private void btnDeleteOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int id = 0; Order order1 = null; RadioButton radioButton1 = null; foreach (RadioButton radioButton in radioButtons) { if (radioButton.Checked == true) { radioButton1 = radioButton; id = int.Parse(radioButton.Name); } } foreach (Order order in orders) { if (order.Id == id) { order1 = order; } } if (order1 == null) { new Tip("请选择一个订单").ShowDialog(); return; } new Tip(Customer_Service.CancelOrder(order1).Result).ShowDialog(); pnlOrders.Controls.Clear(); this.Customer_OrderList_Form_Load(null, null); }
}//注册 private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) //点击登录按钮 { Customer customer; //当前即将登陆的顾客 if (int.TryParse(txtId.Text, out int id)) { customer = Customer_Service.Login(id, txtPassword.Text); /*Customer customer1 = new Customer(); * customer1.Id = 10009; * customer1.Name = "黄昌宇"; * customer1.PhoneNum = "123456789"; * customer1.Address = "武汉大学信息学部"; * customer = customer1;*/ if (customer == null) { new Tip("登陆失败").ShowDialog(); return; } customer.Orders = new List <Order>(); Customer_Form customer_Form = new Customer_Form(customer, this); this.Hide(); customer_Form.ShowDialog();//打开用户界面 } else { //判断为五位还没写 new Tip("账号应为5位的数字").ShowDialog(); return; } }
public MainPage() { this.InitializeComponent(); customer_service = new Customer_Service(); Products.ItemsSource = customer_service.GetAllProducts(); Shopping_Cart.ItemsSource = customer_service.GetAllShoppingCartItems(); ShoppingCart_Block.Text = $"Cart {customer_service.Total_Price(Shopping_Cart.ItemsSource as IEnumerable<ShoppingCartItem>):c}"; }
public ShoppingController() { this.cart_Service = new Cart_Service(); this.item_Service = new Item_Service(); this.customer_Service = new Customer_Service(); this.order_Service = new Order_Service(); this.affiliate_Service = new Affiliate_Service(); this.department_Service = new Department_Service(); this.address_Service = new Address_Service(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string WSKey = "WOpmr3C4RwHfRfDacAa8tHlrMwbVBc+YKJuyo5OXNls="; //Create an instance of the D365BC SOAP WS Customer_Service ws = new Customer_Service(); ws.Url = ""; //Handling authentication System.Net.CredentialCache myCredentials = new System.Net.CredentialCache(); NetworkCredential netCred = new NetworkCredential("sdemiliani", WSKey); myCredentials.Add(new Uri(ws.Url), "Basic", netCred); ws.Credentials = myCredentials; //Read Customers List <Customer_Filter> filters = new List <Customer_Filter>(); Customer_Filter filter = new Customer_Filter(); filter.Field = Customer_Fields.Country_Region_Code; filter.Criteria = "IT"; filters.Add(filter); try { foreach (Customer customer in ws.ReadMultiple(filters.ToArray(), "", 0)) { Console.WriteLine("No: {0} Name: {1}", customer.No, customer.Name); } Console.ReadKey(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving Customers: {0} InnerException: {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException); } //Create the Customer record //Customer customer = new Customer(); //customer.Name = "SOAP Customer 1"; //customer.Address = "Viale Kennedy 87, Novara"; //customer.Country_Region_Code = "IT"; //customer.Blocked = Blocked.Invoice; //try //{ // //Start the Create method // ws.Create(ref customer); // Console.WriteLine("Customer {0} created successfully.", customer.No); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // Console.WriteLine("Customer creation error: {0} InnerException: {1}", ex.Message, ex.InnerException); //} }
private static string PrintCustomerList(Customer_Service service, List <Customer_Filter> filter) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("Printing Customer List Soap"); // Runs the actual search. Customer[] list = service.ReadMultiple(filter.ToArray(), null, 100); foreach (Customer c in list) { sb.AppendLine(PrintCustomer(c)); } sb.AppendLine("End of List"); return(sb.ToString()); }
