protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString(""); Page.Title = CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText; CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_CustomTables/viewitem.png"); // Get custom table id from url int customTableId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("customtableid", 0); // Get custom table item id int itemId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("itemid", 0); DataClassInfo dci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableId); // Set edited object EditedObject = dci; if (dci != null) { // Check 'Read' permission if (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.customtables", "Read") && !CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerClassName(dci.ClassName, "Read")) { RedirectToAccessDenied("cms.customtables", "Read"); } CustomTableItemProvider ctProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); CustomTableItem item = ctProvider.GetItem(itemId, dci.ClassName); customTableViewItem.CustomTableItem = item; } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the UniGrid's OnAction event. /// </summary> /// <param name="actionName">Name of item (button) that throws event</param> /// <param name="actionArgument">ID (value of Primary key) of corresponding data row</param> protected void uniGrid_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument) { if (actionName == "add") { // Add itemId in customtable_shippingextension.shippingoptionid // Creates new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); // Prepares the parameters string customTableClassName = "customtable.shippingextension"; // Checks if Custom table exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Creates new custom table item CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName, customTableProvider); // Sets the ItemText field value newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ShippingOptionId", actionArgument.ToString()); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("LocalContact", string.Empty); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Enabled", true); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ProcessingMode", 0); // Inserts the custom table item into database newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } //Response.Redirect("ShippingExtension_List.aspx"); Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Creates custom table item. Called when the "Create item" button is pressed. /// </summary> private bool CreateCustomTableItem() { // Create new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); // Prepare the parameters string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable"; // Check if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Create new custom table item CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = new CustomTableItem(customTableClassName, customTableProvider); // Set the ItemText field value newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ItemText", "New text"); // Insert the custom table item into database newCustomTableItem.Insert(); return(true); } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Checks create or modify permission. /// </summary> private void CheckPermissions() { CustomTableItem ctItem = form.EditedObject; // If editing item if (ctItem.ItemID > 0) { // Check 'Modify' permission if (!ctItem.CheckPermissions(PermissionsEnum.Modify, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser)) { // Show error message form.MessagesPlaceHolder.ClearLabels(); form.ShowError(String.Format(GetString("customtable.permissiondenied.modify"), ctItem.ClassName)); form.StopProcessing = true; } } else { // Check 'Create' permission if (!ctItem.CheckPermissions(PermissionsEnum.Create, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser)) { // Show error message form.MessagesPlaceHolder.ClearLabels(); form.ShowError(String.Format(GetString("customtable.permissiondenied.create"), ctItem.ClassName)); form.StopProcessing = true; } } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes customTableItem. Called when the "Delete item" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateCustomTableItem method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool DeleteCustomTableItem() { // Create new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable"; // Check if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Prepare the parameters string where = "ItemText LIKE N'New text%'"; // Get the data DataSet customTableItems = customTableProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName, where, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(customTableItems)) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (DataRow customTableItemDr in customTableItems.Tables[0].Rows) { // Create object from DataRow CustomTableItem deleteCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableItemDr, customTableClassName); // Delete custom table item from database deleteCustomTableItem.Delete(); } return(true); } } return(false); }
