コード例 #1
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index1()
            string form            = Request.Form.ToString();
            var    activationCode  = this.Request.Form["code"].ToString();
            var    url             = $"{authorityUri}/token";
            string signInReturnUrl = Request.Url.ToString();
            Dictionary <string, string> postData = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "grant_type", "authorization_code" }, { "client_id", clientID }, { "redirect_uri", signInReturnUrl }, { "client_secret", clientsecret }, { "code", activationCode }
            HttpClient          client   = new HttpClient();
            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(url, new FormUrlEncodedContent(postData));

            string responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            JObject responseObj  = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(responseContent);
            string  tokentype    = responseObj["token_type"].Value <string>();
            string  accesstoken  = responseObj["access_token"].Value <string>();
            string  refreshtoken = responseObj["refresh_token"].Value <string>();
            string  token_header = tokentype + " " + accesstoken;

            Session["token_header"] = token_header;
            Session["ws_id"]        = "..."; // Enter your Workspace Id

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

コード例 #2
        public async Task <ActionResult> ParallelFile()
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            // Start upload single parallel document

            string sourcelanguagefilepath = @"..."; // Enter local path for source language file
            string targetlanguagefilepath = @"..."; // Enter local path for target language file

            DocumentDetailsForImportRequest documentdetails = new DocumentDetailsForImportRequest();

            documentdetails.DocumentName = "...";      // Enter document name
            documentdetails.DocumentType = "training"; //values = training/ tuning/ testing
            documentdetails.IsParallel   = true;       // Enter if this is a parallel document. values = true, false
            documentdetails.FileDetails  = new List <FileForImportRequest>();

            FileForImportRequest sourcelanguagefile = new FileForImportRequest();

            sourcelanguagefile.Name              = Path.GetFileName(sourcelanguagefilepath);
            sourcelanguagefile.Language          = "..."; // Enter source language. Example: de. //Determined from the call to GetCategories
            sourcelanguagefile.OverwriteIfExists = true;  // Enter if you want to overwrite if file exists. values = true, false

            FileForImportRequest targetlanguagefile = new FileForImportRequest();

            targetlanguagefile.Name              = Path.GetFileName(targetlanguagefilepath);
            targetlanguagefile.Language          = "..."; // Enter target language. Example: en. //Determined from the call to GetCategories
            targetlanguagefile.OverwriteIfExists = true;  // Enter if you want to overwrite if file exists. values = true, false

            string result = await clientapp.ImportDocument(token_header, Session["ws_id"].ToString(), sourcelanguagefilepath, targetlanguagefilepath, documentdetails, sourcelanguagefile, targetlanguagefile);

            string jobId = getJobId(result.Trim());

            Response.Write("<br /><br />JobId: " + jobId + "<br />");

            result = await clientapp.GetDocumentUploadStatus(jobId, token_header);

            CurrentFileUploadStatus status = getUploadStatus(result);

            foreach (FileProcessingStatus fps in status.fileProcessingStatus)
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " + fps.id); // Use this File Is when training a model
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " + fps.fileName);
                Response.Write("<br />Upload Status: " + fps.status.displayName);

コード例 #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create()
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            ProjectCreateRequest newproject = new ProjectCreateRequest();

            newproject.name               = "..."; // Enter Project Name
            newproject.languagePairId     = 18;    //Determined from the call to GetLanguagePairs
            newproject.categoryid         = 1;     //Determined from the call to GetCategories
            newproject.categoryDescriptor = "..."; // Enter Project Category Descriptor
            newproject.label              = "..."; // Enter Project Label
            newproject.description        = "..."; // Enter Project Decription

            string categoryresult = await clientapp.GetCategories(token_header);

            List <Category> categorylist = getCategoryList(categoryresult);
            Category        category     = categorylist.Find(c => c.id == newproject.categoryid);

            string lpresult = await clientapp.GetLanguagePairs(token_header);

            List <LanguagePair> languagePairList = getLanguagePairList(lpresult);
            LanguagePair        languagePair     = languagePairList.Find(lp => lp.id == newproject.languagePairId);

            string result = await clientapp.CreateProject(token_header, newproject, Session["ws_id"].ToString());

            string[] resultarray = result.Split('/');

            if (resultarray.Length > 1)
                string newprojectid = resultarray[resultarray.Length - 1];
                Response.Write("<br/>New Project Created");
                Response.Write("<br/>Project Id: " + newprojectid);
                Response.Write("<br/>Project Name: " + newproject.name);
                Response.Write("<br/>Language Pair: " + languagePair.sourceLanguage.displayName + " to " + languagePair.targetLanguage.displayName);
                Response.Write("<br/>Project Category: " + category.name);
                Response.Write("<br/>Project Label: " + newproject.label);
                Response.Write("<br/>Project Description: " + newproject.description);
                Response.Write("<br/>Could not create project: " + result);

コード例 #4
        // GET: Model
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index(int?id)
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();
            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            if (id == null)

            long   modelid = (long)id;
            string result  = await clientapp.GetModel(modelid, token_header);

            TrainingModel m = getTrainingDetail(result);

