public IHttpActionResult PutCustomer_Order(int id, Customer_Order customer_Order) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != customer_Order.Customer_Order_ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(customer_Order).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!Customer_OrderExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public ServiceResponse ConvertToHTML(string json, int caseId, Guid orderId) { ServiceResponse response = new ServiceResponse(); var order = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExternalOrderFormServiceResponseDto>(json); if (!ValidateRequest(order)) { response.IsSuccess = false; response.Message = "Invalid Param"; return(response); } int supplierid = Convert.ToInt32(order.responses.FirstOrDefault().hidden.supplierid); Guid userid = Guid.Parse(order.responses.FirstOrDefault().hidden.userid); int departmentid = Convert.ToInt32(order.responses.FirstOrDefault().hidden.departmentid); int customerid = Convert.ToInt32(order.responses.FirstOrDefault().hidden.customerid); int channel = Convert.ToInt32(order.responses.FirstOrDefault(); Supplier supplier = _supplierService.Find(supplierid); Customer member = _customerService.Find(customerid); Department department = member.Departments.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Id == departmentid); AspNetUser user = _accountService.GetUser(userid); Customer_Order customerOrder = _customerOrderService.GetNewOrders(orderId); string html = "<html><body>{0}</body></html>"; string body = GetHtmlBody(user, supplier, member, department); string rows = ConvertLineToHtml(customerOrder.OrderLines.ToList(), caseId.ToString(), user.LanguageCode); body = String.Format(body, rows); html = String.Format(html, body); response.IsSuccess = true; response.Message = html; return(response); }
public object cancelCusOrder(Customer_Order OrderUpdate) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; Customer_Order objectOrder = new Customer_Order(); dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); var id = OrderUpdate.CustomerOrderID; try { objectOrder = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (objectOrder != null && objectOrder.CustomerOrderStatusID == 1) { objectOrder.CustomerOrderStatusID = 4; db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Message = "The customer order has successfully been cancelled."; } else { toReturn.Message = "Only 'Placed' customer orders can be cancelled."; } } catch (Exception) { toReturn.Message = "Cancellation not successful."; } return(toReturn); }
public string Edit(string customer_id, int?id) { try { Customer_Order Data_Amdani = Data.Customer_Order.Single(Z => Z.Id == id && Z.Purches_id == customer_id && Z.Order_Status == 1); if (Data_Amdani.Unit_name == "PACKAGE") { return("Sorry !! You cant get More then 1 Package"); } else { Data_Amdani.Unit_number++; Data.Entry(Data_Amdani).State = EntityState.Modified; Data.SaveChanges(); return(Data_Amdani.Product_Name + " is successfully Incrimented."); } } catch { return("Missing Data"); } }
public int Add_Package_ToCart(int Package_id, string customerid) { try { Package PP = Data.Package.Single(x => x.Package_Id == Package_id); Customer_Order CO = new Customer_Order(); CO.Product_Name = PP.Package_Name; CO.Unit_name = "PACKAGE"; CO.Unit_number = 1; CO.Price = PP.Price; CO.Purches_id = customerid; CO.Product_id = PP.Package_Id; CO.Order_Status = 1; Data.Customer_Order.Add(CO); Data.SaveChanges(); return(Data.Customer_Order.Count(x => x.Purches_id == customerid && x.Order_Status == 1)); } catch { throw; } }
public object collectCusOrder(Customer_Order OrderUpdate) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; Customer_Order objectOrder = new Customer_Order(); Payment objectP = new Payment(); List <Payment> objectPayment = db.Payments.Include(x => x.Customer_Order).ToList(); dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); var id = OrderUpdate.CustomerOrderID; try { objectOrder = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == id).FirstOrDefault(); objectP = db.Payments.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == id).FirstOrDefault(); List <Product_Order_Line> product_Orders = db.Product_Order_Line.Include(x => x.Customer_Order).Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == objectOrder.CustomerOrderID).ToList(); if (objectP != null) { List <dynamic> products = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var prod in product_Orders) { Container_Product container_Product = db.Container_Product.Where(x => x.ContainerID == objectOrder.ContainerID && x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (container_Product.CPQuantity < prod.PLQuantity) { toReturn.Message = "Oops. Not enough stock."; } else { container_Product.CPQuantity = container_Product.CPQuantity - prod.PLQuantity; db.SaveChanges(); } } if (objectOrder.CustomerOrderStatusID == 2) { objectOrder.CustomerOrderStatusID = 3; db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Message = "The customer order has successfully been collected."; } else { toReturn.Message = "Only 'Fulfilled' customer orders can be collected."; } } else { toReturn.Message = "Order has not been paid for yet."; } } catch (Exception) { toReturn.Message = "Cancellation not successful."; } return(toReturn); }
public IHttpActionResult GetCustomer_Order(int id) { Customer_Order customer_Order = db.Customer_Order.Find(id); if (customer_Order == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Ok(customer_Order)); }
public IHttpActionResult PostCustomer_Order(Customer_Order customer_Order) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } db.Customer_Order.Add(customer_Order); db.SaveChanges(); return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = customer_Order.Customer_Order_ID }, customer_Order)); }
public object removeCustomerOrderProduct(int productID, int customerorderID, int quantity) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); try { Product product = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductID == productID).FirstOrDefault(); if (product != null) { Customer_Order customerorder = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == customerorderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (customerorder != null) { Product_Backlog backlog_Product = db.Product_Backlog.Where(x => x.ContainerID == customerorder.ContainerID && x.ProductID == product.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (backlog_Product != null) { backlog_Product.QuantityToOrder = (backlog_Product.QuantityToOrder - quantity); db.SaveChanges(); Product_Order_Line product_Order = db.Product_Order_Line.Where(x => x.ProductID == product.ProductID && x.CustomerOrderID == customerorder.CustomerOrderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (product_Order != null) { db.Product_Order_Line.Remove(product_Order); db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Product_Order_Line = product_Order; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Container Not Found"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Order Not Found"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Product Not Found"; } } catch { toReturn.Error = "Product Removal Unsuccessful"; } return(toReturn); }
public IHttpActionResult DeleteCustomer_Order(int id) { Customer_Order customer_Order = db.Customer_Order.Find(id); if (customer_Order == null) { return(NotFound()); } db.Customer_Order.Remove(customer_Order); db.SaveChanges(); return(Ok(customer_Order)); }
public object makeOrderPayment(int customerorderID, float payAmount, int paymentTypeID) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); try { Customer_Order customerorder = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == customerorderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (customerorder != null) { if (customerorder.CustomerOrderStatusID != null) { Payment_Type paymentType = db.Payment_Type.Where(x => x.PaymentTypeID == paymentTypeID).FirstOrDefault(); if (paymentType != null) { Payment payment = new Payment(); payment.CustomerOrderID = customerorder.CustomerOrderID; payment.Customer_Order = customerorder; payment.PayAmount = payAmount; payment.PayDate = DateTime.Now; payment.PaymentTypeID = paymentTypeID; db.Payments.Add(payment); db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Payment = db.Payments.ToList().LastOrDefault(); } else { toReturn.Error = "Payment Type Not Found"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Order isn't elgible for payment."; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Order Not Found"; } } catch { toReturn.Error = "Payment Add Unsuccessful"; } return(toReturn); }
