public async Task <byte[]> GetAsync(CustomerSearch option, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { var companyTask = companyQueryProcessor.GetAsync(new CompanySearch { Id = option.CompanyId }, token); var appConTask = applicationControlGetByCompanyQueryProcessor.GetAsync(option.CompanyId.Value, token); var masterLoadTask = customerQueryProcessor.GetAsync(option, token); await Task.WhenAll(companyTask, appConTask, masterLoadTask); var company = companyTask.Result.First(); var appCon = appConTask.Result; var items = masterLoadTask.Result.ToList(); if (!items.Any()) { return(null); } var report = new CustomerAccountSectionReport(); report.Name = "得意先台帳" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"); report.SetBasicPageSetting(company.Code, company.Name); report.SetData(items, appCon.UsePublishInvoice == 1, appCon.UseReminder == 1); report.Run(); return(report.Convert()); }
public ActionResult Index() { var custSearch = new CustomerSearch() { Id = "JKJK*" }; string url = Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Authority) + Request.ApplicationPath + "api/Customer"; string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(custSearch); var req = HttpWebRequest.Create(url); req.Method = "POST"; req.ContentType = "application/json"; byte[] jsonByteData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jsonData.ToCharArray()); var reqStream = req.GetRequestStream(); reqStream.Write(jsonByteData, 0, jsonData.Length); var response = req.GetResponse(); var respStream = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream()); string responseJsonData = respStream.ReadToEnd(); Customer customer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Customer>(responseJsonData); return(View(customer)); }
public void Test_NoRateLimiter_TooManyRequest_Error() { var connector = new CustomerConnector(); connector.UseRateLimiter = false; FortnoxApiException error = null; int i; for (i = 0; i < 200; i++) { var searchSettings = new CustomerSearch(); searchSettings.City = TestUtils.RandomString(); try { connector.Find(searchSettings); } catch (FortnoxApiException ex) { error = ex; break; } } //Assert //Assert.IsTrue(failed > 0); Console.WriteLine($@"Succesful requests: {i}"); Assert.IsNotNull(error); Console.WriteLine(error.Message); Assert.IsTrue(error.Message.Contains("Too Many Requests")); Thread.Sleep(5 * 1000); //Sleep to cooldown/recover from "debt" (otherwise following tests will fail with TooManyRequests) }
public void Test_issue73_async_non_blockable() { var connector = new CustomerConnector(); var searchSettings = new CustomerSearch(); searchSettings.Limit = 2; var watch = new Stopwatch(); watch.Start(); var runningTasks = new List <Task <EntityCollection <CustomerSubset> > >(); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { runningTasks.Add(connector.FindAsync(searchSettings)); } Console.WriteLine(@"Thread free after: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Assert.IsTrue(watch.ElapsedMilliseconds < 1000); watch.Start(); foreach (var runningTask in runningTasks) { var result = runningTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(@"Total time: " + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
public ActionResult Query(CustomerSearch search) { //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(3000); var result = _customerService.Query(search); return(PartialView("_SingersSearch", result)); }
public CustomerObjBase SearchCustomer(CustomerSearch id) { UserManager userManager = new UserManager(); return(userManager.SearchCustomer(id)); }
