コード例 #1
        //Retrieves existing customer from the database Author Stephen Sander
        public ActionResult GetCustomer(string username)
            username = (string)Session["Username"];
            UpdateCustomer oldCust = CustomersDB.GetCustomer(username);

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult GetCustomer(UpdateCustomer newCust)
            string username = (string)Session["Username"];

                UpdateCustomer oldCust = CustomersDB.GetCustomer(username);
                int count = CustomersDB.UpdateCustomer(oldCust, newCust);
                if (count == 0)// no update due to concurrency issue
                    TempData["errorMessage"] = "Update aborted. " +
                                               "Another user changed or deleted this row";
                    TempData["errorMessage"] = "";
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
コード例 #3
        private void FillOrderDetails(int OrderID)
            //create an instance of the CustomersDB class
            CustomersDB customer      = new CustomersDB();
            DataSet     datasetOrders = customer.GetOrderDetails(OrderID);

            //bind the data set to the datagrid.
            dgOrderDetails.SetDataBinding(datasetOrders, datasetOrders.Tables[0].TableName);
コード例 #4
        protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // 오래된 쇼핑카트 아이디 저장
            ShoppingCartDB shoppingCart = new ShoppingCartDB();
            string         tempCartID   = shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartId();

            // 로그인 정보가 맞는지 확인
            CustomersDB accountSystem = new CustomersDB();
            // 로그인이 정상적으로 진행되면 고객번호 : 1번 고객, 2번 고객
            string customerId = accountSystem.Login(txtUserID.Text, Security.Encrypt(txtPassword.Text));

            if (customerId != null)
                // 현재 쇼핑카트 정보를 고객 정보로 마이그레이트
                shoppingCart.MigrateCart(tempCartID, customerId);

                // 고객의 모든 정보 값 반환
                CustomerDetails customerDetails = accountSystem.GetCustomerDetails(customerId);

                // 고객의 이름을 쿠키에 저장
                // Response.Cookies["Shopping_CustomerName"].Value = customerDetails.CustomerName;
                HttpCookie customerName = new HttpCookie("Shopping_CustomerName", Server.UrlEncode(customerDetails.CustomerName));
                customerName.HttpOnly = true;

                // 고객의 이이디를 쿠키에 저장
                Response.Cookies["Shopping_UserID"].Value = customerDetails.UserID;

                // 고객 이름 저장 체크박스 확인
                if (chkRememberLogin.Checked == true)
                    // 앞으로 한달간 저장
                    Response.Cookies["Shopping_CustomerName"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1);

                // 원래 요청했었던 페이지로 이동
                if (Request.ServerVariables["SCRIPT_NAME"].ToLower().EndsWith("checklogin.aspx"))
                    System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(customerId, chkRememberLogin.Checked); // 인증값 부여
                    Response.Redirect("CheckOut.aspx");                                                          // 현재 페이지가 로그인 체크 페이지면 주문서 페이지로 이동
                    // 따로 지정하지 않았으면 기본값으로 ~/Default.aspx로 이동
                    System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(customerId, chkRememberLogin.Checked);
                lblError.Text = "로그인에 실패했습니다. 다시 로그인하세요.";
コード例 #5
        private void btnGetCust_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //get the customer id
            string customerID = this.cboCustomers.SelectedValue.ToString();

            //create an instance of the CustomersDB class.
            CustomersDB customerData = new CustomersDB();
            //get the orders for the selected customer.
            DataSet datasetOrders = customerData.GetOrders(customerID);

            //bind the dataset to the datagrid.
            dgOrders.SetDataBinding(datasetOrders, datasetOrders.Tables[0].TableName);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Customers.cs プロジェクト: bobby5892/CS234
        protected override void SetUp()
            mProps    = new CustomersProps();
            mOldProps = new CustomersProps();

            if (this.mConnectionString == "")
                mdbReadable  = new CustomersDB();
                mdbWriteable = new CustomersDB();

                mdbReadable  = new CustomersDB(this.mConnectionString);
                mdbWriteable = new CustomersDB(this.mConnectionString);
コード例 #7
        private void CustomerOrders_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            //loads the form with the customer information.