/// <summary> /// Creates custom table item. Called when the "Create item" button is pressed. /// </summary> private bool CreateCustomTableItem() { // Create new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); // Prepare the parameters string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable"; // Check if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Create new custom table item CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = new CustomTableItem(customTableClassName, customTableProvider); // Set the ItemText field value newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ItemText", "New text"); // Insert the custom table item into database newCustomTableItem.Insert(); return true; } return false; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageTitle.TitleText = GetString(""); Page.Title = PageTitle.TitleText; // Get custom table id from url int customTableId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("customtableid", 0); // Get custom table item id int itemId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("itemid", 0); DataClassInfo dci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableId); // Set edited object EditedObject = dci; if (dci != null) { // Check 'Read' permission if (!MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.customtables", "Read") && !MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerClassName(dci.ClassName, "Read")) { RedirectToAccessDenied("cms.customtables", "Read"); } CustomTableItem item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(itemId, dci.ClassName); customTableViewItem.CustomTableItem = item; } }
private bool CreateCustomTableItem(string Desc, int Qty) { // Creates new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); // Prepares the parameters string customTableClassName = "customtable.customBundle"; // Checks if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Creates new custom table item CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName, customTableProvider); // Sets the ItemText field value newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Quantity", Qty); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Description", Desc); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Enabled", true); // Inserts the custom table item into database newCustomTableItem.Insert(); return(true); } return(false); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { CMSMasterPage currentMaster = Page.Master as CMSMasterPage; if (FullscreenMode) { txtCode.TopOffset = 40; } // Check master page if (currentMaster == null) { throw new Exception("Page using this control must have CMSMasterPage master page."); } LabelsInit(); txtCode.Editor.Width = new Unit("99%"); txtCode.Editor.Height = new Unit("300px"); txtCode.NamespaceUsings = new List <string> { "Transformation" }; // transformation.{classid}.{isascx} string resolverName = "transformation." + ClassID + "." + IsAscx; txtCode.ResolverName = resolverName; tbWysiwyg.ResolverName = resolverName; if (IsAscx) { DataClassInfo resolverClassInfo = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(ClassID); if (resolverClassInfo != null) { if (resolverClassInfo.ClassIsCustomTable) { txtCode.ASCXRootObject = CustomTableItem.New(resolverClassInfo.ClassName); } else if (resolverClassInfo.ClassIsDocumentType) { txtCode.ASCXRootObject = TreeNode.New(resolverClassInfo.ClassName); } else { txtCode.ASCXRootObject = ModuleManager.GetReadOnlyObjectByClassName(resolverClassInfo.ClassName); } } if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && IsChecked) { ShowMessage(); } } // Hide/Display CSS section plcCssLink.Visible = String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCSS.Text.Trim()); SetEditor(); }
public void DeleteBrand(int brandID) { CustomTableItem brand = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(brandID, CustomTableName); if (brand != null) { brand.Delete(); } }
public void AdjustUserRemainingBudget(string year, int userID, decimal adjustment) { CustomTableItem userBudgetDetails = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(CustomTableClassName).WhereEquals("UserID", userID).WhereEquals("Year", year).FirstOrDefault(); if (userBudgetDetails != null) { userBudgetDetails.SetValue("UserRemainingBudget", userBudgetDetails.GetValue("UserRemainingBudget", default(decimal)) + (adjustment)); userBudgetDetails.Update(); } }
public static TItemType ToCustomTableItem <TItemType>(IDocument doc, string className) where TItemType : CustomTableItem, new() { var item = CustomTableItem.New <TItemType>(className, dataRow: null); foreach (var prop in item.Properties) { item.SetValue(prop, doc.Get(prop)); } return(item); }
public void LoadCommunitiesfromDataservice() { try { string del = "delete Sme_CommiteesMaster"; execute(del); //string customerClassCode = CustomerData.CustomerClassCode.Value; Uri ServiceUri = new Uri(""); personifyDataservicesme.PersonifyEntitiesSME DataAccessLayer = new personifyDataservicesme.PersonifyEntitiesSME(ServiceUri); DataAccessLayer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("admin", "admin"); var CommuniteeList = DataAccessLayer.CustomerInfos.Where(p => p.RecordType == "T").Select(o => o).ToList(); CommuniteeList = CommuniteeList.Where(p => p.CustomerStatusCode == "ACTIVE").Select(o => o).ToList(); string MasterCustomerId = string.Empty; string LabelName = string.Empty; string CustomerClassCode = string.Empty; string CurrencyCode = string.Empty; string SubCustomerId = string.Empty; // //var CommuniteeList = DataAccessLayer.CustomerInfos.Where(p => p.RecordType == "T").Select(o => o).ToList(); //CommuniteeList = CommuniteeList.Where(p => p.CustomerStatusCode == "ACTIVE").Select(o => o).ToList(); if (CommuniteeList != null) { foreach (var community in CommuniteeList) { MasterCustomerId = community.MasterCustomerId; LabelName = community.LabelName; CustomerClassCode = community.CustomerClassCode; CurrencyCode = community.CurrencyCode; SubCustomerId = community.SubCustomerId.ToString(); // Create new item for custom table with "Sme.CommiteesMaster" code name var item = CustomTableItem.New("Sme.CommiteesMaster"); item.SetValue("MasterCustomerId", MasterCustomerId); item.SetValue("LabelName", LabelName); item.SetValue("CustomerClassCode", CustomerClassCode); item.SetValue("CurrencyCode", CurrencyCode); item.SetValue("SubCustomerId", SubCustomerId); item.Insert(); Response.Write("Added Committee : " + LabelName + " in the commitee group : " + CustomerClassCode + "<br/>"); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { Response.Write(Ex.ToString()); } }