public string Addtocart(int?id, string Customerid) { if (id != null) { try { Product_Information product_Information = new Product_Information(); product_Information = Data.Product_Information.Single(x => x.Product_id == id); bool Check = Data.Customer_Order.Any(x => x.Product_id == product_Information.Product_id && x.Purches_id == Customerid && x.Order_Status == 1); if (Check == true) { Customer_Order Data_Amdani = Data.Customer_Order.Single(x => x.Product_id == product_Information.Product_id && x.Purches_id == Customerid && x.Order_Status == 1); Data_Amdani.Unit_number++; Data.Entry(Data_Amdani).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { Customer_Order CO = new Customer_Order(); CO.Product_Name = product_Information.Product_name; CO.Unit_name = product_Information.Unit; CO.Unit_number = 1; CO.Price = product_Information.Price_per_unit; CO.Product_id = product_Information.Product_id; CO.Purches_id = Customerid; CO.Order_Status = 1; Data.Customer_Order.Add(CO); } Data.SaveChanges(); return(product_Information.Product_name + "" + " Added Successfully."); } catch { throw; } } else { return("Product could not be Added."); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Customer_Order = await _context.Customer_Order .Include(c => c.customer) .Include(c => c.order).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Customer_id_customer == id); if (Customer_Order == null) { return(NotFound()); } return(Page()); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Customer_Order = await _context.Customer_Order.FindAsync(id); if (Customer_Order != null) { _context.Customer_Order.Remove(Customer_Order); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } return(RedirectToPage("./Index")); }
public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id) { if (id == null) { return(NotFound()); } Customer_Order = await _context.Customer_Order .Include(c => c.customer) .Include(c => c.order).FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Customer_id_customer == id); if (Customer_Order == null) { return(NotFound()); } ViewData["Customer_id_customer"] = new SelectList(_context.Customer, "id_customer", "id_customer"); ViewData["Order_id_order"] = new SelectList(_context.Order, "id_order", "id_order"); return(Page()); }
public object getAllCustomerOrders() { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); try { List <Customer_Order> customerorders = db.Customer_Order.ToList(); List <dynamic> CustomerOrders = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (Customer_Order customerorder in customerorders) { Customer_Order customerorder1 = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == customerorder.CustomerOrderID).FirstOrDefault(); ///User user = sale1.User; DateTime date = Convert.ToDateTime(customerorder1.CusOrdDate); if (customerorder1 != null) { List <Product_Order_Line> product_Order_Line = db.Product_Order_Line.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == customerorder1.CustomerOrderID).ToList(); if (product_Order_Line != null) { dynamic searchedCustomerOrder = new ExpandoObject(); searchedCustomerOrder.CustomerOrderID = customerorder.CustomerID; // searchedSale.UserName = user.UserName; searchedCustomerOrder.CusOrdDate = date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); CustomerOrders.Add(searchedCustomerOrder); } } } toReturn.CustomerOrders = CustomerOrders; } catch { toReturn.Error = "Search Interrupted. Retry"; } return(toReturn); }
private List <email_attachment> GetEmailAttachment(Customer_Order customerOrder) { if (customerOrder.CustomerOrderAttachments != null && customerOrder.CustomerOrderAttachments.ToList().Count > 0) { List <email_attachment> emailAttachmentList = new List <email_attachment>(); foreach (var item in customerOrder.CustomerOrderAttachments.ToList()) { var destination = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TempDir"].ToString(); if (!Directory.Exists(destination)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); } string fileUrl = _fileStore.Download(item.FileURL, destination); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUrl) && File.Exists(fileUrl)) { byte[] filedata = File.ReadAllBytes(fileUrl); var base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(filedata); emailAttachmentList.Add(new email_attachment { content = base64, name = item.FileName, type = item.MimeType }); File.Delete(fileUrl); } } return(emailAttachmentList); } return(null); }