public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <int, string> > Search(string customerName) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerName) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customerName)) { yield return(new KeyValuePair <int, string>()); } var search = new CustomerSearch(new LevenshteinDistance()); IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <int, string> > values = new List <KeyValuePair <int, string> >(); if (_customerRespository.Persistence == Persistence.SQL) { values = _customerRespository.All.Select(i => new KeyValuePair <int, string>(i.Id, i.Name)).ToList(); } else if (_customerRespository.Persistence == Persistence.Graph) { var graph = _customerRespository.GraphClient; values = graph.Cypher.Match("(p:Customer)").Return(p => p.As <CustomerGraph.Node>()).Results .Select(p => new KeyValuePair <int, string>((int)p.Id, p.Name)); } foreach (var match in search.FindClosestMatches(customerName, values.Select(i => i.Value), 5)) { yield return(new KeyValuePair <int, string>(values.First(c => c.Value == match).Key, match)); } }
public async Task Test_Paging() { const int large = 20; const int small = 5; var connector = FortnoxClient.CustomerConnector; var searchSettings = new CustomerSearch(); searchSettings.Limit = large; searchSettings.SortBy = Sort.By.Customer.CustomerNumber; searchSettings.SortOrder = Sort.Order.Ascending; var largeCustomerCollection = await connector.FindAsync(searchSettings); //get up to 'large' number of entities var totalCustomers = largeCustomerCollection.TotalResources; var neededPages = GetNeededPages(Math.Min(totalCustomers, large), small); var mergedCollection = new List <CustomerSubset>(); for (var i = 0; i < neededPages; i++) { searchSettings.Limit = small; searchSettings.Page = i + 1; var smallCustomerCollection = await connector.FindAsync(searchSettings); mergedCollection.AddRange(smallCustomerCollection.Entities); } for (var i = 0; i < largeCustomerCollection.Entities.Count; i++) { Assert.AreEqual(largeCustomerCollection.Entities[i].CustomerNumber, mergedCollection[i].CustomerNumber); } }
/// <summary>検索前にCustomerSearchデータを準備</summary> /// <returns>準備されたCustomerSearchModel</returns> private CustomerSearch CreateSearchCondition() { var customerSearch = new CustomerSearch(); customerSearch.CompanyId = Login.CompanyId; customerSearch.CustomerCodeFrom = txtCustomerCodeFrom.Text; customerSearch.CustomerCodeTo = txtCustomerCodeTo.Text; if (txtClosingDay.Text != "") { customerSearch.ClosingDay = int.Parse(txtClosingDay.Text); } if (cmbShareTransferFee.SelectedIndex == -1) { customerSearch.ShareTransferFee = null; } else { customerSearch.ShareTransferFee = cmbShareTransferFee.SelectedIndex; } customerSearch.StaffCodeFrom = txtStaffCodeFrom.Text; customerSearch.StaffCodeTo = txtStaffCodeTo.Text; customerSearch.UpdateAtFrom = datUpdateAtFrom.Value; customerSearch.UpdateAtTo = datUpdateAtTo.Value; return(customerSearch); }
public async Task <List <CustomerDto> > Search(CustomerSearch search) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.FirstName) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.LastName) && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.Address)) { return(_mapper.Map <List <Customer>, List <CustomerDto> >(await _repository.GetAllAsync())); } return(_mapper.Map <List <Customer>, List <CustomerDto> >(await _repository.Search(search))); }
Customer[] getById(CustomerSearch query) { if (query?.Id != null) { return(executeWithLock(() => customers.Where(i => i.Id == query.Id).ToArray())); } return(null); }
public async Task <ListResponse> Customer_SearchPaginated(int PageNumber, int PageSize) //CustomerSearch req) { CustomerSearch customerSearch = new CustomerSearch(); customerSearch.PageNumber = PageNumber; customerSearch.PageSize = PageSize; return(await _customerProvider.Customer_Search(customerSearch)); }
Customer[] getAll(CustomerSearch query) { if (query == null || (query.Id == null && query.Name == null)) { return(executeWithLock(() => customers.ToArray())); } return(null); }
public void LikeSearchParams() { var qry = new CustomerSearch(_sqlDb) { OrgId = 1, Search = "hello" }; var results = qry.Execute(); }
Customer[] getByName(CustomerSearch query) { if (query?.Name != null) { return(executeWithLock(() => customers.Where(i => i.Name.StartsWith(query.Name)).ToArray())); } return(null); }