public void InsertCampaignOrdersInProgress(int campaignID) { DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("CampaignID", campaignID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("IsCampaignOrdersInProgress", true); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("IsCampaignOrdersFailed", false); newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } }
protected void gridData_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument) { switch (actionName.ToLowerCSafe()) { // Delete item action case "delete": if (CheckPermissions(PermissionsEnum.Delete)) { if (CustomTableClassInfo != null) { CustomTableItem item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0), CustomTableClassInfo.ClassName); if (item != null) { item.Delete(); } } URLHelper.RefreshCurrentPage(); } break; // Move item up action case "moveup": if (CheckPermissions(PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { if (CustomTableClassInfo != null) { var item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0), CustomTableClassInfo.ClassName); item.Generalized.MoveObjectUp(); } URLHelper.RefreshCurrentPage(); } break; // Move item down action case "movedown": if (CheckPermissions(PermissionsEnum.Modify)) { if (CustomTableClassInfo != null) { var item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0), CustomTableClassInfo.ClassName); item.Generalized.MoveObjectDown(); } URLHelper.RefreshCurrentPage(); } break; } }
private bool DeleteCustomTableItem(DataClassInfo customTable) { try { if (customTable != null) { // Prepares the parameters string where = ""; // Gets the data DataSet customTableItems = _customTableProvider.GetItems(customTable.ClassName, where, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(customTableItems)) { // Loops through the individual items foreach (DataRow customTableItemDr in customTableItems.Tables[0].Rows) { // Creates object from DataRow CustomTableItem deleteCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableItemDr, customTable.ClassName); // Deletes custom table item from database if (RadioButtonAll.Checked) { deleteCustomTableItem.Delete(); } } EventLogProvider.LogInformation("CustomTable", "Import delete", "Delete sucess"); return(true); } } } catch (Exception e) { EventLogProvider.LogInformation("CustomTable", "Import delete error", e.Message); } return(false); }
public void LoadCommunitiesfromDataservice() { try { string del = "delete dbo.Sme_Membershiplist"; execute(del); //string customerClassCode = CustomerData.CustomerClassCode.Value; Uri ServiceUri = new Uri(SUri); PersonifyEntitiesBase DataAccessLayer = new PersonifyEntitiesBase(ServiceUri); DataAccessLayer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UserName, Password); string ProductId = string.Empty; string ProductCode = string.Empty; string OrganizationUnitId = string.Empty; string ShortName = string.Empty; string WebLongDescription = string.Empty; string WebShortDescription = string.Empty; var CommuniteeList = DataAccessLayer.WebMembershipJoinProducts.ToList();//DataAccessLayer.CustomerInfos.Where(p => p.RecordType == "T").Select(o => o).ToList(); if (CommuniteeList != null) { foreach (var community in CommuniteeList) { ProductId = community.ProductId.ToString(); ProductCode = community.ProductCode; OrganizationUnitId = community.OrganizationUnitId; ShortName = community.ShortName; WebLongDescription = community.WebLongDescription.ToString(); WebShortDescription = community.WebShortDescription.ToString(); // Create new item for custom table with "Sme.CommiteesMaster" code name var item = CustomTableItem.New("Sme.Membershiplist"); item.SetValue("ProductId", ProductId); item.SetValue("ProductCode", ProductCode); item.SetValue("OrganizationUnitId", OrganizationUnitId); item.SetValue("ShortName", ShortName); item.SetValue("WebLongDescription", WebLongDescription); item.SetValue("WebShortDescription", WebShortDescription); item.Insert(); Response.Write(" Committee : " + ProductCode + " in the commitee group : " + ShortName + " Product Id : " + ProductId + "<br/>"); } } } catch (Exception Ex) { Response.Write(Ex.ToString()); } }
protected void gridData_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument) { switch (actionName.ToLowerCSafe()) { // Delete item action case "delete": if (CheckPermissions("Delete")) { if (CustomTableClassInfo != null) { CustomTableItem item = ctProvider.GetItem(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0), CustomTableClassInfo.ClassName); if (item != null) { item.Delete(); } } URLHelper.Redirect(URLHelper.Url.ToString()); } break; // Move item up action case "moveup": if (CheckPermissions("Modify")) { if (CustomTableClassInfo != null) { ctProvider.MoveItemUp(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0), CustomTableClassInfo.ClassName); } URLHelper.Redirect(URLHelper.Url.ToString()); } break; // Move item down action case "movedown": if (CheckPermissions("Modify")) { if (CustomTableClassInfo != null) { ctProvider.MoveItemDown(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0), CustomTableClassInfo.ClassName); } URLHelper.Redirect(URLHelper.Url.ToString()); } break; } }