private void btnRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (int.TryParse(txtId.Text, out int id)) { Customer receivedcustomer = Customer_Service.Register(id, txtPassword.Text); if (receivedcustomer == null) { new Tip("注册失败").ShowDialog(); } new Tip("注册成功").ShowDialog(); } else { //判断为五位的数字 new Tip("账号需为5位的数字").ShowDialog(); } }
private static string TestDynamicsNavSoapService() { // Creates instance of service and sets credentials. Customer_Service service = new Customer_Service(); service.UseDefaultCredentials = true; List <Customer_Filter> filterArray = new List <Customer_Filter>(); Customer_Filter nameFilter = new Customer_Filter(); nameFilter.Field = Customer_Fields.Name; nameFilter.Criteria = "C*"; filterArray.Add(nameFilter); var customerInfo = PrintCustomerList(service, filterArray); return(customerInfo); }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //用正则表达式改成匹配 char [] number = txtPhoneNum.Text.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < number.Length; i++) { string x = number[i].ToString(); if (!int.TryParse(x, out int j)) { new Tip("电话号码需要为数字"); txtName.Text = name; txtAddress.Text = address; txtPhoneNum.Text = phonenumber; return; } } customer.Name = txtName.Text; customer.Address = txtAddress.Text; customer.PhoneNum = txtPhoneNum.Text; Customer_Service.ModifyCustomer(customer); }
public void sendCustomer(String path) { try { var service = new Customer_Service(); service.UseDefaultCredentials = true; service.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; service.Url = "http://Kenedy:7047/DynamicsNAV90/WS/DUALA%20TRADERS%20LIMITED/Page/Customer"; XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(path); var nodeList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("/Table/Customer"); Customer[] custArray = new Customer[nodeList.Count]; foreach (XmlNode node in nodeList) { for (int i = 0; i < custArray.Length; i++) { custArray[i] = new Customer(); custArray[i].Address = node.SelectSingleNode("Address").InnerText; custArray[i].Name = node.SelectSingleNode("Name").InnerText; custArray[i].Address_2 = node.SelectSingleNode("Address_2").InnerText; custArray[i].Phone_No = node.SelectSingleNode("Phone_No").InnerText; custArray[i].E_Mail = node.SelectSingleNode("E_Mail").InnerText; custArray[i].Customer_Posting_Group = node.SelectSingleNode("Customer_Posting_Group").InnerText; custArray[i].Gen_Bus_Posting_Group = node.SelectSingleNode("Gen_Bus_Posting_Group").InnerText; custArray[i].VAT_Bus_Posting_Group = node.SelectSingleNode("VAT_Bus_Posting_Group").InnerText; Console.WriteLine(custArray[i].Name); service.CreateMultiple(ref custArray); } } MessageBox.Show(nodeList.Count + " " + "Customer(s) data successfully uploaded..!!!", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public Select_Merchant_Form(Customer customer, Form form, Form mainForm) { InitializeComponent(); this.customer = customer; /*Merchant merchant1 = new Merchant(); * merchant1.Name = "KFC"; * merchant1.Info = "嫩牛五方限时折扣"; * * Cuisine cuisine = new Cuisine(); * cuisine.Id = 1; * cuisine.Name = "香辣鸡腿堡"; * cuisine.UnitPrice=7; * * Cuisine cuisine1 = new Cuisine(); * cuisine1.Id = 2; * cuisine1.Name = "新奥尔良鸡腿堡"; * cuisine1.UnitPrice = 8; * * Cuisine cuisine2 = new Cuisine(); * cuisine1.Id = 3; * cuisine1.Name = "牛肉堡"; * cuisine1.UnitPrice = 7; * * Cuisine cuisine3 = new Cuisine(); * cuisine1.Id = 4; * cuisine1.Name = "双层牛肉堡"; * cuisine1.UnitPrice = 10; * * Cuisine cuisine4 = new Cuisine(); * cuisine1.Id = 5; * cuisine1.Name = "双层鸡腿堡"; * cuisine1.UnitPrice = 11; * * Cuisine cuisine5 = new Cuisine(); * cuisine1.Id = 6; * cuisine1.Name = "菌菇堡"; * cuisine1.UnitPrice = 6; * * CuisineType cuisineType=new CuisineType(); * cuisineType.TypeName = "汉堡"; * cuisineType.Cuisines.Add(cuisine1); * cuisineType.Cuisines.Add(cuisine); * * merchant1.CuisineTypes.Add(cuisineType); * * CuisineType cuisineType1 = new CuisineType(); * cuisineType.TypeName = "鸡肉卷"; * * CuisineType cuisineType2 = new CuisineType(); * cuisineType.TypeName = "薯条"; * CuisineType cuisineType3 = new CuisineType(); * cuisineType.TypeName = "饮料"; * CuisineType cuisineType4 = new