            Response.Write("<br />Model Id: " + m.id);
            Response.Write("<br />Model Name: " + m.name);
            Response.Write("<br />Model Status: " + m.modelStatus);

            foreach (Document d in m.documents)
                Response.Write("<br/>Document Name: " + d.documentInfo.name);
                Response.Write("<br/>Aligned Sentence Count: " + d.processedDocumentInfo.alignedSentenceCount);
                Response.Write("<br/>Used Sentence Count: " + d.processedDocumentInfo.usedSentenceCount);

                int i = 1;
                foreach (FileInDocument f in d.documentInfo.files)
                    Response.Write("<br/>File " + i + " : " + f.fileName);
                    Response.Write("<br/>Language: " + f.language.displayName);
            Response.Write("<br />Bleu Score: " + m.bleuScoreCIPunctuated);
            Response.Write("<br />Training Sentence Count: " + m.trainingSentenceCount);
            Response.Write("<br />Tuning Sentence Count: " + m.tuningSentenceCount);
            Response.Write("<br />Testing Sentence Count: " + m.testingSentenceCount);

コード例 #5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Deploy(int?id)
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();
            if (id == null)

            long modelid = (long)id;
            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            DeploymentConfiguration regionaldeployment1 = new DeploymentConfiguration();

            regionaldeployment1.region     = 1;    // North America = 1
            regionaldeployment1.isDeployed = true; // true = deployment ; false = undeployment

            DeploymentConfiguration regionaldeployment2 = new DeploymentConfiguration();

            regionaldeployment2.region     = 2;    // Europe = 2
            regionaldeployment2.isDeployed = true; // true = deployment ; false = undeployment

            DeploymentConfiguration regionaldeployment3 = new DeploymentConfiguration();

            regionaldeployment3.region     = 3;    // Asia Pacific
            regionaldeployment3.isDeployed = true; // true = deployment ; false = undeployment

            List <DeploymentConfiguration> deploymentconfig = new List <DeploymentConfiguration>();


            string result = await clientapp.CreateModelDeploymentRequest(modelid, deploymentconfig, token_header);

コード例 #6
        public async Task <ActionResult> ComboFile()
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            string filepath = @"..."; // Enter local path for combo file

            DocumentDetailsForImportRequest documentdetails = new DocumentDetailsForImportRequest();

            documentdetails.DocumentName = "...";      // Enter document name
            documentdetails.DocumentType = "training"; //values = training/ tuning/ testing
            documentdetails.IsParallel   = true;       // Enter if this is a parallel document. values = true, false
            documentdetails.FileDetails  = new List <FileForImportRequest>();

            string result = await clientapp.ImportComboDocument(token_header, Session["ws_id"].ToString(), filepath, documentdetails);

            string jobId = getJobId(result.Trim());

            Response.Write("<br /><br />JobId: " + jobId + "<br />");

            result = await clientapp.GetDocumentUploadStatus(jobId, token_header);

            CurrentFileUploadStatus status = getUploadStatus(result);

            foreach (FileProcessingStatus fps in status.fileProcessingStatus)
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " + fps.id); // Use this File Is when training a model
                Response.Write("<br />File Name: " + fps.fileName);
                Response.Write("<br />Upload Status: " + fps.status.displayName);

コード例 #7
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create()
            string token_header = null;

            if (Session["token_header"] != null)
                token_header = Session["token_header"].ToString();

            CustomTranslatorAPIClient clientapp = new CustomTranslatorAPIClient();

            ModelCreateRequest model = new ModelCreateRequest(); // Create new object for Model and add values

            model.name        = "...";                           // Enter model name
            model.projectId   = "...";                           // Enter project id
            model.documentIds = new List <int>();
            model.documentIds.Add(...);                          // Add multiple documents using DocumentID. DocumentID is int.
            model.isTuningAuto        = true;                    // Enter if tuning set will be set to auto. values = true, false
            model.isTestingAuto       = true;                    // Enter if testing set will be set to auto. values = true, false
            model.isAutoDeploy        = false;                   // Enter if this model will be automatically deployed. values = true, false
            model.autoDeployThreshold = 0;                       // Enter the value of auto deploy threshold value

            string result = await clientapp.GetProject(model.projectId, token_header);

            Project project = getProjectDetail(result);

            result = await clientapp.CreateModel(token_header, model);

            string[] resultarray = result.Split('/');

            if (resultarray.Length > 1)
                string newtrainingid = resultarray[resultarray.Length - 1];
                Response.Write("<br/>New Model Created");
                Response.Write("<br/>Model Id: " + newtrainingid);
                Response.Write("<br/>Model Name: " + model.name);
                Response.Write("<br/>Project Name: " + project.name);
                Response.Write("<br/>Language Pair: " + project.languagePair.sourceLanguage.displayName + " to " + project.languagePair.targetLanguage.displayName);
                foreach (int fileid in model.documentIds)
                    result = await clientapp.GetDocument(fileid, token_header);

                    DocumentInfo doc = getDocumentDetail(result);
                    Response.Write("<br/>Document : " + doc.name);
                    int i = 1;
                    foreach (FileInDocument f in doc.files)
                        Response.Write("<br/>File " + i + " :");
                        Response.Write("<br/>File Name: " + f.fileName);
                        Response.Write("<br/>Language: " + f.language.displayName);
                Response.Write("<br/>Could not create project: " + result);
