime ?? DateTime.Now); } if (model.ExpireDateTime.ToString().Length > 1 && model.SetForFuture == true) { _topSlider.ExpireDateTime = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.ExpireDateTime ?? DateTime.Now); } if (model.HasButton && model.ButtonContent != null) { _topSlider.ButtonContent = model.ButtonContent; _topSlider.ButtonLink = model.ButtonLink; } string folderPath = _configuration.GetSection("DefaultPaths").GetSection("SliderImage").Value; string uploads = Path.Combine(contentRootPath, folderPath); bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(uploads); if (!exists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(uploads); } var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files; if (files.Count > 0) { FileManager.DeleteFile(contentRootPath, _topSlider.ImagePath); } foreach (var Image in files) { if (Image != null && Image.Length > 0) { var file = Image; if (file.Length > 0) { var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName), FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream); _topSlider.ImagePath = folderPath + fileName; } } } } dbTopSlider.Update(_topSlider); //edit record successfully nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ShowSliders", new { notification = nvm })); } } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ShowSliders", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception ex) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ShowSliders", new { notification = nvm })); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> InsertSliderImageConfirm(TopSliderViewModel model) { string nvm; try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("InsertSliderImage", new { notification = nvm })); } if (model != null) { var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); TopSlider TS = new TopSlider() { Title = model.Title, Summery = model.Summery, Description = model.Description, AltName = model.AltName, Link = model.Link, ScreenResulationId = model.ScreenResulationId > 0 ? model.ScreenResulationId : null, Status = model.Status, Active = model.Active, Priotity = model.Priotity, SetForFuture = model.SetForFuture, HasButton = model.HasButton, UserId = currentUser.Id }; if (model.ConnectedCategoryId > 0) { TS.ConnectedCategoryId = model.ConnectedCategoryId; } if (model.ConnectedBrandId > 0) { TS.ConnectedBrandId = model.ConnectedBrandId; } if (model.ConnectedProductId > 0) { TS.ConnectedProductId = model.ConnectedProductId; } if (model.ShowDateTime.ToString().Length > 1 && model.SetForFuture == true) { TS.ShowDateTime = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.ShowDateTime ?? DateTime.Now); } if (model.ExpireDateTime.ToString().Length > 1 && model.SetForFuture == true) { TS.ExpireDateTime = CustomizeCalendar.PersianToGregorian(model.ExpireDateTime ?? DateTime.Now); } if (model.HasButton && model.ButtonContent != null) { TS.ButtonContent = model.ButtonContent; TS.ButtonLink = model.ButtonLink; } string folderPath = _configuration.GetSection("DefaultPaths").GetSection("SliderImage").Value; string uploads = Path.Combine(contentRootPath, folderPath); bool exists = System.IO.Directory.Exists(uploads); if (!exists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(uploads); } var files = HttpContext.Request.Form.Files; foreach (var Image in files) { if (Image != null && Image.Length > 0) { var file = Image; if (file.Length > 0) { var fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "") + Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); using (var fileStream = new FileStream(Path.Combine(uploads, fileName), FileMode.Create)) { await file.CopyToAsync(fileStream); TS.ImagePath = folderPath + fileName; } } } } dbTopSlider.Insert(TS); //save record successfully nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("InsertSliderImage", new { notification = nvm })); } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("InsertSliderImage", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("InsertSliderImage", new { notification = nvm })); } }//end InsertSliderImageConfirm
}//end EditCategory public async Task <IActionResult> EditCategoryConfirm(CategoryViewModel model) { string nvm; try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("CategoryList", new { notification = nvm })); } if (model != null) { var currentUser = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); var doesExist = _dbCategory.GetAll().Where(x => (x.Name == model.Name || x.LatinName.ToLower() == model.LatinName.ToLower()) && x.Id != model.Id).ToList(); if (doesExist.Count > 0) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.DuplicatedValue, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("CategoryList", new { notification = nvm })); } var modifyingCategory = _dbCategory.FindById(model.Id); if (modifyingCategory != null) { modifyingCategory.Name = model.Name; modifyingCategory.LatinName = model.LatinName; modifyingCategory.Status = model.Status; modifyingCategory.ModifiedBy = modifyingCategory.ModifiedBy + $" - ویرایش شده توسط: {currentUser.UserName} ، در مورخه: {CustomizeCalendar.GregorianToPersianDateTime(DateTime.Now)} \n "; modifyingCategory.ParentId = model.ParentId; modifyingCategory.AliasName = model.AliasName; modifyingCategory.TitleAltName = model.TitleAltName; modifyingCategory.Description = model.Description; modifyingCategory.ConnectedLink = model.ConnectedLink; _dbCategory.Update(modifyingCategory); nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("CategoryList", new { notification = nvm })); } } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Update, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("CategoryList", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception ex) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("CategoryList", new { notification = nvm })); } }//end EditCategoryConfirm