public string GetDistributorBusinessUnit(int distributorID) { string businessUnit = string.Empty; if (distributorID > 0) { AddressInfo address = AddressInfoProvider.GetAddressInfo(distributorID); if (address != null) { long businessUnitNumber = ValidationHelper.GetLong(address.GetValue("BusinessUnit"), default(long)); CustomTableItem businessUnitItem = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(BusinessUnitsCustomTableName, "BusinessUnitNumber=" + businessUnitNumber).FirstOrDefault(); businessUnit = businessUnitItem != null?businessUnitItem.GetStringValue("BusinessUnitName", string.Empty) : string.Empty; } } return(businessUnit); }
private Brand CreateBrand(CustomTableItem brandItem) { if (brandItem == null) { return(null); } else { return(new Brand() { ItemID = brandItem.ItemID, BrandName = brandItem.GetStringValue("BrandName", string.Empty), BrandCode = brandItem.GetIntegerValue("BrandCode", default(int)) }); } }
public bool DeletePOS(int posID) { bool isDeleted = false; CustomTableItem posItem = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItem(posID, CustomTableName); if (posItem != null) { var isProductsExist = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs().WhereEquals("SKUProductCustomerReferenceNumber", posItem.GetStringValue("POSNumber", string.Empty)).Any(); if (!isProductsExist) { posItem.Delete(); isDeleted = true; } } return(isDeleted); }
public void InsertIBTFAdjustmentRecord(IBTFAdjustment inboundAdjustment) { DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(IBTFAdjustmentCustomTableName); if (customTable != null) { CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(IBTFAdjustmentCustomTableName); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("SKUID", inboundAdjustment.SKUID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("UserID", inboundAdjustment.UserID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("CampaignID", inboundAdjustment.CampaignID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("OrderedQuantity", inboundAdjustment.OrderedQuantity); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("OrderedProductPrice", inboundAdjustment.OrderedProductPrice); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("SiteName", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName); newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } }
protected void ProcessCategory(int productNodeId, string categoryPath) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryPath)) { var categoryItem = FindProductCategory(categoryPath); if (categoryItem != null) { RelationshipInfoProvider.AddRelationship(productNodeId, categoryItem.NodeID, productCategoryProductRelationshipID); } // if product detail or product category are null log error and add to error tracker (add error tracking custom table)fields, product detail name, product category name and explanation of what's wrong else { // Prepares the code name (class name) of the custom table to which the data record will be added string customTableClassName = "PbcLinear.ProcessCategoryErrors"; // Gets the custom table DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Creates a new custom table item CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName); // Sets the values for the fields of the custom table (ItemText in this case) newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ProductNodeId", productNodeId); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("CategoryPath", categoryPath); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Error", "categoryItem is null "); if (productNodeId == 0) { var newError = newCustomTableItem.GetValue("Error") + " productNodeId is empty"; newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Error", newError); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(categoryPath)) { var newError = newCustomTableItem.GetValue("Error") + " categoryPath is empty"; newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Error", newError); } // Save the new custom table record into the database newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Gets and updates custom table item. Called when the "Get and update item" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateCustomTableItem method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool GetAndUpdateCustomTableItem() { // Create new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable"; // Check if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Prepare the parameters string where = "ItemText LIKE N'New text'"; int topN = 1; string columns = "ItemID"; // Get the data set according to the parameters DataSet dataSet = customTableProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName, where, null, topN, columns); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dataSet)) { // Get the custom table item ID int itemID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0][0], 0); // Get the custom table item CustomTableItem updateCustomTableItem = customTableProvider.GetItem(itemID, customTableClassName); if (updateCustomTableItem != null) { string itemText = ValidationHelper.GetString(updateCustomTableItem.GetValue("ItemText"), ""); // Set new values updateCustomTableItem.SetValue("ItemText", itemText.ToLowerCSafe()); // Save the changes updateCustomTableItem.Update(); return(true); } } } return(false); }