public string Delete(string customer_id, int?id) { try { Customer_Order Data_Amdani = Data.Customer_Order.Single(Z => Z.Id == id && Z.Purches_id == customer_id && Z.Order_Status == 1); if (Data_Amdani.Unit_number > 1) { Data_Amdani.Unit_number--; Data.Entry(Data_Amdani).State = EntityState.Modified; } else { Data.Customer_Order.Remove(Data_Amdani); } Data.SaveChanges(); return(Data.Customer_Order.Count(x => x.Purches_id == customer_id && x.Order_Status == 1).ToString()); } catch { throw; } }
public object initiatePlaceOrder(int customerID, dynamic session) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.products = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.CustomerOrder = new Sale(); toReturn.Customer = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.VAT = new ExpandoObject(); try { //get customer details Customer customer = new Customer(); customer = db.Customers.Where(x => x.CustomerID == customerID).FirstOrDefault(); toReturn.Customer = customer; Container con = new Container(); //get container of current user string sessionID = session.token; var user = db.Users.Where(x => x.SessionID == sessionID).FirstOrDefault(); if (user.ContainerID == null) { return(toReturn.Error = ("Curent Container Not Found")); } con = db.Containers.Where(x => x.ContainerID == user.ContainerID).FirstOrDefault(); if (con == null) { return(toReturn.Error = ("Curent Container Not Found")); } //get products in container List <Container_Product> conProd = db.Container_Product.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.CPQuantity < 1 && x.ContainerID == con.ContainerID).ToList(); //get todays date DateTime CustomerOrderDate = DateTime.Now; //get payment types toReturn.Customer = db.Payment_Type.ToList(); if (conProd != null) { Customer_Order prevOrder = db.Customer_Order.ToList().LastOrDefault(); int prevOrderNo = Convert.ToInt32(prevOrder.CusOrdNumber); int OrderNo = prevOrderNo + 1; //Get List Of products with current price List <Product> productsList = db.Products.ToList(); List <dynamic> products = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var prod in conProd) { Price price = db.Prices.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.PriceStartDate <= DateTime.Now && x.PriceEndDate >= DateTime.Now && x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).ToList().LastOrDefault(); if (price != null) { double Price = (double)price.UPriceR; dynamic productDetails = new ExpandoObject(); productDetails.ProductCategoryID = prod.Product.ProductCategoryID; productDetails.ProductID = prod.Product.ProductID; productDetails.ProdBarcode = prod.Product.ProdBarcode; productDetails.ProdDescription = prod.Product.ProdDesciption; productDetails.Prodname = prod.Product.ProdName; productDetails.CPQuantity = prod.CPQuantity; productDetails.Quantity = 0; productDetails.Price = Math.Round(Price, 2); productDetails.Subtotal = 0.0; products.Add(productDetails); } } toReturn.products = products; //get VAT toReturn.VAT = db.VATs.Where(x => x.VATStartDate <= DateTime.Now).ToList().LastOrDefault(); //set up sale Customer_Order newCustomerOrder = new Customer_Order(); newCustomerOrder.CusOrdDate = CustomerOrderDate; newCustomerOrder.CusOrdNumber = Convert.ToString(OrderNo); newCustomerOrder.UserID = user.UserID; newCustomerOrder.User = user; newCustomerOrder.CustomerID = customer.CustomerID; newCustomerOrder.CustomerOrderStatusID = 3; newCustomerOrder.Customer = customer; newCustomerOrder.Container = con; newCustomerOrder.ContainerID = con.ContainerID; db.Customer_Order.Add(newCustomerOrder); db.SaveChanges(); //getsale toReturn.CustomerOrder = db.Customer_Order.ToList().LastOrDefault(); } else { return(toReturn.Message = "All products seem to be in stock."); } } catch { toReturn.Error = "Please Reload Page to Initiate Order"; } return(toReturn); }