            //create instance of CustomersDB class
            CustomersDB customerData = new CustomersDB();

            //retrieve the Customers.
            DataSet datasetOrders = customerData.GetCustomers();

            //create the dataview object.
            DataView dataviewOrders = new DataView(datasetOrders.Tables[0]);

            cboCustomers.DataSource = dataviewOrders;

            //set the display properties of the Customers combo box.
            cboCustomers.DisplayMember = dataviewOrders.Table.Columns["CompanyName"].ColumnName;
            cboCustomers.ValueMember   = dataviewOrders.Table.Columns["CustomerID"].ColumnName;
コード例 #8
        public ActionResult Register(Customers customer)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                int existingUsername = CustomersDB.GetUserDetails(customer.UserName);
                int existingEmail    = CustomersDB.GetEmailDetails(customer.CustEmail);

                if (existingUsername == 0 && existingEmail == 0)

                    Session["Username"]      = customer.UserName;
                    Session["CustFirstName"] = customer.CustFirstName;
                    Session["CustLastName"]  = customer.CustLastName;
                    ViewBag.firstName        = Session["CustFirstName"];
                    ViewBag.lastName         = Session["CustLastName"];
                    ViewBag.Message          = "Valid User";

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                else if (existingUsername > 0 || existingEmail > 0)
                    if (existingUsername > 0)
                        ViewBag.UsernameMessage = "This username is already taken";
                    if (existingEmail > 0)
                        ViewBag.EmailMessage = "This email is already taken";

コード例 #9
        protected void cmdCheckOut_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // 쇼핑카트 클래스 인스턴스 생성
            ShoppingCartDB cart = new ShoppingCartDB();

            // 쇼핑카트 아아디 가져오기 : 회원
            string cartId = cart.GetShoppingCartId();

            // 주문번호 : 회원이든 비회원이든 주문번호는 생성(비회원이면, 주문정보 확인시 사용)
            int orderId = 0;

            // 회원/비회원에 따른 폼 모양 정의
            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                // 고객코드 가져오기
                string customerId = Page.User.Identity.Name;

                // 주문 정보 클래스 사용
                OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails();
                orderDetails.CustomerID = customerId;
                // 배송비 포함 여부 : 3만원 이상
                orderDetails.TotalPrice  = (cart.GetTotal(cartId) >= 30000) ? cart.GetTotal(cartId) : cart.GetTotal(cartId) + 2500;
                orderDetails.OrderStatus = "신규주문";
                orderDetails.Payment     = this.lstPayment.SelectedValue;
                // 배송비 포함 여부 : 3만원 이상
                orderDetails.PaymentPrice   = (cart.GetTotal(cartId) >= 30000) ? cart.GetTotal(cartId) : cart.GetTotal(cartId) + 2500;
                orderDetails.PaymentInfo    = "미입금";
                orderDetails.DeliveryInfo   = 1;//일단 회원...
                orderDetails.DeliveryStatus = "미배송";
                orderDetails.OrderIP        = Request.UserHostAddress;
                orderDetails.Password       = "";
                orderDetails.CartID         = cartId;
                orderDetails.Message        = this.txtMessage.Text;
                orderDetails.CustomerName = this.txtCustomerName.Text;
                orderDetails.TelePhone    =
                                  , this.txtDeliveryTelePhone1.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryTelePhone2.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryTelePhone3.Text);
                orderDetails.MobilePhone =
                                  , this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone1.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone2.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone3.Text);
                orderDetails.ZipCode       = this.txtDeliveryZipCode.Text;
                orderDetails.Address       = this.txtDeliveryAddress.Text;
                orderDetails.AddressDetail = this.txtDeliveryAddressDetail.Text;