private BusinessUnit CreateBusinessUnit(CustomTableItem businessUnitItem) { if (businessUnitItem == null) { return(null); } else { return(new BusinessUnit() { ItemID = businessUnitItem.ItemID, SiteID = businessUnitItem.GetIntegerValue("SiteID", 0), BusinessUnitName = businessUnitItem.GetStringValue("BusinessUnitName", string.Empty), BusinessUnitNumber = businessUnitItem.GetIntegerValue("BusinessUnitNumber", 0), Status = businessUnitItem.GetBooleanValue("Status", false) }); } }
private static bool IsTermInRestrictedList(String term) { string customTableClassName = "smenet.ignoresearchterms"; DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { CustomTableItem item = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName).WhereEquals("LOWER(SearchTerm)", term.ToLower()).FirstObject; if (item != null) { return(true); } } return(false); }
private List <string> getColumnNames(CustomTableItem row) { List <string> colList = new List <string>(); foreach (string column in row.ColumnNames) { if (column.StartsWith("Item")) { continue; } else { colList.Add(column); } } return(colList); }
public void SetFavoriteProduct(int productDocumentId) { var existingRecord = GetFavoriteRecord(SiteContext.CurrentSiteID, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, productDocumentId); if (existingRecord != null) { existingRecord.Update(); } else { var newItem = CustomTableItem.New(CustomTableName); newItem.SetValue("ItemSiteID", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID); newItem.SetValue("ItemUserID", MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID); newItem.SetValue("ItemDocumentID", productDocumentId); newItem.SetValue("ItemOrder", 1); newItem.Insert(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method will save the allocated product w.r.t to User in custome tabel /// </summary> /// <param name="productID">The id of the product which user wants to Allocate</param> private void AllocateProductToUsers(int productID) { string customTableClassName = "KDA.UserAllocatedProducts"; DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName); foreach (AllocateProduct User in lstUsers) { newCustomTableItem.SetValue("UserID", User.UserID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ProductID", productID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Quantity", User.Quantity); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("EmailID", User.EmailID); newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the UniGrid's OnAction event. /// </summary> /// <param name="actionName">Name of item (button) that throws event</param> /// <param name="actionArgument">ID (value of Primary key) of corresponding data row</param> protected void uniGrid_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument) { if (actionName == "add") { CountryInfo country = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(Convert.ToInt32(actionArgument)); // Check if country can be added in the ShippingExtension if (CheckCountry(Convert.ToInt32(actionArgument))) { // Add itemId in customtable_shippingextension.shippingoptionid // Creates new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser); // Prepares the parameters string customTableClassName = "customtable.shippingextensioncountry"; // Checks if Custom table exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Creates new custom table item CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName, customTableProvider); // Sets the ItemText field value newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ShippingOptionId", shippingExtensionID.ToString()); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ShippingCountryId", actionArgument.ToString()); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ShippingBase", 0); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("LocalContact", string.Empty); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Enabled", true); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ProcessingMode", 1); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("UnitPrice", 0); // Inserts the custom table item into database newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } //Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString()); ShowInformation(string.Format("<b>{0}</b> added for <b>{1}</b>", country.CountryName, GetShippingOptionName(shippingExtensionID.ToString()))); } else { ShowError(string.Format("<b>{0}</b> is already defined for <b>{1}</b>", country.CountryName, GetShippingOptionName(shippingExtensionID.ToString()))); } } }
/// <summary> /// Update the Product allocation /// </summary> /// <param name="productID">The id of the product which user wants to Update</param> private void UpdateAllocateProduct(int productID) { try { string customTableClassName = "KDA.UserAllocatedProducts"; DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { var customTableData = CustomTableItemProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName) .WhereStartsWith("ProductID", productID.ToString()); foreach (CustomTableItem customitem in customTableData) { int index = lstUsers.FindIndex(item => item.UserID == ValidationHelper.GetInteger(customitem.GetValue("UserID"), 0)); if (index > -1) { customitem.SetValue("Quantity", lstUsers[index].Quantity); customitem.Update(); lstUsers.RemoveAt(index); } else { customitem.Delete(); lstUsers.RemoveAt(index); } } } CustomTableItem newCustomTableItem = CustomTableItem.New(customTableClassName); foreach (AllocateProduct User in lstUsers) { newCustomTableItem.SetValue("UserID", User.UserID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("ProductID", productID); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("Quantity", User.Quantity); newCustomTableItem.SetValue("EmailID", User.EmailID); newCustomTableItem.Insert(); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogProvider.LogException("Product