public object addCustomerOrderProduct(int productID, int customerorderID, int quantity) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); try { Product product = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductID == productID).FirstOrDefault(); if (product != null) { Customer_Order customerorder = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == customerorderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (customerorder != null) { Product_Backlog backlog_Product = db.Product_Backlog.Where(x => x.ContainerID == customerorder.ContainerID && x.ProductID == product.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (backlog_Product != null) { backlog_Product.QuantityToOrder = (backlog_Product.QuantityToOrder + quantity); db.SaveChanges(); Product_Order_Line product_Order_Line = db.Product_Order_Line.Where(x => x.ProductID == product.ProductID && x.CustomerOrderID == customerorder.CustomerOrderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (product_Order_Line == null) { Product_Order_Line newProduct_Order_Line = new Product_Order_Line(); newProduct_Order_Line.ProductID = product.ProductID; newProduct_Order_Line.Product = product; newProduct_Order_Line.CustomerOrderID = customerorder.CustomerOrderID; newProduct_Order_Line.Customer_Order = customerorder; newProduct_Order_Line.PLQuantity = quantity; db.Product_Order_Line.Add(newProduct_Order_Line); db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Product_Order_Line = db.Product_Order_Line.ToList().LastOrDefault(); } else { product_Order_Line.PLQuantity = product_Order_Line.PLQuantity + quantity; db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Product_Order_Line = product_Order_Line; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Container Not Found"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Order Not Found"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Product Not Found"; } } catch { toReturn.Error = "Product Add Unsuccessful"; } return(toReturn); }
public object cancelCustomerOrder(int customerorderID) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); try { //get sale Customer_Order newCustomerOrder = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == customerorderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (newCustomerOrder != null) { //get container Container container = db.Containers.Where(x => x.ContainerID == newCustomerOrder.ContainerID).FirstOrDefault(); //get list of products in Sale List <Product_Order_Line> product_Order_line = newCustomerOrder.Product_Order_Line.ToList(); if (container != null) { if (product_Order_line != null) { foreach (var prod in product_Order_line) { Product product = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (product != null) { Product_Backlog backlog_Product = db.Product_Backlog.Where(x => x.ContainerID == newCustomerOrder.ContainerID && x.ProductID == product.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (backlog_Product != null) { backlog_Product.QuantityToOrder = (backlog_Product.QuantityToOrder + prod.PLQuantity); db.SaveChanges(); Product_Order_Line product_Order_Line = db.Product_Order_Line.Where(x => x.ProductID == product.ProductID && x.CustomerOrderID == newCustomerOrder.CustomerOrderID).FirstOrDefault(); if (product_Order_Line != null) { db.Product_Order_Line.Remove(product_Order_Line); db.SaveChanges(); } } } else { toReturn.Error = "Product Not Found"; } } toReturn.Message = "Order Cancelled"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Container Not Found"; } } else { toReturn.Error = "Cancel Failed: Order Not Found"; } } catch { toReturn.Error = "Customer Order Cancellation Unsuccessfully Completed"; } return(toReturn); }
public dynamic placeOrder(Customer_Order order) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.newOrder = new ExpandoObject(); string newOrderNo = ""; try { //Get Product Order Line Details from order List <Product_Order_Line> productList = order.Product_Order_Line.ToList(); if (order != null && productList != null) { Customer customer = db.Customers.Where(x => x.CustomerID == order.CustomerID).FirstOrDefault(); User user = db.Users.Where(x => x.UserID == order.UserID).FirstOrDefault(); Container con = db.Containers.Where(x => x.ContainerID == order.ContainerID).FirstOrDefault(); Customer_Order_Status order_Status = db.Customer_Order_Status.Where(x => x.CODescription == "Placed").FirstOrDefault(); //save customer order details Customer_Order customerOrder = new Customer_Order(); customerOrder.Customer = customer; customerOrder.Customer_Order_Status = order_Status; customerOrder.User = user; customerOrder.Container = con; customerOrder.CusOrdNumber = order.CusOrdNumber; customerOrder.CusOrdDate = DateTime.Now; db.Customer_Order.Add(customerOrder); db.SaveChanges(); //Get The Saved Order details