                // 고객이면서 장바구니에 구매 상품이 담겨져 있다면,
                if ((cartId != null) && (customerId != null))
                    // 주문 클래스 인스턴스 생성
                    OrdersDB ordersDatabase = new OrdersDB();
                    // 주문 실행
                    orderId = ordersDatabase.PlaceOrder(orderDetails);
                    // 주문 완료 표시
                    lblMessage.Text     = "당신이 주문하신 주문번호는 : " + orderId + "입니다.";
                    cmdCheckOut.Visible = false;// 구매 버튼 숨기기
            else // 비회원 주문 처리
                // 고객 클래스 인스턴스 생성
                CustomersDB     accountSystem   = new CustomersDB();
                CustomerDetails customerDetails = new CustomerDetails();

                customerDetails.CustomerName   = this.txtCustomerName.Text;
                customerDetails.Phone1         = this.txtPhone1.Text;
                customerDetails.Phone2         = this.txtPhone2.Text;
                customerDetails.Phone3         = this.txtPhone2.Text;
                customerDetails.Mobile1        = this.txtMobile1.Text;
                customerDetails.Mobile2        = this.txtMobile2.Text;
                customerDetails.Mobile3        = this.txtMobile3.Text;
                customerDetails.Zip            = this.txtZip.Text;
                customerDetails.Address        = this.txtAddress.Text;
                customerDetails.AddressDetail  = this.txtAddressDetail.Text;
                customerDetails.Ssn1           = this.txtSsn1.Text;
                customerDetails.Ssn2           = this.txtSsn2.Text;
                customerDetails.EmailAddress   = this.txtEmailAddress.Text;
                customerDetails.MemberDivision = 0;//비회원

                // 고객 정보 저장 및 고객 코드 반환
                string customerId = accountSystem.AddNonCustomer(customerDetails);

                // 주문 정보 클래스 사용
                OrderDetails orderDetails = new OrderDetails();
                orderDetails.CustomerID     = customerId;
                orderDetails.TotalPrice     = (cart.GetTotal(cartId) >= 30000) ? cart.GetTotal(cartId) : (cart.GetTotal(cartId) + 2500);
                orderDetails.OrderStatus    = "신규주문";
                orderDetails.Payment        = this.lstPayment.SelectedValue;
                orderDetails.PaymentPrice   = (cart.GetTotal(cartId) >= 30000) ? cart.GetTotal(cartId) : (cart.GetTotal(cartId) + 2500);
                orderDetails.PaymentInfo    = "미입금";
                orderDetails.DeliveryInfo   = 0;// 비회원...
                orderDetails.DeliveryStatus = "미배송";
                orderDetails.OrderIP        = Request.UserHostAddress;
                orderDetails.Password       = this.txtOrdersPassword.Text;
                orderDetails.CartID         = cartId;
                orderDetails.Message        = this.txtMessage.Text;
                orderDetails.CustomerName = this.txtCustomerName.Text;
                orderDetails.TelePhone    =
                                  , this.txtDeliveryTelePhone1.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryTelePhone2.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryTelePhone3.Text);
                orderDetails.MobilePhone =
                                  , this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone1.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone2.Text
                                  , this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone3.Text);
                orderDetails.ZipCode       = this.txtDeliveryZipCode.Text;
                orderDetails.Address       = this.txtDeliveryAddress.Text;
                orderDetails.AddressDetail = this.txtDeliveryAddressDetail.Text;

                // 비회원이면서 장바구니에 구매 상품이 담겨져 있다면,
                if ((cartId != null) && (customerId != null))
                    // 주문 클래스 인스턴스 생성
                    OrdersDB ordersDatabase = new OrdersDB();
                    // 주문 실행
                    orderId = ordersDatabase.PlaceOrder(orderDetails);
                    // 주문 완료 표시
                    lblMessage.Text     = "<hr />당신이 주문하신 주문번호는 : " + orderId + "입니다.<br />";
                    lblMessage.Text    += "<a href='Default.aspx'>홈으로 가기</a><hr />";
                    cmdCheckOut.Visible = false;// 구매 버튼 숨기기

            // 메일전송 : 주문 내역을 메일 또는 SMS로 보내주는 코드는 이 부분에 위치
            // System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail.Send("*****@*****.**", this.txtEmailAddress.Text, "주문이 완료되었습니다.", "주문번호 : " + orderId + ", 주문비밀번호 : " + this.txtOrdersPassword.Text);
コード例 #10
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // 체크박스 컨트롤에 자바스크립트 이벤트 적용
            this.chkDelivery.Attributes["onclick"] = "return CopyForm();";

