コード例 #1
        void webClient_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
            // Local variables
            string     ip         = "-";
            string     status     = "-";
            StatusCode newStatus  = StatusCode.Online;
            int        imageIndex = 0;

            if (e.Error == null) // String downloaded successfully
                // Remove line breaks from the IP address
                ip = e.Result.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");

                StatusText = "Logging connection at: " + Global.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now);

                // Begin downloading the data, passing the IP to the DownloadDataCompleted event
                if (AppSettings.AutoDownload)
                    string url          = string.Empty;
                    long   maximumSpeed = 0;

                    foreach (ListViewItem item in Global.ConnectionLog)
                        long speed = item.SpeedByte;

                        if (speed > maximumSpeed)
                            maximumSpeed = speed;

                    // Auto-select URL based on maximum download speed
                    if (maximumSpeed < 1024000)
                        // Download 0.6 MB file
                        url = "";
                    else if (maximumSpeed < 1024000 * 2)
                        // Download 1.5 MB file
                        url = "";
                    else if (maximumSpeed < 1024000 * 3)
                        // Download 3 MB file
                        url = "";
                    else if (maximumSpeed < 1024000 * 5)
                        // Download 6 MB file
                        url = "";
                        // Download 12 MB file
                        url = "";

                    webClient.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(url), ip);
                    webClient.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(AppSettings.DownloadURL), ip);
            else // An error occured downloading the string
                StatusText = "Unable to log connection: " + Global.ConvertTime(DateTime.Now);

                // Set status to Offline
                newStatus  = StatusCode.Offline;
                imageIndex = 2;
                ip         = "-";

                if (!p_CurrentIP.Equals(ip))
                    status      = "IP Changed";
                    imageIndex  = 1;
                    p_CurrentIP = ip;

                if (!p_CurrentStatus.Equals(newStatus))
                    status          = "Offline";
                    imageIndex      = 2;
                    p_CurrentStatus = newStatus;

                // Create a new ListViewItem object
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(DateTime.Now, 0);
                item.SubItems.Add(Global.ConvertBytes(0) + "/s");
                item.ImageIndex = imageIndex;

                // Add the ListViewItem to the log