public IEnumerable <Customer> FindBySearch(CustomerSearch customerSearch) { if (customerSearch == null) { return(FindAll()); } return(_customerRepository.FindBySearch(customerSearch)); }
private void Export() { try { ZeroLeftPaddingWithoutValidated(); var customerSearch = new CustomerSearch(); customerSearch.CompanyId = Login.CompanyId; customerSearch.CustomerCodeFrom = txtCustomerCodeFrom.Text; customerSearch.CustomerCodeTo = txtCustomerCodeTo.Text; if (txtClosingDay.Text != "") { customerSearch.ClosingDay = int.Parse(txtClosingDay.Text); } if (cmbShareTransferFee.SelectedIndex == -1) { customerSearch.ShareTransferFee = null; } else { customerSearch.ShareTransferFee = cmbShareTransferFee.SelectedIndex; } customerSearch.StaffCodeFrom = txtStaffCodeFrom.Text; customerSearch.StaffCodeTo = txtStaffCodeTo.Text; customerSearch.UpdateAtFrom = datUpdateAtFrom.Value; customerSearch.UpdateAtTo = datUpdateAtTo.Value; if (!RequiredCheck()) { return; } ClearStatusMessage(); if (rdoCustomerMaster.Checked) { //得意先マスター ExportCustomer(customerSearch); } else if (rdoRegistrationFee.Checked) { // 得意先マスター登録手数料(エクスポート) ExportRegistrationFee(); } else { // 歩引設定(エクスポート) ExportDiscount(customerSearch); } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Fail(ex.ToString()); NLogHandler.WriteErrorLog(this, ex, SessionKey); DispStatusMessage(MsgErrExportError); } }
public ActionResult CustomerSearch(CustomerSearch customerSearch) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(View()); } FindMatchingCustomers(customerSearch); return(View(customerSearch)); }
public void Test_Find() { #region Arrange //Add code to create required resources #endregion Arrange var testKeyMark = TestUtils.RandomString(); ICustomerConnector connector = new CustomerConnector(); var newCustomer = new Customer() { Name = "TestCustomer", Address1 = "TestStreet 1", Address2 = "TestStreet 2", ZipCode = "01010", City = testKeyMark, CountryCode = "SE", //CountryCode needs to be valid Email = "*****@*****.**", Type = CustomerType.Private, Active = false, Comments = testKeyMark }; //Add entries for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { connector.Create(newCustomer); } //Apply base test filter var searchSettings = new CustomerSearch(); searchSettings.City = testKeyMark; var fullCollection = connector.Find(searchSettings); Assert.AreEqual(5, fullCollection.TotalResources); Assert.AreEqual(5, fullCollection.Entities.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, fullCollection.TotalPages); //Apply Limit searchSettings.Limit = 2; var limitedCollection = connector.Find(searchSettings); Assert.AreEqual(5, limitedCollection.TotalResources); Assert.AreEqual(2, limitedCollection.Entities.Count); Assert.AreEqual(3, limitedCollection.TotalPages); //Delete entries foreach (var entry in fullCollection.Entities) { connector.Delete(entry.CustomerNumber); } #region Delete arranged resources //Add code to delete temporary resources #endregion Delete arranged resources }
public async Task <byte[]> GetAsync(CustomerSearch option, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { var report = new CustomerSectionReport(); return((await report.BuildAsync("得意先マスター一覧" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd"), companyQueryProcessor.GetAsync(new CompanySearch { Id = option.CompanyId }, token), customerQueryProcessor.GetAsync(option, token)))?.Convert()); }
public PagedResponse <CustomerDto> Execute(CustomerSearch search) { var query = context.Customers.AsQueryable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.Name) || !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(search.Name)) { query = query.Where(x => x.FirstName.ToLower().Contains(search.Name.ToLower())); } return(query.Paged <CustomerDto, Domain.Customers>(search, _mapper)); }