            // 현재 사용자의 쇼핑카트 아이디 가져오기 : 회원 또는 비회원
            ShoppingCartDB cart   = new ShoppingCartDB();
            String         cartId = cart.GetShoppingCartId();

            // 현재 접속자의 장바구니 내용 읽어오기 : ASP.NET1.X 버전과 호환 테스트 위해 데이터그리드 사용하였음
            ctlCheckOutList.DataSource = cart.GetItems(cartId);

            // 총합 출력하기 : 만약에 3만원 이상 구매시 배송료(2500원) 미포함
            //lblTotal.Text =
            //  String.Format("{0:###,###}", cart.GetTotal(cartId));
            int intTotal = cart.GetTotal(cartId);

            if (intTotal >= 30000)
                lblTotal.Text = String.Format("{0:###,###}", intTotal);
                this.lblDelivery.Visible = true;
                lblTotal.Text            = String.Format("{0:###,###}", intTotal + 2500);

            // 회원/비회원에 따른 폼 모양 정의
            if (Page.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                // 고객 정보 읽어오기
                string          customerId      = Page.User.Identity.Name.ToString();
                CustomersDB     customerDB      = new CustomersDB();
                CustomerDetails customerDetails = customerDB.GetCustomerDetails(customerId);

                // 고객 정보 바인딩
                // 주문자 정보 입력
                this.txtCustomerName.Text        = customerDetails.CustomerName;
                this.txtPhone1.Text              = customerDetails.Phone1;
                this.txtPhone2.Text              = customerDetails.Phone2;
                this.txtPhone3.Text              = customerDetails.Phone3;
                this.txtMobile1.Text             = customerDetails.Mobile1;
                this.txtMobile2.Text             = customerDetails.Mobile2;
                this.txtMobile3.Text             = customerDetails.Mobile3;
                this.txtZip.Text                 = customerDetails.Zip;
                this.txtAddress.Text             = customerDetails.Address;
                this.txtAddressDetail.Text       = customerDetails.AddressDetail;
                this.txtSsn1.Text                = customerDetails.Ssn1;
                this.txtSsn2.Text                = customerDetails.Ssn2;
                this.txtEmailAddress.Text        = customerDetails.EmailAddress;
                this.MemberDivisionPanel.Visible = false;
                // 배송지 정보 입력
                this.txtDeliveryCustomerName.Text  = customerDetails.CustomerName;
                this.txtDeliveryTelePhone1.Text    = customerDetails.Phone1;
                this.txtDeliveryTelePhone2.Text    = customerDetails.Phone2;
                this.txtDeliveryTelePhone3.Text    = customerDetails.Phone3;
                this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone1.Text  = customerDetails.Mobile1;
                this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone2.Text  = customerDetails.Mobile2;
                this.txtDeliveryMobilePhone3.Text  = customerDetails.Mobile3;
                this.txtDeliveryZipCode.Text       = customerDetails.Zip;
                this.txtDeliveryAddress.Text       = customerDetails.Address;
                this.txtDeliveryAddressDetail.Text = customerDetails.AddressDetail;
                this.MemberDivisionPanel.Visible = true;
コード例 #11
        protected void btnCustRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool          UserNameChecked = false;
            bool          insert          = false;
            List <string> userNames       = CustomersDB.GetUserNames(); // replace with user name list

            foreach (string username in userNames)
                if (txtCustUserName.Text == username)
                    Response.Write("User name is already taken. Please choose another user name");
                    UserNameChecked = false;
                    UserNameChecked = true;

            if (Page.IsValid && UserNameChecked)
                string cryptPassword = EncryptDB.Encrypt(txtCustPassword.Text);

                Customer cust = new Customer(txtCustFirstName.Text, txtCustLastName.Text, txtCustAddress.Text,
                                             txtCustCity.Text, ddlCustProv.SelectedValue.ToString(), txtCustPostal.Text,
                                             ddlCustCountry.SelectedValue.ToString(), txtCustHomePhone.Text, txtCustBusPhone.Text,
                                             txtCustEmail.Text, txtCustUserName.Text, cryptPassword.ToString().Trim());

