public ActionResult Save(CustomerViewModel cust) { ModelState.Remove("CustomerId"); int CustomerId = 0; CustomerId = cust.CustomerId; if (ModelState.IsValid) { // string jobsite = Convert.ToString(form["hdnJobSiteAddress"]); string Customer = cust.CustomerName.ToUpper(); cust.CustomerName = cust.CustomerName.ToUpper(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cust.Notes) == false) { cust.Notes = cust.Notes.ToUpper(); } SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities(); if (cust.CustomerId != 0) { var editcust = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerName.Trim().ToUpper() == Customer.Trim().ToUpper() && x.CustomerId != cust.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (editcust != null) { cust.CustomerId = cust.CustomerId; ViewBag.CustomerId = cust.CustomerId; ViewBag.Message = "This Customer already present. Please add different name And Try Again."; ViewBag.Adddisable = true; ViewBag.Deletedisable = true; var customerexist = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId)); cust.lstCustAddress = customerexist.lstCustAddress; cust.lstCustContact = customerexist.lstCustContact; return(View("Index", cust)); } } else { var existcust = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerName.Trim().ToUpper() == Customer.Trim().ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault(); if (existcust != null) { cust.CustomerId = cust.CustomerId; ViewBag.CustomerId = cust.CustomerId; ViewBag.Message = "This Customer already present. Please add different name And Try Again."; ViewBag.Adddisable = true; ViewBag.Deletedisable = true; var customerexist2 = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId)); cust.lstCustAddress = customerexist2.lstCustAddress; cust.lstCustContact = customerexist2.lstCustContact; return(View("Index", cust)); } } CustomerRepository objdata = new CustomerRepository(); // CustomerId = objdata.AddUpdateCustomer(cust, "Add"); CustomerId = objdata.AddUpdateCustomer(cust); // Call SaveActivityLog("frmAddCustomer", "Add Customer", "Customer " + UCase(txtCustomerName.Text) + " added by user " & UserInfo.UserName & ".") var act = new ActivityRepository(); act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Add Customer", "Save", "Customer " + cust.CustomerName.ToUpper() + " added by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + "."); if (cust.CustomerId == 0) { SendCustomerMailSMTP(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId), cust.CustomerName); } cust.CustomerId = CustomerId; ViewBag.CustomerId = CustomerId; ViewBag.Adddisable = false; ViewBag.Deletedisable = false; ViewBag.Message = "Customer details saved successfully."; } else { ViewBag.Adddisable = true; } var customer = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId)); return(View("Index", customer)); }