public override async Task ListCustomers(CustomerSearch request, IServerStreamWriter <Customer> responseStream, ServerCallContext context) { var customers = new List <Customer> { new Customer(), new Customer() }; foreach (var customer in customers) { await responseStream.WriteAsync(customer); } }
public Customer Post(CustomerSearch model) { var cust = new Customer { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), FirstName = "Adam", LastName = "Smith" }; return(cust); }
/// <summary> /// 查询客户列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="search"></param> /// <returns></returns> public IPagedList <CustomerDetailModel> Query(CustomerSearch search) { var _session = HttpContext.Current.Session; if (int.Parse(_session["Authority"].ToString()) > 0) { var employeeId = _session["EmployeeId"]?.ToString(); search.EmployeeId = Guid.Parse(employeeId); } return(_customerInfoRepository.Query(search));; }
public PagedList <CUST_INFO_EX> QueryCustomerList(CustomerSearch search, PageView view, int org_id, int region_id) { string cols = @"A.[ID],A.[STORE_ID],B.[NAME] as STORE_NAME,A.[CUST_NO] ,A.[NAME],A.[IMAGE_ID],A.[GENDER],A.[BIRTHDAY],A.[IDTYPE],A.[IDCARD],A.[MOBILE],A.[COUNTRY] ,A.[PROVINCE],A.[CITY],A.[REGION],A.[ADDRESS],A.[ZIPCODE],A.[EDUCATION],A.[EMAIL] ,A.[SOURCE],A.[QQ],A.[WECHAT],A.[FACEBOOK],A.[WEIBO],A.[OPTIN_SMS] ,A.[INCOME],A.[POSITION],A.[WORK_STATION],A.[CREATE_DATE],A.[CREATE_USER] ,A.[LAST_MODI_DATE],A.[LAST_MODI_USER],A.[CARD_NO],A.[PASSWORD],A.[TYPE],C.balance BALANCE, CARD_NAME"; string sqlWhere = " AND A.NAME!='散客'"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.NAME)) { sqlWhere += " AND A.[NAME] LIKE '%" + search.NAME + "%'"; } else { if (search.STORE_ID > 0) { sqlWhere += " AND (A.[STORE_ID]='" + search.STORE_ID + "' or A.[STORE_ID] is null)"; } //if (org_id > 0 && region_id == 0) //{ // sqlWhere += " AND (A.[STORE_ID] in (select B.ID from ORG_STORE where B.ORG_ID=" + org_id + ") or A.[STORE_ID] is null)"; //} if (region_id > 0) { sqlWhere += " AND (A.[STORE_ID] in (select C.ID from ORG_STORE C left join ORG_INFO D on C.REGION_ID =D.ID where D.ID=" + region_id + " and C.ORG_ID=" + org_id + ") or A.[STORE_ID] is null)"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.IDCARD)) { sqlWhere += " AND A.[IDCARD] LIKE '%" + search.IDCARD + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.MOBILE)) { sqlWhere += " AND A.[MOBILE] LIKE '%" + search.MOBILE + "%'"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(search.CARD_NO)) { sqlWhere += " AND A.[CARD_NO]='" + search.CARD_NO + "'"; } sqlWhere += " AND A.ORG_ID =" + search.ORG_ID; return(base.PageGet <CUST_INFO_EX>(view, cols, "[CUST_INFO] A LEFT JOIN [ORG_STORE] B ON A.[STORE_ID]=B.ID left join CUST_CARD c on and c.CARD_TYPE=1 and c.STATUS=1 left join PROD_CARD d on c.CARD_ID=d.ID " //table , sqlWhere , "A.ID DESC ", "")); //ORDER BY A.[LAST_MODI_DATE] DESC }
public IList<Customer> Any(CustomerSearch search) { // Example retrieving using OrmLite //if (search.Ids != null && search.Ids.Length > 0) // return Db.GetByIds<Customer>(search.Ids); // Example retrieving using Redis if (search.Ids != null && search.Ids.Length > 0) return Redis.As<Customer>().GetByIds(search.Ids); return Redis.As<Customer>().GetAll(); }
public CustomerManager(CustomerResourceManager crm, Fleet fleet) { _crm = crm; _fleet = fleet; AddCustomer.Submitted += AddCustomerOnSubmitted; CustomerSearch.GetComponent <Form>("initial search").Submitted += CustomerSearchOnSearch; CustomerSearch.GetComponent <Form>("customer list").Submitted += CustomerSearchOnSearch; ModifyCustomer.GetComponent <Form>("search").Submitted += ModifyCustomerOnSearch; ModifyCustomer.GetComponent <Form>("modify").Submitted += ModifyCustomerOnSubmitted; DeleteCustomer.GetComponent <Form>("select").Submitted += DeleteCustomerOnSearch; DeleteCustomer.GetComponent <Form>("confirm").Submitted += DeleteCustomerOnSubmitted; CustomerReport.PreRender += CustomerReportOnFocused; }