form the db Customer_Order placedOrder = db.Customer_Order.ToList().LastOrDefault(); if (placedOrder != null) { //Add the Product_Order_Line Records for each product foreach (var prod in productList) { Product product = db.Products.Where(x => x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); Product_Order_Line orderProd = new Product_Order_Line(); orderProd.Customer_Order = placedOrder; orderProd.Product = product; orderProd.PLQuantity = prod.PLQuantity; db.Product_Order_Line.Add(orderProd); db.SaveChanges(); } //Get the placed Orders Order Number newOrderNo = placedOrder.CusOrdNumber; } else { toReturn.Message = "Something went wrong adding the products!"; } //Set the return Objects toReturn.newOrder = searchByOrderNo(newOrderNo); toReturn.Message = "Success! Order was placed successfully and email confirmation sent."; } else { toReturn.Message = " Null Parameters Received"; } } catch (Exception error) { toReturn.Message = error.Message; } return(toReturn); }
public object DeleteContainer(int id) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; Container objectContainer = new Container(); dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); try { objectContainer = db.Containers.Find(id); if (objectContainer == null) { toReturn.Message = "Record Not Found"; } else { User user = db.Users.Where(x => x.ContainerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); Container_Product con = db.Container_Product.Where(x => x.ContainerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); Sale sale = db.Sales.Where(x => x.ContainerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); Customer_Order order = db.Customer_Order.Where(x => x.ContainerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); Supplier_Order suporder = db.Supplier_Order.Where(x => x.ContainerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); Product_Backlog prod = db.Product_Backlog.Where(x => x.ContainerID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (user == null && con == null && sale == null && order == null && suporder == null && prod == null) { List <Manager> managers = db.Managers.ToList(); if (managers.Count != 0) { foreach (Manager man in managers) { List <Container> containers = man.Containers.ToList(); foreach (Container container in containers) { if (container.ContainerID == id) { objectContainer.InActive = true; db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Message = "Delete Restricted But Container Set to Inactive"; return(toReturn); } } } } db.Containers.Remove(objectContainer); db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Message = "Delete Successful"; } else { objectContainer.InActive = true; db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.Message = "Delete Restricted But Container Set to Inactive"; return(toReturn); } } } catch { toReturn.Message = "Delete Unsuccesful"; } return(toReturn); }
public object initiatePlaceOrder(int customerID, dynamic session) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.customer = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.orderInfo = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.products = new ExpandoObject(); try { Container con = new Container(); //get container of current user string sessionID = session.token; var user = db.Users.Where(x => x.SessionID == sessionID).FirstOrDefault(); if (user.ContainerID == null) { return(toReturn.Error = ("Curent Container Not Found")); } con = db.Containers.Where(x => x.ContainerID == user.ContainerID).FirstOrDefault(); if (con == null) { return(toReturn.Error = ("Curent Container Not Found")); } //get products in container List <Container_Product> conProd = db.Container_Product.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.CPQuantity < 1 && x.ContainerID == con.ContainerID).ToList(); //get customer details Customer customer = new Customer(); customer = db.Customers.Where(x => x.CustomerID == customerID).FirstOrDefault(); toReturn.customer = customer; if (customer != null) { //Get Order No Customer_Order prevOrder = db.Customer_Order.ToList().LastOrDefault(); Customer_Order prevID = db.Customer_Order.ToList().LastOrDefault(); int prevOrderNo = Convert.ToInt32(prevOrder.CusOrdNumber); int OrderNo = prevOrderNo + 1; //Get Todays date var orderDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //Set Order No And Order Date In Dynamic Object dynamic orderInfo = new ExpandoObject(); orderInfo.OrderNo = OrderNo; orderInfo.OrderDate = orderDate; orderInfo.VatPerc = db.VATs.Where(x => x.VATStartDate <= DateTime.Now).ToList().LastOrDefault(); toReturn.orderInfo = orderInfo; //Get List Of products with current price List <Product> productsList = db.Products.ToList(); List <dynamic> products = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var prod in conProd) { Price price = db.Prices.