allocation update", "EXCEPTION", ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets and bulk updates custom table items. Called when the "Get and bulk update items" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateCustomTableItem method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool GetAndBulkUpdateCustomTableItems() { // Create new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable"; // Check if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Prepare the parameters string where = "ItemText LIKE N'New text%'"; // Get the data DataSet customTableItems = customTableProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName, where, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(customTableItems)) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (DataRow customTableItemDr in customTableItems.Tables[0].Rows) { // Create object from DataRow CustomTableItem modifyCustomTableItem = new CustomTableItem(customTableItemDr, customTableClassName); string itemText = ValidationHelper.GetString(modifyCustomTableItem.GetValue("ItemText"), ""); // Set new values modifyCustomTableItem.SetValue("ItemText", itemText.ToUpper()); // Save the changes modifyCustomTableItem.Update(); } return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Deletes customTableItem. Called when the "Delete item" button is pressed. /// Expects the CreateCustomTableItem method to be run first. /// </summary> private bool DeleteCustomTableItem() { // Create new Custom table item provider CustomTableItemProvider customTableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser); string customTableClassName = "customtable.sampletable"; // Check if Custom table 'Sample table' exists DataClassInfo customTable = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(customTableClassName); if (customTable != null) { // Prepare the parameters string where = "ItemText LIKE N'New text%'"; // Get the data DataSet customTableItems = customTableProvider.GetItems(customTableClassName, where, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(customTableItems)) { // Loop through the individual items foreach (DataRow customTableItemDr in customTableItems.Tables[0].Rows) { // Create object from DataRow CustomTableItem deleteCustomTableItem = new CustomTableItem(customTableItemDr, customTableClassName); // Delete custom table item from database deleteCustomTableItem.Delete(); } return true; } } return false; }
void btnGUID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { // Create GUID field FormFieldInfo ffiGuid = new FormFieldInfo(); // Fill FormInfo object ffiGuid.Name = "ItemGUID"; ffiGuid.Caption = "GUID"; ffiGuid.DataType = FormFieldDataTypeEnum.GUID; ffiGuid.DefaultValue = ""; ffiGuid.Description = ""; ffiGuid.FieldType = FormFieldControlTypeEnum.CustomUserControl; ffiGuid.Settings["controlname"] = Enum.GetName(typeof(FormFieldControlTypeEnum), FormFieldControlTypeEnum.LabelControl).ToLower(); ffiGuid.PrimaryKey = false; ffiGuid.System = true; ffiGuid.Visible = false; ffiGuid.Size = 0; ffiGuid.AllowEmpty = false; FormInfo.AddFormField(ffiGuid); // Update table structure - columns could be added bool old = TableManager.UpdateSystemFields; TableManager.UpdateSystemFields = true; string schema = FormInfo.GetXmlDefinition(); TableManager.UpdateTableBySchema(dci.ClassTableName, schema); TableManager.UpdateSystemFields = old; // Update xml schema and form definition dci.ClassFormDefinition = schema; dci.ClassXmlSchema = TableManager.GetXmlSchema(dci.ClassTableName); dci.Generalized.LogEvents = false; // Save the data DataClassInfoProvider.SetDataClass(dci); dci.Generalized.LogEvents = true; // Generate default queries SqlGenerator.GenerateDefaultQueries(dci, true, false); // Clear cached data CMSObjectHelper.RemoveReadOnlyObjects(CustomTableItemProvider.GetObjectType(className), true); CustomTableItemProvider.Remove(className, true); // Clear the object type hashtable ProviderStringDictionary.ReloadDictionaries(className, true); // Clear the classes hashtable ProviderStringDictionary.ReloadDictionaries("cms.class", true); // Clear class strucures ClassStructureInfo.Remove(className, true); // Ensure GUIDs for all items CustomTableItemProvider tableProvider = new CustomTableItemProvider(); tableProvider.UpdateSystemFields = false; tableProvider.LogSynchronization = false; DataSet dsItems = tableProvider.GetItems(className, null, null); if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsItems)) { foreach (DataRow dr in dsItems.Tables[0].Rows) { CustomTableItem item = new CustomTableItem(dr, className, tableProvider); item.ItemGUID = Guid.NewGuid(); item.Update(); } } // Log event UserInfo currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser; EventLog.LogEvent(EventLogProvider.EVENT_TYPE_INFORMATION, DateTime.Now, "Custom table", "GENERATEGUID", currentUser.UserID, currentUser.UserName, 0, null, null, string.Format(ResHelper.GetAPIString("customtable.GUIDGenerated", "Field 'ItemGUID' for custom table '{0}' was created and GUID values were generated."), dci.ClassName), 0, null); URLHelper.Redirect(URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(URLRewriter.CurrentURL, "gen", "1")); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Visible = true; lblError.Text = GetString("customtable.ErrorGUID") + ex.Message; // Log event EventLog.LogEvent("Custom table", "GENERATEGUID", ex); } }