/// <summary> /// Method to check the validation while fetching the customer /// </summary> /// <param name="listResponse"></param> /// <param name="customerSearch"></param> /// <returns></returns> private ListResponse ValidateCustomerSearch(ListResponse listResponse, CustomerSearch customerSearch) { if (customerSearch.PageNumber <= 0) { listResponse.SetError(ErrorCodes.INVALID_PAGE_NO_Required); } if (customerSearch.PageSize <= 0) { listResponse.SetError(ErrorCodes.INVALID_PAGE_SIZE_Required); } return(listResponse); }
public IEnumerable <Customer> FindBySearch(CustomerSearch customerSearch) { var result = _dbContext.Customer.AsQueryable(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(customerSearch.Name)) { result = result.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(customerSearch.Name)); } if (customerSearch.Gender != null) { result = result.Where(x => x.Gender == customerSearch.Gender); } if (customerSearch.Classification != null) { result = result.Where(x => x.Classification == customerSearch.Classification); } if (customerSearch.CityId != null) { result = result.Where(x => x.City.Id == customerSearch.CityId); } if (customerSearch.LastPurchase != null) { result = result.Where(x => x.LastPurchase >= customerSearch.LastPurchase); } if (customerSearch.Until != null) { result = result.Where(x => x.LastPurchase <= customerSearch.Until); } if (customerSearch.RegionId != null) { if (_dbContext.City.Find(customerSearch.CityId).RegionId != customerSearch.RegionId) { result = result.Where(x => x.City.RegionId == customerSearch.RegionId || x.CityId == customerSearch.CityId); } else { result = result.Where(x => x.City.RegionId == customerSearch.RegionId); } } if (customerSearch.SellerId != null) { result = result.Where(x => x.OwnerId == customerSearch.SellerId); } result .Include(model => model.Owner) .Include(model => model.City) .Include(model => model.City.Region); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Provider for api to search guest data /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <ListResponse> Customer_Search(CustomerSearch customerSearch) { ListResponse listResponse = new ListResponse(); if (customerSearch != null) { listResponse = ValidateCustomerSearch(listResponse, customerSearch); if (listResponse.HasError) { return(listResponse); } } return(await _customerHandler.Customer_Search(customerSearch)); }
private void CustomerSearchOnSearch(object sender, Form.SubmittedEventArgs e) { var options = _crm.Customers.Select(c => new[] { new Tuple <string, Customer>(c.Id.ToString(), c), new Tuple <string, Customer>(c.Title.ToString(), c), new Tuple <string, Customer>(c.GivenNames, c), new Tuple <string, Customer>(c.Surname, c), new Tuple <string, Customer>(c.Gender.ToString(), c) }).SelectMany(it => it).ToArray(); if (e.Data.Get <string>("Search").IsEmpty()) { e.Result = "Enter a search term"; return; } var parser = new MrrcParser(e.Data.Get <string>("Search").ToUpperInvariant()); var result = parser.Parse(parser.Tokenise()); if (result is FailedParseResult <Expression> failure) { e.Result = failure.Message; return; } var success = (SuccessfulParseResult <Expression>)result; var matches = success.Result.Matches(options); var individualMatches = matches.Item1 .Select(it => it.Item2) .Distinct() .Where(it => !matches.Item2.Contains(it)) .ToArray(); if (individualMatches.Length == 0) { e.Result = "No results where found"; return; } var customerList = CustomerSearch.GetComponent <Form>("customer list"); customerList.Set("Search", e.Data.Get <string>("Search")); customerList.GetComponent <Select>("Results") .SetNewMembers(individualMatches.Select(m => m.ToString()).ToArray()); CustomerSearch.ActiveComponent = "customer list"; }