CuisineType(); * cuisineType.TypeName = "小吃"; * merchant1.CuisineTypes.Add(cuisineType1); * merchant1.CuisineTypes.Add(cuisineType2); * merchant1.CuisineTypes.Add(cuisineType3); * merchant1.CuisineTypes.Add(cuisineType4); * * * * * Merchant merchant2 = new Merchant(); * merchant2.Name = "沙县小吃"; * merchant2.Info = "风味独特、经济实惠"; * * * Merchant merchant3 = new Merchant(); * merchant3.Name = "星巴克"; * merchant3.Info = "全球著名的咖啡连锁店"; * * Merchant merchant4 = new Merchant(); * merchant3.Name = "撤硕"; * merchant3.Info = "老八蜜汁"; * * Merchant merchant5 = new Merchant(); * merchant3.Name = "汉堡王"; * merchant3.Info = "最正宗的美式汉堡"; * * Merchant merchant6 = new Merchant(); * merchant3.Name = "烤肉之家"; * merchant3.Info = "尽情享受烤肉之旅"; * * Merchant merchant7 = new Merchant(); * merchant3.Name = "农家餐厅"; * merchant3.Info = "农家炒菜"; * * merchants.Add(merchant1); * merchants.Add(merchant2); * merchants.Add(merchant3); * merchants.Add(merchant4); * merchants.Add(merchant5); * merchants.Add(merchant6); * merchants.Add(merchant7);*/ merchants = Customer_Service.GetAllMerchants(); int i = 0; foreach (Merchant merchant in merchants) { Image image = ImageToByte.BytesToImage(merchant.Picture); Merchant_Control control = new Merchant_Control(form, mainForm, image); control.Merchant_Name = merchant.Name; control.Detail = merchant.Info; control.merchant = merchant; control.customer = customer; control.Location = new Point(20, 90 * i + 10); pnlMerchant.Controls.Add(control); i++; } }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Customer_Service customer_Service = new Customer_Service("2", "{ \"user\": {\"name\": \"2\", \"userLongId\": \"2\"}}", "1"); customer_Service.Show(); }
private void Customer_OrderList_Form_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(@"素材\灰背景.jpg"); pnlOrders.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(@"素材\白背景.jpg"); //获取顾客的所有订单 orders = Customer_Service.GetAllOrders(customer.Id); /*Order order1 = new Order(); order1.Id = 1; order1.OrderState = "等待"; order1.OrderTime = "14:30"; order1.TotalPrice = 80; * Cuisine cuisine = new Cuisine(); cuisine.Name = "233"; cuisine.UnitPrice = 20; * OrderItem orderItem = new OrderItem(); orderItem.Cuisine = cuisine; * order1.OrderItems.Add(orderItem); * orders = new List<Order>(); * orders.Add(order1);*/ int i = 0; foreach (Order order in orders) { Image image = ImageToByte.BytesToImage(order.OrderItems[0].Cuisine.Picture); //设置按钮 RadioButton radioButton = new RadioButton(); radioButton.Appearance = Appearance.Button; radioButton.Size = new Size(780, 100); radioButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; radioButton.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(@"素材\白背景.jpg"); radioButton.Name = order.Id.ToString(); //设置图片 PictureBox pictureBox = new PictureBox(); pictureBox.BackgroundImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; pictureBox.Image = ImageToByte.BytesToImage(order.OrderItems[0].Cuisine.Picture); pictureBox.Location = new Point(10, 10); pictureBox.Size = new Size(120, 80); //设置下单时间 Label label1 = new Label(); label1.Size = new Size(500, 27); label1.Text = "下单时间:" + order.OrderTime; label1.Location = new Point(170, 10); label1.Font = new Font("微软雅黑 Light", 10, FontStyle.Regular); //设置总价 Label label2 = new Label(); label2.Size = new Size(200, 27); label2.Text = "总价:" + order.OrderState; label2.Location = new Point(170, 60); label2.Font = new Font("微软雅黑 Light", 10, FontStyle.Regular); //设置状态 Label label3 = new Label(); label3.Size = new Size(300, 27); label3.Text = "订单状态:" + order.OrderState; label3.Location = new Point(460, 60); label3.Font = new Font("微软雅黑 Light", 10, FontStyle.Regular); radioButton.Controls.Add(pictureBox); radioButton.Controls.Add(label1); radioButton.Controls.Add(label2); radioButton.Controls.Add(label3); radioButton.Location = new Point(20, i * 110 + 10); pnlOrders.Controls.Add(radioButton); radioButtons.Add(radioButton); i++; } }
private void btnSubmit(object sender, EventArgs e) { new Tip(Customer_Service.AddOrder(order).Result).ShowDialog(); Close(); }