                SqlConnection conn = TravelExperts1DB.GetConnection();

                    insert = CustomersDB.CreateCustomer(cust);

                    if (insert)
                        //Response.Write("Registration successful");
                    //    Response.Write("Registration unsuccessful");
                catch (Exception)
                    //Response.Write("User name is already taken. Please choose another user name");
                    //throw ex;
                    Response.Write("Registration unsuccessful");
            //    Response.Write("Registration unsuccessful");
コード例 #12
        // 회원 가입 버튼
        protected void btnRegister_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // 쇼핑 카드 업데이트
            ShoppingCartDB shoppingCart = new ShoppingCartDB();
            String         tempCartId   = shoppingCart.GetShoppingCartId();

            // 고객 클래스 인스턴스 생성
            CustomersDB     accountSystem   = new CustomersDB();
            CustomerDetails customerDetails = new CustomerDetails();

            customerDetails.CustomerName   = this.txtCustomerName.Text;
            customerDetails.Phone1         = this.txtPhone1.Text;
            customerDetails.Phone2         = this.txtPhone2.Text;
            customerDetails.Phone3         = this.txtPhone2.Text;
            customerDetails.Mobile1        = this.txtMobile1.Text;
            customerDetails.Mobile2        = this.txtMobile2.Text;
            customerDetails.Mobile3        = this.txtMobile3.Text;
            customerDetails.EmailAddress   = this.txtEmailAddress.Text;
            customerDetails.MemberDivision = 1;
            customerDetails.UserID        = this.txtUserID.Text;
            customerDetails.Password      = Security.Encrypt(txtPassword.Text);
            customerDetails.Zip           = this.txtZip.Text;
            customerDetails.Address       = this.txtAddress.Text;
            customerDetails.AddressDetail = this.txtAddressDetail.Text;
            customerDetails.Ssn1          = this.txtSsn1.Text;
            customerDetails.Ssn2          = this.txtSsn2.Text;
            customerDetails.BirthYear     = this.txtBirthYear.Text;
            customerDetails.BirthMonth    = this.txtBirthMonth.Text;
            customerDetails.BirthDay      = this.txtBirthDay.Text;
            customerDetails.BirthStatus   = this.lstBirthStatus.SelectedValue;
            customerDetails.Gender        = Convert.ToInt32(this.lstGender.SelectedValue);
            customerDetails.Job           = this.lstJob.SelectedValue;
            customerDetails.Wedding       = Convert.ToInt32(this.lstWedding.SelectedValue);
            customerDetails.Hobby         = this.txtHobby.Text;
            customerDetails.Homepage      = this.txtHomepage.Text;
            customerDetails.Intro         = this.txtIntro.Text;
            customerDetails.Mailing       = (this.chkMailing.Checked) ? 1 : 0;
            customerDetails.Mileage       = 0;

            // 고객 정보 입력
            string customerId = accountSystem.AddCustomer(customerDetails);

            if (customerId != "")
                // 회원가입 후 바로 로그인 처리 : 1, 2, 3
                System.Web.Security.FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(customerId, false);

                shoppingCart.MigrateCart(tempCartId, customerId);
                // 현재 접속자의 이름은 따로 쿠키에 저장
                //Response.Cookies["Shopping_CustomerName"].Value = Server.HtmlEncode(this.txtCustomerName.Text); // 홍길동
                HttpCookie customerName = new HttpCookie("Shopping_CustomerName", Server.UrlEncode(txtCustomerName.Text));
                customerName.HttpOnly = true;
                lblDisplay.Text = "Registration failed:&nbsp; That email address is already registered.<br /><img align=left height=1 width=92 src=images/1x1.gif>";

            string strJs = @"
			<script language='javascript'>
			window.alert('회원가입을 축하드립니다.');
		"        ;

            Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "js", strJs);

コード例 #13
ファイル: Customers.cs プロジェクト: roymaor/ProjectWebsite
 public Customers()
     customersDB   = new CustomersDB();
     serviceClient = new MyServiceClient();
コード例 #14
 public CustomersManager(IConfiguration configuration)
     CustomerDB = new CustomersDB(configuration);