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.PriceStartDate <= DateTime.Now && x.PriceEndDate >= DateTime.Now && x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (price != null) { double Price = (double)price.UPriceR; dynamic productDetails = new ExpandoObject(); productDetails.ProductCategoryID = prod.Product.ProductCategoryID; productDetails.ProductID = prod.ProductID; productDetails.ProdDescription = prod.Product.ProdDesciption; productDetails.Prodname = prod.Product.ProdName; productDetails.Quantity = 0; productDetails.Price = Math.Round(Price, 2); productDetails.Subtotal = 0.0; products.Add(productDetails); } } toReturn.products = products; toReturn.VAT = db.VATs.Where(x => x.VATStartDate <= DateTime.Now).ToList().LastOrDefault(); Customer_Order_Status order_Status = db.Customer_Order_Status.Where(x => x.CODescription == "Placed").FirstOrDefault(); //set up sale Customer_Order customerOrder = new Customer_Order(); customerOrder.Customer = customer; customerOrder.Customer_Order_Status = order_Status; customerOrder.UserID = user.UserID; customerOrder.User = user; customerOrder.Container = con; customerOrder.ContainerID = con.ContainerID; customerOrder.CusOrdNumber = Convert.ToString(OrderNo); customerOrder.CusOrdDate = DateTime.Now; db.Customer_Order.Add(customerOrder); db.SaveChanges(); toReturn.CustomerOrder = db.Customer_Order.ToList().LastOrDefault(); orderInfo.CustomerOrderID = customerOrder.CustomerOrderID; } else { toReturn.Message = "No products were found. All products seem to be in stock."; } } catch (Exception error) { toReturn.Message = error.Message; } return(toReturn); }
public object getCustomerOrder(int id) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); double TotalIncVat = 0.0; toReturn.calculatedValues = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.customerorderProducts = new List <dynamic>(); toReturn.customerorderDate = new ExpandoObject(); DateTime customerorderDate = DateTime.Now; try { Customer_Order searchedCustomerOrder = db.Customer_Order.Include(x => x.Product_Order_Line).Include(x => x.Customer).Include(x => x.User).Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == id).FirstOrDefault(); if (searchedCustomerOrder != null) { //get list of Products in sale from db List <Product_Order_Line> product_Order_line = db.Product_Order_Line.Include(x => x.Customer_Order).Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.CustomerOrderID == searchedCustomerOrder.CustomerOrderID).ToList(); List <dynamic> products = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var prod in product_Order_line) { //Get Price For Each Product Price price = db.Prices.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.PriceStartDate <= searchedCustomerOrder.CusOrdDate && x.PriceEndDate >= searchedCustomerOrder.CusOrdDate && x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (price != null) { //Calculate Product Subtotal double unitPrice = (double)price.UPriceR; double quantity = (double)prod.PLQuantity; double subtotal = unitPrice * quantity; //Create Object And Populate With Product Related Details dynamic productDetails = new ExpandoObject(); productDetails.ProductID = prod.ProductID; productDetails.Prodname = prod.Product.ProdName; productDetails.ProdDescription = prod.Product.ProdDesciption; productDetails.Quantity = prod.PLQuantity.ToString(); productDetails.Price = price.UPriceR.ToString(); productDetails.Subtotal = subtotal.ToString("#.##"); TotalIncVat = TotalIncVat + subtotal; products.Add(productDetails); } //set list of products to return object toReturn.saleProducts = products; var vatOnDate = db.VATs.Where(x => x.VATStartDate <= searchedCustomerOrder.CusOrdDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (vatOnDate != null) { ///Calculate Sale Amounts double vatPerc = (double)vatOnDate.VATPerc; double vat = (vatPerc / (vatPerc + 100)) * TotalIncVat; double TotalExcVat = TotalIncVat - vat; //set and Populate With Calculated Details dynamic calculations = new ExpandoObject(); calculations.TotalIncVat = TotalIncVat.ToString("#.