private void GenerateReport() { try { DataSet dsCustReport = new DataSet(); CustomerSearch supSearch = new CustomerSearch(); supSearch.FromDate = dtpFromDate.Date; supSearch.ToDate = dtpToDate.Date; supSearch.CustId = Int32.Parse(ddlCustomers.SelectedValue.ToString()); dsCustReport = new CustomerDAO().GetTransactionHistoryByCustomer(supSearch); Session["CustomerFullReport"] = dsCustReport; BindGrid(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public CustomerSearch CustomerNameSearch(string custName) { CustomerSearch custSearch = new CustomerSearch(); SearchStringField customerEntityID = new SearchStringField(); customerEntityID.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is; customerEntityID.operatorSpecified = true; customerEntityID.searchValue = custName; CustomerSearchBasic custBasic = new CustomerSearchBasic(); custBasic.entityId = customerEntityID; custSearch.basic = custBasic; return custSearch; }
public void setCustomer(string customerID) { NetSuiteService service = new NetSuiteService(); service.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); NetsuiteUser user = new NetsuiteUser("3451682", "*****@*****.**", "1026", "tridenT168"); Passport passport = user.prepare(user); Status status = service.login(passport).status; CustomerSearch customerSearch = new CustomerSearch(); customerSearch = CustomerNameSearch(customerID); SearchResult searchResult =; if (searchResult.status.isSuccess) { if (searchResult.recordList != null && searchResult.recordList.Length == 1) { string entityID = ((Customer)searchResult.recordList[0]).entityId; Console.WriteLine(entityID); } } else { throw new Exception("Cannot find Customer " + customerID + " " + searchResult.status.statusDetail[0].message); } this.salesOrder.entity = createCustomer(searchResult); }
public IList<Customer> OnCustomerSearch(ISession session, CustomerSearch e) { return new Expression().List<Models.Customers, Customer>(); }
public static RecordRef GetCustomer(string strParent, string strPhone) { RecordRef objCustomer = null; CustomerSearch custSearch = new CustomerSearch(); SearchStringField customerPhone = new SearchStringField(); customerPhone.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is; customerPhone.operatorSpecified = true; customerPhone.searchValue = strPhone; CustomerSearchBasic custBasic = new CustomerSearchBasic(); = customerPhone; custBasic.parent = new SearchMultiSelectField(); custBasic.parent.@operator = SearchMultiSelectFieldOperator.anyOf; custBasic.parent.operatorSpecified = true; custBasic.parent.searchValue = new RecordRef[1]; custBasic.parent.searchValue[0] = new RecordRef(); custBasic.parent.searchValue[0].internalId = strParent; custBasic.parent.searchValue[0].type = RecordType.customer; custBasic.parent.searchValue[0].typeSpecified = true; custSearch.basic = custBasic; SearchResult res =; if (res.status.isSuccess) { if (res.recordList != null && res.recordList.Length == 1) { objCustomer = new RecordRef(); objCustomer.type = RecordType.customer; objCustomer.typeSpecified = true; System.String entID = ((Customer)(res.recordList[0])).entityId; = entID; objCustomer.internalId = ((Customer)(res.recordList[0])).internalId; } } return objCustomer; }
public static Customer GetCustomer(string strCustomerName) { RecordRef reseller = new RecordRef(); Customer objCustomer = new Customer(); try { CustomerSearch custSearch = new CustomerSearch(); custSearch.basic = new CustomerSearchBasic(); custSearch.basic.entityId = new SearchStringField(); custSearch.basic.entityId.@operator = SearchStringFieldOperator.@is; custSearch.basic.entityId.operatorSpecified = true; custSearch.basic.entityId.searchValue = strCustomerName; SearchResult res =; if (res.status.isSuccess) { if (res.recordList != null && res.recordList.Length == 1) { reseller.type = RecordType.customer; reseller.typeSpecified = true; System.String entID = ((Customer)(res.recordList[0])).entityId; = entID; reseller.internalId = ((Customer)(res.recordList[0])).internalId; ReadResponse objReadResponse = _service.get(reseller); if (objReadResponse.status.isSuccess) { objCustomer = (Customer)objReadResponse.record; } } } } catch (Exception objExc) { } return objCustomer; }