##"); calculations.TotalExcVat = TotalExcVat.ToString("#.##"); calculations.Vat = vat.ToString("#.##"); toReturn.calculatedValues = calculations; //set Sale date to return object customerorderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(searchedCustomerOrder.CusOrdDate); toReturn.customerorderDate = customerorderDate; } else { toReturn.Message = "Something Went Wrong Price is null"; } } } } catch { toReturn.Message = "Order Search Inturrupted, Retry"; } return(toReturn); }
public object searchByOrderNo(string orderNo) { db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; dynamic toReturn = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.orderDetails = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.customerDetails = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.calculatedValues = new ExpandoObject(); toReturn.orderProducts = new List <dynamic>(); double TotalIncVat = 0.0; DateTime orderDate = DateTime.Now; try { //Get Customer Order Details From Db Customer_Order order = db.Customer_Order.Include(x => x.Customer).Include(x => x.Customer_Order_Status).Where(x => x.CusOrdNumber == orderNo).FirstOrDefault(); if (order != null) { //Get List Of Products In Customer Order From Db List <Product_Order_Line> orderProduct = db.Product_Order_Line.Include(x => x.Customer_Order).Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.Customer_Order.CusOrdNumber == orderNo).ToList(); List <dynamic> products = new List <dynamic>(); foreach (var prod in orderProduct) { //Get Price For Each Product Price price = db.Prices.Include(x => x.Product).Where(x => x.PriceStartDate <= order.CusOrdDate && x.PriceEndDate >= order.CusOrdDate && x.ProductID == prod.ProductID).FirstOrDefault(); if (price != null) { //Calculate Product Subtotal double unitPrice = (double)price.UPriceR; double quantity = (double)prod.PLQuantity; double subtotal = unitPrice * quantity; //Create Object And Populate With Product Related Details dynamic productDetails = new ExpandoObject(); productDetails.ProductID = prod.ProductID; productDetails.Prodname = prod.Product.ProdName; productDetails.ProdDescription = prod.Product.ProdDesciption; productDetails.Quantity = prod.PLQuantity.ToString(); productDetails.Price = price.UPriceR.ToString(); productDetails.Subtotal = subtotal.ToString("#.##"); TotalIncVat = TotalIncVat + subtotal; products.Add(productDetails); } //set list of products to return object toReturn.orderProducts = products; var vatOnDate = db.VATs.Where(x => x.VATStartDate <= order.CusOrdDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (vatOnDate != null) { ///Calculate Order Amounts double vatPerc = (double)vatOnDate.VATPerc; double vat = (vatPerc / (vatPerc + 100)) * TotalIncVat; double TotalExcVat = TotalIncVat - vat; orderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(order.CusOrdDate); //Create objects to store the seperated details dynamic cusOrder = new ExpandoObject(); dynamic cusdetails = new ExpandoObject(); dynamic calculations = new ExpandoObject(); //Populate With Customer Order Details cusOrder.CustomerOrderID = order.CustomerOrderID; cusOrder.OrderNo = order.CusOrdNumber; cusOrder.CusOrdStatus = order.Customer_Order_Status.CODescription; cusOrder.OrderDate = orderDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); //Populate With Customer Details cusdetails.CustomerID = order.CustomerID; cusdetails.CusName = order.Customer.CusName; cusdetails.CusSurname = order.Customer.CusSurname; cusdetails.CusCell = order.Customer.CusCell; cusdetails.CusEmail = order.Customer.CusEmail; //Populate With Calculated Details calculations.TotalIncVat = TotalIncVat.ToString("#.##"); calculations.TotalExcVat = TotalExcVat.ToString("#.##"); calculations.Vat = vat.ToString("#.##"); //set objects to return toReturn.orderDetails = cusOrder; toReturn.customerDetails = cusdetails; toReturn.calculatedValues = calculations; toReturn.orderProducts = products; } else { toReturn.Message = "Something Went Wrong Price is null"; } } } else { toReturn.Message = "Order(s) Not Found"; } } catch (Exception error) { toReturn.Message = "Something Went Wrong: " + error.Message; } return(toReturn); }